the road to becoming a god

Section 92

Just as Qiu Jiu stepped into the territory of the eagle with the rosefinch, he suddenly realized that this tribe was the object of the force he was struggling to find? The next thing went smoothly with the help of the Eagle King. And his insertion into the Eagle army did not cause much resurresis. Although there are only 800 soldiers in his hand now, Qiu Jiu believes that as long as he gives himself a chance, these 800 soldiers will be a starting point.

And now, the most important thing for Qiu Jiu is to find the opportunity and hold it firmly in his hand!

"Do you already have a plan in mind?" Han Wei saw Qiu Jiu staring silently at the figure on the ground, a small dot - that was Tiger City - outside, there were five huge arrows, which represented the five-way coalition of the Tie family. Five arrows, but the claws of a monster are besieging Tiger City, which can crush Tiger City at any time.

Qiu Jiu suddenly looked up and smiled: "Do you know what our greatest advantage is now?"

"What is it?" The rosefinch, who had been silent, asked curiously.

"It's the iron family's prejudice against the barbarians." Qiu Jiu smiled.

"Prejudice?" Suzaku asked puzzledly, "Why does prejudice become our advantage?"

"In the past three years, the Tiejia Five Road Alliance has been fighting against the barbarians. Unconsciously, their generals have formed an inertial thought and determined that the barbarians can only fight in two ways: defending the city and rushing in array. The reason why the five-way coalition forces are so relieved to let the barbarians rush to the Tiger City to meet is that they want to eat up all the military forces of the barbarians!" Qiu Jiu smiled and said, "Now, it's time for them to change their minds."

"Do you want to open up a battlefield outside Tiger City?" The Eagle King asked.

Qiu Jiu nodded: "The five-way coalition forces are out on an expedition, and the logistics supply line must be elongated. The original Yanguan City was too far away for them to repair and replenish. Therefore, they will definitely establish a relay station, on the one hand, to accommodate huge amounts of materials to facilitate the maintenance of the five-way front. On the other hand, the five-way coalition forces can also be rested in turn, which is conducive to the stability of the army. Taking advantage of the time when the Tiejia allied forces focus on Tiger City, I plan to find this transit station and take it off.

"In this way, no matter how strong the iron family's background is, the two losses will make their senior officials insomnia for months and be unable to launch a large-scale offensive against the wilderness in a short period of time."

"Your proposal is very powerful, but it's too risky!" Zhu Que shook his head slightly and said, "With the precedent of Yanguan City, the Tie family will definitely arrange heavy troops at the supply point. You only have 800 soldiers in your hand. It's okay to fight the village garrison. It's really difficult to win the battle like last time.

"If you start from the front, taking 800 people is no different from dying. But what if the opponent is the grain delivery team? Qiu Jiu smiled and asked.

The rosefinch was stunned: "Food transportation team?"

The Eagle King's eyes lit up and praised, "Good plan!"

Seeing that the rosefinch was still unknown, the Eagle King explained: "The meaning of the Qiu brothers should be to rob a grain transportation team on the way, and then pretend to be his identity and sneak into the transit station to see the opportunity. Because the barbarians have always fought on the battlefield, the alien coalition will not be too strict to escort members of their grain and foddy teams. As long as you pay attention to the password and the affiliation of the army on that day, there is basically no problem.

"Even if you pretend to be a grain and grass team, but if you enter the enemy's territory, it will be more difficult to come out." When Zhuque saw Qiu Jiu's confident smile, he couldn't help saying, "Have you thought of a way to leave?"

Qiu Jiu nodded and asked, "When Han Xiao came to us that day, you couldn't find her closeness. At that time, I was very curious. At the beginning, I only said that the sky-grabbing eagle had such a ability, but over time, the sky-grabbing eagle on which the Hansha rode actually appeared in my divine detection. And when we stepped into the boundary of Tianying City, we found that the skyhawks of the guards could not escape my divine detection.

"Then, when I set out today, I found that 50,000 flying eagles flew away in front of my eyes, but I didn't feel it at all. It would have been incredible if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. After careful deliberation, I came to the conclusion that there is a potion or pill that will have the effect of shielding the divine consciousness after being smeared or swallowed by the eagle. Eagle King, I don't know if I'm right?"

The Eagle King smiled and nodded: "There is a magical potion produced in the Milky Stone Grottoes of Tianying City. Although it is colorless and tasteless, it can not only block the detection of divine consciousness, but also interfere with those strange beasts with a sensitive sense of smell. It's just that the time limit is not long. If you apply it once, it will lose its effectiveness in about five hours.

"Then you need to calculate the time." Qiu Jiu pondered for a moment and suddenly smiled, "What the hell, find the transit station first!"

As Qiu Jiu expected, no eagle warrior could get up in five days. Even the toughest men can't get out of bed, let alone go to the arena to challenge Qiu Jiu and find the lost face.

