Super Network Manager

Chapter 162 Tiger Head Snake Tail


The crisp sound of the palm hitting the body sounded.

It's just that it's not the fat man who got it, but Niu Ben came to the top and slapped the back of the other party's hand directly. Because he didn't keep his hand at all, the fat man suddenly withdrew his hand with a scream. Holding his hand and looking at it, the fat man immediately found that the back of his hand was red with a trace of purple, and as the pain almost penetrated into his bones came, he also found that the back of his hand was quickly swollen, painful and painful. Obviously, he could no longer exert himself.

"You, you..." The fat man stared angrily and said a few words "you" in a row, but he couldn't say a complete word.

When his twin brother saw that he was injured, he was also furious and rushed up as if he wanted to compete with Niu Ben. Niu Ben just smiled and said, "Do you also want to taste the taste of not being able to use your right hand for half a month?"

"Uh!" The fat man was stunned and dared not continue to rush forward.

Although I couldn't see anything just now, as a twin brother, my brother knew that my brother always shouted that he wanted to fight with others, because his brother had practiced two hands, and ordinary people would basically not be opponents when they fought thick-skinned. He has never met any opponent in a fight in the past, let alone like now, he was almost directly scrapped by someone who took action first.

After thinking about it several times, he is almost sure that the boy opposite is a practitioner!

So when he saw Niu Ben standing there indifferently, he naturally did not dare to move any more. He just turned his head to the girl in the middle and asked, "Sister Luo, we can't do it anymore. What should we do next?"

"This classmate, you have gone a little too far." The girl called Sister Luo just calmed her eyes. After looking at Niu Ben a few times, he said slowly, "Just now, my friend just pushed you, and there were no serious consequences. Even if you want to apologize, why don't you just talk about it? Why do you need to make my friend's hand swollen? Look at this. I'm afraid his hand can't return to normal for many days!"

The fat man who was beaten immediately echoed, "Yes, just talk. It's too much for you to hurt people!"

"Joke!" The two sang and talked together, as if the responsibility for the matter was all on Niu Ben's side, and the fault was also caused by Niu Ben. Of course, Niu Ben couldn't agree with this. He snorted coldly and said, "You want to reason now. Previously, I didn't know who made a wild speech, and I didn't know who wanted to do it first. I think your behavior is like the same as that of people in some units.

Niu Ben's meaning immediately aroused the approval of many people. Generally, in today's society, people hate a certain phenomenon, so whenever they encounter similar things, they are always easy to resonate with many people. Yes, this is the behavior of some units: you reason with him, he plays hooligans with you; you play hooligans with him, and he tells you the rule of law; you talk to him about the rule of law, and he talks politics with you...

Anyway, no matter what method you use, people can find the corresponding means, and it always seems that the other party is reasonable.

The two fat men and women are obviously like this. Although they do have a frightening capital, now there are cattle running to compete head-on, and naturally some people can't help jumping out for support and solidarity. When the girl heard everyone making a coax, her face immediately became a little ugly. However, she knew that the matter would eventually be solved from Niu Ben, so she paused and said to Niu again, "Do you really want to make a big deal?"

"What can we do if we make a big deal!" Niu Ben smiled and was not threatened by her at all.

His appearance obviously made the girl opposite angry and stared at Niu Ben angrily. The girl said directly, "Well, since you don't want to make way, I won't participate in this program screening. If there is any problem, the teacher in the department will communicate with you!"

After a pause, she took a look at the two fat men beside her and said, "Ok, don't talk nonsense. Let's go!"

After saying that, the three really turned around and wanted to walk out. Their behavior immediately stunned * people. Originally, everyone thought that the next scene should be right against Mai Mang, but unexpectedly, this combination of women and two men suddenly made such a move. Even Niu Ben was stunned and was worried about what they meant. Are they ready to suppress themselves with the leaders of the school?!

That's true. When the three turned around and were about to leave, someone immediately stood up and said urgently, "No, Luo Yuqing, you can't leave like this. The department is going to take your program as the main character. If you leave, our student cadres in charge of the organization can't explain... What are you doing? Hurry up and find a few people to find the teacher to solve this problem. Everything needs to be considered from the bureau!"

