Spring boudoir note

Chapter 097 Regression of fever

In the main hall of the Tai Hospital, Qin Wei sat in the first place, holding a tea cup and drinking tea.

Today's tea is very fragrant and mellow in his throat. The warm fragrance of tea flowed through the limbs and bones, and the meridians in every part of the body were dredged.

After today, the Empress Dowager and the emperor should know that the doctors in the world have their own strengths.

Miss Gu can cure the Empress Dowager's cough, which does not mean that she can get rid of any disease.

There were a lot of imperial doctors sitting there. Seeing that the adults were in a good mood, they were also relaxed and communicated and laughed with each other.

Qin Weiqiqi always smiled.

"... wormwood, can the fever subside?" He suddenly asked the people below.

He remembered that Gu Jinzhi just said wormwood and asked the imperial doctor to boil wormwood water.

These people are not from the children's genre. There are a lot of pharmacology of wormwood. If they want to recite it, they will recite it.

For specific application, prescriptions are rarely used.

used to cur fever, which is even more unheard of.

"In the medicine books from ancient times to the present, there is no record of wormwood's fever. Wormwood, Dragon Boat Festival and Pucao are inserted in one place to repel insects and avoid disasters; or wash three children. Everything else is not clear..." Dr. Liu replied.

Qin Weiqi also felt the same way.

He just asked because he was afraid of his negligence.

Got the same answer, and his heart was even more calm.

High fever is always dangerous.

It's even more dangerous to burn like that.

Qin Weiqin knows a folk prescription: use a high-burning knife, wipe the body with water, sweat and dredge the meridians, and achieve fever.

This prescription is recorded in the medical scriptures, and few people know it.

These days in Tai Hospital, they must not know.

Qin Weisa's wife once had a high fever due to wind and cold. He tried this method, and the effect was quite good.

At that time, he was also afraid that this method would not work.

But later, after using the medicine, my wife still had a high fever, and everyone was going to burn out. Qin Weiqi decided to let go.

Finally, it worked.

So he is very calm.

He has confidence.

The atmosphere of the main hall is relaxed again.

Then, several imperial doctors came in and inquired about what was going on with each other.

Dr. Liu told Miss Gu about the treatment of King Yu.

For some reason, those imperial doctors were very surprised and didn't understand what Qin Tidian had to do.

So, instead, sit down and watch the hustle and bustle.

"....... Is it Miss Gu who cured the Empress Dowager? Someone asked, with a face of admiration.

The illness of the Empress Dowager has been seen by every imperial doctor in the imperial hospital, and no one can solve it.

Later, they were cured, and they naturally wanted to know the reason and communicated with each other.

Not everyone wants Qin Wei's small belly.

"Is that her? I heard that it's Gu Tidian's granddaughter. Someone whispered, "It's a rare thing for a girl to study medicine at home, and she can get the truth at a young age, and the child prodigy also falls from the sky..."

"...A famous teacher has a master apprentice." Someone lowered his voice.

These words floated into Qin Weisi's ears from time to time.

He listened, just like a needle in his heart!

Since he replaced Gu Shifei and became the point of the imperial hospital, he has heard many times that his medical skills are far less than Gu Shifei's.

This has planted thorns in Qin Weish's heart. It can't be pulled out, and the pain is insoluble.

For his predecessors, Qin Weity is naturally not good to show displeasure in front of people, but I don't know how many times he scolded behind his back. Now when he heard such a voice again, it was not easy for him to show his jealousy, but he coughed heavily.

The whispered voice disappeared.

Aren't these imperial doctors watching people's dishes?

If Gu Jinzhi didn't like her now, how could they dare to speak for her like this?

Qin Weishi snorted coldly in his heart: These guys who are attracted to the trend!

After a while, Dr. Liu went out to see the situation.

Then he came back and said to everyone, "Miss Gu asked me to boil thick wormwood water to wipe King Yu's body."

This method is similar to Qin Weishi's method, but things are different...

"I sent Dr. Zeng to catch medicine again, saying that he wanted to make Angong Niuhuang pills." Dr. Liu continued.

About a dozen imperial doctors in the lobby immediately talked about it.

"What is Angong Niuhuang Pills?" There is a way.

"I don't know. I've never heard of it."

"Dir Zhen, have you ever entered this medicine from your pharmacy?"

"There are a lot of medicine for Niuhuang, but I haven't heard of Angong Niuhuang pills. What is the effect of the medicine?

"Niu Huang, clear away the heat and calm the shock... Alas, this is the effect of purple snow elixir. Is it used to de-eside the fever? Since you use Niuhuang pills to get rid of the fever, why do you still need to boil wormwood water?

"The antipyretic effect of Zixue Dan is far above that of Niuhuang pills. Two imperial doctors, Peng and Zeng, have already used Zixue Dan for King Yu. Does Angong Niuhuangwan still have a miraculous effect?

Everyone talked about it, and every word came to my ears.

The effect of cow yolk can indeed clear away heat, but the effect is small.

I don't know the origin of the Angong Niuhuang pills that Miss Gu said.

Qin Weiji listened, and suddenly felt a little nervous, and his calm self-confidence was a little shaken.

Although he is not sure of anything, he can foresee Gu Jinzhi walking in the right direction. Qin Wei's medical ethics and character are deguishable, but their medical skills are very good, and their knowledge is also different from other imperial doctors.

His eyes are always more far-reaching.

After talking for a long time, Dr. Liu went to the room to investigate the situation.

