Spring boudoir note

Thank you for your pink ticket support in September!!

Recently, I haven't stayed up late for a long time because I have to get up in the morning to write an update. It was the same last night. I wanted to stay up late to see the results, but I couldn't stand it. When you get up early, the first thing to do is to turn on the computer and see the pink ticket ranking results in September. There is no suspense, the spring boudoir is the third place!!

This is an achievement I have never had before!

Thank you, thank you all for giving 15 a new height. I am very grateful and very happy!

October has begun. Please continue to support 15 and support the spring boudoir. From today to the 7th, it is still doubled. If you have a guaranteed pink ticket, just smash it!

I wish you all a good time during the National Day holiday.

In addition, let's talk about the ten-month update.

In October, I will update it as appropriate on the basis of double update. The update is still around 9:00 a.m. and around 19:00 p.m.

If there is an update, it will appear at about 13 o'clock at noon.

It's not that I want to be lazy, but I really can't stand it. 15 I like to write while reading all kinds of books and materials. If I don't read a book one day, I will feel that my thoughts are repetitive and my inspiration is astringent.

Throughout September, I was busy and never read a book well. I used up all the inspiration and outlines I have accumulated since I opened the book.

Although the online article is fast food literature, I still want to keep my word in consideration. I like to pile up some words and slowly create a warm environment, instead of losing my original intention to open this article in order to update.

In September, I tried; in October, I don't want to repeat it anymore. I want to slow down and carefully carve the notes of the spring boudoir!

I hope to get your understanding.

In October, the pink ticket still needs to be asked for everyone.

No matter how many rankings you have, I will be very grateful if you can show up on the pink ticket list. If you have a vote, vote for it! ( Some of you may think that what I said is very false. No, I really don't like to fight. Be calm and do your best. I will be grateful for whatever I can get.)

Once again, I wish everyone a happy holiday! RS