Super Network Manager

Chapter 161 Don't Get in the way

For a while, Niu Ben was so angry that he didn't know how to respond to these four goods.

And when the four people saw that they had said everything, Niu Ben was just silent. Suddenly, their eyes lit up, and there was obviously a feeling that should be called excitement. Obviously, these guys all think that their unfortunate words have true, so based on the gossip of ordinary people and think that they are spying on the psychology of others's adultery, these four guys are immediately refreshed and look forward to a wonderful story next.

"Hight, stop!" As soon as Niu Ben saw the eyes of these goods, his scalp was suddenly numb. He quickly turned his head and said to Xiao Jingxuan, "I said, class leader, what's wrong with you? If I don't, I will be wronged to death!"

"What's the matter!" Xiao Jingxuan snorted and said, "Niu Ben, I ask you, why can't you get through?"

"Can't I get through?" Niu Ben was stunned and took out the phone from his pocket. He was immediately surprised and shouted, "Ah, I didn't notice. I guess I called too much last night. I don't know when the electricity went out!"

"Is it really out of power?!" Xiao Jingxuan grabbed Niu Ben's mobile phone and pressed it a few times to find that there was no response. After that, she looked a little better: "It turned out that there was really no power. I thought you were hiding and dared to see anyone. Humph, in this case, you should prepare quickly. There are only two programs in our class who are qualified to participate in the screening in the small auditorium at 8:30. Don't drop the chain.

"Participate in the screening?!" Niu Ben blinked and said, "No, you came here for this?"

"What else do you think it is!" Xiaomin next to Xiao Jingxuan pouted and said, "Do you really want to hook up with any senior sister or sister to open a room and then eat clean up and don't recognize it like what the animals in your dormitory said? Niu Ben, I can tell you that if you dare to do such a thing, I will definitely mobilize countless seniors and sisters to completely cut off some of your functions for several years!"

"Cut down the wheel for several years?!" Niu Ben hissed and said, "Don't bring such vicious!"

Peng Song and others listened to Cai Xiaomin's words and shrank back. They seemed to be very afraid of the entertainment committee.

Xiao Jingxuan is a little better. After confirming that Niu Ben is not trying to hide from seeing people, she has returned to her usual appearance and said, "Okay, don't chat here. It's past 8:5 now. Niu Ben, follow us to the small auditorium quickly. In this screening, the head teacher said that we must strive for the last one. Otherwise, if he is angry and blamed, everyone in our class will not be able to walk away!"

Niu Ben curled his lips and said, "Well, it's up to the department. What did the head teacher blame us for?"

"Old cow, you don't know that!" Cheng Gang echoed a sentence. Seeing that the monitor did not mean to stop him, he directly said, "It's not clear that you are a newcomer. Our head teacher is middle-aged, and he has quite some of the charm of the owner of the white camel villa in the eight-sixth edition of the shooting sculpture. Therefore, everyone in private is like Brother Jing and Sister Huang on TV. Call him an old poison. This old poison is amazing!"

"Not really!" Tang Jinli held his eyes and said, "Let's talk about the last time. Our newly built class conducted a week of short-term military training with the freshmen. At the end of the military training, our class won the penultimate ranking among all the newly built classes. As a result, the old poison was furious and made the physical education teacher arrange 10,000 meters of long-distance running training when he took physical education class next week. That scene, tut!"

Peng Song added, "At the end of a week, half of the class is exhausted!"

"Yes. This time, if his request is not met, I don't know what he will do to poison the flowers of our motherland!" Liu Fei opened his mouth a few times, looking like he had lingering palpitations. Because last time he was also one of the tired people.

Even the class committee members such as Xiao Jingxuan and Cai Xiaomin couldn't help shivering when they heard the comments of the four goods in the dormitory. Then, under the greeting of Xiao Jingxuan, the women who followed began to perform their duties, surrounded the cow like a prisoner, urging him to rush to the small auditorium in the department as soon as possible. Niu Ben was surrounded by the women and somewhat understood why Xiao Jingxuan and others came to the door aggressively early in the morning.

I guess, these people are afraid that if they slip away and can't complete the task, they will suffer the disaster of the fish in the pond!

Of course, Niu Ben doesn't want to have a physical education class next week. The physical education teacher keeps arranging long-distance running training. Although he is not afraid of long-distance running and other things now, and his physical quality can be fully supported, in case the whole class hates himself because of this, it will be very bad for future campus life. Li. Therefore, without waiting for urging, he took a step directly and hurried to the small auditorium in the department.

After coming to the small auditorium, Niu Ben found that many people had arrived here. There is not only one new class in this school, but also about seven computer departments, which shows how wide the scope of the school's upgrading from junior college to university is.

