Spring boudoir note

Chapter 219 Hot Hand

Gu Jinzhi said the other party's medication, and even said which doctor the other party was before, which made people look at her with new eyes.

The patient's surname is Wei, and his ancestral home is Wenzhou. He is the person who participated in the scientific examination this year.

After the fall of the spring, because the road was too far, I was too lazy to go back to my hometown. I simply lived together in the capital and waited for the spring three years later. I wanted to try again.

Now, several of them are choosing books in Sun's Bookstore on West Street in exchange for some silver.

These two companions are both people, and they are fellow villagers with the sick family.

Among them, the tall companion's surname is Wu. He usually likes to read miscellaneous books. He has even skimmed the medicine books, and he has written a wide range of articles, and has a rough knowledge of the art of Qihuang.

"This little gentleman, is he still saved?" Wu Juren asked Gu Jinzhi.

They just went to Liang's pharmacy. After the teacher of the Liang family diagnosed Wei Juren's pulse, he shook his head repeatedly: "It's not made, and this Hou Jiu will die. In my hands, there is no one dead. You'd better hire another smart one!" Just coax them out.

Nine deaths.

It's really terrible to see Wei Juren burned like this.

Wu Juren and another fellow countryman carried Wei Juren out of Liang's pharmacy. I don't know what to do. A little clerk came out of Liang's pharmacy and told them conscientiously: "Take Gu's Shanyaotang in the west to have a look. The doctors there are benevolent and benevolent..."

I don't know if I really have a conscience, or I want the sick to die in Gu's...

Wu Juren and his fellow countrymen didn't think much about it. With a glimmer of hope, he sent Wei Juren to the Gu family.

Gu Jinzhi did not answer Wu Juren's words, but touched the patient's arm.

The patient is very thin, because he is a scholar. He reads all day and does not exercise, and his physique is not good. The heat poison is deep in the blood, and it has been delayed for too long. I'm afraid it will be difficult to save it.

A small hot cold, if you take a little medicine improperly, you can defeat him.

This kind of extremely hot evidence is mostly invincible.

The other party's physique is naturally weak.

Gu Jinzhi bit his lip and didn't answer Wu Juren's words for a long time.

"I'll have a look..." I don't know when the old man had stood behind Gu Jin. Seeing that Gu Jin has always been confident, today he is abnormal and knows that his condition is tricky.

Gu Jinzhi recovered, got up quickly, and gave up his position to the old man.

The old man sat down to diagnose the pulse.

The patient's veins are numbered and stringed, and the three parts go straight. This is the disease of extreme heat.

For patients with this symptom, there is a lot of heat in the body. However, due to the original yin deficiency, the body can't bear the cold medicine.

The cold medicine is supposed to reduce heat, but it blocks the yin-deficient patient's air machine.

The gas machine was cold and blocked, and the heat evil was trapped and impenetrable. Instead, it forced the heat poison into the blood.

Now, the heat can't be lowered, and the cold medicine can't be added, and it's terminally ill...

The old man withdrew his hand and said to the patient's companion Wu Ju: "Please sit down a little..."

Then give Gu Jinzhi a wink and let her talk to the top.

"The proof of extreme heat, nine deaths." The old man said, "Do you have a way to treat him?"

Gu Jinzhi is not sure.

Such an emergency was sent directly to the West Hospital in the previous life.

In terms of first aid, traditional Chinese medicine is relatively weak.

Patients with critical and high fever like Wei Juren are already dying.

"The heart of great compassion, you and I all have it. But the patient's condition is too dangerous and his ability is limited. The old man said to Gu Jin, "The doctors all over the city dare not take over his illness. In case of saving, the talent can't be shown; in case of death, the job will be ruined..."

The meaning of the old man's words is to ask Gu Jin to act according to his ability.

This kind of patient is beyond the scope of the doctor's ability.

The old man has been practicing medicine for half his life, and he is not sure.

"Although it is a life of nine deaths, it does not have to be dead." Gu Jinzhi finally said, "I want to try..."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at her grandfather's face.

The old man did not frown and displeased, but showed a faint smile.

"Do your best and obey your destiny. You have the backbone of an ancient doctor." The old man smiled and said, "Go ahead and have a try..."

When the old man was young, he also cured two patients.

At that time, remember the ancient teachings of the great doctor, develop a great heart of compassion, and save the spiritual people in the world. Only after two cases were cured did I know that the doctor did not die.

The reincarnation of life and death, the doctor can't control it.

With some experience, the old man can't tell Gu Jinzhi in words, and he needs to experience it by Gu Jinzhi himself. Only in this way can we remember it.

There are times when doctors can't do it. Although it is very painful, we have to accept the reality and see that the patient is unable to return to the sky and drive to the west.

Gu Jinzhi is now as talented as the old man as before.

Such a person is too confident...

Since the show of his talent, Gu Jinzhi has not failed.

"Yes." Gu Jin's way.

Her mood did not have the joy of being eager to try.

Coming out of the top, several sick people came to the shop.

There are still many people who heard the news from nowhere and gathered around the door to watch the hustle and bustle.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were actually on Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi said, "Take it to the back room for settlement. I'll stay here today. I'll take care of it."

The tall Wu Juren was slightly surprised.

The old man just now, he believes it.

But in a blink of an eye, the old man went in, and the little doctor came out again, saying that he was willing to take over. Look carefully, this little doctor is clearly a female doll.

