Spring boudoir note

Chapter 005 Sadness

At dinner, Song Paner vividly told Gu Yanzhen about Gu Jinzhi's performance today.

"... The sister-in-law, the second sister-in-law and the maids all over the room were stunned!" Song Paner was in high spirits, "When my sister-in-law is well, I'm going to ask for a big red envelope for medical treatment!"

Gu Yanzhen laughed.

He didn't believe that Gu Jinzhi could cure Mrs. Song.


On the Song family, as Gu Jin expected, Mrs. Song did not let the maid take Gu Jinzhi's prescription to grab the medicine at all.

The old doctor specially invited by the Song family from Xicheng is Lai Qingkun, who is well-known in Xicheng. He just arrived yesterday. Although he did not cure Mrs. Song immediately, he also relieved her illness for a moment. Now, Lai Qingkun is still in the house, and today he opened a prescription for Mrs. Song.

Mrs. Song is still taking the medicine prescribed by Lai Qingkun.

At noon, Mrs. Song's stomach didn't hurt much, but she was so dizzy that she spoke with golden flowers in front of her eyes. She lay down and rested for an hour before she felt better.

In the evening, my stomach hurts, but I can't defecate, and the suffix is very heavy.

Mrs. Song moaned and asked the maid to decoct the medicine to eat.

After one dose, it will be slightly better.

Mrs. Song's steward, Mrs. Sun's mother, said, "Madam, why don't you take out the prescription given by today's cousin and pick up the medicine to eat?"

Mrs. Song was powerless to smile: "It's useless! She is a child, what does she know? Just coax her to play, you take it seriously..."

"I always heard from my aunt that my cousin sees a doctor at home all day and has never failed." Sun's mother said again.

Mrs. Song laughed and said, "You don't understand this! Our aunt has been competing for the best since she was a child. Her daughter is 30% better, and she dares to praise it! Besides, even if the maid and servant at home are cured by Sister Jin, how dare you shout out? He must secretly ask another doctor to take medicine. If he is done, he will put the credit on Sister Jin!"

When Sun's mother thought about it, she was right.

The Gu family is the head of Song Pan'er, and Song Pan'er loves his daughter. Those maids and servants asked Gu Jinzhi to treat his illness, which was nothing more than pleasing his wife and young lady.

If it is cured, it will naturally be praised; if it is cured, it will definitely not be said.

That's why aunt Song Pan'er said that her sister Jin never failed to see a doctor.

Sun's mother sighed.

"Look, that Dr. Lai is not good. Why don't you look at another one?" Looking at Mrs. Song's painful appearance, Sun's mother said.

Mrs. Song doesn't know?

It's just, where else can I go to hire a doctor?

"Forget it, where can the cure the disease be cured in a day? Eat for a few more days and wait until the old man comes back. Mrs. Song gently closed her eyes.

Master Song Yu is doing salt practice in Suzhou. He has received a letter from his wife who is seriously ill. He has been rushing back these days.

But for a moment, her sleeping appearance changed, her eyebrows frowned tightly, and her stomach began to hurt again.

Song Yanfan, the third lady of the Song family, came to greet her mother and asked, "Mom, are you better today?"

"...It's better." Mrs. Song comforted her daughter and laughed bitterly.

Since she got sick, Song Yanfan has also been worried. She has also lost a lot of weight, and her little face has been cut down.

Mrs. Song was heartbroken.

So she didn't allow her daughter to be in front of her all the time, but only let her sit down in the morning and evening, so that she wouldn't be sad.

"Did you take your cousin's medicine?" Song Yanfan asked his mother, "I heard from my cousin that he was very knowledgeable!"

She has a little admiration in her words.

Song Yanfan is a premature baby, and he was born with congenital deficiency. She is in good health, but her memory is not good, and she can't learn anything. She is only two months older than Gu Jin, and she has not recited the female commandment so far, so Gu Jin's words made Song Yanfan very envious.

"I ate it." Mrs. Song said with a smile.

But my stomach hurts even more.

Sun's mother and maid served her to the toilet, and Song Yanfan also helped her.

After half a column of incense, Mrs. Song came back, her face turned pale, and she was dizzy, and she fell on **.

Song Yanfan was scared and cried and shouted at his mother.

Mrs. Song reluctantly opened her eyes and asked someone to send Song Yanfan back.

When Song Yanfan left, Mrs. Song began to moan. Her life is worse than death now.

