Spring boudoir note

Chapter 172

Gu Jinzhi wanted to go out, but Zhu Zhongjun insisted on following him.

He is afraid that Gu Jinzhi will be bullied.

The king of Nanchang has been tall since he was a child and does not care about the feelings of others. Sometimes he speaks heavily, and Zhu Zhongjun is afraid that Gu Jin will feel uncomfortable.

With Zhu Zhongjun present, the king of Nanchang will speak a little softly.

"I want to stay there all night. It may not be appropriate for you to be present. Stay at home and sleep. It's cold at night. Gu Jin's way.

Zhu Zhongjun took her hand and said, "I'm a fool. What's appropriate? Let's go..."

Gu Jinzhi can't get rid of it.

When he arrived at the other hall of Nanchang Palace, the housekeeper greeted him at the door in person.

Gu Jinzhi's carriage stopped in front of the hanging flower door, changed into a small gas truck in the inner courtyard, and arrived at the main courtyard.

The main courtyard is still silent, with maids shuttling, and she is also holding her breath.

Gu Jinzhi walked slowly in.

Standing on the steps of the main courtyard, her footsteps slowed down slightly.

What did the Buddha notice? Gu Jinzhi looked back a few times.

There are two left and right rooms in front of the main courtyard, one of which is the main entrance, and the maid lifts the curtain and pours water out.

As soon as he looked up, the maid and Gu Jinzhi looked straight.

She was busy saluting Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and turned around before entering the main courtyard.

Zhu Zhongjun asked her quietly, "What did you see?"

"There are red weeping plums at the door of the east wing, and the branches have fallen on the ground. It happened to snow when I came last time, so I took a few more glances. At that time, I thought it would be very happy to live here. Then I saw the lock on the door. There is someone living there now..." Gu Jinzhi whispered to him with a smile.

Zhu Zhongjun couldn't help looking back a few times.

He has always had a keen eye and knew everything.

Last time I went to this palace, the east-west wing was idle and useless, and Zhu Zhongjun also knew it.

He just didn't understand why Gu Jinzhi suddenly said something.

He said, "Is there anything wrong?"

Gu Jinzhi pondered for a moment and finally shook his head: "... It's not right. It's just that with every change, something may happen..."

"Is the princess evil because she lives in the east wing?" He made fun of Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

"Maybe!" She said.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't say anything more, and showed his delicate face. He was the stupid King Luyang.

They soon arrived at the Danqi in front of the main courtyard gate, and the maid greeted them and put up the curtain for them.

The king of Nanchang is still there, accompanying the princess.

Surrounded by maids, concubines, and four children.

Someone is half sitting and some are standing.

It seems to be a lot of fun.

The princess's eyes only turned on a four- or five-year-old little boy in a sapphire blue gray rat-skin jacket, full of tenderness.

He should be the son of the King of Nanchang.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming in, everyone got up one after another.

After saluteing each other, Gu Jinzhi sat next to the princess of Nanchang.

The king of Nanchang said to everyone, "Let's all disperse..."

Several concubines hurriedly saluted.

One of the women in lilac-colored brocade stood still.

She has handsome eyebrows, watery apricot eyes, and a respectful and docile face, standing behind. Her eyebrows are somewhat similar to those of Princess Nanchang.

Gu Jinzhi heard that the king of Nanchang has a partial concubine, who is the cousin of the princess's family...

When the king and princess of Nanchang saw the partial concubine staying, they didn't say anything and let her serve.

Gu Jinzhi restrained his mind and gave the princess a pulse.

The conclusion is still the same as in the morning.

There are no veins that should be, and those that should not have appeared again.

Gu Jinzhi has not met such a difficult patient for many years.

It should be said that the loss of voice is mostly due to the cold in the body.

And there is no cold in the princess's body, but there is hot gas condensation.

Generally, there is heat in the body, which will cause water and moisture.

Wet and sleepy, it should be that the spleen yang is damaged, the spleen and stomach are not correct, and you can't eat. How can you hurt your lungs and be hoarse?

After Gu Jinzhi's diagnosis, he told the king of Nanchang the truth about his diagnosis.

She said it very simply, the reason is not profound, and the king of Nanchang can also understand it.

His thick eyebrows tightened and he was silent.