Wu Juren is indecisive.

"Where's that old man?" Wu Juren finally said to Gu Jin, "Can you ask the old doctor to show mercy and save my brother?"

Wu Juren has also vaguely heard of Gu's Shanyaotang, and there is a lady who is a magic doctor.

It is rumored that nine times out of ten, it is a false exaggeration.

Wu Juren is a student. He is conceited and knowledgeable. How can he be deceived by the rumors in the world? He didn't believe in the words of Gu's magic doctor in his heart.

So is Wei Juren and another fellow countryman.

Otherwise, they would not have gone to Liang's Pharmacy instead of Gu's Medicine Hall.

Now the Liang family is unwilling to receive medical treatment, so they came to the Gu family.

"The old man said that he would not take this consultation today, and I'm willing to have a try..." Gu Jin said, "Don't delay, this patient can't afford to delay."

Wu Juren frowned and looked at his fellow villagers around him.

Another fellow countryman shook his head at Wu Juren, and he didn't trust Gu Jinzhi even more.

Wei Juren is half unconscious and doesn't know anything.

"Why don't we try it again?" Wu Juren asked his fellow villagers.

The fellow countryman nodded quickly.

Then, Wu Juren apologized to Gu Jinzhi and said, "Little sir, thank you for your kindness. Let's take a look at the other house..."

Si Jian and Guier were beside him, and they were very angry.

Gu Jinzhi looked at the sky outside, and it was already past noon.

She said to Wu Juren: "If it's past today's application time, you don't have to come over again. At that time, I can't do anything about it. Since you want to see it again, please..."

She was not unhappy, and even asked A Liang to help send her out.

Wu Juren was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't trust this free good medicine hall, and he didn't want to delay Wei Juren's illness. He held Wei Juren with his fellow villagers, carried the carriage waiting at the door, turned around and left.

"This man really has no eyes!" Si Jian said.

Gu Jinzhi said, "They are just fellow villagers, not family members. If the sick family is handed over to me, in case it can't be cured and the sick family dies, I'm afraid that the family of the sick family will not spare them in the future, saying that they deliberately killed the life and hand over the sick family to the milk-smelling child. They are also afraid that they can't explain it clearly, so they leave..."

After listening to it, Si Jian felt that Gu Jinzhi's analysis was somewhat reasonable.

A Liang also said, "The young master is kind-hearted..."

There are also two patients who came for follow-up visits next to him, and they are all helping.

"...The young master is good at medical skills, and he is also worldly."

"It's the same. Everyone has their own difficulties. It's really the Bodhisattva's heart that the young master can be so considerate..."

Gu Jinzhi smiled and sat down again. He still recorded the medical case of Wei Juren, including the pulse, face and tongue.

Wait until the recording is finished before starting to re-consult.

I saw two more patients before closing the door for dinner.

During the meal, the old man asked Gu Jinzhi, "Why is that sick family not cured?"

"I want you to treat me." Gu Jin said, "I said you didn't receive the doctor. They didn't even insist, so they went to other places. It can be seen that they still don't trust us in their hearts and feel that the pharmacy that is free of charge is unreliable.

The old man swallowed a mouthful of rice and then snorted from his nose: "Sour scholar!"

But I didn't say anything else.


Wei Juren's illness, Liang's pharmacy was seen first.

Seeing that it was a proof of death, Liang's young master asked the little clerk to remind Wu Juren to send the patient's family to Gu's pharmacy.

As long as the sick family dies in Gu's pharmacy, the Liang family has a way to make the neighbors on the street hate Gu to the bone, and even smash their store.

As expected, Wu Juren and his fellow villagers sent Wei Juren to the Gu family.

The Liang family also sent someone to the door to inquire about the situation.

Hearing that Gu Jinzhi took over the patient, Liang's little clerk was very excited and was ready to go back and tell the owner. As a result, Wu Juren was unwilling to treat him and sent Wei Juren away.

"Have you sent it away?" Liang's young owner Xiang Ran heard this and was slightly surprised, "Why are you sending him away? Gu's medical skills are so superb that they can't be cured, and others can't..."

"Wu Juren doesn't seem to trust the magic doctor of the Gu family..." The little clerk said, "Those masters, their ideas are different from ours..."

"No wonder I fell into the first place and had no knowledge." Xiang Ran said.

Xiangran also studied medicine, but he admired the medical skills of the Gu family.

If it hadn't been for the feud between the two families, he would even want to go to the Gu family to learn from his teacher.

I admire it. I don't want to squeeze out the other party's heart.

"Send someone to watch again, and Wu Juren will still come back." Xiang Ran affirmed, "I'm afraid that others don't have the courage to take Wei Juren's illness. When they come back, you can tell me again..."

The little guy has to go.

Xiang Ran went home from the pharmacy.

He told his father Liang Rui about this.

"Miss Gu is conceited and talented, and I'm afraid she will hit her foot this time." Xiang Ran said, "Mr. Lu said that Wei Juren is a proof of death, and whoever takes it is a hot potato. When Wei Juren dies, the good medicine hall of the Gu family will come to an end, right? Dad, do you want to arrange it first?"

Liang Rui clapped his hands and praised.

"Okay, okay, since the Gu family is on fire, let's fan the wind." Liang Rui said, "Go and arrange it. As soon as you die, the bigger the noise, the better..."


The second update, ask for the pink ticket! RS