Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 100 Angel's Secret

Everyone thinks it's a little ridiculous. Caesar is Ike's brother, but he is the son of the Holy See of Light, and Ike is the son of the Dark Council. The two can't be said to be incompatible, but they also feel that they will not be harmonious. It's a little too much for the Pope of the Holy See to let the Dark Council hand over their son of God.

"If you want me to say that this is the housework of the two of them, it's better for us old guys not to make peace," Sauron said.

Rahidler and Bertan didn't say anything. They each had their own plans. Of course, they also knew that Ike would not "abandon the secret" because of this persuasion.

"Little brother, I heard that you are Kleeya's boyfriend," Sauron asked with great interest.

"Do you know Kelia?" Ike asked. He had asked Messi before. He believed that Kelia was in the Ice and Snow Temple. Now this man comes to ask himself what his purpose is obviously.

"Of course, I know that Kelia is now a member of our ice and snow temple, but her body has not fully recovered, so she didn't come together this time. I also heard about you from her," Sauron said with a smile.

Rahidler frowned. Just now, the Sauron jumped out and stirred him and felt something was wrong. Now that he finally knew what the purpose of the other party was, but he could not interrupt the other party now, otherwise it would only lead to a tripartite war.

"Oh, what did she say?" Ike asked in surprise.

Sauron was not angry because of the disrespectful tone of the other party and said lightly, "It's just some trivial things, but she always tells me that she misses you very much."

Ike sneered in his heart. Although Kleeya and herself liked each other, they had not had time to confess. How could she tell a stranger that she missed herself? And the news she had received from the old skeleton before, Kleeya did not wake up at all. This Sauron was obviously deceiving herself.

Although he understood that the other party was lying to him, Ike did not expose him, but smiled faintly and stopped talking.

Sauron was stunned for a moment. He did know Kelia. At the beginning, her father sent her to the Ice and Snow Temple for medical treatment, and he still helped her check it. However, if you want to cure her, you must use the divine stone, but how precious the divine stone is, not to mention the daughter of a person who has something to do with the Ice and Snow Temple. Even his daughter can't be healed with a divine stone. It's really too wasteful. Just now, he accidentally remembered some of what her father said, so he deliberately said so. Anyway, since he thought that since Ike and Cleya are boyfriends and girlfriends, he must not be wrong to say so. Why this family Didn't you react at all? He can't figure it out.

"Ha ha, why don't you come to our Ice and Snow Temple? Of course, we will never treat you badly. It is also the position of the Son of God. Our Ice and Snow Temple is no worse than the Dark Council, and it can also be with Cleya. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?" Sauron said with a smile.

Ike sneered in his heart. He was still deceiving himself just now, and now he wants to invite himself to go to the Ice and Snow Temple to be the son of God. This man is really shameless. Before he could speak, he jumped out alone.

"Tron, are you ashamed? You also want to rob our son of God. Don't think I'm afraid of you," Raschdler said angrily. Bertan came to ask for the son of God, but now Sauron also jumps out to ask for the son of God. Everyone thinks that the people of our dark council are easy to bully? At worst, there will be a fight. Anyway, it can't be avoided.

"Is your dark parliament a robber union? If the parties want, can you control it?" Sauron was not afraid of Rashidler's threat and turned to Ike and said, "Don't be afraid, as long as you think of our ice temple, I promise that no one can hurt. It's up to you."

Ike frowned. Of course, he didn't want to go to the Ice and Snow Temple, not to mention that it was a ** cave. Even Sauron didn't like it, but he is now considering whether he would be unfavorable to Kleeya if he didn't agree.

Rahidler saw that Ike was a little hesitant and his heart was cold. He didn't know anything about Klee, but looking at Ike's expression, he knew that Klee was very important to him. If Ike really promised the other party, he really had no reason to keep him. What should he do?

"Thank you for your kindness, but since I am already the son of the dark parliament, I can't join you again. As for Klia, please ask the Lord to take more care of me," Ike refused.

Rahidler was relieved. As long as Ike disagreed, no one could forcibly take him away. Although the dark parliament was the worst of the three holy places, it was not enough to be slaughtered.

"Since you don't want to, forget it. Cleya will take good care of you," Sauron said with a smile.

Ike's heart tightened and always felt that there was something in the other party's words, but he had made a decision and naturally insisted on sticking to it.

"The jihad is about to begin in two days. What are you still doing here? "Go back all for me," Rashidler waved his hand and let all the people of the dark council retreat.

Originally, everyone came to see the angels. Now that they have seen it and watched a wonderful drama, they will naturally not stay for a long time and return to their tents one by one.

"You all go back," Sauron also said.