Gu Jinzhi saw that he was a little unbelievable. Knowing what he was thinking, he said, "Why don't you ask the doctor next to come and have a look?"

I can't see the cause of the disease, and I can't do anything without changing doctors.

The king of Nanchang thought about it.

He is probably thinking about who is more appropriate.

The princess pulled Gu Jinzhi's hand and waved to the king of Nanchang repeatedly.

She held Gu Jinzhi tightly, which meant that she just wanted Gu Jinzhi to look at it.

Then he nodded to Gu Jinzhi and patted the back of her hand to comfort her, which meant to let her think slowly and don't worry.

The king of Nanchang also remembered the Empress Dowager's illness.

Because the cause of the disease was not found, it took a year and a half.

In the end, Gu Jinzhi was cured.

Gu Jinzhi's medical treatment is honest and rigorous, which is better than many doctors who have rushed to come to conclusions.

The king of Nanchang said, "No need. Since Miss Gu has been invited, I don't bother the two masters. Please worry more about Miss Gu.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

She said, "The prince is not often in this yard. The princess's illness is more clear to the people around her. It's not helpful for you to stay here. Why don't you go to work first? I'll accompany the princess and rest here tonight..."

The king of Nanchang thought for a moment and nodded.

He said to Zhu Zhongjun, "Has the sixth brother eaten yet?"

Zhu Zhongjun shook his head: "Not yet."

"Second brother will accompany you to dinner." He asked Zhu Zhongjun to go out.

Zhu Zhongjun was reluctant to look at Gu Jinzhi and hesitated.

The king of Nanchang smiled and said, "Miss Gu won't run either. When the sixth brother comes back from dinner, she is still here..."

Zhu Zhongjun went out to dinner with the King of Nanchang.

The concubine Gong Pian hurried out to serve.

The room was quiet.

Gu Jinzhi sat on the brocade in front of the princess's bed, called the princess's most powerful maid, and carefully asked the princess about her recent daily life.

The maid answered one by one: "There is no doubt about the usual. If the prince rests here, he will serve the prince for dinner. The ladies who saw the housekeeper last time; take a nap at noon, and ask someone to bring the prince to talk in the afternoon; when eating in the evening, worship the Bodhisattva..."

"The princess still worships the Bodhisattva?" Gu Jinzhi kept listening in silence.

Hearing this, she suddenly opened her mouth.

Princess Nanchang and the maid thought that she had found the reason for her illness, and their faces fluctuated with hope.

The princess nodded repeatedly.

The maid replied, "Yes! The princess believes in Guanyin Bodhisattva. She invited one at home and often worships..."

Faith is just a kind of spiritual sustenance.

"When did the princess start to believe in Guanyin Bodhisattva?" Gu Jinzhi asked again.

The princess thought for a moment and asked the maid to bring a pen and paper.

She wrote "Eight years old", then thought about it and buried her head in writing for a long time.

When she finished writing, Gu Jinzhi picked it up and took a look. She wrote, "The first letter at the age of eight is to admire the benevolence of the family, but she hopes for her chastity."

It turned out that her mother made her believe in Guanyin Bodhisattva and reached Wenjing's character.

It's just an eight-year-old child...

Gu Jinzhi took this paper, looked at it for a while, and then asked her, "Why did you suddenly believe in the Bodhisattva?" There must be a reason, right?

The princess squeezed her lips and was silent.

She couldn't speak, so she could only write again and ask Gu Jinzhi why he asked so.

"If it's not convenient for you to say, I guess what?" Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Is it because the sister lost peace and was punished by Ling Ci in order to fight for something?"

The princess opened her eyes wide and looked at her in astonishment.

Gu Jinzhi knew that he had guessed right.

"You should have lost at that time. Ling Ci told you that you should be indisputable, not to make a noise and lose your identity. You should take into account the dignity of the big boudoir, and let you kneel down to the Bodhisattva as a punishment. Gu Jin said, "From now on, if you have an injustice in your heart, you love to kneel in front of the Bodhisattva for peace, but so?"

The princess's face changed again and again.

Her hand holding the pen trembled slightly.

Gradually, her breathing became rapid.

After a long time, she calmed down slightly and nodded.

She was probably shocked by Gu Jinzhi's accurate guess.

