Super Energy Power

Chapter 584 Living Space

There was a sneer around.

Cadres of state-owned enterprises, especially senior cadres of state-owned enterprises, their feelings for private enterprises are complex, and they are not all anger and jealousy.

However, when Lai Wen'ang of Huainan Iron and Steel Group provoked Sucheng and Dahua Industry, they could not avoid gloating.

With laughter, Su Cheng stood steadily, looking at the middle-aged and elderly state-owned enterprise cadres, showing obvious contempt and disdain at the corners of his mouth.

He has enough reasons to despise and disdain. State-owned enterprises such as Huainan Iron and Steel Group have felt the piercing cold wind and even pinned their hopes on the change of the general environment. They are neither materially prepared for winter or psychologically prepared for the colder "weather". In fact, they are even miss being The spring and summer that I delayed, and dreamed of enjoying the golden autumn without work... In the following severe cold, it is difficult for such an enterprise to survive.

Since 1993, the Chinese-style economic crisis has come, and the turbulent wave is even difficult for the government to stop.

Lai Wen-ang, who can't understand this, has a general sense of anger and unwillingness of state-owned enterprises at this time.

Su Cheng's laughter made the image of countless proud small bosses of private enterprises appear in his mind in an instant.

"What are you laughing at?" Lai Wenang's eyebrows separated on both sides, and his face seemed to widen.

"I'm laughing... You can't weigh yourself."

Su Cheng looked around, full of battles**.

In a smaller environment, Sucheng may consider calming things down or ignore it.

However, the current dispute is no longer a matter of a chair or the status of an enterprise.

This is China in 1994. Dahua Industry, as a private enterprise, stands in the compound next to Chang'an Street in Beijing. Its left and right are immortal central enterprises. In front of him are large state-owned enterprises that enjoy the best policies. Behind him are local state-owned enterprises and China National Petroleum Corporation... Although, during Lin Yonggui was in office, There is no hesitation and no choice but to support Dahua Industry, but the isolation of Dahua Industry is also doomed.

Dahua Industry needs more living space than chairs and status.

Yes, living space! If you give a little sunshine, it will be brilliant, and if you give a little rain and dew, you can only moisten it. If you want to be a big oil enterprise, you can never lack national support and international background.

If domestic enterprises can achieve the level of Dahua industry 20 years later, they must not have to worry about their grassroots identity. It may be an identity and process that can be used to ridicule and show off. However, in the 1990s, the middle-aged and elderly people in front of Suzhou City were the world of grassroots, a pest that is better than a good tooth Group.

Private enterprises in 2014 can rush forward boldly.

In 1993, private enterprises, even if they ran fast, there was the shadow of Don Quixonet flashing.

However, as an oil enterprise, Dahua Industry can never be as rich as a commercial enterprise. Only charging without hesitation is the only way for oil enterprises to survive.

Those who get the oil field live, and those who lose the oil field die.

There is no difference between timidity and failure, and it is even difficult to survive.

If an oil development company loses its courage, there is no other way out but to wait for death.

In this cruelly competitive industry, there is no soil for good luck to survive.

Lai Wenang probably could never understand Su Cheng's psychology. He did not expect Su Cheng to be so tit-for-tat that he couldn't help but be angry and scolded, "Don't you overdo it? A company that has been built for less than 10 years, what qualifications do you have to evaluate others?" With 12,000 patents, a research team of more than 3,000 people, and a team of more than 8,000 engineers owned by Dahua Industry.

Su Cheng held his head high, as if he were making a report.

He really didn't say it to Lai Wenang alone. Huainan Iron and Steel Group is not worth it.

In 1994, it was not like the later generations of the developed Internet. In 1994, the Chinese people were still in an era of relying on newspapers, magazines and television to absorb information.

In a society without information consulting companies, in addition to the concerns of the media, only pornographic gossip can spontaneously spread all over the country.

Industrial news is obviously not a matter of concern to the media. Therefore, even many business people and high-level politicians do not know what Dahua Industry has achieved.

Now, Sucheng needs to let more people understand the power of Dahua Industry.

More than 12,000 patents, a research team of more than 3,000 people, and a team of more than 8,000 engineers are not simple digital stacking. Behind it, it contains a lot of sweat and blood, representing a bunch of enterprise muscle fibers.

