The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 189 Auction Every Day

Sa Sikong began to feel that the wide-shouldered teenager was very attractive. When he heard him say that the sword on the wall was better, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat - of course, this sword is better. It is a sword made by the dwarf master. He cured a big nobleman more than 100 years ago and gave him a thank-you gift.

If this is followed by the younger brother, I will really be very distressed.

The big shopkeeper of Everything Hall squeezed out a smile, walked to Xiao Tian and laughed, "What's the matter with the little brother?"

When Xiao Tian saw that his brother was coming, he didn't dare to neglect him. He bowed his hand and saluted first: "Good brother, I'm here to disturb you again."

Sa Sikong replied: "Good brother."

Yan Dao watched the two brothers salute politely, so anxious that his eyes were about to burst into flames.

The man sent fragrant tea, and the three of them sat down. Xiao Tian introduced Yan to Sha Sikong and said, "Brother, this is my friend, Yan Dao of the dwarf clan. Now I'm studying at Rock College.

The sauce was shocked, dwarf? He couldn't help muttering to himself, "Is the mainland peace agreement true?"

Xiao Tian crossed his legs, picked up the tea cup at hand and took a sip: "Of course it's true, but brother, I'm here to discuss another thing with you. Are you interested in doing something with the dwarves?"

The dwarf prince Yan Dao looked anxious, and Tongling stared at the sauce sky with big eyes. Even Xiao Tian stared at him and didn't notice it.

Xiao Tian had already told Yan Dao on his way here that he would cooperate with his brother to open a large auction house, auction the weapons in the dwarfs, and then find a way to turn money into various medicinal materials, minerals, food and other necessities.

When Yan Dao heard this, he was so happy that he forgot about it. The dwarves live underground and lack nothing but ore and weapons. Even the most indispensable ore is fixed over and over again.

There's nothing we can do. The living area is too narrow, and the access to things is limited.

If this auction can be opened, many of the good things he saw in Cannes can be transported back to the ground.

Xiao Tian gave Yan Dao a few wink, but Yan Dao didn't notice it. He just waited for Saskong to speak. Xiao Tian sighed silently and put down his legs.

Alas, a person who is usually quite smart, how can he become stupid now? You are so active, isn't it obvious to let the third brother kill you? Forget it, one side is the brother and the other side is the brother. I won't help each other.

He leisurely put down the teacup and went to see the screen again. Is it Qingyu after all? Or Cuiyu?

Saskong could no longer take care of the screen. He stared at the wide-shouldered teenager opposite and asked rudely, "Can you talk to the dwarfs?" Can you get their weapons out?

Xiao Tian sighed secretly and said before Yan Dao, "Brother, don't worry. Although my friend is tall, he is a fake dwarf. In fact, not to mention him, even I can talk to the dwarfs. Just like the sword on your wall, it's nothing in my eyes. I grab a handful in my ring.

Yan Dao nodded repeatedly, and at the same time, he was secretly frightened - didn't you search for the dwarfs?

Of course, Xiao Tian didn't know the disobeditiveness of the dwarf prince. He showed off the ugly ring in front of Saskong.

Saskong smiled enviously: "Is this a space ring? At that time, I begged Master Bai several times, but he always made all kinds of excuses and refused to help me fight one. It turns out that Master Bai also has green eyes on his younger brother.

Xiao Tian rubbed the ring on his hand and said to Sha Sikong, "Brother, in fact, Master Bai has a good chance to make money in his hands. Think about it, if the space ring is auctioned, then..." He smiled strangely and didn't go on.

The empty eyes lit up in an instant.

The three people pulled the chair closer and muttered together...

After a while, Sha Sikong raised his head with a happy face and smiled at Xiao Tian and said, "Little brother, I really have you. Yan Dao and I are almost seven or eight hundred years old together. You are not as powerful as a teenager as a teenager. Sure enough, heroes come from teenagers!"

Xiao Tian smiled, waved his hand, and pulled the narcissistic Yan Dao out of the door.

Let them do the things in the future and let them perform their respective duties. I just need to make suggestions in the middle.

After more than two months of careful preparation, the auction house opened grandly on the day of the Autumn Moon Festival. The name of the Tiantian auction house was decided by Yueer and Yan Duoduo. Although Xiao Tian felt that it was not loud enough, he did not dare to fight against the two beautiful women, so he could only accept the name regretfully.

After the preliminary publicity of All Things Hall, the day of the opening of the auction house was unprecedented.

The open space in front of the auction house every day is full of onlookers, and more than 3,000 seats in the room are full. Most of them are dignitaries and rich people.

Most of them came here because they heard that there would be a medical opportunity for Lord Yao Sheng in the auction every day.

Of course, there are also well-informed people. Hearing that there are Luo Bing and General An Guo behind this auction house, they specially came to support the scene and watch the excitement.

Xiao Tian sat in the last row of seats in the auction hall and looked proudly at the dark head in front of him. In the box on the second floor, Luo Bing, Bai Shuang, Fatty and others looked around. I don't know where the real owner has gone today.

