Chongzhen Fengshen

163 Wencheng eats Confucianism and suffers from himself

When these civil servants of the Ming Dynasty saw that Zhu Youjian actually had no respect for the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, and even called the name of Zhu Yuanzhang, the great ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, they were furious. They didn't care about the pressure of Xuanyuan Sword and decided to scold Zhu Youjian, who would rather die and scold him unfilial. Although they could be proud of scolding the emperor, they absolutely did not allow the royal family. Care about the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, otherwise how can these Ming Dynasty civil officials use their ancestors to suppress imperial power?

But before these Ming Dynasty civil servants could speak, there was a golden light in the void. After the golden light dispersed, an old man in a dragon robe appeared. Although the old man had a horse face, he was not only ridiculous, but also majestic! Naturally, these Ming Dynasty civil officials knew that it was Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who was a corrupt official and traitor! Suddenly, they all knelt down and bowed to Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang! Some people even think about what language to use to make Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, punish his disrespectful ancestors and ignore Zhu Youjian, the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty!

Zhu Youjian naturally knew the virtues of these Ming Dynasty civil servants and ignored them. His horse's face seemed to be longer and came to Zhu Youjian, but to the surprise these Ming Dynasty civil servants was that Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, not only did not get angry with Zhu Youjian, who was disrespectful to his ancestors, but also changed his smile!

Originally, these Ming Dynasty civil servants were surprised by the smiling face of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, but then the behavior of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang made these Ming Dynasty civil officials faint!

I saw that Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was actually ready to kneel down to Zhu Youjian, but was stopped by Zhu Youjian by raising his hand: "Zhu Hongwu, you have made contributions to expelling the barbarians, and you have won my heart even more deeply! In addition, my current body is still your descendant, so you don't have to kneel! Although I have some objection to you hiding aside and not helping Emperor Wanli suppress the poisonous fire... Forget it, just answer me a few questions!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, heard Zhu Youjian's mention of suppressing the poisonous fire, he couldn't help trembling, but sweating coldly. Fortunately, Zhu Youjian finally said that he would not pursue it, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Although he did not kneel down, he bowed respectfully and said with a smile on his face, "Zhu Yuanzhang visited the Holy Emperor. ! This time, the Holy Emperor summoned me, as long as I knew everything, I would know everything! Zhu Yuanzhang consecrated the emperor for thousands of years, lived a long life, and was always healthy, unifying the world of Kyushu..."

Zhu Youjian was still useful, but Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was shocked when he said that he would always be healthy, so he shook his head and waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense in the future. It's unlucky! Let's be serious!"

"Zhu Yuanzhang, the Confucian students said that my current body is your descendants. The so-called parents of the body and skin should listen to your ancestors like a son! Are you right?

Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, suddenly became furious: "These Ming Dynasty civil servants who said this should peel off their skins! The so-called parents of the body and skin refer to ordinary people, and for those who can retain the memory power before reincarnation, that's nonsense! Daozu Laozi has also been handed down as Li Er. Can his physical father be compared with Pangu? As long as you can continue your bloodline and not damage your ancestral foundation, you will be worthy of your physical parents. This is the public opinion of the world of cultivation!"

Zhu Youjian appeased the angry Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and continued to say, "These Ming Dynasty civil officials say that I don't respect the Ming ancestors as people without a king or father. What do you think is a man without a king or father!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was happy this time: "This way of kings and ministers was created by the ancient emperor Xuanyuan, and all emperors have imitated it! You are the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan, the parents of thousands of Han people! Naturally, you are the father! This is the real great man! These civil servants of the Ming Dynasty talk nonsense and can kill the nine clans!"

Zhu Youjian laughed: "Zhu Yuanzhang is exactly what you said! Finally, let me ask you a question. These Ming Dynasty civil servants think that when they become the Pope of Donghua Court and collect the power of the belief of the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan, they should ask for instructions from the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty!? Do you think it's right or not!?

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard the words of Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, the power of faith made his body weak. Finally, he had the courage to fight and said, "Your Majesty, collecting the power of Xuanyuan Holy Emperor's faith is a shocking event related to heaven and humanity! Where does our Zhu Ming royal family have the right to ban it? This is hurting us! Please judge by yourself!"

This old fox just shirked, but did not show his attitude and support! Zhu Youjian secretly hated it, and his sharp eyes made Zhu Yuanzhang trembling, but Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were full of begging eyes, but in the end he still didn't say anything supportive! Zhu Youjian originally wanted to attack, but later thought of Zhu Yuanzhang's contribution to expelling the people and stripping the corrupt officials and traitors, but he was also unwilling to see this hero change from a righteous hero to a cautious person for long life! Zhu Yuanzhang said slowly, Zhu Youjian nodded, and Zhu Yuanzhang naturally turned around and disappeared into a golden light!