Of course, these things are off topic. After Niu Ben entered the small auditorium with Xiao Jingxuan, he quickly joined several other female students in the class. After Cai Xiaomin's introduction, Niu Ben knew that these girls had rehearsed a program that was temporarily named Qiu Nuan. It is a program similar to a youth song and dance drama, but because the creativity is not outstanding, although it is recommended by the class, the prospect is not favorable.

In other words, the whole class is pointing to Niu Ben's song "My Sun" now, otherwise the consequences will be worrying.

When Niu Ben was thinking about it like this, 8:30 soon arrived. After several teachers in the department went to the first row of the auditorium and sat down, the girl in charge of hosting took the list and began to announce the order of the programs that the classes in the screening were going to perform on stage. Niu Ben didn't pay attention to other programs. He only heard that the song and dance drama in the class was the eighth on the stage, and his own program was very later, almost at the end.

In fact, except for a few popular songs occasionally mixed in the middle, the rest of the singing programs are basically ranked behind.

Niu Ben doesn't care about this. After seeing Xiao Jingxuan and Cai Xiaomin taking people to start preparing, he leisurely found a seat and sat down, ready to be an audience first. However, he wanted to be lazy but didn't allow others. By the way, Xiao Jingxuan and Cai Xiaomin didn't know what happened, so they came to participate in the screening of all the girls. Oh, except for Niu Ben, the rest are all serious girls.

In this case, although it's just preparation, there are some things that girls really can't do.

For example, after Niu Ben sat down, Xiao Jingxuan quickly ran over and roared, "Niu Ben, don't be so idle, can you help? The musical in our class will be on soon, and the props are still outside. We girls can't move at all with small strength. If you don't exert your gentlemanly demeanor and help the girls in our class carry the work, you will look a little like a man!"

"What are you talking about!" Niu Ben curled his lips and said, "Brothers are not people who carry life!"

"I care about you!" Seeing that he looked tired again, Xiao Jingxuan immediately came up and pinched his arm and said, "Anyway, you are a boy now. Do you want to help? Give me a happy word!"

"Damn it, can you stop doing ginseng rooster casually!" Niu Ben's teeth were pinched and cracked. He quickly pulled out Xiao Jingxuan's hand and rubbed the pain. Seeing that the other party looked like you didn't agree with me, he quickly changed his words and said, "I'm afraid that you can do it or not. What's the relationship between us? You can pinch gently at any time. You have to. Don't look at me like this. Can't I move? It's really depressed. It's boring, buddy, are you here to perform the show or carry it?"

While talking, when he saw Xiao Jingxuan turn his head and walk out, Niu Ben muttered a few words, but he also followed.

There is nothing too heavy on the props piled outside, that is, the kind of desk used by a middle school student, with two piles of books on the takeout. Seeing these things, Niu Ben suddenly complained even more: "I don't bring this. It's just a desk and a few books. Two girls can leave as soon as they lift it casually, okay?" By the way, are you still unable to move or unwilling to do it? Why do you want me to work hard?"

"What nonsense, who calls you an animal!" Xiao Jingxuan curled her lips, then smiled and said, "Move it quickly!"

Since I came, there were only myself and Xiao Jingxuan on the scene. Naturally, it was hard to say that I left this job to a girl. In desperation, Niu Ben had to come forward to lift the table and prepare to carry it to *. Under this arrest, he immediately found that the desk was made of wood and was quite heavy. Good boy, I'm afraid it has more than 100 catties. No wonder Xiao Jingxuan would let himself move things, but he can't blame others.

curled his lips, Niu Ben asked Xiao Jingxuan to come and hold the book, and he directly picked up the table and walked towards *.

Seeing that he walked steadily after carrying the table without any difficulty, Xiao Jingxuan immediately smiled and said, "It took us a lot of effort to get such a heavy table here, but you carried it easily. If only I had asked you to move here directly, I was so tired that I sweated all morning. Tut, the animal is indeed the animal, this strength, there is no need to say!"

A few words made Niu Ben roll his eyes. Is this sister praising or hurting others?

Of course, without further ado, Niu Ben quickly moved the table to the designated position, and then acted as a watcher under the arrangement of Xiao Jingxuan, and then as a porter on the field. It is said that the program has begun at this time. Niu Ben did not do it, but the audience had to wait in line to work hard, which made him a little depressed. But what made him more depressed was that he waited for a while, and suddenly he didn't know who directly pushed him unprepared and almost fell down.

And a male voice sounded disdainfully: "Get out of the way, don't stand here stupidly to stand in the way!"