When he came back, he told everyone, "Miss Gu and Dr. Xiao Qin are in the eastern medicine furnace, which is probably the Niuhuang pills of the Public Security Palace. Dr. Peng and Dr. Zeng wiped King Yu's body. The wormwood was like ink, and King Yu's body was black. However, the fever has not eased at all, and the two imperial doctors are also worried..."

Dr. Xiaoqin is the old name of Qin Shensi in the hospital.

Qin Weishi and Qin Shen's four brothers, both Dr. Qin, must be distinguished.

Everyone whispered to each other.

They have been thinking about the effect of wormwood for a long time, which turned out to be useless.

Qin Wei had a faint smile at the corners of his lips.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he overestimated the child. The Empress Dowager's illness made Qin Weiji a little curious about Gu Jinzhi, so he regarded her highly.

It has been almost half an hour, and the high fever has not subsided. I don't know what Gu Jinzhi will do next.

Qin Weisi made up his mind and waited for another two hours before he took action.

The longer he drags on, the higher the value of his action.

It's like the Empress Dowager's illness. If Gu Jinzhi was cured from the beginning, could she be so favored in the palace? It's just that after a long time, her ability is more and more prominent.

To put it bluntly, the imperial doctor of Mantai Hospital and several famous folk doctors have become a stepping stone for Gu Jinzhi.

Now, Qin Weishi is going to use her as a stepping stone to find the lost face.

He was not in a slow pace. He slowly poured another cup of tea and drank it.

Dr. Liu is responsible for in-exaguing the news and telling it when he comes back.

These people in the hospital want to know more and more about how it ended in the end.

Dr. Liu had a cup of tea and went to the west wing.

This time, he waited for a quarter of an hour to come back.

"... Dr. Xiao Qin has made the pills and has served King Yu to take them." Dr. Liu said, "Miss Gu said that the high fever will slowly fade within half an hour. Let's continue to boil wormwood water.


Only after taking Angong Niuhuang pills can I dare to say that the fever can be subsided. So, the effect of Angong Niuhuang Pills is similar to that of Zixue Dan?

Why don't you use Zixuedan directly, but use unknown Angong Niuhuang pills instead?

Although Zixuedan has been used and is ineffective, you can still take a few more pills!

What is the role of wormwood?

Since wormwood can't repel fever and is repeatedly used to wipe the body, what is the purpose?

Everyone broke their heads and couldn't think of it.

"Meng Taiyi is good at treating children's diseases." Someone suggested, "He should know the effect of wormwood better than us. Why don't you ask him?"

Everyone seconded it.

Qin Weiqi thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

He agreed.

Someone went to invite Dr. Meng.

Dr. Meng went to an uncle's house to see a doctor today. As soon as he returned to the hospital, he was invited to the lobby. He was shocked.

Looking at the adult sitting, and the room was full of people, he was even more guilty.

Last time he took two precious medicines from the palace and bought the general account room for fear of being found out.

At this moment, he concluded that something had happened and his feet were weak.

Then, I heard everyone ask him about the efficacy of wormwood.

Dr. Meng was slightly surprised and still said what he knew: "If you take it internally, you can dispel the cold, warm the meridians, and stop the bleeding. Women's diseases are more useful; if you use it externally, it is for children to wash three..."

is in the medicine book, and everyone knows it.

"If you have a high fever, what can it do if you wipe your body hard?" Everyone asked.

Dr. Meng was stunned.

"It doesn't work!" He said, "What's the matter with you? Now ask such a tricky question?" He already knew that it was not he who secretly changed the precious medicinal materials in the palace, so he let go of his heart.

Someone explained Gu Jinzhi's story.

Dr. Meng was stunned when he heard this. He sat down and waited for the result together.

Qin Weisi's heart is also getting more and more excited: It's almost fast, Gu Jinzhi is about to make a big joke! In the face of the people in the imperial hospital, she failed. Qin Weisi saved King Yu again, and his medical skills could reach a new level.

It's exciting to think about it.

Everyone in the hospital is getting more and more anxious, waiting to see the situation.

Dr. Liu went to King Yu's room and never came back.

It is estimated that the situation has changed.

Half an hour.

After a difficult and long wait, half an hour later, Dr. Liu quickly ran back.

Someone couldn't help standing up and asked in a hurry, "How's it going? What Niuhuang pills and wormwood, are they still useless?

Because they have never heard of the treatment method, everyone is curious.

This industry has been calm for a long time. Gu Jinzhi cured the empress dowager, which is equivalent to throwing a huge stone. Nowadays, the ripples in everyone's hearts have not subsided, but there are huge stones.

They are eager to know if this is a bigger breakthrough.

Dr. Liu's face is a little ugly.

He coughed dryly and dared not look at Qin Weishi's face. He said, "King Yu woke up, and most of the high fever has faded!"

Qin Weiqi suddenly stood up, and the tea cup at hand was suddenly driven by his action of getting up and fell to the ground with a bang.

The sound of broken porcelain, crisp and sharp, sounded in the lobby of the whole hospital.

So the sound disappeared for a moment, and in silence, the sound of broken porcelain became more and more sharp and deafening.

In everyone's ears, it seems to echo for a long time: Dang...

It's broken!!

Is the tea cup broken, or something else broken?


Thank you for the rewards of Sansheng Liuli, passionate love ^^ and other relatives.

This chapter has been grinding for a long time, and I don't know how to write it to write cool points. I've tried my best. I don't know if my friends are happy. If you feel good, don't forget the pink ticket! RS