Spring boudoir note

Chapter 138 Oddity

Gu Jinzhi's shouting alarmed the two palace guards on standby outside.

They were originally brought by the King of Luyang when he went to Beijing last year, and now they are also closely following the King of Luyang.

They quickly chased out along the footprints.

The maid also came in with the lamp in a hurry.

Gu Jinzhi was wearing a green lotus gray rat skin cloak, with blood stains on the cuffs and blood stains on the window sill.

Zhilei's legs were so soft that she hurriedly stumbled over to hold Gu Jinzhi: "Girl, where are you hurt?"

Gu Jinzhi shook his head: "It's not me, it's the blood on the window sill just now..."

Only then did Zhilei dare to take a breath.

Several little maids and servants who served in the wing came in. Seeing this, someone screamed and shouted.

Gu Jinzhi patted Zhilei's hand: "Tay them not to quarrel and clean up."

Then she herself came out of the door and wanted to chase it out.

She just walked to the gate of the courtyard, and Zhu Zhongjun has come back.

He quickly stepped up, hugged Gu Jinzhi tightly, and said quickly in her ear, "Tell them quickly. Don't quarrel with them. I know it in my heart. I'll tell you later!"

Gu Jin was clear, so he patted him gently on the back and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, my lord, I'm here!"

The two bodyguards also followed back.

They are not stupid. They will not blindly chase assassins. They know that it is important to follow the prince and protect the prince.

Seeing the prince holding Gu Jinzhi tightly, one of them said, "My subordinates will go after him again. Miss Gu will take care of the prince for a while..." Then he wink at his companions and let him stay.

Gu Jinzhi shouted, "Does the assassin matter, or the prince?" The prince was so scared that he closed the courtyard door first, and waited for me to check the pulse for the prince, and then say something later!"

The two bodyguards hurriedly said yes.

Gu Jinzhi helped Zhu Zhongjun, who buried his head on her, and walked in. While telling everyone, "No one is allowed to quarrel!" Let's make trouble tonight. Touch your necks!"

Everyone hurriedly knelt down and said yes.

Gu Jinzhi helped Zhu Zhongjun into the house.

The two bodyguards, one standing at the door and the other standing under the window.

The blood stains on the window sill had been wiped dry, and it was still snowing outside, and the traces were soon submerged.

"...The man fled straight to my other hall." Zhu Zhongjun sat down and whispered to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi's heart paused.

"It's from Luyang Royal Mansion!" Zhu Zhongjun said.

Gu Jinzhi thought for a moment and said, "Since you are from Luyang Palace, why don't you jump to Nanchang Mansion?" This way. It can also divert your eyes..."

"If it is true, it is false, and if it is false, it is true." Zhu Zhongjun was very sure of his judgment, "It's a little insightful. You will think like you: frame the blame. The more you flee, the more innocent you will be. I jumped to the Luyang royal palace under my eyes, and I must not suspect that it was the people in the royal palace. Tell the emperor about this matter. The emperor will not suspect that it is from the Luyang Palace... So, someone did the opposite.

Gu Jinzhi thinks it is possible.

The possibility of blame cannot be ruled out.

"Although you said it was not a curse. But this possibility cannot be ruled out. Gu Jin said, "Are we going to complain next or wait and see what happens?"

Zhu Zhongjun shook his head: "It's not someone else, it's from the Luyang Palace. The assassin didn't dare to hurt me. I caught up and stabbed him in the back of the neck with a hairpin on his head. In such a critical situation. He pulled out his hairpin and threw it on the ground and ran away, but he didn't dare to stab me back. It's enough to see that he is afraid of hurting me..."

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

If so. There is no doubt that he is not the king of Luyang.

What is

going to do? Stealing or exploring the situation?

Gu Jinzhi sat down.

She learned about Luyang Palace as carelessly as Zhu Zhongjun.

I only remember a few leaders, loyal and treacherous; Qianlan, the situation is unknown; Tao Ren, honest and loyal; Ning Xi. I can't see the situation.

Gu Jinzhi was silent.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't say anything more.

The maids stood outside, trembling.

Zhilei's legs and feet have been shaking.

"I'm going back to Luyang Palace!" Zhu Zhongjun said. Since someone is restless, I'd better go back and have a look in person..."

"You are too arrogant!" Gu Jinzhi said unhappily, "There are at least 50 guards over there. You don't know who is hiding the evil heart. I can't borrow my strength, but I broke in alone and didn't know how to lose myself in it! Have you never suffered such a loss before?

Zhu Zhongjun has always been bold.

He dares to calculate anyone.

There are times of success, and there are times of failure...

Gu Jinzhi didn't like to see him look like he wanted to control everything again.

Sooner or later, he will bring up all the desires in his heart. First, he took control of the Luyang Palace, and then the capital.

Ambition is a hungry beast. Once it comes out of the hole, it will not return to the mountain without filling its stomach.

"If you want to do this, you can go!" Gu Jinzhi got up and his voice faded, "You don't have to come back here to live in the future."

Zhu Zhongjun looked at her turning around in silence.

The background is still slim, but it is delicate and graceful, not the isolated thinness of the middle age in the previous life.

His heart was touched by something.

He let the Buddha understand the desire in Gu Jin's heart.

He got up, took her hand and asked her to sit down: "Then let's discuss it again! You can do what you want. I'm a fool, I'll listen to you..."