Thinking of the reason why I knelt on the Bodhisattva, the injustices in my heart surged up again, and then I was excited.

"Is the princess's illness related to worshiping the Bodhisattva?" The maid asked Gu Jinzhi, "Are you choked by the incense?"

After she finished speaking, the princess's eyes lit up, thinking that she knew the root of the disease.

Gu Jinzhi smiled helplessly.

At this moment, she heard Zhu Zhongjun's laughter.

She couldn't help listening, and her movements were obvious.

"Where did the laughter come from?" She asked the maid..

The maid hurriedly said, "The voice of the prince of Luyang talking and laughing in the flower hall."

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything more. He got up and said, "I'll go out and have a look..."

Princess Nanchang and the maid are confused.

Gu Jinzhi stood at the door of the main courtyard and heard the voices of the king of Nanchang and the king of Luyang in the flower hall for a long time.

She looked at the direction of the east wing again.

After watching it, she returned to the inner room and asked the maid, "I remember the last time I came, there was no one living in the east wing. Why did someone suddenly live here this time?"

The maid's face also changed suddenly.

Princess Nanchang doesn't look very good.

Gu Jinzhi looked at them.

Princess Nanchang nodded to the maid, indicating that she could tell Gu Jin the truth.

The maid is still a little hesitant.

There are some things that her maid can't say.

But now, the princess can't speak.

She had to say, "Yes... During the Spring Festival, the palace sent a message that the prince might be rewarded with a partial concubine. From the palace, with different identities, the princess said that she would choose a good yard for her to live in. The yard of the family is full of concubines, aunts, princes and young ladies. Just because Gong Pianfei is the princess's cousin, she is the closest to the princess, and her yard is also the best, the prince said that he would move Gong Pianfei to the east wing to live in and vacated her yard. And then..."

And then Gu Jinzhi went to make trouble, and this matter was not done.

Gu Jinzhi suddenly understood something.

"Gong Pianfei still moved to the east wing?" She asked.

The maid nodded: "Concubine Gong has done a good job. When she tells her that she doesn't need to move, she has cleaned it up. The prince thought that she and the princess were sisters. She could live in the east wing to serve the princess, and she was more dedicated than the maid, so she simply moved here. The prince didn't have to run around at night, which saved trouble. It's so cold in Beijing..."

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

"You wait for the prince to finish his meal and tell the prince that I have found the cause of the princess..." Gu Jin's way.

The maid and the princess were slightly stunned.

Then, the maid's face turned angry.

The princess pointed to the east wing, took Gu Jinzhi's hand, and then wrote a few words: "Is it poisoning?"

Gu Jinzhi smiled and got up to the princess and said, "Take a break. I have a number in my hand. Your illness will be cured tomorrow..."

Say it, Gu Jinzhi went out.

The princess's face changed, which was very unnatural.

The maid also gritted her teeth.

The two of them seemed to affirm Gu Jinzhi's meaning, that is, the partial concubine poisoned.

In the morning, Gu Jinzhi vaguely said that the princess might be poisoned and hoarse.

"Princess..." The maid wanted to say something.

The princess's chest fluctuated violently. She clenched her fist tightly, her face was pale, and her forehead was blue and the veins jumped straight.

"Princess!" The maid was scared. She was scared.

In a moment, Princess Nanchang's expression eased.

She winned at the maid, then pointed to the east wing and shook her head again, which meant that the maid should not provoke trouble in front of the king of Nanchang.

The maid was anxious: "Princess, you are like this, and..."

The princess stared at her.

The maid was both wronged and angry. She said yes and turned around and came out.

Gu Jinzhi sat alone on the big kang in the east.

The maid saluted her, and then went to the flower hall to tell the prince that Miss Gu had seen the cause of the disease.

The king of Nanchang was relieved and the bowls and chopsticks came in.

Gu Jinzhi said, "Your Majesty, let's talk alone."

Gong Pianfei and Zhu Zhongjun, who followed him, thought that the maids were going to be kicked out.

The maid looked even worse.

The king of Nanchang also had some doubts in his heart.

When there were only two of them left in the East, Gu Jinzhi said, "Your Majesty, I can't cure the princess's disease!"

The expression of the king of Nanchang has changed slightly.

"The princess's illness this time is not a physical illness, but a heart disease." Gu Jin's way. RS