The people in the Ice and Snow Temple were all very indifferent. They followed Sauron. Since the leader spoke, they went back one after another, and no one left behind.

Ike also left. He didn't stay. Although Caesar was his brother, Ike's feelings for him were complicated and he didn't know how to face him, so he left directly.

Burtan squinted at Ike's departure back. He missed the opportunity because he had not communicated with Caesar, but he did not blame Caesar. Although Ike's qualifications looked good, he believed that he was not as good as Caesar. You know, Caesar is the real holy heaven. The physique has never appeared in history. No matter how qualified his brother is, he can't surpass him. Since Caesar is his own son of God, he can always suppress the other party. No matter how successful he is, he can't threaten the Holy See of Light.

Caesar's face was also slightly moved. He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. His wings convered and finally disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

"The congregation of the Holy See of Light, choose a place to camp," Bertan said.

"Yes", the religious people answered one after another and ran to an open space.

After that, some people from the Holy See of Light came up one after another, but they did not attract the attention of the other two holy places. Previously, it was because the sudden appearance of angels shocked everyone too much, but the words of ordinary light religious people could not attract the interest of the two holy places.

In Rahidler's tent, Ike was called here. Rahidler is Ike's nominal master. This time, he was naturally called here to discuss "feelings" with him. Before that, Bertan and Sauron's blatant digging of corners made him feel a sense of urgency, so he came to Ike for a good chat at the first time. Of course What we are talking about is some private life. If we don't talk about it, we don't know. We are shocked. Rashidler has never thought that Ike's life has really experienced many twists and turns.

"I didn't expect you to suffer so much!" Rashidler sighed sincerely. Although the dark parliament pays attention to cultivating everyone's spirit of suffering, it can't find a person who has suffered the same as Ike, so none of them has a firm Taoist heart as Ike.

Ike shook his head. He didn't feel how hard he was. Perhaps in the eyes of others, it was very difficult for him to support his family at a young age, but he felt that he was the happiest day, because he could be with his father, no matter how hard he was.

"What's wrong with that angel?" Ike asked. If Caesar hadn't had a pair of wings, he would have really thought it was a special race, just like an orcs, but he knew that Caesar had never had it before, but now he has a pair of huge wings, which can only be acquired. It's done.

"Angels really existed, but that was hundreds of thousands of years ago. At that time, the Holy See was basically controlled by angels, but it was basically destroyed in a war. I didn't expect it to appear again now."

"Angels are extremely powerful. Every angel has the ability to fight beyond the level. Not only is the body strong, but also the magic cultivation is extremely fast."

"So powerful?" Ike praised. He didn't expect that these people would be more than twice as strong as ordinary magic cubes.

"These are nothing. The real power of angels is that they can gather the power of faith. As long as the power of faith does not go away, they are equivalent to immortality, which is very terrible," Rashidler said again.

"If you don't have faith, you will have immortality? How can we fight? Isn't it killing them?" Ike said in surprise. Even if he had overestimated the combat effectiveness of these angels, he was still hit by Rahidler's words. His body was also very strong, and his cultivation speed was extremely fast, but this was because he had a creation belt and omitted absorption energy. This step is simply piled up with gold coins, but these angels are so powerful. Do they all have a creation belt?

"The power of faith is a very magical force, which is generated by everyone's faith. For example, if you believe in the god of Judah, the founding god of the parliament, then there will be a trace of faith in the god of Judah, but I don't know how to use this power, and the research comparison of the Holy See in this regard Deeply, they know more, and angels can use this power"

"Of course, this power is not endless. When his followers no longer believe in him, the power of faith will disappear"

"Is it necessary to eradicate their believers before defeating them?" Ike asked.

"This is a method, but the effect is very slow. Although the Holy See of Light has not expanded and there are few believers in this world, in other worlds, the Holy See of Light is all over the world. How can believers be eradicated clean with hundreds of millions of dollars," Rashidler said enviously.

The Dark Parliament, as a sworn enemy of the Bright Holy See, although it also has a large number of believers, it still cannot be compared with the Bright Holy See.

"How do you fight against these angels?" asked Ike.

"The power of their faith is stored in the crystal on the chest. Now you can't find it, but once you do it, the crystal will emerge. As long as the crystal is broken, the power of faith will naturally dissipate without a carrier," Rashedler said.

"So it is," Ike said.

The two continued to discuss the battle skills with these angels. In two days, there will be a big war. Ike felt that these angels would become his strong opponents. Naturally, he should know more about them. Sure enough, a conversation with Rashidler made him realize the strength of these angels, and there was immortality. Is Caesar willing to become an angel because of this almost perverted ability? Maybe! Ike thought.