Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 101 The Lost World

Angels were a powerful race that existed in ancient times, but they were later extinct. Today, these angels are transformed by human beings. Of course, only the people of the Holy See of Light know how to transform them.

Ike is not surprised by Caesar's transformation into an angel. Everyone has the right to choose. Caesar wants to get a strong power and is willing to become an angel. That is his freedom. Naturally, he will not interfere.

Back in the tent, Ike and Mary Kay simply told the angel's message, and then practiced. I have to say that Caesar's appearance as an angel still brought him great pressure. He was not his opponent before, but now the other party has become stronger. It's simply impossible for him to win the first place. He can, but he won't give up. He has a reason to win the championship. Cleya is still waiting for her redemption. How can she give up?

Time flies, and two days passed in the blink of an eye. The three holy places gathered on the Black Cliff, but they did not fight. They all stayed in their own territory and did not disturb others with a tacit understanding.

On the third day, before dawn, everyone was called up. In fact, they had already woken up without calling them. There was a vibration from the ground, like an earthquake.

"What's going on?" Everyone doesn't know the situation. After all, the jihad has only been held once in thousands of years. Even the president of the Dark Parliament may not have participated in the previous jihad, let alone this group of young people.

"Isn't it an earthquake?" Some people speculated.

Soon everyone understood what had happened and saw beams of light on the whole cliff. One by one, the beams of light went straight to the sky and lit up the sky.

The earth trembles, countless dust is ejected, and ordinary people stand unsteadily.

"Kka, Ka, Ka", the earth cracked, and a huge array appeared. It turned out that each light column was a point on the array, and these points presented the array perfectly.

"It's so big", everyone can't help but be surprised that this kind of formation is really too big to cover the whole mountain. Even if the largest transmission array in the previous dark council compares with the array in front of them, it is the gap between ants and elephants.

Who built this? Is it so huge that it was created by God?" Ike couldn't help thinking.

"This is the entrance to the alien space", Jorad's voice sounded in Ike's mind.

"Exeral space? What is that?" asked Ike.

"Every universe is a space. Of course, this is a large space, and many small spaces are also included in these large spaces. These small spaces are contained in the large space. Only by finding and activating the entrance can you enter, otherwise you can't enter. For example, the smallest alien space is the space ring. It It is a small heterogeneous space. Of course, this small space is attached to the space ring, so it can be moved with it, but such a space cannot be entered by living creatures.

Ike nodded secretly. Yes, there is indeed a space inside the space ring that can store a lot of things, but it can't put things in. As long as it is put in, it will be immediately strangled by the power of space, even if the six-sided Rubik's Cube can't enter.

"There is also a wide range of heterogeneous space, which can almost be almost self-contained. It can not only store items, but also contain living things. Just like a small world, this huge array is the entrance to a heterogeneous space," Jorad said.

Ike pinched his chin and stared at the array under his feet. This is another ancient formation. He can't see through the mystery, but he wrote it down first and studied it slowly in the future. One day he can study it thoroughly.

The lines revived, the light gradually became stronger, and the beams of light that had risen were getting thicker and thicker. In a short time, they were connected together. At this time, everyone was surrounded by the beams.

"The door of space is about to open. Get ready, don't panic, everyone gather together," Rashidler ordered.

Solon and Bertan sneered. They didn't give an order, but none of the Ice and Snow Temple and the Holy See of Light panicked. Obviously, they already knew such a thing.


There was a ripple in the space, and a huge stone door appeared in mid-air. The stone door was tightly closed, and there were no objects around it to support it. It was so abrupt now in mid-air.

Is this the door of space? Everyone looked curiously at the stone gate in mid-air. Even the people of the Ice and Snow Temple and the Holy See of Light were curious. Some people even took a detour to the back of the stone gate and looked at it. As a result, they were even more curious. There was nothing behind the stone gate, exactly the same as the front. Everyone couldn't help but feel more confused. The stone door was so strange that it stood there so abruptly.

The stone door is engraved with ancient patterns, which seem to be a sacrificial map and a huge tree, which makes people unclear. Some people want to go up and touch it, but they are stopped by the holy lords of the three holy places. Naturally, no one dares to come forward again.

"Coffee!" The stone door slowly opened, and a bright light came out. Everyone was originally in the beam of light, but at this moment, they could still feel the light behind the stone gate shining on their bodies.

"Boom!" The stone gate finally opened, and everyone stretched out their heads to look in, but they could not see anything other than the dazzling light.

