The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 190 New Brother Zeng Jian

The autumn sun came out of the clouds and shone on Rock College.

The beautiful female teacher was talking about classical literature on the podium. She spoke with great emotion. She stared at the teacher and nodded from time to time, which was amazing.

In the seat next to Yan Duoduo, the fat man lay face down on his arm, lying on the table and dozed off, soaking the textbook on the table.

At Yan Duoduo's strong request, Hei Qiao personally went to negotiate with Akadu and arranged the fat man into Yan Duoduo's class.

A few months later, this man has learned nothing. On the contrary, he is very familiar with his classmates and has been recognized by most of his classmates.

Of course, Zeng Jian is also included. In Yan Duoduo's view, fat people are good at everything, but their ears are too soft. Zeng Jian got close to him several times, and the fat man got carried away and got along with him. Even when the auction house opened every day, he specially brought Zeng Jian to the past.

However, Zeng Jian is much more honest now. Seeing that Yan Duoduo and Yueer always bow their heads and respectfully, their eyes are much cleaner.

Yian Duoduo sometimes can't help thinking, was he burned by me once and burned all the inferiority on his body? Or is the fat man's personality so charming that it has transformed this disgusting guy? She looked at the fat man drooling and snoring, shook her head and denied her absurd idea.

Anyway, Zeng Jian is honest and doesn't bother himself. It seems that he can still help the fat man a lot, and Yan Duoduo can bear it in the face of the fat man.

Now the most annoying and unbearable thing is no longer Zeng Jian, but the sissy Lu Chi.

This guy pestered Yueer shamelessly, and new tricks come out almost every day.

Yesterday, dozens of element lights were lit downstairs of the dormitory and placed in a heart shape; the day before yesterday, the door of the classroom was blocked by a big cloth bear, with a note on the bear's chest saying that Yueer was happy; the boy set off fireworks in the middle of the night the night before yesterday, while holding his voice and shouting Yueer's name; the day before yesterday ......

Yueer's heart is too soft and her skin is too thin! If it were me, I would have beaten him with peach blossoms, and at least I would have planted some bean sprouts on him!

Ying Duoduo thought very depressedly.

A small** suddenly appeared in the classroom. She looked out with the eyes of her classmates: a huge yellow balloon was slowly rising, with a long pink cloth hanging under the balloon, with eight big blue characters written on the cloth: Yueer will always be happy.

The female teacher frowned and said, "What kind of person is this, messing around on campus during class?"

"Nima!" Yan Duoduo was so angry that she was so angry that she was afraid. She stood up and ran out.

The fat man was woken up by Zeng Jian and chased out with his eyes. The campus was empty and quiet. Where is the shadow of words?

Zeng Jian saw him in a daze and hurriedly stabbed him: "I must have gone to Lu Chi."

"Oh?" The fat man turned his eyes and covered his stomach: "Oh, I have a stomachache. I'll go to the toilet first."

Zeng Jian understood: "I'm going to wash my hands, too."

Yan Duoduo strode to the playground and kicked her: "Lu Chi, be honest with the girl!"

When the fat man and Zeng Jian arrived, Yan Duoduo had already beaten Lu Chi black and blue. I'm afraid that his mother would not recognize him when he came.

The fat man opened his words hypocritically: "Miss Duoduo, if you have something to say, why do you hit him? Look at other people's children. They are beaten black and blue by you. What a pity. The fat man gave Zeng Jian a wink. Zeng Jian was understanding and hugged the gray-faced Lu Chi and walked aside.

Yan Duoduo was dissatisfied and shouted at Lu Chi's back: "Take off that piece of thing! Don't call Yueer's name in the future! Is her name also yours? Pooh! If I hear you call her again, I'll hit you once!"

The fat man handed her a handkerchief with a smile: "Come on, Duoduo, hit him dirty your hand and wipe it first. Anyway, Duoduo, you fought so hard. Your elemental power is not weak. What level is it now?

Yan Duoduo didn't take his handkerchief: "I didn't hit him at all. It was all kicked. Otherwise, why is it called long-legged Duoduo?"

She smiled and said, "Fat brother, my elemental power is not as strong as you, so you don't have to always ask questions."

"Hehe..." The fat man smiled awkwardly. Since Hei Qiao forcibly raised his elemental power to the eighth level of the elemental master, the fat man has a new hobby - he asks people how many levels of elemental power.

Of course, Yan Duoduo knew his problem and praised him very cooperatively. He made a fat man blush with joy. Only then did he care to let the fat man practice more and pay attention to the foundation. If you need any elixir, please ask Xiao Tian for it.

"Remember to ask for it, don't be polite to your brother!" Yan Duoduo walked through the playground as she stepped on her slender legs.

"Would you like Xiao Tian?" The fat man repeated this sentence and smiled; if Xiao Tian left Locke College, he could guarantee that these children would starve to death within a month.

