Chongzhen Fengshen

200 blood, blood summoning

Wang Xianren is proud that the Xiaguang array of these three sects is not simply gathering strength. The summoned Confucian saints are connected with the real Confucian saints, which is equivalent to a split of Confucian saints. Zhu Youjian is the body of a great witch and the public enemy of heaven and earth. I'm afraid that if the Confucian saints feel it, they will come and kill Zhu. Check this devil!

Unexpectedly, Zhu Youjian snorted coldly when he saw Confucius Xuying, curled his mouth and shouted, "Rabbit! You want to rebel! Do you want to fight too, your father? As soon as Confucius Xuying saw that it was Zhu Youjian, he hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed respectfully, and then turned into Confucian faith and Confucian power, which was actually self-disintegration! The disintegrated Confucian faith and the power of Confucianism formed a silver giant ball. The silver giant ball slowly rotated, but it was constantly emitting silver gas and was about to disappear!

Wang Xianren was so shocked that his eyes were about to fall off! He trembling all over. The virtual shadow of Confucius summoned by the glow array of these three sects has a will to contact with the Confucian saints. Why is it so bad? But I dare not think about it anymore, because the Confucian faith and the power of Confucianism transformed by Confucius are very unstable and seem to disintegrate at any time!

You can't! Wang Xianren knew how those people could set up these three-kyo glow arrays if they hadn't used the blood sacrifice. He had to spit out a mouthful of blood on the silver giant ball formed by Confucian faith and the power of Confucianism. The silver giant ball quickly turned into shape, and naturally it was Mencius!

As soon as Mencius Xuying raised his head, Zhu Yujian looked at it, but his lungs were blown up: "Meng Ke! What do you mean? Unexpectedly, the cohesive image is the same as my father! Get out of here! Why don't you wait for me to get to heaven and destroy your whole door! Return the Confucian saints! Isn't it a little shameful to take advantage of others in a strange way? Zhu Youjian's father here is naturally the father of Liu Zhiping's life. Mencius Xuying seemed to know that he was guilty and did not dare to look at Zhu Youjian. He also disintegrated himself like Confucius Xuying!

Wang Xianren was shocked. Why was Meng Fuzi also afraid of Zhu Youjian, a villain? But he spit blood again at the silver giant ball that was about to disappear, but this time it was even more ridiculous. Unexpectedly, a cute black pig appeared! This cute black pig is the size of a palm, round, and has a pair of extremely flexible and lovely big eyes! The small and exquisite appearance will make every girl look like a treasure, exuding the fragrance of plum blossoms all over! It's just that I fell down and fell in a daze, which made people want to hug pitifully! However, it is full of aura and is obviously a powerful monster!

Zhu Youjian, like Wang Xianren, was also stunned and said after a while, "Wang Xianren! You bully the teacher and destroy the ancestors! Take the pig demon as a Confucian saint! There is no courtesy at all! Although I oppose Confucianism, I won't be so blasphemed! You have gone too much!"

Wang Xianren is also furious. How can he take care of the etiquette of Confucian masters? With a red face, he pointed to Zhu Youjian with no demeanor: "You fart! The Confucian saints summoned by the Xiaguang array of these three sects are connected with the real Confucian saints, which is equivalent to a split of Confucian saints! I am a little fairy! I just want to do it! Do you have this ability? Beast, get out of here!" Wang Xianren roared murderously at the cute black piglet! The cute black pig just woke up and was scared to tears when he heard Wang Xianren's murderous voice! Turn around and run away!

How could Wang Xianren make this cute black pig run away? Yours will bring me back with the hard-working Confucian faith and Confucian power! So he viciously caught up with the cute black pig and attacked the cute black pig, but he wanted to kill the cute black pig and restore him to Confucian faith and Confucian power! How can Wang Xianren still look like a great scholar at this time? But he was furious and his footsteps were scattered, like a poor butcher!

At this time, Zhu Youjian not only did not watch the play honestly, but also shouted everywhere: "Really Confucian scholars! Look at Wang Xianren, a Confucian traitor! Not only to kill the saints of Confucianism, but also to eat the hungry meat of the saints of Confucianism! What a heinous crime! The children of Confucianism have come to protect the saints of Confucianism!"

Wang Xianren ate his heart for Zhu Youjian, but the cute black pig was extremely fast. How to catch up, the distance gradually widened. Fortunately, after the cute black pig gradually pulled away and felt safe, it disintegrated. The disintegrated Confucian faith and the power of Confucianism reformed a Silver giant ball!

Wang Xianren had no choice but to kneel down and bow down, pray, and ask his ancestor Wang Yangming to go down to the world. He did not hesitate to spend his own blood and blood summoning. There would be no wrong!

Wang Xianren spit out the essence blood, but the essence blood is golden. After spitting out the golden essence blood, Wang Xianren patted his head and rushed out a virtual shadow from the top of his head, attached to the golden essence blood. After the disintegration of Confucianism and the power of Confucianism formed the silver giant ball! But in order to ensure the success of the summoning, Wang Xianren even sacrificed part of his soul with blood!

