Spring boudoir note

Chapter 157 Don't be jealous

Gu Jinzhi did not come out of the inner courtyard.

She knew that Qin Shen came to pay a New Year's call on the first day of the Chinese New Year, which was nothing more than thanking her for helping him sort out the prescription.

Originally, he was not very busy. Gu Jinzhi asked the maid to go to the outer hospital to say that Dr. Qin had a good New Year, and there was no one else.

She stayed at Song Pan'er's place and heard Song Pan'er talk about the banquet in the palace today.

"...I saw the Empress Dowager, but I didn't see the prince." Song Paner smiled and said to Gu Jin, "In a group of foreign women, the Empress Dowager only specifically asked me and Mrs. Yiyan Hou Ning. Mrs. Ning said a lot of grateful words. Her marquis has been able to walk on crutches by himself.

Gu Jinzhi listened with a smile.

When Song Paner talked about the Ning family, the topic did not stop: "... When giving the banquet, the third grandmother of the Tang family sat next to me and told me about the Ning family..."

"Which Tang family?" Gu Jin's question.

Song Paner laughed and said, "You are also sitting in the well! Your second cousin's mother-in-law's family, Chuan Ningbo Tang's family. The third grandmother of the Tang family who accompanied Mrs. Tang to the palace today. She is the youngest daughter of King Jian, the princess of the previous emperor..."

King Jian is the uncle of the current emperor, and his fief is in Henan.

One year, there was a flood. His fiefdom was seriously affected and the plague was rampant, so King Jian refused to leave in Beijing.

The former emperor cut off the guards in his palace, and then rewarded him with 300 pings of good fields in Henan.

From then on, the rich prince did not leave the capital.

He became a separate house in the royal palace in Henan.

Chuan Ningbo's Tang family is not an official, but Chuan Ningbo is good at socializing, and the dignitaries in Beijing all make friends with him.

The cousin of Gu Jinzhi's uncle's family married to the uncle's family of Chuanning and became the wife of the prince. She presided over the gift, which was deeply liked by Mrs. Tang.

It's not just Gu Jinzhi's uncle, but also Yiyan Marquis Ningqi and King Jian. These idle rich people who are not related to the power of the dynasty have a deep friendship with Chuanningbo.

"I didn't remember for a moment..." Gu Jinzhi smiled, "What did the third grandma of the Tang family say to you?"

"It's true to say that Mrs. Ning is grateful to our family!" Song Paner said with a smile, "In the past, Lord Ning always thought that Mrs. Ning was useless, and the family affairs were left to a favored aunt. The aunt also gave birth to the second son of a concubine, only under the eldest young master. And their young master was not at home all year round and was ordered to stay in the Luyang Palace in Luzhou.

Mrs. Ning's far-sighted mother and companion always advised her to be on guard. How could Mrs. Ning listen? She only had Marquis Ning in her heart, saying that she married in order to serve Marquis Ning well. Naturally, the marquis will not treat her badly.

Later, the aunt even helped Lord Ning take care of the seal..."

Gu Jinzhi laughed: "The princess of King Jian's Mansion likes to inquire about things."

Song Paner stared at her and didn't allow her to get in the way: "... Marquis Ning is ill. After he is cured, his legs can't move. None of the fox charms in the family can be touched. At Mrs. Ning's place all day, he also asked someone to take the seal back to Mrs. N Although Mrs. Ning is honest, she also knows in her heart that she is not grateful to our family?

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything, listen quietly.

Obviously, she had nothing to do with Song Pan'er, but she said happily, "Mrs. Ning is indeed blessed by misfortune!" If it hadn't been for Lord Ning's leg that can't be moved, so many aunts in their family would have succeeded again. How can Mrs. Ning have a good day today! Mrs. Ning also has a really good character. None of the goblins in the house are clean up, and they are still delicious. If it were me, I wouldn't kill a few at this time, and I should let them taste the hardships..."

There are no outsiders in the room, only Begonia and Song's mother serve.

When Begonia heard this, he just laughed and had no interface.

Song's mother said to Song Pan'er, "So, outside people don't praise you! Mrs. Ning's matter spread, and even the Empress Dowager wanted to praise her for her virtue, so she didn't suffer losses.

Song Pan'er flintned.

She also lamented that some women were so kind-hearted that they could tolerate the young and beautiful concubines in the family and the sons and daughters of the family.

She was only Hong Lian, and Gu Yanzhen never touched her body again. She looked annoyed.

Gu Yuzhi, the son of a concubine, is even more unpleasant.

If her concubines and concubines are in groups, if she doesn't kill them, she will be pissed off by them.

How can she stand living under a roof for many years? Pretend to be virtuous, she can't pretend.

Is it natural to be jealous?

"Why do I want others to praise me for being virtuous?" Song Pan'er said with a smile.

Mother Song said, "It's not time for you to suffer losses!" Like Mrs. Ning, she suffered losses in the open and took advantage in the dark. If Sister Jin hadn't been given to the King of Luyang, wouldn't there have been any twists and turns in the future? I heard that Sister Jin's mother is as straightforward as you. Can she not be picky?

Song Pan'er didn't think about this.

If Gu Jinzhi is not married, it may really be a little troublesome.

Whoever marries a daughter-in-law is not willing to be jealous.

With Song Pan'er as a mother, it is inevitable that people will not doubt Gu Jinzhi's character.

Song Paner smiled and said, "You are worried again! Sister Jin has already given her a marriage. Who still picks up the sting? I don't know how much the Empress Dowager likes Sister Jin, and even she favors me!"