The maids were busy inviting Lai Qingkun to have a look.

Lai Qingkun was in his fifties. When the maids went to invite him, he had already fallen asleep and followed in a daze. He gave Mrs. Song a pulse and slowly said a set of words.

It's still the same saying during the day. Let Mrs. Song try a few more pairs of medicine.

Mrs. Song knows that those drugs can cure the symptoms but not the root causes.

When people feel uncomfortable, they are not so rational. She took out the prescription written by Gu Jinzhi during the day from the pillow and showed it to Lai Qingkun, asking him if he could take such a prescription.

Lai Qingkun narrowed his eyes with the candlelight, and then said angrily, "It's ridiculous! Is seeing a doctor a child's play? A pair of medicine is only three flavors of medicine. Does he think he is Hua Tuo alive? Atractylodes, hemp, lotus leaves? What kind of mess is this?"

Such a simple recipe, which child is writing to play?

When Lai Qingkun saw Mrs. Song showing it to him, he suddenly became angry: Is this doubting his ability and deliberately testing him?

Mrs. Song's eyes darkned: Sure enough, Gu Jinzhi is not good at learning.

Is there no hope for her illness?

For a while, Mrs. Song was disillusioned. She doesn't want to die. Her eldest son is not married yet, and her daughter is simple and stupid. Without her, what about the children?

She was in great pain, so she didn't care about it and cried in front of the doctor.

The room was full of maids and women persuaded her.

Lai Qingkun was also at a loss.

I cried for a moment and felt dizzy again. After resting for a while, the maid brought in the medicine bowl.

After taking the medicine, I don't know if I'm tired of crying or if the medicine has worked. Mrs. Song actually fell asleep. Although he didn't sleep soundly, he also closed his eyes for a while.

Gu Jia, Song Pan'er asked Gu Jinzhi, "How many days can you take the medicine you gave to your aunt?"

"If you take three doses a day, you will get better in a day." Gu Jin said, "I just don't know if my aunt has eaten it."

Song Paner also thought that her sister-in-law might not eat it.

She originally wanted to see if she had recovered from her illness. After listening to Gu Jinzhi's words, she was not interested.

After two days, Song Paner sent a woman to visit her again, and then she knew that her sister-in-law's illness was serious again.

She was sad and couldn't help thinking: Is the sister-in-law useless? Thinking of this, my heart was a little tight, and all kinds of dissatisfaction with my sister-in-law in the past also dissipated, and I was only worried about her.

I don't know if Gu Jinzhi's medicine is useless, or my sister-in-law didn't take it at all?

No matter what kind it is, it is not easy to tell Gu Jinzhi.

Song Paner didn't mention it to Gu Jinzhi, afraid that her daughter would be sad.

On April 15, Song Yu, the eldest master of the Song family, finally came back from Suzhou and brought a famous Suzhou doctor.

When Song Pan'er heard that Song Yu was back, she wanted to go back to her mother's house. She has been kissing her eldest brother since she was a child.

She also asked Gu Jinzhi if he could go.

Gu Jinzhi was lazy and didn't want to go, so he said, "Recently, my grandfather hasn't finished a lot of homework, so I won't go."

Song Paner frowned.

Last year, she invited an embroiderer for Gu Jinzhi to teach her how to be a red woman. However, after the Spring Festival, Gu Jinzhi pushed back and never learned it again.

Xiu Niang complained to Song Paner several times.

"Don't you still have to learn acupuncture from Master Cheng?" Song Pan'er said, "How have you been recently?"

"How many days will it take to learn?" Gu Jinzhi laughed flatteringly, "Recently, my grandfather told me about Confucius..."

Song Paner said with a straight face: "You don't take the top exam. What do you do to learn those? At the beginning, I promised you to study medicine with your grandfather, but first of all, you have to learn to be a woman. Not to mention that it's as good as an embroidered girl, at least you can handle it. Do you have a job now?

Gu Jinzhi stroked his forehead.

Song Pan'er was so angry that she also said that Song's mother came in and said that the carriage was ready.

Only then did she let Gu Jinzhi go.

Gu Jinzhi returned to his room and originally wanted to review the "Summary of Jin Kui". But I remembered that a handkerchief started construction in the winter of last year, and now it has embroidered a cold plum, so I asked the maid to take out her needle and thread dustpan.

She was making needle and thread quietly. Unconsciously, it was time for dinner, and her mother should come back from the Song family.