The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 91 I'm going out

Lu Chi wanted to know the situation since Xiao Tian, and his expression gradually softened. He still asked a little unwillingly, "But he did to my sister... I can feel that you don't lie to me!"

The fat man laughed dumbly: "Did I say no?" His expression became heavy: "I've seen your sister's name is Lu Qingqian, right? Her outline, especially her eyes, is very similar to a person.

"Like whom?"

The fat man took a look at Lu Chi, ignored his question, and said to himself, "When I first met your sister in Locke, I also mistakenly thought she was that girl."

He sighed: "That girl, she was a friend who grew up with us and was the only friend except me when Xiao Tian was a child."

Lu Chi stopped making a sound. He looked at the migratory birds flying in the distance and said in a dull voice: "I see, Xiao Tian treats Qingqian as that girl?"

The fat man suddenly became very irritable: "You won't understand if you say it! How can you guys understand our pain!? At that time, we were all poor, but very happy, if not later..."

"What happened later?" Lu Chi asked.

The fat man's eyes looked blankly at the distance, with a sad expression: "It's all dead... Grandpa, Uncle Xiao..."

He covered his face with his hands and buried his head in his knees.

Lu Chi didn't dare to say anything and wanted to reach out to pat him on the back, but he didn't dare.

After a long time, the fat man raised his head and wiped away the tears on his face: "Just think she is dead... Anyway, Xiao Tian will never look at your sister again in the future. The person he loves is Yueer, and Yueer also really likes him. Don't harass them again, otherwise I don't guarantee that others will do anything.

He barely squeezed out a smile on his fat face: "I think people are very accurate. Although you are a sissy, you are good-hearted and have no harmful intentions. You are a person worth dating. Otherwise, I wouldn't have told you this. Take care of yourself!"

The fat man reached out and patted Lu Chi on the shoulder and staggered away.

His fat back looked so bleak on the slightly yellow grass. Lu Chi looked at his back for a long time and suddenly ran to the rockery with the balloon and untied the rope with the balloon.

The balloon slowly rises, becomes smaller, and finally disappears in the air.

Lu Chi covered his face with his hand and cried silently. A few tears slipped from his fingers and fell on the slightly yellow grass in autumn.

"Farewell, Yueer..." On the empty playground, in the rustling autumn wind, the teenager vaguely shouted a sentence from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Chi hasn't come to harass Yueer for a long time. Not only that, that sissy seems to have completely disappeared from Locke College.

The disappearance of this sissy made Xiao Tian feel good. The eye-catching garbage has disappeared, and the campus environment of Locke College is much better.

The weather in early winter is not very cold. There is fine cold rain outside, and the carriage is humid and stuffy. Xiao Tian shrank and raised his collar. He couldn't help but regret rejecting Lin Jie's proposal.

A few days ago, when the temperature had just dropped, Lin Jie proposed to add a fire element furnace to the car. His reason is very sufficient: "This is the carriage given to us by Loki the Great, and there is a royal logo on the body. Such a high-end car doesn't even have a stove in winter, isn't it?

This black bamboo pole automatically treats what Rocky gave to Wu Yi as his.

On the one hand, Xiao Tian thought of the dilemma of asking the fat man for money, and on the other hand, he was afraid that he and Yan Duoduo would become the free elemental filling device of this stove, so he rejected the proposal of part-time driver Lin Jie.

Now, touching the luxurious fur cushions under his buttocks and feeling that they are faintly flooded, Xiao Tian regretted a little - in the afternoon, he used his private money to buy a small stove. After all, it's all up to this carriage.

The carriage stopped steadily in the open space in front of the auction house every day. Xiao Tian jumped down and looked around.

Although it is a rainy day, there are still many luxurious cars parked in the parking lot covered with smooth black slate.

Good business!

Xiao Tian praised secretly in his heart. In this way, even if nothing happens to him and the fat man in the next action, the brothers and those poor children will be able to live.

Saskong has already been reported by others and is waiting at the door with a smile on his face.

Under the joint operation of Xiao Tian and Sha Sikong, the business of the auction house every day is booming and developing steadily, and there is a hidden momentum to go hand with Pandora's auction house.

Sa Sikong admires this little brother's business mind very much, and what makes him admire more is the little brother's understanding.

Xiao Tian arranged the fat man to take care of the finances of the auction house.

The fat man is simply the highest level of managing money. As long as the money is in his hands, it is really difficult to take it out again.