Zeng Jian, the fat man who was cheated by Yueer in Pandora was also among them. At this time, he was lying in the fat man's ear and saying something, and the two laughed together.

Xiao Tian's eyes flashed over the two people, showing a faint smile.

There are many things that are inconvenient to come forward as Luo Bing or Bai Shuang, but Zeng Jian, the playboy of this second-rate family, is very easy to do.

I don't know how the fat man knew it and pulled him in. Moreover, it seems that this guy is still very knowledgeable and obedient to the fat man, and soon became a loyal dog under the fat man.

Xiao Tian didn't know that it was not the fat man who pulled Zeng Jian in, but Zeng Jian took the initiative to please the fat man and move closer to them.

Lin Jie's tall and beautiful face was particularly eye-catching among a group of teenagers. He also bent down to the fat man and said something. The three of them laughed together, causing Yan Duoduo next to him to raise his eyebrows and stare at his big eyes, as if he was about to get angry.

Finally, Yueer smiled sweetly and pulled Yan Duoduo's sleeve. The fat man also withdrew from the siege of Lin Jie and Zeng Jian and came to her and didn't know what to say. Yan Duoduo stared at Zeng Jian angrily and said nothing.

Xiao Tian knew the story of Yan Duoduo burning Zeng Jian and threatened to send him to the palace. He looked at this scene and felt funny. If Zeng Jian wants to stay with the abandoned gang, I'm afraid that he can't bear Yan Duoduo's suffering.

Thinking of the fierceness of Yan Duoduo kicking Lu Chi to the ground, Xiao Tian was extremely happy. Somehow, he just didn't like Lu Chi. Even Zeng Jian, who has offended him and has a problem with his character, Xiao Tian can accept it. But for Lu Chi's sissy, every time he saw him, Xiao Tian's first thought was to beat him up.

Liang Jucai sat next to Xiao Tian and looked carefully at Xiao Tian's face. Seeing Xiao Tian's face smiling, he also hurriedly followed.

Xiao Tian looked at Liang Jucai in a satin robe. He was afraid that he would have an old problem and told him, "Lao Liang, no matter what, you can't touch the idea of our guests. In case someone finds out, you will lose guests."

Liang Jucai smiled gently, and his red face was full of happy red light: "I know, I will try my best to do business with Pandora. I won't touch our guests."

Nonsense! Xiao Tian couldn't help laughing: "No one's guests can move. We have a lot of ways to make money, and we don't need to do these dirty things.

Xiao Tian told Liang Jucai to gather the older children in a few days to prepare them to learn ancient martial arts. No elemental force does not mean that there is no way out. If you learn ancient martial arts well, you can also be promising.

Liang Jucai's eyes lit up and nodded repeatedly with joy: "Yes, yes, I have always thought so. I have to find a way out for the children. I can't be abandoned like this. Originally, I had thought about ancient martial arts before, but that thing has been lost for too long and no one understands it at all.

He looked at Xiao Tian with hope: "Isn't it expensive to invite an ancient martial arts teacher? I will let the kids study hard. Whoever disobediently spans him!"

Xiao Tian smiled and couldn't help but be a little proud: "Well, it's not expensive to say. I'll teach them in person."

"Ah?!" Liang Jucai opened his mouth wide and looked surprised: "Big boss, do you know ancient martial arts?"

In fact, although he was surprised, he was not to this extent. He acted so exaggerated mainly to flatter Xiao Tian.

Sure enough, Xiao Tian was in a good mood, and his face was full of an unconcealed smile: "They all said don't call me boss. I don't know much, but I just farted the ancient martial arts teacher of Locke College.

"Ah!?" This time, Liang Jucai can't say anything but the word ah. He looked at Xiao Tian with admiration, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Xiao Tian looked at him stunned. Although he knew that the old man was flattering himself, he was still very comfortable. He laughed, stood up and walked out.

"This boy has become more and more. He used to be very low-key? Liang Jucai looked at Xiao Tian's back and muttered, "However, this is good. The world is like this. The law of the jungle, and you have to show it if you have the ability."

The opening ceremony of the auction was held very successfully, and the turnover of the day was as high as 90,000 purple gold coins. Among them, Black Joe's only one move is worth 50,000 purple gold coins.

Although Black Joe added several additional conditions on it, such as three can't be saved, three can't be guaranteed, but those dignitaries who are eager to increase their life expectancy still rushed to take this opportunity.

A chance for Yao Sheng to take action, from 3,000 purple gold coins to 50,000 purple gold coins in less than an hour.

This old man is a green man who can lay golden eggs! If it hadn't been for the consideration of scarcity, Xiao Tianzhen wanted to keep his master and not do other business. It would be better to take a photo of his visit every day.

If it hadn't been stopped by Qingqing, Xiao Tian would have almost sold the pair of scorpion dragons. The two guys are well-reated and eat oily every day, but they don't do anything. Xiao Tian has long wanted to deal with these two goods.

However, Qingqing easily found a warcraft that can speak human words. How could he let Xiao Tian sell it?