Spring boudoir note

Chapter 171 Exploring the Cause of the Cause

Gu Yanzhen quickly changed his clothes and went out to receive the King of Nanchang.

Song Paner sent the Yuan family's messenger's money, saying that when the wedding banquet was held, their whole family would congratulate them.

The dictator is to leave.

For a moment, Gu Yanzhen hurried back and said to Song Paner and Gu Jin, "The princess is sick and can't speak. The prince went to find Mei Qing. Mei Qing said that Sister Jin has the most experience in treating aphasia. Let the prince invite Sister Jin..."

Song Paner hurriedly said to Gu Jin, "Then go quickly."

She has a good impression on Princess Nanchang.

That's a gentle and dignified woman.

Gu Jinzhi saw that his clothes were clean and tidy, so he was too lazy to change them and followed his father out.

Zhu Zhongjun quickly followed and took Gu Jinzhi's hand.

The king of Nanchang paced anxiously in the outer courtyard.

Gu Jin went up and saluted him.

The king of Nanchang told Gu Jinzhi what he had said to Gu Yanzhen again: "I'm tired! I can trust the medical skills of Dr. Qin. He recommended that Miss Gu had the most experience, so I took the liberty to invite her.

"I have nothing to do today." Gu Jin said, "Let's go there quickly!"

The king of Nanchang strode ahead.

Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun followed him.

Two carriages were parked at the door, which were from the Nanchang Palace.

One of them was for Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun took a car.

Ap to the separate hall of Nanchang Palace, the carriage entered the room and went all the way to the door of the main courtyard.

In the main courtyard, a busy woman came to open the door.

The king of Nanchang got out of the car and led Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun in.

The main courtyard is quiet, and the maids walk on tiptoe.

When the maid standing at the door saw the prince coming in, she quickly raised the curtain.

The princess is in the inner room.

The inner room is also very quiet, but four or five gorgeously dressed young women serve in front of her bed, more respectful than the maid.

The princess lay in bed and slept with her eyes.

Hearing the footsteps, she opened her eyes slightly.

Seeing the visitor clearly, she struggled to sit up, with a smile on the corners of her lips.

The king of Nanchang took a few steps forward, pressed her shoulder, and whispered, "Lie down, it's okay."

The princess's eyes were gentle, so she didn't get up.

She waved to Gu Jin again.

She was speechless, let Gu Jinzhi sit by her bedside, and then took Gu Jinzhi's hand and smiled.

"Doctor Qin said that Miss Gu once cured the aphasia, which is more serious than yours. One dose of medicine is fine, which is very effective. You don't have to worry." The king of Nanchang said aside.

His tone is very gentle.

Gu Jinzhi saw him several times, and he was a little serious.

And he is very macho. Last time Zhu Zhongjun came to dinner, the princess didn't dare to sit with him. Such a man is rarely tender in women.

I didn't expect that he also had a gentle side.

Gu Jinzhi said to the princess, "I'll take your pulse..."

The princess stretched out her hand.

Aphasia is the kind of disease that Chen Yu committed at the beginning.

The symptoms of aphasia are similar, but the causes are different. Some may be poisoned, some may have external and internal injuries to the lungs or kidneys, and some may have laryngosis.

Gu Jinzhi gave the pulse of Princess Nanchang and found that her lungs were dry and injured, which was a problem with her lungs.

is quite similar to the cause of Chen Yuchao.

The lungs are the main qi, and the sound is caused by the qi. Once the lungs are damaged, the sound is injured first.

It's just that how did the princess's lungs hurt?

Is it wind and cold?

Gu Jinzhi explored the pulse again, not to find that she had symptoms of wind and cold.

After a while, when the pulse was over, Gu Jinzhi asked the king of Nanchang, "Princess, how many days have you been sick? Was your voice hoarse before?"

"I fell ill last night morning." The king of Nanchang said, "I didn't pay attention to it at that time. It was not until the afternoon that Dr. Qin was invited to diagnose the pulse. Dr. Qin said that he was afraid that there was nothing he could do and recommended Miss Seven. Because it's not an emergency, I didn't disturb you last night..."

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

She looked at Princess Nanchang's look again and asked, "Did you have a hoarse voice before?" This weather is easy to get windy and cold. Have you choked on the wind before?

Princess Nanchang shook her head gently.

"...Your Majesty, four or five days ago, the princess's voice was a little hoarse." A maidservant of Princess Nanchang knelt down and replied, "The princess said it's okay. The climate in Beijing is dry. She often does this, so I didn't dare to disturb the prince."

It began to be dumb in the first four or five days...

"Have you eaten anything recently?" Gu Jinzhi asked again, "Have you taken any medicine?"

"No." The maid still knelt down and replied respectfully, "Since the princess's voice is a little hoarse, but her voice is not uncomfortable, the maidservant and others thought that they were eating too much, so they cooked japonica rice porridge for the princess every day and drank it for a few days. The food is all light..."

Gu Jin couldn't help frowning.

When the king of Nanchang saw it, he knew that she was a little embarrassed.

So, is this a difficult disease, princess?

Innocent loss of voice, it is indeed a difficult disease...

"Miss Gu, don't worry. If you have any good prescriptions, just take it out and use it. I believe in Miss Gu." The king of Nanchang said aside, dispeling Gu Jinzhi's worries.