Ten days later, Qiu Jiu sat quietly in the center of the arena.

Suddenly, there was a sound of deep footsteps from far to near.

"Are you coming?" Qiu Jiu smiled in his heart, but his face was not revealed. He rose up and saw eight hundred warriors wearing machetes on their waists and a brown headscarf on their foreheads. The ribbon of the headscarf danced against the wind, like two eager dragons. Their eyes revealed that they were determined, and the spirit of killing was very obvious.

It seems that the fiasco ten days ago did not hit the confidence of the warriors. On the contrary, after that failure, the warriors' mood became more stable. They lined up neatly and strode to Qiu Jiu, but heard a muffled sound. Eight hundred men hammered their left chest with their right hands and raised their voices at the same time, "General, I'm waiting for your order."

Although the warriors are still worried about the words of Qiu Jiu's day, failure is failure. Although the men of the Eagle clan are proud, they will never hide their failures.

It is not shameful to lose to others. As long as you dare to face failure, you will be able to defeat it one day.

Before that day, they will obey Qiu Jiu's order, and they will willingly accept even if it is so harsh and unfair. They worship and follow the strong, not because they want to be the subordinates of the strong, but because they hope to find out the reason for his strength by observing the strong at close range, and then change themselves.

Learn and change.

This is the secret of their becoming stronger and the fastest way for eagle men to grow up.

Looking at the magnificent 800 warriors, Qiu Jiu nodded with satisfaction.

Although, he also felt that the obedience of 800 warriors to him was only out of obedience to the strong, and there was still a certain distance from his inner standards. However, it doesn't matter. Time will be my most favorable weapon. As long as their hearts are made of meat, thoughts or activities, I can gain their loyalty and their awe.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Qiu Jiu asked first, and his eyes swept over the faces of the soldiers one by one and stopped for a moment. The warriors' eyes were very firm. No one had avoided Qiu Jiu's eyes, but heard a thunderous answer from their broad chests: "No problem, general, we are waiting for your order!"

"Very good! I like soldiers who don't ask questions!" Qiu Jiu stood at the front of the queue and shouted, "The duty of soldiers is to obey orders and obey commands. You don't need to be thoughtful! No need to comment! No one cares what you are thinking now, and they don't care what you have to do! There will always be only one criterion in your answer, and it can only be this one rule, that is, 'Yes, General', 'Go now, General', do you understand?

"Yes, General!" Eight hundred men responded loudly, and their voices went straight to the sky.

"Very good! Your attitude has changed my impression of you, but it's not enough! If you want me to admit that you are men and warriors, you must show me! Obey my orders and obey my command, even if I tell you to die, how do you answer?!" Qiu Jiu suddenly asked in a low voice.

The eight hundred warriors replied without thinking, "Yes, general!"

Eight hundred hands landed on the handle at the same time, but heard a clear sound. Although the machete was only half out of the scabbard, the murderous spirit was released without fetters.

"Ov, put the knife back into the scabbard." Qiu Jiu issued a sound with satisfaction.

"Yes, General!" In the echo, the machete returned to the sheath.

Qiu Jiu said in a low voice: "The knife is a murder weapon. If you come out, you must see blood. A knife without blood is a useless knife, just like a man who has never seen blood. It's not a man at all! Keep your current state, and I want you to recommend ten captains!"

Almost as soon as Qiu Jiu's voice fell, ten eagle warriors came out of the array and responded, "General, captain 100 people is waiting for your order."

Qiu Jiu nodded and evaluated the overall strength of 800 soldiers from the beginning. These ten people who came out are calm, have a strong pace, and their cultivation is much higher than their peers. They are typical representatives of Eagle warriors.

Qiu Jiu nodded and said in a low voice, "Removing unnecessary names. From today on, as long as you are still under me, your own names will become a thing of the past. In my army, your name only has a number, and the number is your name. From left to right, your numbers are from 1 to 10, do you understand?

"Yes, General." Ten captains of 100 people agreed in a low voice.

"Very good, I know you can't wait to kill me immediately. In order to give you such an opportunity, I welcome you to challenge me anytime and anywhere. As long as you think you can beat me, one-on-one or one-to-many. As long as you can win me, I will do whatever you want. But!" Qiu Jiu's eyes were like ice, and the warriors who were swept away by his eyes, even the ten most outstanding warriors, couldn't help but stand upright. "Before you win me, you have to listen to me and obey me unconditionally. If anyone dares to shout at me if they don't have the ability, I promise that death will be your most desired result! Do you understand?!" The last guarantee, the taste revealed in Qiu Jiu's eyes is definitely not a joke. These men who have been hugging death for years felt at the first time that this seemingly unreliable young man also climbed out of the mountain of corpses and blood.