For good, although the fat man is very tight about money, he is very generous in business, especially for the employees at the bottom. In the minds of the bottom employees, this stingy fat man is extremely respected and has a very high centriness.

Sa Si couldn't help smiling at the thought of this - this little fat man is actually really good at doing business. It is said that the iron camp is a flowing soldier. Whose staff does not keep changing? But after the employees of the auction house came every day, they didn't want to leave, and they also tried their best to introduce their relatives and friends here. This can't be said to be the credit of the fat man.

Especially for Liang Jucai, the fat man seems to have changed his character. Almost all the money earned in the auction house in recent months has been invested in those children.

The fat man built a special martial arts arena for them, and invited chefs and servants to take care of the children's lives.

Children's food expenses are based on the average standard of Cannes. In a few months, these originally skinny children have risen as if they were blowing, taller and much stronger.

Saskong knows about these children. He is also very happy for these children, and at the same time admires Hei Qiao more: the little brother in front of him is an extremely rare talent in terms of heart and ability, and the master doesn't know how he got him.

There is a thick red carpet on the ground, which is soft. The two walked side by side in the hall, and the oncoming employees greeted Xiao Tian one after another. He nodded kindly and smiled and saluted one by one.

Sa Sikong's face was full of excitement and said to Xiao Tian, "The last batch of weapons really made a lot of money. The weapons made by the dwarves are really extraordinary. Just in time for the orcs to attack, the weapons were on fire, and only one auction sold cleanly. I exchanged the money for them into food and medicinal materials, and asked Bai Shuang to help transport it back to the dwarves.

Xiao Tian said as he walked, "We will build our own transportation team in the future, not only for our own people, but also some business to make some money."

Sa Sikong smiled and told Xiao Tian that the grain and medicinal materials transported did not cost money at all.

"Bai Shuang used a means to reship this batch of goods as a military carvement. Shanglin City is his territory. Who dares to ask more? What's more, these things are indeed sent to the dwarves, and no one doubts them.

The two have entered the shabby office of Sas Kong and sat down on chairs respectively. Saskong took out the tea, and Xiao Tian made a cup of tea by himself. Smelling the water vapor coming out of the teacup, Xiao Tian frowned: "The fat man is too stingy. This tea is so bad. In case a guest will be laughed at."

Sa Sikong smiled bitterly: "The good tea for entertaining guests is in the VIP room. All other employees drink this kind of tea, a silver coin per catty."

He looked at Xiao Tian's face and defended the fat man: "The fat man himself drank this kind of tea. Why don't I take you to the VIP room? You are also one of our customers and deserve this treatment.

Xiao Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother, I have wronged you."

Saskong didn't care: "Well, I learned it from this little guy, and it will be changed to this in my store in the future. People who do well earn more, but they don't have privileges. No wonder the people below obey him.

Saskong said this and suddenly remembered something: "Brother, you often contact the upper class. Do you have any inside information about the orcs?"

Xiao Tian shook his head: "I haven't heard of it recently. Didn't Bai Shuang tell you?"

Saskong also shook his head: "No. I don't know how the orcs are doing. I hope the dwarf can stand it."

Xiao Tian couldn't help laughing. It seemed that the news of this brother was not very good. He told him that he was not a dwarf family fighting with orcs now.

Both the elves and the Qingwu have organized troops to dispatch troops to the Porta Mountains, and humans have also sent heavy troops to the southwest exit of the Porta Mountains.

Now all the forces on the mainland are united and ready to fight against the orcs. If the orcs don't come, they will be destroyed.

Through several battles, humans have guessed the advantages and weaknesses of orcs - elemental attacks have little effect on them; most kinds of orcs are immune to attacks below the elemental master. But the damage caused by pure physical attacks to orcs is not average.

The vicissitudes of Sas and his face are full of sadness: "For hundreds of years, human beings have only paid attention to the cultivation of elemental forces, and physical attacks only exist as an auxiliary practice. Are they now at a loss?"

He suddenly remembered that Xiao Tian taught his children ancient martial arts, and couldn't help praising him: the little brother was really smart. Knowing that ancient martial arts would rise in the future, he began to cultivate talents in this field in advance and be prepared.

The actual situation is that these children have no elemental power and can only practice ancient martial arts. No one thought that the ancient martial arts would soon come in handy.

Xiao Tian didn't explain these to Saskong.

He told Saskong that he and Chopin might have to go on a long trip to do something in a few days, and the auction house will be handed over to Saskong. Yan Dao and Lin Jie can give them some if they are short of money to spend, but they need to work for auction houses and pharmacies on holidays.