the road to becoming a god

Section 91

This is the first time he has met someone in three years, and it is a pair of 800. Although the cultivation of the two sides is too different, Qiu Jiu is simply bullying. But Qiu Jiu, who was in high spirits, didn't care about this. He didn't take action for three years and swept a large area. This feeling of completely suppressing his opponent is really exciting. So later, Qiu Jiu couldn't stop his hand. If he hadn't always remembered that he was not here to kill, he was afraid that 800 corpses lying all over the ground at this moment.

Qiu Jiu is now the only one still standing on the field. Originally, 800 soldiers stood like him, either seriously injured or in a coma, especially the last hundred people, all of whom fainted without exception. Looking at the eagle warrior who twisted on the ground and struggled to stand up, Qiu Jiu shook his head slightly and said lightly, "The man of the eagle clan is nothing more than that."

Looking at a pair of eyes that were completely congested because of anger, Qiu Jiu said lightly, "Go back and take a good look at your own dead dog. If you feel unconvinced, five days later, at 12 noon, I will still be here waiting for you to challenge. Of course, if you are afraid, you can not come. Anyway, I have never seen you as a man.

Qiu Jiu slowly took off and flew back to the eagle king's seclusion.

More than ten minutes later, hundreds of left-behind soldiers and several local doctors who were notified by the Eagle King rushed to the arena. Although everyone had previously been notified by the Eagle King that the young man named Qiu Jiu injured some people in the arena and needed a doctor for treatment. However, the Eagle King did not clearly explain how much "some" is.

Therefore, when everyone saw the injured people twisting on the ground, they all looked apprehised.

Damn, lying here are not unarmed children. These guys are all their own warriors who have been severely trained and have experienced countless life-and-death tests. For them, it is easier to break tigers and leopards with bare hands than spitting.

And now, these warriors are lying here!

What on earth is Qiu Jiu?

A giant beast in human skin?!

On the other side, Eagle King and others are discussing a scene in the arena with Qiu Jiu. In response, Han Xiao raised questions: "Why do you provoke these soldiers again and again?"

Qiu Jiu shrugged his shoulders and said lightly, "I have no choice. If I can't make them feel in awe from the bottom of their hearts, my order cannot be completely carried out. An army that does not obey orders will be an extremely unstable factor for the situation we will face in the future. And the warriors of the eagle clan can't be conquered by saying a few good words. They worship the strong, and whoever has a big fist will feel that their words are reasonable. Therefore, before leaving Skyhawk City, I want to let them know that my fist is bigger than 800 of them combined, so don't make me angry and blame me for carrying out my orders obediently.

"You are too heavy. Although the 800 eagles have a strong physique, it is already a great luck not to die on the spot after your fire power in their bodies. Although the doctors have rushed there, they can't recover at all without ten days and a half months. But you are using the honor of the Eagles to force them to recover within five days.

"I naturally know the importance of my hand. In five days, they can't even get out of bed, let alone go to the arena. Qiu Jiu suddenly smiled, "I just want them to stay for ten days."

"You're crazy!" Han Xiao said in a low voice, "Do you know how precious time is to us? Since Ruo Ye's death, the barbarians have become a plate of loose sand. Now, this plate of loose sand is gathering into a hard fist, but you have wasted ten days leaving the experienced soldiers in the hospital **. You, you..." Han Yan can't even speak.

Qiu Jiu looked at Han Wei strangely: "What are you angry about?"

"Fate is destined to take these 800 soldiers to Tiger City to meet all ethnic groups within 25 days. There, you will use the heavenly remnant left by Ruo Ye to conquer the warriors of all races and become the king of the wilderness!" Han Xiao said in a low voice, "But because of your stupid and naive decision, fate will go in an unpredictable direction again!"

"Is it fate again?" Qiu Jiu sneered and asked, "Did fate tell you what kind of situation I will face when I become the king of the wilderness?"

Han Xiao was stunned and then said coldly, "Fate has not yet been really reorganized."

"That is to say, you can't see what kind of situation I will face after becoming the king of the wilderness, can you?" Without waiting for Han Wei to answer, Qiu Jiu's voice sank and said coldly, "I don't need your fate to tell you, I can tell you now. If you follow your fate, Tigers will become a decisive battleground between the barbarians and the Iron Family. 500,000 well-equipped and well-trained iron troops will raze the Tiger City into a flat land. All the barbarians participating in the resistance in the city will be cut into pieces by 500,000 steel knives. The barbarians will forever become history, and I will also be the shortest second-generation barbarian king!"

