Spring boudoir note

Chapter 218 Hot Pole

Gu Jinzhi repeated what the emperor said to him today with Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun listened silently, and his face became more and more ugly. When he heard Gu Jinzhi say "like" him to the emperor, he was suddenly stunned, and there was some light in his eyes...

His gloomy expression was restrained, and his expression was flying and light.

"Well answered!" He praised Gu Jinzhi.

"What did you think of again?" Gu Jinzhi also had a little interest, so he asked him.

He didn't tell Gu Jinzhi, but squeezed his lips and smiled. The smile was getting bigger and bigger, and it was a little uncontrollable, which made Gu Jinzhi confused.

When the corners of the lips are slightly upturned, the eyes narrowed, like a child.

"What's wrong?" Gu Jinzhi only thought that he had found something in his favor, and he also wanted to know, so he asked.

Zhu Zhongjun still didn't say anything.

He was in a good mood. When he got home, his footsteps were so light that he almost hummed a few songs.

Even Song Pan'er can see it.

Song Pan'er asked Gu Jinzhi, "What happened after a night in the palace? The prince is so happy..."

Gu Jinzhi also can't figure it out.

She didn't quite understand what Zhu Zhongjun suddenly caught, so she became happy.

She had to shake her head.

Song Paner did not delve into it, and asked Gu Jinzhi about Concubine De with a smile.

"I'm in a better mood, and he said thank you for your hard work. If I hadn't taken care of her, the third princess would not have looked so well..." Gu Jin's way.

Song Pan'er smiled and said, "It's rare that she still remembers that you worked hard to take care of her..."

"It's really rare..." Gu Jinzhi also smiled.

In fact, Gu Jinzhi's role is not too big.

Aunt Cheng and the old mother sent by the Empress Dowager, as well as the aunt, have all helped Concubine De a lot. If it hadn't been for Aunt Cheng and the two old aunts in Kunning Palace, Concubine De's womb would not have been so smooth.

Gu Jinzhi is only responsible for her regular health check-ups.

On July 26, the emperor sent an edict to the three princesses in the palace.

The eldest princess is the princess of Qinghe, the gold book, the year is 2,000 stones; the second princess is the Yanping princess, the gold book, the year is 2,000 stones; the third princess is the princess of Yongchun, the gold book, the year is 2,000 stones.

The happiest thing is Defei.

Everyone knew that the emperor wanted to give the third princess, so he gave the first princess and the second princess together.

The old lady talked to Concubine De once before. Somehow, it made her cry once, and the depression in her heart was relieved more than half. Now that the princess has been canonized again, her mood has completely improved.

As soon as I was in a good mood and my body was good, I didn't bother Gu Jinzhi after that.

The whole dynasty knew that the emperor liked the third princess, which naturally means to take care of the family.

However, Concubine De was not born to the prince, and the knowledgeable family was not very taboo.

The old master is not happy about it.


Princess Yongchun's matter has no big impact on the pharmacy.

By the end of July, the heat gradually subsided, and the number of patients was reduced by more than half.

Everyone is still not idle.

Some of the medicinal herbs in the shop began to run out.

The old man took out another 20,000 silver and gave it to Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi to let them go to the drug market. Gu Chenzhi has no knowledge, but Lin Yi is a veteran.

"You took Lingyuan and taught him the rules of the pharmaceutical market..." The old man trusted Lin Yi very much and handed over the silver ticket to him.

The old man, like Lin Yi, began to call Gu Chenzhi.

Lin Yi took the silver ticket and said, "Don't worry, I've walked through a lot of drug markets with my master, and I won't humiliate you..."

If you buy fake medicine, you often don't lose money, but more face and make jokes.

A doctor even misread the medicine, which is a great shame.

The old man nodded.

At lunch, the old man asked Gu Jinzhi again, "Do you want to go to the drug market? The pharmaceutical market in Henan has been going back and forth for half a month.

"I went too. You are the only one in the shop. How can you be busy?" Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "There are big brothers and Mr. Lin. I'll stay to help you. I won't go..."

She is not interested in the pharmaceutical market.

Her specialty is to see a doctor dialectically. For medicine, I'm afraid she is not as good as an ordinary doctor.

Traditional Chinese medicine has developed into later generations, and doctors have less direct contact with medicinal herbs. Gu Jinzhi knows the capital, but he is not proficient in it.

She may even have been cheated by fake drugs.

Now, she doesn't plan to live on this industry, so she doesn't want to continue to learn medicine...

"I'm going!" Zhu Zhongjun suddenly said.

When he heard that he was going to Henan, he was immediately interested.

After coming to this world, he hasn't been out of the capital yet. The farthest place is the White Cloud View when I just crossed over.

"It's too far." Gu Chenzhi hurriedly said, "The prince wants to play. Next time, you can go to the nearby place."

The king of Luyang is a fool. In case something goes wrong, Gu Chenzhi can't afford to pay for it.

And the King of Luyang only listens to Gu Jinzhi, and Gu Jinzhi doesn't go.

Gu Chenzhi dared not take him.

Gu Jinzhi said, "Brother, take the prince with you. The prince was accompanied by Sun Ke. I told him to be obedient, and he promised not to cause you any trouble..."

Zhu Zhongjun nodded repeatedly, thinking that Gu Jinzhi was very good, and thinking that she said she liked her last time, she couldn't help but be more and more satisfied with Gu Jinzhi.