The man who stood up was an eye-eyed man, and he estimated that his prestige was still very high. When his words fell to the ground, a student immediately rushed out and looked for the teacher.

Sure enough, a few teachers hurried in in a short time. After asking Luo Yuqing and the two fat men a few words, they came directly to Niu Ben and said, "Are you beating people? Which class?!"

The posture of these teachers is obviously biased. Niu Ben only looked at them a few times, but did not respond at all.

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan stood up and said, "Teacher, we have been promoted to Class 2 of the new junior college. Well, Niu Ben did not hit anyone. Those two students took action first. We are just defending ourselves.

"Self-defense?!" The teacher looked at Niu Ben and said, "You said they took action first. How do I think this classmate has no trace of being beaten? On the contrary, He's hands were beaten purple and swollen. There is no reason why the person who took action first was injured, and there was no trace on the person who defended himself. In my opinion, this matter is already obvious. For beating students, I will report to the leader of the department and find your head teacher to deal with this matter.

"This..." Hearing that she was looking for a head teacher, Xiao Jingxuan couldn't help but change her face, but her lips squirmed a few times, but she didn't know how to refute the teacher's words.

Niu Ben couldn't stand it at this time and pulled Xiao Jingxuan back. He glanced at the teacher disdainfully and said, "If a few danders hit me, my kung fu will be in vain. This teacher, you don't have to say anything that determines your head. If you think that the one who takes action first must leave some traces on others, then you might as well try it yourself to see what the situation is.

"You..." Of course, the teacher can't run with Niu and stared. He suddenly asked, "Are you here to participate in the screening of the program?"

"Yes, teacher, we are all here to participate in the screening of the program." Xiao Jingxuan responded repeatedly and introduced by the way, "Niu Ben is going to sing a world famous song "My Sun". His voice is very good, and it is almost like the original sound!"

"The original sound is reproduced?!" Before the teacher could speak, Luo Yuqing came over and said disdainfully, "It's a little good to brag, and it also reproduces My Sun. I really thought I was Pavarotti. I don't even look at my body. It's as thin as a firewood stick, and I also want to sing a high C. Do you think others don't know music? It's ridiculous to catch a cat to be a tiger. I really want to fool people!"

Obviously, when he heard that Niu Ben was going to sing my sun, he couldn't help but be surprised and sarcastic.

Niu Ben didn't know that she would do this for Mao, but he just curled his lips and was not ready to pay attention to it. However, Xiao Jingxuan was very displeaous with Luo Yuqing's words and stood up and said, "This classmate, I know you are very good at singing, but this does not mean that you can despise others. If you really think that everyone else is not as good as you, why don't you participate in those super female voices, Avenue of Stars and other programs? Maybe they can still be popular!"

"You..." Luo Yuqing glanced at Xiao Jingxuan and was obviously angry.

At this time, Niu Ben doesn't want to get entangled with the other party. If such a thing is really stiff, it will definitely turn into a father-to-be incident in the end. Niu Ben has experienced a lot in this situation and doesn't have much interest. Shaking his head, he pulled Xiao Jingxuan back and said to Luo Yuqing, "Forget it, that's all. It's meaningless to make any more trouble. Let's end it!"

"You say it's over and it's over. Why!" Luo Yuqing was a little indomitable at this moment and said, "I don't know who said that he was not afraid to make a big deal. Now it's here. Why do you want to retreat!"

"There is nothing that doesn't retreat. I just want to advise you not to continue." Niu Ben smiled and said, "Does it make sense to do such a thing, or do you think you can do whatever you want?" If so, I don't mind taking some time to talk to your father. That's all. If you continue to expand the matter, it will definitely end up with your father and I.

"You and my father?!" Luo Yuqing was stunned, looked at Niu Ben again and said, "Do you know my father?"

"There have been a few faces. If you want to confirm, call back and ask." Niu Ben shook his head, looked at Luo Yuqing and said nothing more. He directly turned around and pulled Xiao Jingxuan to walk elsewhere. Of course, he is not a person who is afraid of things, but he sees that Xiao Jingxuan seems to be involved in this matter, so he doesn't want to expand the situation. After all, if Xiao Jingxuan gets into any trouble, that's not what he wants to see.

This is the end. I believe that if Luo Yuqing calls back to ask, his father will not let this situation continue.