Finally, there was no problem this time. Wang Yangming's virtual shadow appeared, and then gradually materialized and lifelike. It was simply flesh and blood with the soul, just like a real person, but he knew that he did not hesitate to summon his own blood. The effect was surprisingly good, but Wang Yangming's ontology will came!

As soon as Wang Yangming's will came, the monks who laid the Xiaguang array of the three sects, whether they were Confucianism and Taoism, kowtowed and said, "Welcome Mr. Wang Yangming! Please ask Mr. Wang Yangming to kill Zhu Youjian!" The sound was neat and uniform, but it also shocked Zhu Youjian!

After hearing this, Wang Yangming said angrily, "You are originally some ant monks who have not yet arrived. They know what a demon is! Now Liu Zhiping, a Taoist friend who incarnates Zhu Youjian, even if Mr. Lao Jun sees it, he has to give him a seat! How dare you slander Liu Zhiping's Taoist friends? Why don't you kneel and kowtow to apologize to Liu Zhiping's Taoist friends!"

Wang Yangming's hungry words scared those monks who spread the glow array of the three religions to sweat! Laojun is the elder brother of the saint. Zhu Youjian, the devil, actually has to give him a seat? Instead of rewards? There is a big difference between them. Laojun's reward only proves that he and Laojun have a good relationship! Or Laojun looks at him differently, but what he gives proves that his identity is extremely noble. Even if Laojun doesn't like it, he has to look at his seat!

And Mr. Wang Yangming called Zhu Youjian, the demon, Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend. Is the rumor true? No wonder Wang Zhu Youjian is a gentleman close to Confucianism, but recently he has become a demon, specializing in embarrassment with Confucianism! It turned out that Zhu Youjian, the king of Xin, was taken away by this so-called Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend! Normally, Mr. Wang Yangming is a first-class quasi-master in heaven. He has killed two corpses of good and evil, and he is also a registered disciple of Laozi. The people present are not even more than worms compared with Wang Yangming. It's just dust compared with Mount Tai! But there are really a few people who are not afraid of death! Three Confucian students flashed from the crowd and said:

"Mr. Wang Yangming, we are from the Restoration Society, and we are at the same time as Zhu Youjian! Even if you die, you won't kneel down!"

"Mr. Wang Yangming, we respect you as a great scholar, but we are from the Restoration Society, a school of science, and do not belong to your school of mind!"

"Mr. Wang Yangming, we are a school of science. We just respect you, but we can't listen to you! Our Confucianism is to establish righteousness for heaven and earth. If we kneel down the devil Zhu Youjian, how can there be righteousness!? If Mr. Wang Yangming wants us to kneel down to Zhu Youjian, let's go!?"

It turned out that they were Fushe Confucian students. These Fushe Confucian students are naturally a school of science, establishing righteousness for heaven and earth, and the most stubborn, that is, Gu Xiancheng, the founder of Donglin line, did not listen to everything, and because of their low cultivation, they did not know the difference between immortals and mortals. They really thought that what Confucianism said was the right path of heaven and earth, so they did not But don't kneel to the devil Zhu Youjian in their hearts, and don't even buy Mr. Wang Yangming's face!

"Look for death!" Xinwang Zhu Youjian and Mr. Wang Yangming said that Xinwang Zhu Youjian knew that there was such a big difference in the level of cultivation in the fairy world, and the etiquette was at his own until it was destroyed! What's more, it's against the predecessors of this family? Even if the ashes and smoke disappear, they will think it is reasonable! Mr. Wang Yangming was wronged. He believed that the matter of Wang Zhu Youjian was extremely difficult to do. Confucius Mencius and Zhuzi were unwilling to participate. In order not to touch the cause and effect, Zhuzi simply turned into a pig demon to avoid disaster! I was summoned by Wang Xianren's blood, so I had to come! The result is just a normal etiquette in the fairyland, and several Fushe Confucians dare to talk back openly!

Those Fushe Confucian students don't know that they have made a great taboo and are dying! Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang Yangming, who whispered and compromised with Zhu Youjian, the devil, was still very wronged!

"A few beasts who bullied their teachers and destroyed their ancestors and had no etiquette, where did you read your sages' books? You can't respect your teacher!? I will take your body today!" As soon as Mr. Wang Yangming's words fell, the bodies of the three immortal Fushe Confucian students exploded, and even their flesh and blood were blown away. The souls of the three lifeless Fushe Confucian students were suppressed by three yellow lights, and finally knelt down to Zhu Youjian, the demon in their hearts!

Mr. Yangming smiled at Wang Zhu Youjian and said, "The people below, kerosene discipline, made Liu Zhiping's Taoist friends laugh! Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend is the most expensive. Why do you have to care about these ants? It's just losing my identity!"

Xinwang Zhu Youjian naturally knew that Mr. Wang Yangming only destroyed the bodies of the lifeless Fushe Confucian students, which was already quite protective. This kind of thing, if it were Confucius Mencius and Zhuzi, he would only pinch them to death without saying a word! Mr. Wang Yangming, after all, it's still too late to become a Taoist, and his book is still angry and humane!