"This..." Gu Chenzhi was in a dilemma.

Lin Yi is not easy to talk, just silent and smiling.

The old man looked at Gu Jinzhi, and then at the long-awaited King of Luyang, and said, "Your Majesty, go too!" Then he took out a thousand taels of silver and told Gu Chen not to treat the king of Luyang badly on the road.

Gu Chenzhi had to agree.

Then, he muttered to Gu Jinzhi, "Grandpa is very rich..."

Before the emperor ascended the throne, the official position was not large and his life was relatively limited.

There are only those fields at home, with an input of 10,000 to 20,000 silver a year, which is not enough for the old master to play up and down. Although the Gu family is not short of food and clothing, they can't squander it.

Take 20,000 taels of silver in one breath like this, which the Gu family didn't have before.

Gu Chenzhi always thought that the old man was very poor.

The old man never pays attention to food and clothing. He always has two sets of cocoon and silk straight, sandalwood hairpins; he eats plainly and drinks tea, but he is not picky. The top-quality Longjing is good; the pen, ink, paper and inkstones are the best, but they never waste.

Gu Chenzhi didn't know that he had so much private money.

"It's probably my grandmother's dowry." Gu Jin's random guess.

There is no aunt at home, and the grandmother's dowry should be in the hands of her grandfather.

Listen to her grandmother has no brothers. When she got married, most of her family property was given to her...

For details, Gu Jinzhi is not very clear. When he was one or two years old, he happened to hear from his parents once.

Gu Chenzhi smiled and said, "I'll ask casually."

He was really just a little shocked, so he sighed and didn't want to delve into where his grandfather's money came from.


On the first day of August, Lin Yi and Gu Chenzhi took Zhu Zhongjun to Henan Pharmaceutical City.

Sun Ke and two bodyguards beside Zhu Zhongjun accompanied him.

Song Paner was still worried and sent three more family and four shoes to accompany him.

She said, "Although it is a peaceful year, there are many bandits on the road. You have money with you. What should you do if you meet a bandit? Money is nothing small, I'm afraid that those people will rob money and kill..."

Gu Chenzhi originally had to refuse, but thinking of the King of Luyang and the Silver Ticket, both of which could not be missed, so he accepted Song Pan'er's arrangement and thanked him with a smile, "It's still the third aunt who thinks carefully."

Gu Yanzhen sent them ten miles out of the capital before they came back.

Gu Jinzhi only saw them off at the gate, so he went to the pharmacy to help.

In the morning, there were only seven or eight sick families.

On the one hand, at the end of midsummer, fewer and fewer people are sick; on the other hand, the Liang family and Gu have started to consult and deliver medicine for free half a month ago.

On this street, the Liang family has lived for ten years.

They not only have word of mouth, but also have some feelings.

Liang has been making good relationships on this street.

I heard that Liang wanted it for free, so many people went there.

On Gu's side, he was idle.

At noon, Si Jian and others were so hungry that they waited for the time to eat.

"Dry, doctor..." Suddenly, someone shouted at the door.

Then two men came in with a man who almost fainted.

These three people are all dressed in long shirts, wearing square scarves, and are scholars.

" Doctor, come and have a look." The leading man was in a hurry.

The young people who were set up by them were delirious.

It happened that Gu Jinzhi was in the lobby, so he hurriedly said, "Let him sit down..."

She asked Guier to move the teacher's chair and give it to the patient.

His companion carried him to the master's chair, but the patient couldn't sit still at all, and his whole body was soft.

"Little man, where's the doctor?" The tall man asked Gu Jinzhi.

"I am." Gu Jin's way.

The two companions looked at Gu Jinzhi in astonishment, with a little disbelief in their eyes. Then, the tall man asked, "Don't you have any other doctors here?"

Like that, it's like you want to go.

"Let me have a look first..." Gu Jinzhi has already sat down.

In the middle of the room, the old man still has two patients to see.

Although the two companions still wanted to say something, they also kept a little polite and asked Gu Jinzhi to diagnose the patient's pulse.

The patient's face turned red, his whole body was hot, and he was having a high fever.

Gu Jinzhi took his veins, and his veins were flooded, which is the proof of heat.

After taking the pulse, Gu Jinzhi let him look at the tongue coating again.

The patient's tongue is yellow and greasy, and the bottom is bright red, which is really hot.

The patient is so sick that his condition is too dangerous or even critical. If you are not careful with this disease, you will die.

The heat has been deep in it.

There are many dead here.

"Is it hot in the summer, and the doctor prescribed gypsum, Zhuru and other cold medicine?" Gu Jin's question.

This disease is similar to Changwu's lung cancer at the beginning.

It was all too hot in the body, but the doctor did not clear the excretion, but used cool medicine to suppress it. Heat poison is not only insoluble, but also deep in blood, causing critical evidence.

The tall companion nodded quickly: "That's right."

"Did you see it in Liang's pharmacy?" Gu Jinzhi asked again.

Last time, Changwu's disease was also treated like Liang's doctor, and the methods were the same. The sitting gentleman in Liang's pharmacy, to treat fever, seems to use the cold medicine to get the effect quickly.

But regardless of the situation...

The patient's companion was stunned and nodded repeatedly.


First update, ask for pink tickets! RS