"Have you civil officials of the Ming Dynasty heard what Zhu Yuanzhang, the great ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, who expelled the Caritas and stripted the corrupt officials and traitors? What else to say! In the future, I will say the best in the court! Who doesn't work hard? It's like making trouble all day long. Today, an ancestor will become a law, and tomorrow a son will be called Shiyun. Don't blame me for beating him to death!" Zhu Youjian was arrogant and had a ferocious smile on his face! It made the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty above the court tremble all over and sweat coldly! He is very bold, but he is ready to gather Confucian students to go to the Confucius Temple in Qufu and beg the Confucius saints to uphold justice in the lower world!

Zhu Youjian's next words almost drove the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty crazy: "I know some of you think that the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty can't suppress me! Gather Confucian students to go to the Confucius Temple in Qufu and beg the Confucius saints to uphold justice in the lower world! But don't waste your time! Kongqiu has already presided over justice in the lower world! But he was reincarnated as my son and vowed to assist me, otherwise his soul would be destroyed. If you don't believe it, his mother is the contemporary head of the Kong family, my wife! You can ask, but I said here that whoever dares to ask is very disrespectful to the Confucius saints. Whoever goes to Qufu, the contemporary Kong family head can use the spring and autumn pen to go to all the Confucian magic cultivation! If you don't believe it, try it!

Although the Ming Dynasty civil servants above the court were frightened and overwhelmed by Zhu Youjian's storm, they still felt that the number of days when the breeze blew the bright moon could not be changed. Naturally, they would not listen to Zhu Youjian's words to abuse Sun Zhiqi, Fengquan and Fan Wencheng's Yuanying! But after taking off the official hat, I can go home and protect myself!

How can I know that Zhu Youjian has no room at all? As soon as he saw these Ming Dynasty civil servants above the court being impassioned with him, he couldn't wait to kill him, but Manchuria was so scared that he didn't dare to offend him at all! Suddenly, he laughed angrily: "What a group of impassioned gentlemen are so scared that they are weak to Manchuria, and they don't even want the glory and wealth they desperately pursue! Do you want to go home to protect yourself? No!"

The civil servants of the Ming Dynasty above the court thought that Zhu Youjian would compromise, but Zhu Youjian sneered: "If you quit, you can go home and protect yourself! But don't take advantage of Daming anymore! From now on, those who only have merit and reputation but have not been formally officials are all the same as ordinary people! One-in-one food! Since you want to enjoy the leisure of ordinary people, you should naturally enjoy the obligations of ordinary people! Ladies and gentlemen, what I said is reasonable!"

How did the Ming civil servants in the court think that Zhu Youjian actually asked them to take food together and immediately blew up the camp! It doesn't matter how fierce Zhu Youjian is! The group was furious, pointing to Zhu Youjian's abusive, threatening and begging for mercy, which made the hall like a vegetable market!

"Zhu Youjian, you are forcing me to die! I have six concubines and 22 children, who can only study and can't run a business! Leave the farmers to voluntarily donate land, and merchants voluntarily donate money. You want me to die! Force me to send my beautiful daughter to the brothel!"

"Zhu Youjian, do you know that I am the master of Confucian classics in the world! If I were to work together to take food together! I can only run for the secular things! You are destroying Chinese civilization. How is it different from the Harans? No! You are not as good as the Tari, and the Tari know how to respect the literati! You are crazy!!!!!

"Zhu Youjian, I know Western Xia language, ancient Sanskrit, and archaeology of all dynasties. Without me, I am a peerless history book! Why do I have to be a one-in-one food?

"Your Highness the King of Faith! Think twice! In many places, fools are illiterate, and this scholar is also the patriarch of the family! After receiving food as one, the fools will not miss your kindness, but will rebel! Because there is no emperor in their eyes! There are only family patriarchs!"

"Your Highness the King of Faith! Lord Li is right. Once you are one and one, I'm afraid it's not a place in Liaodong! There are beacons everywhere in China! Your Highness Xinwang, you launched an integrated messenger to receive food in order to love the people. On the contrary, you have killed the people. How can you bear it!"

Zhu Youjian made up his mind, and his tone became extremely cold: "How difficult are you, rare to be ordinary people? One-in-one food payment must be implemented! I love the people, but for the sake of long-term stability, I take great risks myself! Don't the people have to risk!?"

Zhu Youjian shouted loudly, but he blew up all the Confucian bodies that threatened to accept food as one, and Yuan Ying was imprisoned: "Your salary, people's fat and people's ointment! Since you don't want to sacrifice for the people, you naturally have to pay for food as one! This is the end of the opponent!"

"Hey hey, Zhu Youjian, you are really decisive! It's just that you really think that Fan Wencheng will really have no power to counter it?" A burst of cold laughter came, but Fan Wencheng's Yuanying's face was ferocious, which melted all the Confucian Yuanying who was blown up by Zhu Youjian and drank it into his stomach like drinking water. As a result, Fan Wencheng's Yuanying also became fat! It's like a balloon!