"The princess's disease is lung. And the lungs are mostly caused by cold evil. But the princess has never been infected with the wind and cold. The so-called beginning of a disease must have a cause. I can't think of the cause of the disease. I'm afraid that I can't take the right medicine, so I hesitate. Gu Jin's honest way.

Hearing her say this, the expression of the king and princess of Nanchang paused slightly.

I haven't seen any doctor talk to the patient about his illness like this.

"What are the causes of a loss of sound?" The king of Nanchang said, "If you say it, we will help you think about it..."

"The lung is the door of sound, and the kidney is the root of sound. The kidney is weak and the fire is strong, and the sound may be lost, but there is no heat in the princess's body, which means that there is no problem with the kidney; it's just the lungs..." Gu Jinzhi thought for a long time.

She has never encountered the situation of Princess Nanchang before.

The king of Nanchang is not very medical.

Gu Jinzhi was silent for a while.

The king of Nanchang said, "Miss Gu, please open it at your discretion. If one dose doesn't work, it won't matter if you change the prescription. How can you see a doctor overnight? Miss Gu, please try boldly to solve the disease..."

He was afraid that Gu Jinzhi would carry the reputation of a magic doctor, and he was under pressure on his mind. He was afraid that a dose would not work and ruin his reputation.

So the king of Nanchang took the initiative to tell her that there was no need to worry about this.

Even if it can't be cured, they won't spread it out. Try it a few more times...

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

Her consultation is always rigorous, and she tries randomly without knowing the cause of the disease. She can't do it.

"The princess is not in a hurry." Gu Jin said, "I can't find out the cause of the disease now. Why don't I come back in the afternoon? Maybe you can see the name..."

The king of Nanchang's face was slightly dark.

"Please ask Miss Gu to give it to me." The king of Nanchang said, "Since it is a lung, use the prescription of Xuanfei!" Isn't it just the lungs? Do you have to know why your lungs are real? What's the truth? I don't understand this..."

When Zhu Zhongjun heard the words of the king of Nanchang, he was a little embarrassed and angry.

He came forward, hit the king of Nanchang heavily, and shouted, "You scold Xiaoqi!" The second brother scolded Xiaoqi, and I'm going to tell my mother!"

The king of Nanchang was hit by him and stepped back a few steps. Seeing that he said this, he turned around and wanted to complain. He quickly grabbed him and said with a smile, "Sixth brother misunderstood. Where did I scold?"

His face calmed down.

Gu Jinzhi pulled Zhu Zhongjun, and then explained to the king of Nanchang: "Does the prince know how to weed? The cause of the disease is just like the grass root. Only the leaves are cut. Except for the grass roots, it will recur in a few days. When it relapses again, the pulmonary lobe is another heavy blow. The lungs are delicate and can't stand such a toss. If the prince says that it doesn't blame me for the princess's illness in the future, I will prescribe Xiaoqinglong soup to relieve the hoarseness first. Is the prince willing?"

The king of Nanchang was speechless.

He looked at the princess.

The princess is shaking her head heavily.

She was a little scared by what Gu Jinzhi said.

She doesn't want to treat like this.

The king of Nanchang also showed shame on his face. He is too anxious.

First, he was worried about the princess, and second, Gu Jinzhi was too ink, which made him anxious.

Hearing Gu Jinzhi's explanation, the king of Nanchang understood.

He said, "What Miss Gu said is very much, I am ignorant! In the future, the disease will be entrusted to Miss Gu. You can use the medicine as you say!"

To make it clear, he is also very reasonable.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

She said to the king and princess of Nanchang, "The human body is like the four seasons in the morning and evening. Every hour, some hidden veins may change and be revealed. If the prince trusts me, I will come back in the afternoon, and I may stay here in the evening until the next day, to find out the cause and effect for the princess's illness.

The king of Nanchang looked at the princess.

The princess nodded quickly.

She agrees.

Other people in the room look at each other in consterance.

The doctors they have come into contact with have never been like this.

Thinking of Gu Jinzhi's reputation again, he suddenly felt: "It turns out that the divine healing is different from others..."

When he went back, Zhu Zhongjun asked Gu Jinzhi, "You really can't see her cause of the disease? No, you have seen so many diseases in your life.

"Complete hoarseness is an uncommon disease." Gu Jin said, "It's also about the lungs. I dare not take risks. Women in this era were originally deficient in exercise and delicate. If they hurt another layer, they may be seriously ill. Wind and cold can kill people. Otherwise, why don't these people live a long life?

Zhu Zhongjun couldn't help smiling when he saw her like this.

Gently shook her hand.

Gu Jinzhi returned home and told his mother about the princess of Nanchang.

"I'll be there tonight." Gu Jinzhi said to his mother, "After sunset in the afternoon, give her a pulse once, and take the pulse once at midnight."

Song Pan'er was surprised and asked, "What's the trouble?" Is she seriously ill?"

"It's not serious, but I can't see where the cause of the disease is." Gu Jin said, "The human body is divided into yin and yang. With the change of time, the yin rises and yang falls. At sunset, the yang of the human body will breed yin qi; at midnight, the yang will fall, and the yin will be full. When yin and yang alternate, some hidden symptoms can appear..."

Song Pan'er heard for the first time that the number pulse was still so troublesome.

Aren't all the former doctors come to see the pulse?

"In this case, you go." Song Paner said, "Have you agreed over there?"

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

When the sun was about to go down, she got up and went to the Nanchang Mansion.


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