With that, he put it on her neck.

The hot breath was between her neck, and Zhu Zhongjun smelled the unique fragrance of her body.

Such a breath is long-lost and nostalgic.

The wine is getting stronger and stronger, and his heart is in a mess.

He even wanted to hug her and press her on the kang...

With this thought, he himself was horrified first, and then sat upright and took a deep breath.

"Good, you said, listen to me." Gu Jinzhi turned around and looked at him seriously and said, "In this case, let's set up a game first."

Then he took Zhu Zhongjun's hand and said, "You live in my grandfather's small yard tonight. Let's discuss it early tomorrow morning.

Zhu Zhongjun said hello.

Gu Jinzhi took him to the old man's side.

She briefly explained the situation: "... It's neither stealing nor killing. I don't know why. So calm down first and discuss it tomorrow.

The old man's face was slightly restrained.

He looked silently at Zhu Zhongjun, who was at a loss, and then at his calm granddaughter, and a trace of indignation flashed in his eyes.

He did not refuse to let Zhu Zhongjun live there.

Gu Jinzhi also returned to the inner courtyard.

She didn't sleep all night.

In the eyes and in the heart. Always at a loss.

As Zhu Zhongjun said, they stood in the light, and others were in the dark. They know the King of Luyang and Gu Jinzhi, while Gu Jinzhi knows nothing about them.

What is the cause of the resentment, what is the purpose, I don't know...

No matter how powerful the opponent is, it is not terrible. Zhu Zhongjun always has a prescription to kill him.

But now, they don't know who their opponent is...

Zhu Zhongjun also didn't sleep all night.

Mr. Gu is the same.

In front of him, he kept turning over his granddaughter's calm and plain face. A pair of bright eyes, but quiet and calm.

Is she really so quiet, or is she disguised?

No matter how strong the person is. There are also weak times...

Is Gu Jinzhi going to protect the King of Luyang like this for the rest of his life?

Marrying is marrying a man you can rely on...

The old man took a deep breath, and his peaceful life was a little confused by this matter.

The outer room blocked the news, except for the yard and a few people Gu Jinzhi took by. No one knows what happened.

Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen also don't know.

Early the next morning, Zhu Zhongjun went into the inner courtyard as usual, followed Gu Jinzhi to Song Paner's main courtyard for breakfast.

Brother Xuan's sloppy. He guessed that he lost several times yesterday and drank a little too much. The rice wine is very strong, and I have a headache when I get up early, but I dare not say anything. I'm afraid of my mother's scolding.

Brother Yu is fine.

Mr. You's cold weather is not yet good, and they still don't have to go to school.

Song Pan'er said to Mu Qing, "You send the ninth young master to the warm pavilion to lie down first..."

She didn't blame Brother Xuan.

Brother Xuan was so embarrassed that he followed Mu Qing.

Zhu Zhongjun quietly pulled Gu Jinzhi's sleeve and winned in the direction of Song Pan'er.

Gu Jinzhi gently shook his hand and let him restless.

Song Pan'er saw it in his eyes. He asked with a smile, "What kind of riddle are you two playing?"

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Mother. The prince said that the people in Nanchang Mansion had been here for so long that he hadn't played yet. I heard the sound of playing the flute over there last night, which was very nice. He wants to go shopping and let me go with him..."

The women of Nanchang Palace have been in Beijing for several months and have never visited the Gu family.

Song Pan'er knew that their royal palace nobles always came from the countryside in private and didn't want to get close to them.

Because Gu Jinzhi was liked by the Empress Dowager, if Song Pan'er handed over a post to visit, the princess of Nanchang would not see her. Behind the scenes, she must have said that Song Pan'er was shameless and thought that she had developed and jumped up and down.

Song Pan'er doesn't want to be told these gossips.

Gu Jinzhi is not very convenient to go there.

She is not the princess of Luyang yet. If the gift is not achieved, she is not a concubine...

Song Paner thought for a moment and said, "Let the guard accompany the prince for a walk. It's next door, are you afraid of losing it?"

Zhu Zhongjun held Gu Jinzhi's hand tightly and said to Song Pan'er, "Xiao Qi accompanied me. Xiaoqi won't go, I... I don't want to go either... I want to go. Xiaoqi will go with me.

Some are coquettish and play tricks.

Song Pan'er smiled and had to say, "What are you doing for no reason? Wait a minute, ask Zhu's mother to come, work with Mu Qing, make some plum pastries, and send them there, which is also a reason to find.

Gu Jinzhi said hello with a smile.

She went back to her room first and wanted to change into clean clothes.

Zhu Zhongjun insisted on accompanying her.

I wish my mother would come soon and follow Mu Qing to make snacks.

About an hour, Mu Qing and Zhu's mother nodded. Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun, accompanied by the maid, took the carriage to the Nanchang Palace.

Gu Jinzhi said to the driver of the car, "Don't go around the back street and go to the Luyang Palace."

The driver is busy.

Not long after the carriage left, Gu Jinzhi suddenly stretched out his head from the carriage and said to the coachman, "In front of the royal palace, the civil servant and military officer diseed the horse, and our carriage passed like this. There was always something wrong. When you get to the door, stop first, and you can tell me the reason.

The driver hurriedly said yes.


Thank you for daxiang8911, JewelMay's reward