Spring boudoir note

Chapter 006 Support

Song Pan'er came back from the Song family in the afternoon.

Today is April 15th, and she needs to come back to prepare dinner.

The old man is going to have dinner with them tonight.

The old man has a lonely personality. After arriving at Yanling, he closed the door to write books. He never receives morning and evening greetings from his family. He only says that having dinner together on the fifteenth day of each month is the filial piety of the younger generation.

Today is the fifteenth day, and Song Pan'er has to pay attention to it. She has to look at the ingredients of the meal in person, for fear of making the old man unhappy.

She first asked the maids around her, what Jinzhi and Xuanzhi were doing today.

Gu Xuanzhi studied in Gu's preschool, and Gu Jinzhi did sewing in the room.

Song Paner knew that her morning's talk had worked, and Jin Zhi was willing to spend some effort on the needle, and she smiled with satisfaction.

During dinner in the evening, Aunt Hong's son, Gu Yuzhi, also came and sat at the end.

Aunt Hong, like the servants, served beside her.

The old man Gu Shifei arrived late. He looked solemn and a little reluctant. Gu Yanzhen and Song Pan'er saluted him, and then the children saluted him separately.

After the old man was invited to take a seat, everyone sat down separately.

The lamp was shining, and the old man's serious face melted in the candlelight, which was actually a little soft.

He first asked Gu Yanzhen about his homework and regarded his 30-year-old son as a child.

Gu Yanzhen answered respectfully.

The old man asked about Song Pan'er's family again.

Song Pan'er also said one by one.

Then he asked Gu Xuanzhi and Gu Yuzhi what they had studied recently.

In Yanling City, although the Gu family is not as prominent as the Song family and the Jiang family, they are also a big family. There are ethnic studies and preschools. Children study in preschool and receive enlightenment before the age of ten.

Although the old man and the current patriarch are brothers out of the five clothes, there is no family affection. But when the patriarch saw that the old man was the prince, he flattered him and specially invited Gu Jin's sister and brother to study in the Gu family in order to improve their relationship.

Gu Jinzhi also studied for two years, and he didn't read until he was ten years old.

Gu Xuanzhi and Gu Yuzhi are not yet ten years old, and they are still in preschool.

Both brothers were afraid of their grandfather. When asked, both of them stammered a little.

The old man's face showed a little boredom!

"Brother Yu's handwriting is getting better and better." When his grandfather asked Gu Yuzhi, he was timid by nature and speechless. Grandfather's thick eyebrows were twisted into a ball, and he wanted to get angry, so Gu Jinzhi helped answer.

Gu Yuzhi has been sketching red since the beginning, and his handwriting is handsome and elegant, which is very unusual.

The old man was not interested and said lightly, "With logistics practice, don't be complacent."

Gu Yuzhi whispered.

Aunt Hong looked at Gu Jinzhi more, her eyes paused, and vaguely thought about something.

Song Pan'er glanced at her daughter. Although she knew that her daughter was talking loudly, she just didn't want the old man to be angry, not for her brother-in-law. The target of the help is Gu Yuzhi, and she is faintly unhappy.

Jinzhi is usually silent, but he is kind to people. Shouldn't he follow Hong Lian's way and sympathize with their mother and son?

Song Paner looked at Gu Jinzhi again.

Gu Jinzhi understood what his mother meant, and the corners of his lips smiled bitterly.

After a question as usual, the dinner table was silent, only the slight sound of ivory touching the porcelain plate. Dinner on the fifteenth day of every month is indigestion.

After dinner, the maid rinsed her mouth with tea, and then served the tea.

The old man gently moved the floating leaves with the tea lid, took a sip slowly, and asked Song Paner, "I heard that Mrs. Song has a stubborn disease?" Song Pan'er's filial piety is sincere. Although the old man is thin and serious, he likes this daughter-in-law very much.

Song Pan'er was slightly surprised. Then he thought of Gu Jinzhi, who was studying with the old man. Gu Jinzhi must have told the old man, so he nodded quickly: "Yes, I've been sick for almost a month, and the medicine doesn't work..."

She wanted to let the old man have a look.

But thinking that the eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't come to invite, did the old man let him lick his face? Song Pan'er's words came to his mouth and swallowed them.

The old man nodded, but he had no interest in talking about it.

Song Pan'er thought that her words didn't get to the point, and said with a smile, "Sister Jin also opened a prescription for my sister-in-law... It's just that my sister-in-law thought that Sister Jin's son was young, and seeing a doctor and taking medicine was related to her life, so she didn't dare to use it. Sister Jin's knowledge is not bad, and she is taught by her father well..."

Sure enough, the old man's eyebrows were a little loose, and he faintly saw a flash of smile and looked at Gu Jinzhi.

"My aunt is a relative." Gu Jin said, "I know the root cause of her disease. Seeing that her medicine didn't work and she was tortured, she couldn't help but save her, so I came to her and prescribed a dose of medicine. Unfortunately, she doesn't want to believe me... I prescribed three doses, and the disease will definitely be cured!"

She was very sure, and the self-confidence in her words stunned the old man.

Gu Yanzhen coughed lightly. He felt that Gu Jinzhi was too arrogant.

Even if you think of a famous doctor like Zhao Daoyuan, you don't dare to say so much. Sister Jin is just a beginner. She is really ignorant and fearless.

The old man ignored Gu Yanzhen's hint and said to Gu Jin, "Tell me what's going on?"

Gu Jinzhi told the old man about his aunt's condition in detail.

The old man pondered slightly and said, "How can it be a wet and heat certificate?"

Mrs. Song still has a lot of evidence, which is not in line with the symptoms of dampness and fever, so most doctors have overlooked it.

But there was a little depressing joy in the old man's voice. Gu Jinzhi knew that the old man understood that he was just testing himself.

"At the beginning of a disease, there must be a cause; although there are many symptoms, there must be a center of gravity." Gu Jin said, "My aunt's illness started from a wind cold, which led to wet evil invading the spleen. The spleen and stomach is the land of Zhongzhou and the source of biochemistry. Damage to the spleen will definitely lead to bad temper, and problems will be caused everywhere in the body. Invigating the spleen and heat, lightly clearing the sun is the only fundamental of curing the disease!"

The old man's eyes gradually lit up.

Gu Jinzhi is full of flowers. Without thirty or forty years of medical experience, he is not so eye-catching. And I just taught her how to get started.

This granddaughter is really a natural genius!

The old man's heart was bright, and he was happier than he was knighted in those years.

It's just that he hasn't seen Mrs. Song. I don't know if what Gu Jinzhi said is true of Mrs. Song's condition. He must see it with his own eyes.

"S send someone to tell the Song family that I'll see Mrs. Song tomorrow." After listening to Gu Jinzhi's words, the old man did not comment, but turned his face to Song Pan'er.

If Gu Jinzhi sees it right, he will correct the name of his granddaughter's medical skills and give the child a justice: Why don't you take the medicine prescribed by Gu Jinzhi? Doesn't this make the child feel unbelief? At the beginning of the industry, this is the most taboo.

If Gu Jinzhi is wrong, he can also take the opportunity to teach her to speak. Don't talk so arrogantly, or you will suffer in the future.

Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen were shocked.

The old man has never opened a prescription since he left the capital.

If you don't ask for a doctor like this, the old man has never had a life.

Song Pan'er came to his senses senses and was overjoyed. He called the boy to Qingguo Lane overnight, told her about this matter to his eldest brother, and asked him to prepare well and receive the old man solemnly tomorrow.