"Impossible, the subsequent fragments of fate clearly reveal that you will become Ruo Ye..." Han Xiao consciously lost his words and said, "You will be the heir of Ruo Ye, and the barbarian races will also return to the peak of that year."

"Forget your fate. Don't mention it for at least one or two months. Qiu Jiu squatted down and drew a few figures quickly on the yellow sand with his fingers.

Then, he pointed to one of the points and said in a low voice, "This is Tiger City. Look, it is located on the plain, endlessly, and is the most suitable array for a large army with a unified command system. In such a place, they fight in the field with the Tiejia coalition, and their heavily armored cavalry can completely disperse the formation of the barbarian coalition with only one charge. At this time, the infantry followed and expanded the results, and the light cavalry troops raided the barbarian flanks. In less than four hours, the battle could end.

"According to the defense of the city, as long as the 500,000 troops are besieged and do not attack, and then poison all the water flowing into the Tiger City, the food in the Tiger City will be exhausted within three months. At that time, famine and disease will become the most powerful allies of the Iron Army. Under their joint attack, the barbarian coalition will deal with the steel knife of 500,000 tiger and wolves under the condition of no water, food and plague.

"Now Tiger City has become the most dangerous place and is not suitable for large-scale military gathering. If the high-level commander of the barbarian coalition is still a little sober, he must immediately transfer the army and civilians to avoid falling into the siege and bitter battle again.

After such analysis by Qiu Jiu, Han Yan suddenly fell silent.

Although the barbarian warriors are brave and powerful, their tactical level has remained in the era for a long time. In the mind of the barbarians, the two sides formed a formation, the general went out to scold each other, and then the two armies began to rush to kill each other. If you die with a knife, either you will die or I will die. In this case, it is who has more people and whose soldiers are braver.

Moreover, in this way of play, it is difficult to predict whether to win or lose.

Often the most inadvertent detail, such as a fighting soldier suddenly turned around and ran away. His behavior immediately aroused the speculation of his companions: Why did he run away? Was the general killed? Are we surrounded? Or did the enemy's reinforcements arrive all the way? There is no time to think about that kind of life and death. As soon as the guess rises, it will immediately become certain, and then he will turn around and run away. When people are in the same heart, it will cause a series of consequences, and the whole army will suddenly retreat like a landslide.

Or suddenly there was a demon wind, and the general's flag was blown upside down.

At this time, morale will also disappear inexplicably.

In a word, this kind of battle against scolding is full of uncertainty.

The opponent that the barbarians have to face is a giant with superior modern military knowledge, rich combat experience and full war reserves. Unlike the barbarians of a single arms, their opponents have a light cavalry force with superior power, as well as an armored cavalry force with amazing attack power. They know how to fight with multiple arms. They know what kind of combination of knives and axes, sharpshooters, light and heavy infantry and archers can kill the enemy in the most effective way.

And these are exactly the weakest and most deadly places for barbarians.

At this moment, the barbarians are facing the most severe test in history. What they have to face is not a city, a pond, an inch of land. Their enemies came with fire and swords. The two sides fought like two giants with deep hatred. They did not kill each other, and the other side would never stop.

In this kind of full-scale war, Qiu Jiu has no doubt that the barbarians are ready to die. However, the purpose of the war is not to sacrifice, but to let your opponent fall. Since the burning of Yanguan City, Qiu Jiu has been thinking carefully about how to change the current situation.

It is impossible to intervene in the senior management - at least for now.

Barbarians are a very xenophobic race, especially in the atmosphere of this alien battle, and it is impossible to integrate them by ordinary means. Moreover, even if Qiu Jiu is inserted into the senior management, it is impossible to change the strategic ideas of the barbarians at once. Soldiers are a group of strange animals. They are particularly old-fashioned. Knowing that the new way of play will bring great advantages, the first choice that comes to their minds will still be arrays.

Then, Qiu Jiu thought that he could subdue a small tribe first and cultivate it into his own force. But it was quickly rejected by himself. Not to mention whether it is smooth to subdue the small tribe, I don't know how many years and painstaking efforts it will take to cultivate a small tribe into a big force. Even if they are willing to make this effort, the Tie family will not give this opportunity.