Lai Wen-ang was not scared. This number has exceeded his understanding. Just like a man who feels pain in his feet after walking five kilometers, he can't understand the concept of running 26 minutes and 10,000 meters at all. Lai Wen-ang laughed in a mocking tone, "How many people are there in Dahua Industry? I dare to say that the team of 8,000 engineers, why don't you say that the people of Dahua Industry are all engineers?" For the bottom work, we have always chosen to outsource, as for 8,000 people..." Su Cheng looked around and said, "It's the number of people who have obtained the engineer certificate, and we are still increasing with a scale of 1,000 to 2,000 people per year."

Sucheng and Dahua Strategy Department have always carefully controlled the scale of Dahua Industry, but they have never been stingy in the accumulation of Dahua Laboratory and engineers.

China has the cheapest high-end talent resources. They are not necessarily the world's top, but they also have the mainstream level of the industry, and their salary cost is only one-tenth or even one percent of that of their foreign counterparts.

Whether it is the development of the Setan oil field, the Aziziu oil field in Azerbaijan, or the construction of offshore drilling platforms, and the development of the LNG ship business of Dahua Shipping Industry, the participation of engineers is indispensable.

This is the mainstream direction of oil enterprises in the future, and it is also the road that most industrial upstream enterprises must take.

The salary level of Dahua Industry is much higher than that of the domestic level, and it has the world's advanced dividend system. Its employees will also be very active in improving themselves, obtain an engineer certificate, or further education, which is also part of Dahua Industry's self-renewal.

Lai Wen-ang realized that Su Cheng was not open-minded, but he still said stubbornly, "8,000 people can't explain anything. International exhibitions are compared with technology, not engineers.

Moreover, I don't approve of the participation of private enterprises in important work with the state as a unit.

"So, private enterprises should hand over the technology to you and participate on your behalf?" Su Cheng repeated his words.

Lai Wenang snorted and said, "If it is a useful technology, it is worth submitting on our behalf, right?" I'm afraid. We have submitted the technology, but you can't submit it.

Sucheng is no longer polite at all.

Lai Wen frowned, smiled and said, "Then hand over the technology. If I can't submit it, it's mine."

"Real is it?" Su Cheng also laughed and said, "Dahua Industry now has the conditioning technology of 590Mpa marine steel plate, which can make the steel plate of the same level reach the level of Japan's new Japanese iron ten60 steel. This technology is transferred to you. Does Huainan Iron and Steel Group have the ability to submit it?" The 590Mpa marine steel plate was jointly developed by Dahua Shipping Industry and China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry. It belongs to the world's mainstream technology in the 1990s and is far from high-end.

However, domestic steel enterprises have been extensive since the 1980s. Barbaric growth and barbaric production reduction are the main themes of the domestic steel industry. Except for a few, most steel companies will not invest in steel research and development at all, and at most they only consider how to expand the production scale.

The reason is very simple. The scale is your own, and the research and development is everyone's. The country has always taken the lead in doing technical reform, and then promoted the national tradition. In this case, taking the initiative to do technology research and development, or even taking the lead in technology research and development, is honorless. Companies like Huainan Iron and Not to mention technology research and development.

590Mpa's marine steel plate technology is at least more than the best technology mastered by Huainan Iron and Steel Group for more than two generations. Without accumulation, it is difficult to get it hard.

The people present are all clear people in the industry, especially the state-owned enterprises who have been immersed in yin technology for many years. They have a judgment on the level of which company and which group. Lai Wen-ang's Huainan Iron and Steel Group is located, even if he has got a full set of technical materials, he is really not sure

Lai Wenang was held back by his own words, and his eyebrows almost exploded.

As a representative of the steel industry, Gao Gang, a representative of Shougang, coughed and helped Lai Wenang relieve the siege: "If Su Dong is willing to take out the tempering technology of 590Mpa marine steel plate, it is also a great thing.

Nowadays, time is very tight, and tasks that are difficult for a company to complete can be completed by multiple companies..." "That is to say, Shougang's marine steel plate technology is not up to the level of New Japan Railway ten60 steel? So what other international exhibitions do you want to participate in? Isn't this a joke? Su Cheng pointed to the point without any pause.