Song's mother was even more helpless: "Where will Brother Xuan choose a daughter-in-law in the future?"

"It will be even easier for Brother Xuan to pick a daughter-in-law in the future!" Song Paner said, "My mother-in-law knows that I can't tolerate my concubine. When her daughter marries, she is naturally the one who makes the decision. I don't have the reason why I can't tolerate a concubine and give it to my son. If you understand others, you will know in your heart; if the chaotic mother-in-law picks this thorn, the daughter-in-law doesn't want it.

Song's mother was powerless to return her mouth by what she said, and she sighed helplessly.

Gu Jinzhi and Begonia listened and squeezed their lips and smiled.

Song's mother looked at Gu Jinzhi a few more times.

Song Pan'er's reputation in her life has fallen out of jealousy, and it is impossible to turn over. Song's mother hoped that Gu Jinzhi would learn from others, so she was repeatedly talkative...

Song Pan'er is so lucky that she hasn't suffered so far.

And Gu Jinzhi, can she have such good luck?

Women are more virtuous, just like men are hardworking and down-to-earth, and they will never be bad in the future. A woman who is too jealous, just like the frivolous and lazy man, is likely to end up in a miserable way.

Gu Jinzhi didn't see it and didn't look at Song's mother.

After talking for a while, it was dusk.

Gu Yanzhen also went to the inner courtyard.

"Mei Qing has gone back." He said to Song Paner and Gu Jin, "I heard that the Hu family gave him a big gift. In the 40th year's gift, the silver was loaded with three. He also sent a plaque to the Tai Hospital, four large characters, not gold, all of which were made of gold, one by one. It's big and long. It's decorated with white jade and placed in the main hall of the imperial hospital. It can be dazzling as soon as you go in!"

Song Pan'er curled her lips.

She said, "If it's not like this, it can't be passed! At the beginning, their old lady also sent Qin Meiqing to Shuntian Mansion! If you don't pay your money to thank Qin Meiqing and correct his name, it will damage Yin De! Besides, there is an emperor behind Qin Meiqing. Didn't the emperor hold his breath in his heart? The Hu family is smart. Do you still think it's just for Qin Meiqing?

Qin Shensi came out of Shuntian Mansion and then went to the Hu family, which was the emperor's special order.

If it is not cured, the Hu family will not dare to say anything. The emperor will punish him.

But it has been cured. If you don't show your sincerity, you will have no father. Can the emperor forgive the Hu family?

Song Pan'er knows this truth.

On the contrary, Gu Yanzhen and Qin Shensi are used to being honest and regard others as upright as them...

Gu Yanzhen was stunned by her.

Think about it carefully, what Song Pan'er said is very true.

"...No matter what, Mei Qing also got benefits and gave great power to the imperial hospital and the emperor." Gu Yanzhen thought for a moment and laughed again, "The emperor also said that when Qin Meiqing heals the Marquis of Yongxi, he will also reward him."

"You won't reward him as a suggestion, will you?" Song Pan'er laughed.

Since the death of Qin Weishe, the hospital has been depressed.

The nobles in the palace were sick and had no choice but to find the imperial doctors.

And the door of the meritorious deeds of the family outside is like a doctor with excellent medical skills.

Therefore, so far, he is still the imperial doctor of Peng Leyi. He has temporarily raised the position, and the imperial hospital has no leader.

When Gu Yanzhen heard this, his heart was also moved.

Qin Shensi is a person of Jiang Liang, the Marquis of Yuanping. There are not only the rewards promised by the emperor, but also the recommendation of Jiang Liang. Qin Shensi is also reliable.

"It's really..." Gu Yanzhen thought and couldn't help but be happy. "The fourth day of the first lunar month will start, and we will know then."

During the Spring Festival, the court will be closed for three days.


Not only Song Paner, but many people in Tai Hospital think so.

The consequences caused by Qin Weiqin are too bad.

No matter who takes over the point of the hospital, it is difficult to change the situation of the hospital.

In this case, it's better to do the opposite and let the Qin family take office and change everyone's views on the Qin family.

As long as the people in Beijing no longer doubt the character and medical skills of the Qin family, they will let go of the other imperial doctors in the imperial hospital. After all, they are also implicated by Qin Weisi, and there are no other big mistakes.

Let Qin Weishi's younger brother Qin Shensi take over, and publicize Qin Shensi's merits this time. There are also the guarantees of the two major members of Marquis Yongxi and Marquis Yuanping. It is not Qin Shensi.

So, people kept taking gift boxes to Qin's house to visit Qin Shensi.

Qin Shensi didn't dare to think about it.

He doesn't want to make any suggestions.

He knows his ability best. He doesn't have that talent.

The visit of the people in the hospital caught him off guard.

He didn't have any familiar friends in Beijing. Finally, he thought about it. There were countless houses in the outer courtyard of the Gu family, and Gu Yanzhen was really hospitable, so he simply hid in the Gu family.

It was not until the fourth day of the first lunar month that those imperial doctors had to go to the government and couldn't bother him any more, so he went home.

I didn't think of it. As soon as I got home, there was a royal bodyguard in the palace, and the emperor asked him to go to the palace to speak.

Qin Shensi was shocked.

He couldn't help beating the drum in his heart: It's not really necessary to let him be the point of the hospital, is it?

He didn't have time to think about it. He changed the imperial uniform of the sixth-grade imperial doctor and hurriedly followed the imperial guard.


Happy holidays, sisters. If you still have a pink ticket in your hand, please encourage the little 15 students who are still typing during the holiday. What a dear! RS