"Let's go first! Rahidler, don't you mind?" Bertan asked Rashidler. Although he asked, the movements under his feet kept taking the lead and came to the stone gate, and the light followers behind him naturally followed him.

"Well, if you want to be advanced, you can go ahead, and there is no treasure waiting for you." Although Rahidler is a little annoyed, there is nothing he can do. In terms of strength, he may not be able to beat Bertan, and the dark parliament is far inferior to the Bright Holy See. The world is a world of fists and can't beat others. , you can only admit to be a coward.

Sauron just looked at it faintly and did not stop it. The world behind the stone gate is just a battlefield. There is no difference between those who advance and those who advance, so he is not in a hurry.

When the people of the Holy See stepped into the stone gate, Sauron did not say a word and took people up. Rashidler clenched his fists angrily, but he did not attack and still resisted.

When everyone in the Ice and Snow Temple went in, Rahidler walked forward with his team.

"Let's go too!" said Rahidler.

All the members of the Dark Parliament clenched their fists. Today is their most humiliating day. They are members of the Dark Parliament, one of the three holy places, but now they can only wait behind and wait for everyone to enter before it is their turn. This is a humiliation. They will never forget this day.

"Hon, Haon, Haon"

Everyone stepped forward and walked to the stone gate step by step. When they passed through the stone gate, they felt a change in the surrounding world. The blue sky and white clouds were green trees and lakes in front of them. This was an extremely beautiful place. The light of the morning sun shone on the sparkling lake, and a layer of golden light flashed people's eyes were a little blurred.

"This is a world," everyone marveled. At this time, they realized that the stone gate just now actually had a transmission function, just like a transmission array, which transmitted them here.

"A hillbilly who has never seen the world!" A congregation of the Bright Holy See stood up and said disdainfully.

"What are you talking about?" The people of the dark parliament are holding their breath in their hearts. They are also arrogant people. Today, they have been humiliated in all kinds of ways and have long been on the verge of an outbreak. This person's words are like lighting the fuse of gunpowder barrels, which completely made them explode. One by one rolled up their sleeves to fight with each other.

"Hang, Haung", the people of the Holy See of Light are not willing to show weakness, and they all pull out their weapons.

Seeing that the two groups were about to fight, Rashidler didn't care. As if he didn't see it, Bertan frowned. There are rules here, and he can't do it at will. Otherwise, he will be killed directly by the power of space. Even he can't save him. Rashidler can't stand it, but he can't help it.

" Stop it!" Bertan shouted.

The aura of the six-sided Rubik's Cube was still very full, and he felt a strong breath sweeping the audience. All the members were pale, as if they had experienced some pain, but Ike was not blushing and breathless. If he guessed correctly, Burtan should have released some kind of aura just now, so he gave everyone He suppressed it, but he has evil spirit, which is more advanced than murderous spirit. It can be said to be an upgraded version of the aura, so he is not afraid of that breath at all, but he can't be too prominent, which will arouse other people's suspicion, so he still deliberately blushed and pretended.

Bertan shocked everyone in one fell swoop and was ready to tell everyone about the rules when he heard a loud voice spread all over the small world.

"Welcome to Amo's lost world. I am the spirit of control here. Are you ready to participate in Amo's wonderful journey?"

Everyone heard the loud voice. Before they came here, they only knew that they were participating in the jihad, but they didn't know the content of the jihad, as if it was a secret, but now they listen to this controlling spirit say about participating in Amo's wonderful journey. What is all this? Everyone's heads were confused.

"Since you have come to this world, whether you are ready or not, you must participate in Amo's wonderful journey, because only the living can get out of this world." The loud voice suddenly became extremely fierce.

Only living people can go out? Everyone was distracted for a while. Although they had long been aware of death at any time, they still couldn't help but be frightened when they heard this sentence.

"Your three teams can choose three different roads to move forward. Of course, each road is full of danger. At the end of the road, you will have another test, and only the last 30 survivors can be transmitted." The loud voice sounded again.

Only 30 people can go out alive? This mortality rate is too high. This time, more than 200 people come from each holy place, adding up to 600 to 700 people. In the end, only 30 people can go out alive, that is, 5% of the probability, which is really slim.

"Of course, Six-faced Rubik's Cube can't participate in the game. This is the fairness of the game, and people over 50 years old can't participate in it."

"Now, you start to choose!"

At the end of the sound, I saw three rotating space doors in front of the gathering place. It was dark inside and I couldn't see where it led to.