Zeng Jian and Lu Chi are talking in the shade of trees by the playground, but the way they talk is a little strange. From time to time, they exchange the height of elemental strength and the size of their fists.

The fat man walked over with a smile and waved his hand to stop Zeng Jian: "Zeng Jian, don't be so uncivilized. After all, it's on campus. We have to give the teacher a face."

Looking at Zeng Jian letting go of Lu Chi with satisfaction, the fat man put away his smile and looked at Lu Chi with a straight face: "sissy, I don't know if you are really sissy or pretending. In short, don't pester Lan Yueer in the future. You should be aware of yourself. Just because you are more fat and powdery than Lan Yueer and Yan Duoduo combined, you Not worthy of her."

Lu Chi held his head unconvincedly, and there was a large area of bruises in his eyes. I don't know whether he was kicked by Yan Duoduo or beaten by Zeng Jian: "Why are you allowed to pursue Yueer? Yueer is so kind to Xiao Tian, but Xiao Tian doesn't cherish her and hits my sister's idea. He doesn't deserve Yueer at all!"

"Your sister? Is that the girl with violet eyes?" The fat man knows Lu Qingqian. As the only person in this group of teenagers who has seen Lei Shuang, of course, he knows why Xiao Tian pays special attention to Lu Qingqian, and also knows that Xiao Tian will not pay attention to this girl in the future.

Lu Chi raised his head high, gave the fat man a disdainful and stubborn look, and walked to the center of the playground with his head held high.

The fat man sighed and waved to Zeng Jian: "Go over there and wait for me. I'll say a few words to the Lu Chi brothers."

Lu Chi stood up vigilantly and put his hands together: "You want a wheel war, right? Come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

The fat man smiled helplessly: "I don't fight with you. I just want to tell you one thing."

He approached Lu Chi and completely ignored Lu Chi's threat. He put his arms around Lu Chi's neck and pulled him back to the shade of the tree.

There was a row of wooden chairs under the shade of the tree. The fat man sat on his buttocks, and the wooden chairs creaked, as if they were about to fall off.

The fat man patted the chair and motioned Lu Chi to come and sit down: "Come on, sit here, don't worry, I won't hit you. You see, although my elemental strength is much higher than yours, I will not bully you with high elemental strength. You know, I'm a reasonable person.

Lu Chi looked at him with half-doubt and tilted his head for a long time. Suddenly, he smiled and strode over and sat next to him: "Well, even if you kill me, it won't change my heart!"

The fat man smiled and patted Lu Chi on the arm: "He is also a good man. Relax, boy, I won't hit you. Now you don't seem to be very sissy. Do you pretend to be a sissy every day?

Lu Chi shook his head in frustration and told the fat man that his sissy was actually intermittent.

"When I was a child, I was very naughty and often made my father angry. My father's temper was not good. When he was angry, he didn't care about beating me. Later, I found that as long as I pretend to be weak, I can be beaten less. Later, when I was very eager to get something, this method could also work, so..."

The fat man laughed, and the laughter came all the way from the empty playground. Lu Chi looked at him angrily: "What's funny!"

The fat man restrained his smile and looked up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the sun sprinkled all over every corner of the continent.

He didn't look at Lu Chi's angry face and said in a low voice, "I was not beaten by my father when I was a child, because my parents died when I was very young. I grew up with my grandfather. And Xiao Tian, he was not beaten by his father. Aunt Xiao died early. Uncle Xiao spoiled him very much and never beat him.

The fat man's eyes moved down and fell on the yellow grass leaves on the edge of the playground. He suddenly became excited: "But we are still often beaten. No, it's a fight. Fight with another group of bad children. They bullied Xiao Tian, and Xiao Tian and I went to fight back..."

Lu Chi interrupted him in disbelief: "Will Xiao Tian still be bullied? His elemental power is so high, and he is Yao Sheng and Wu Laowei. Er, Wu Laoxian's apprentice, who can bully him?

The fat man turned his face and smiled: "Don't you bully him now? Knowing that Yueer is his girlfriend, he tried his best to blatantly pursue Yueer. Isn't this bullying him?

He patted Lu Chi on the shoulder with a smile and shook his fist twice in the air: "That's him. If it were me, I couldn't help breaking your leg or throwing out a handful of medicine to make you a real woman and go to the palace to serve Rocky the Great. Haha..."

Lu Chi smiled awkwardly. Although he was unwilling to admit it, he still had to admit that what the fat man said was true.

Everyone in Locke College knows their pursuit of Yueer. But so far, only the hot-tempered Yan Duoduo has come to find trouble for himself. Xiao Tian, Lin Jie and others have never come to find themselves.

Every time he met Xiao Tian, Lu Chi could see disgusting eyes in his eyes, but there was no other malice.