Spring boudoir note

Chapter 096 Retance

Chen Yu's high fever caused him to be unconscious.

The house is full of doctors watching the bustle.

Gu Jinzhi glanced at everyone.

These people are all led by Qin Wei's four horses.

Gu Jinzhi probably understood in his heart: it was Qin Weiji who wanted to see the fun.

For the sake of doing this, the imperial doctor has lost his medical ethics. No matter when, the competition and competition between peers is a fair competition. But the patient's life and death are in danger, but he still thinks about fame and fortune, taking the life and death of the patient as a bet, virtue is a loss.

Gu Jinzhi did not dare to boast about his character, but he always remembered the doctor's vocation, and there was no big mistake in medical ethics.

If Gu Jin's grandfather met him before this, he should hit him with a cane.

She lowered her eyes slightly and covered up her mood.

Over there, Uncle Gu Yantao said, "People have been invited. Qin Didian, how to use the medicine, please order it to go down and don't delay any longer.

Qin Weiji smiled and looked relieved. He came forward and said to Gu Jin, "Miss Gu Qi, Prince Yu has been talking since he got up early. He refused to let me wait for medical treatment. Miss Gu, please have a look.

He pushed all Chen Yuchao's illness to Gu Jinzhi.

Qin Shensi, who was standing aside, thought about his eldest brother's behavior before and after, and immediately understood. He held his hand a little tight.

His eldest brother seems to have never changed his temper over the years.

Miss Gu Qi said yes, she came forward to take Chen Yuchao's pulse, but she was not modest.

Chen Yuchao's high fever has reached the point of red all over.

"The fever has subsided first." After Gu Jin's pulse, he said to Qin Wei, "Qin mentioned that we can't delay any longer."

Qin Weiji also nodded quickly and asked Gu Jinzhi, "The imperial doctor Peng and the imperial doctor Zeng fed the prince Yu Zixue elixir, but the effect was shallow, but it became more and more powerful. If there is nothing we can do, please ask Miss Gu Qi to think of a way.

What can't be done?

Dr. Peng and others still have a lot of skills that have not been used.

Although I don't know if it's useful or not, I have to try it. Qin Ti didn't let them try. He said that they were helpless.

If it reaches the emperor's ears, they will neglect their duties and blasphemy their duty. I'm afraid they will be kicked out of the imperial hospital.

Dr. Peng and Dr. Zeng looked at each other.

Qin Weity suddenly handed them a warning look.

The two of them were slightly stunned.

Among the four or five people watching the bustle, there is an imperial doctor surnamed Liu, who knows Qin Weish's temper best. Seeing that he was asked to invite Miss Gu Qi from the beginning, but he did not give medicine to Prince Yu; now he degraded himself and forced Miss Gu Qi to take action, he vaguely understood something.

Recently, Miss Gu has a good reputation in the palace and has already compared Qin Ti.

Other imperial doctors are not bad, but Qin Weishi, who is recommended by the imperial hospital, can't accept it. His reputation and medical skills are related to his status. If his reputation and medical skills are gradually suspected, this position will not be stable.

"Yes, I've also heard of Miss Gu Qi's medical skills. It's not too much to be an Xinglin national hand. Prince Yu is already like this. In the lower class, the donkey is poor, and he also asks Miss Gu Qi to treat him with mercy. Dr. Liu took Qin Weic's words and also treated Gu Jin's way.

Like Chen Yuchao, he has such a high fever and needs to be treated. The best prescription is to use purple snow elixir.

The use of Zixue Dan is invalid.

So, there are several other ways to try, not to use up the method, but to use the best method.

Even if there is a way, Dr. Liu can't guarantee that the fever will fade.

But Qin Tidian seems to be full of confidence.

After Dr. Liu finished speaking, Qin Weishi looked at him with a little approval in his eyes.

Other imperial doctors saw it and said one after another, "Miss Gu's wonderful hand returned to spring, and Prince Yu entrusted it to Miss Gu. Prince Yu didn't eat the prescription prescribed by the Tai Hospital, and said directly about Miss Gu. Miss Gu's medical skills must be far above us, and let me wait for a time to be taught..."

"Yes, yes, if Prince Yu hadn't refused to use the medicine, it wouldn't have been like this now..." There is another way.

The responsibility is all put on Gu Jinzhi.

It was Prince Yu who refused to use the medicine of the imperial hospital and had to be treated by Gu Jinzhi, which delayed the condition.

It has nothing to do with the people in their hospital.

If Prince Yu's treatment is ineffective, they dare to say so in front of the emperor.

Gu Yantao is an old man. How can he not see the purpose of Qin Wei and others?

A group of old men, for the sake of the little love in the palace, actually compete with a girl. Isn't it shameful?

Gu Yantao is ashamed of them!

You can think about it. What's the way? These imperial doctors rely on the nobles in the palace. Their salary is not high, so they barely support their families.

Who is favored in front of the concubines in the palace, not to mention the rewards of the concubines, the reputation has also spread, and those nobles in the capital have also invited them one after another.

The money given by those rich families every year is enough for their doctors to have no worries about food and clothing. These examples are much higher than their salaries.

At the critical moment of survival, this tone is to fight.

Gu Yantao did not like the people on both sides, so he stood aside in silence. He also wanted to see if Gu Jinzhi really had some ability.

She is very fond of the Empresse now.