Gao Gang coughed several times and said, "We still have other technologies. Now we are just talking about the technology transfer of marine steel plates..." "Many companies can cooperate to figure out the transferred technology. In this case, you might as well cooperate with many companies to develop your own technology."

Su Cheng turned around and said bitterly, "Research and development technology is like taking the stairs. You can only go up the second step. Two steps in one step, and going up three steps will only make you more and more tired. As the saying goes, the steps are too big, and it is easy to pull eggs."

"Puff!" Zhang Yongxi took a sip of tea and sprayed directly on the necks of the people in the front row. The representative of the aerospace group suddenly had a darker face than Zhang Yongxi.

Gao Gang is even more hesitent. He is the representative of Shougang. He has never been treated like this on weekdays.

Others were also surprised by the aggressiveness of Sucheng.

Before others could speak, the curtain behind the hall was suddenly lifted by the staff of the State Office.

An old man dressed in Lenin's clothes, with a smile on his face, slowly walked to the front of the room and sat down slowly.

"Fen Fei!" Whether you know it or not, you should quickly stand up and say hello.

"Sit down."

There are old spots on Fei Lao's cheeks, and the flesh under his cheeks is soft, but his eyes are brighter than many young people's.

He looked at Su Cheng and nodded slightly to everyone, saying, "Chinese enterprises should have the mentality of taking the stairs to catch up with foreign companies step by step. It's impossible to just think about technology transfer.

Well, this is Sucheng of Dahua Industry, right? In the last sentence, he asked his secretary.

The secretary was about 30 years old and bent down a little to answer, "Yes."

Mr. Fei nodded and said, "It looks so young, young and good. It's full of energy. I heard that Dahua Industry's bidding in Azerbaijan is impressive.

What you have done is better than what our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has done.

Su Cheng was ready to fight with state-owned enterprises, but he didn't want to offend the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so he said, "We work together with the whole company. Unlike the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have to take charge of the overall situation..." "If they can have an overview of the overall situation, there will be no fox of the Mr. Fei cursed softly with a bad temper.

He scolded very lightly, but the room was so quiet that even the person sitting at the door could hear Fei Lao's words clearly.

Minister Xu, who came in from behind, whispered, "Mr. Fei, there is nothing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can do about this."

"Weak countries have no diplomacy. I know. Just because I know, I feel cowardly."

Mr. Fei seemed to be a temperamental person. He unbuttoned the button on his neck and said in a loud voice, "Everyone, 45 years have passed since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The war has been fought and the blood has flowed. Why do you still suffer from the leisure of the Americans? Is the atomic bomb useless? Are missiles useless? I don't think so. Atomic bombs and missiles are the foundation of life. They can protect our country and regime, but if we want to live with dignity, we also need to have the foundation.

What is the foundation of our country? It is the only way for your enterprises to develop the economy, establish modern enterprises, strengthen the country, and become an important role in the international community. It is the only way to put an end to the next Galaxy incident.

Everyone nodded one after another.

Mr. Fei stared at everyone for a while and felt more satisfied. Then he smiled and said, "As soon as I came over, it was a long story. It's a problem.

Well, let's start, Su Cheng, and you, all report the exhibition projects prepared by your respective enterprises, Xiao Lu, Xiao Xu, please keep an eye on it.

Xiao Lu nodded with a smile. He is the deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission and the head of the exhibition group. He is a real post-40s, but in front of Mr. Fei, he can only be small.

Xiao Xu is older. He is the minister of the newly dismantled Ministry of Mechanical Industry. In the reform of the State Council in 1993, the Ministry of Mechanical and Electronic Industry was demolished into the Ministry of Mechanical Industry and the Ministry of Electronic Industry. The Ministry of Mechanical Industry participated in this international industrial exhibition with great fanfare, which was also a heart to appear.

Unlike Deputy Director Lu, Minister Xu prefers state-owned enterprises to participate in the exhibition group. He mentioned this request to Fei Lao before, but did not get a clear answer.

Listening to Mr. Fei's name, Minister Xu couldn't help saying, "Mr. Fei, haven't we decided whether to invite non-public enterprises to participate in the international exhibition?" Since you haven't decided, let's listen to what they have prepared before making a decision.

Mr. Fei's tone was affirmative, but he did not give Minister Xu a chance to bargain.

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