Super Network Manager

Chapter 162 Tiger Head and Snake Tail

He was pushed and almost fell down for no reason. Niu Ben immediately narrowed his eyes.

When he stabilized and turned his head, he found that the guy who pushed him was a big fat man. And the fat man obviously didn't come alone. Beside the fat man, there was another guy with the same spherical figure. This pair of fat guys is now escorting a long and beautiful girl from the outside*. This girl is beautiful, but affectionate but looks arrogant and tight.

From her high and beautiful neck, it can be seen that she looked up and did not put the things around her into her eyes.

And, after the girl appeared, the people in * who were going to participate in the screening of the program couldn't help shrinking back slightly. Obviously, this girl is not only a public figure, but also has enough money to avoid retreating.

However, although Niu Ben saw these in his eyes, he did not have the idea of swallowing his anger.

Come in when you come in. Say it later. Don't you make way for you? Push your buddy for no reason. Do you want to show that you are superior, or do you think your buddy is easy to bully? Well, even if you are a beautiful woman, you have seen a lot of beautiful women, and you don't care how many you know. It seems that you are used to being domineering. In this case, buddy will try to see how much you are.

After a pause, Niu Ben dodged in front of the three people: " Stop and push people casually. You have to give an explanation!"

Niu Ben's action made the people present stunned, and immediately focused their eyes on him. The fat man beside the girl also glanced at Niu Ben and said with a smile, "If you want to say something, do you know who we are?"

They said, "I don't care who you are. Anyway, you have to apologize for doing something wrong!"

"Hey, if you say you have done something wrong, you have done something wrong. Who are you!" The fat man still looked disdainful. He curled his lips and continued, "I want us to apologize. Look at whether there is a door or a window next to it!"

"If you don't's okay!" Niu Ben smiled and said, "As long as you don't want to pass by me!"

"Kid, aren't you looking for stimulation!" The fat man suffocated and said angrily, "Believe it or not, I will directly beat you down, let you lie in the hospital for ten days and half a month without saying anything, and let the school give you a punishment into the block case!"

"Yes!" Niu Ben was not moved at all and said, "Your father is Li Gang?"

"Your father is Li Gang!" The fat man obviously understood the irony in Niu Ben's words, and his face was even more angry. He said, "Finally ask you again, will you let it go or not? Boy, I advise you to be more sensive, and don't make mistakes!"

"I like self-mistake, and I don't like to listen to people's advice." Niu Ben squeaked and said, "Anyway, either you apologize to me, or you can stand there and don't want to pass me. Of course, I can also give you the third way. As long as you can get through here silently like Han Xin at the beginning, then this matter will be over. When he spoke, he pointed to his **, which was obviously self-evident.

The people next to me were more or less surprised to see that the two of them were fighting. However, the most surprising were Xiao Jingxuan and Cai Xiaomin. Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, both of them suddenly came over. Xiao Jingxuan pulled Niu Ben and said anxiously in his ear, "Niu Ben, don't be impulsive. These people are not the existence that ordinary people can provoke. I think you'd better take a step back on this matter. Forget it!"

"Forget it?!" Niu Ben smiled and said, "Class leader, are you kidding!"

"Who is kidding you? Do you know who these people are?" Xiao Jingxuan took a look at Niu Ben and saw that he looked blank. She had to explain, "These two fat people are called Heifeng Shuangsha in school. They are the twin sons of the executive vice principal of our school. That girl is amazing. She is the daughter of the captain of the Binhai Armed Police Corps and the captain of the Armed Police Corps, but it is really true. It is a teacher-level colonel, and it is the time when he is rich and strong, and it may not be impossible to become a general later.

"Captain of the Armed Police Corps?!" A majestic middle-aged man quickly appeared in Niu Ben's head, and then curled his lips and said, "I don't care what his official position is. This is not a reason for them to be domineering."

When he said this, Niu Ben couldn't help sighing. It seems that those who are domineering and think they are very hard, in essence, their fathers or relatives are generally only low-class, or at most middle-class people. On the contrary, those who are really in high positions or come out of rich families are relatively low-key and often more modest. Some, such as Hu Yueying, have never seen how domineering she is.

This is not a question of tutoring or not. In fact, the vast majority of cadres and families are still very effective in educating their children, which will also give their children a very good quality. And many cadres' children will be domineering, and it is only because they are more flattered by the bottom, so they will raise them and give birth to the psychology of Tianwang Laozi first and his second. Of course, it's not just that. In fact, the social factors involved are very complicated, and it can't be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

turned his mind and turned around. Niu Ben ignored Xiao Jingxuan's dissuasion and still stopped the three people calmly and said, "I still say that. You can choose the three roads by yourself, otherwise this matter will not be over!"

"Kid, you really want to die, don't you?" When the fat man saw that Niu Ben was pulled over, he naturally knew that others wanted to tell Niu Ben what was so powerful. He thought that after he finished speaking, the situation would be as usual. No matter how tough the other party was before, he would finally swallow his anger and give up. The fat man likes to see such a scene very much, because it means that another person has been trampled by him, which will make him feel a lot of pleasure.

However, I didn't expect Niu Ben to mutter a few words with people next to him. He turned his head but still insisted on what he had said before.

This situation makes the fat man's face somewhat unbearable. A guy like him is playing with a face. Now Niu Ben does not raise his face, which naturally makes him angry, so he shouted angrily. Seeing that Niu Ben is still in the way, he can't suppress his anger. As soon as he turns his arm, he opens his short, thick palm and pats at Niu Ben's face and pats him. .