If she really has the ability, then the Empress Dowager's love for her will last for a long time. Gu Yantao should change her mentality and flatter her well. If she doesn't have the ability to play tricks with the old man, and it happens to cure the Empress Dowager, and her favor will not last long.

Then, she and her arrogant mother, Gu Yantao, are going to deal with them.

Otherwise, the family has no family rules and is not decent.

He looked indifferently.

Dr. Zeng and Dr. Peng finally understood the intention of Qin Weishi and others. Although they despised it in their hearts, they had to bow their heads under the eaves. They were still under Qin Weishi's hands, so they had to help Gu Jinzhi with words, beat her, and then humiliated.

"Beat water with wormwood and wipe Prince Yu's body." Gu Jin's way.

She looked ordinary, and she didn't understand that these people were deliberately touting her. They raised Gu Jinzhi high, one by one, a magic doctor, a Xinglin national hand, listened to Gu Jinzhi's ears, and soon faded away.

Her expression remains unchanged.

Qin Wei Si sneered.

Qin Shensi saw that although everyone praised Gu Jinzhi, he said it more and more mysteriously, a little too much, and even with sarcasm. His heart was tense and he rushed up with anger.

Gu Jinzhi is his benefactor.

Gu Jin's insipid expression seems to have dissipated Qin Shensi's anger a little: people who are really able are calm inside and look different without being insulted or praised by others.

"Wan wormwood?" As soon as Gu Jin's words came out, Dr. Peng still couldn't help asking.

They are not pediatric doctors, but they have also heard that after the child is born, they use wormwood to boil water to wash three.

A wormwood does have the effect of disinfecting and strengthening the body, but I have never heard of antipyretic.

"Miss Gu, is wormwood okay?" Dr. Peng couldn't help asking.

Qin Weiqi coughed gently and said, "Do as ordered! If you have an idea, can you come and treat Prince Yu?

Dr. Peng was so busy that he never dared to question it again.

"Qin Tidian, there are many people here and chaos, which hinders the prince's injury. Is it convenient for you to move to another place to rest first? Gu Jin's way.

Qin Wei paused for four pauses. He wanted Gu Jinzhi to make a fool of himself in public, but he didn't dare to really let Prince Yu die.

If Gu Jinzhi can't cure it well and kill Prince Yu, the responsibility lies with Qin Weity.

He was worried about letting one of Gu Jin be here, so he said, "Let's fight for Miss Gu."

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "You don't have to!" Then, she pointed to Qin Shensi, "Please stay and help me."

Then I saw that Dr. Peng and Dr. Zeng were more nervous than others, and I knew that they were appointed to take care of Prince Yu. Gu Jinzhi pointed to the two of them again: "These two doctors should also stay!"

Although the medical skills of Dr. Peng and Dr. Zeng are not the most outstanding in the hospital, they are all good at trauma.

With the two of them, if Prince Yu is not good, they will definitely ask for help in time. After all, it is also related to their black gauze hats.

Qin Wei smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Miss Gu."

Everyone went out.

Gu Yantao and Jiang Tong also went out.

Only Qin Shensi, Dr. Peng, Dr. Zeng and Gu Jinzhi are left in the room.

"Doctor Peng, go and boil the wormwood water in person. You should cook it thicker. The thicker the juice, the better." Gu Jin said, "Lord Yu, this is a wound poisonous evil invading the body, and even a high fever. Wormwood has the effect of detoxification.

Dr. Peng thought about it. He had never heard of wormwood except for washing three children or medicine for women.

Since they stayed to help, naturally they didn't dare to say anything to get wormwood to boil water.

"Doctor Zeng, go and get some Angong Niuhuang pills." Gu Jinzhi said to another doctor.

Dr. Zeng was stunned and asked Gu Jinzhi, "What is Angong Niuhuang Pill?"

"Angong Niuhuang Pills are the most effective for Prince Yu's unconscious high fever." Gu Jin said, "If not, I'll give you a prescription. You can grab the medicine, and I'll make it now."

Angong Niuhuang Pill is a medicine that appeared in the Qing Dynasty and is the best antipyretic medicine in traditional Chinese medicine.

Gu Jinzhi knew that this era was not yet.

She asked naturally, as if she had it in the first place, but the people in the hospital didn't know it.

After listening to her question, Dr. Zeng subconsciously felt that the medicine originally existed, but he didn't know it.

He hurriedly took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and asked Gu Jinzhi to make a prescription.

Gu Jinzhi wrote the prescription and gave it to Dr. Zeng.

Dr. Zeng's medicinal herbs were caught back, and Dr. Peng's wormwood water was also boiled.

Gu Jinzhi said to both of them, "Wipe it every two quarters of an hour, avoid the wound, and wipe the stool all over the body." Then he said, "Lend me the medicine stove. I'm going to make Angong Niuhuang pills now. Dr. Qin, please help me..."

Gu Jinzhi's pharmaceuticals are weak.

She remembers the recipe, but she seldom does it in person.

In the new century, the social division of labor is very refined, and there are special doctoral talents in pharmaceuticals, and there is no need to spend extra effort. It is their duty to free up their time to study all kinds of pathology in the new century of traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, Gu Jinzhi is very proficient in seeing a doctor, but the medicine can't do it.

Qin Shensi had no doubt about him, and he was busy.

For doctors in this era, pharmaceuticals are their basic skills.


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