Spring boudoir note

Chapter 223 Warm Disease

"Sir, is my father's disease the same as Wei Juren's disease?" When Xiang Ran saw that Mr. Dong opened the white tiger soup, he was anxious, but he could not rush to say that Mr. Dong's diagnosis was wrong, so he had to beat around.

Mr. Dong has been working hard in Liang's pharmacy for more than ten years, and he is also Xiang Ran's master. He dares not speak to Xiang Ran.

"It's all hot and humid, and it's highly poisonous at night." Mr. Dong nodded, "This kind of heat poison is the strongest, and it can't be solved without a cold medicine. White tiger soup is the most appropriate recipe..."

"But..." Xiang Ran hesitated for a moment before saying, "But Wei Juren is not very good..."

Mr. Dong didn't think so, but just smiled: "You don't understand! Each patient's body is different. The Wei Juren was originally weak. There is an old saying that those who are warm and sick die. He doesn't have that life himself. What can I do? The master is different. The master is in his prime, and he is also important to take care of himself. He has never been yin and yin. How can he be compared with Wei Juren?

After saying that, he sighed, "Wei Juren still reads the book of sages, and he doesn't know how to be polite. The doctor went to see a doctor, but only guided the rescue. Whether he has a chance to survive depends on himself. He didn't have that blessing himself. His fellow countryman was deceived and said everywhere that it was my bad.

Mr. Dong was also very wronged and didn't complain at all. He just said it in a light tone.

This self-restraint makes Xiang Ran respect and admire.

Xiang Ran has studied medicine with Mr. Dong for seven or eight years. He is half a teacher and half a father. He has a lot of affection for Mr. Dong.

Mr. Dong has also had many amazing cases.

A few years ago, there was a patient who suffered from abdominal pain and sought medical treatment everywhere for three or five years, but it never worked. When I had an attack, I couldn't stop vomiting, my lower abdomen was swollen and painful, and I couldn't defecate, which was very uncomfortable.

Mr. Dong drew up Puhou Sanwu Decoction, two doses of medicine for the lower abdomen, the patient's defecation was unobstructed, and the gas pain was relieved; then he drank three doses of medicine, and half a year later, the gas pain was completely cured.

This is one of the proud cases of Mr. Dong in his early years.

Then, there were patients with dysentery. How many doctors could not be carried to Mr. Dong and let Mr. Dong be cured.

There are still many more, and I can't count them for a while.

Thinking of Mr. Dong's previous medical skills, it is also excellent.

What's more, many of these summer diseases have also been cured by Mr. Dong.

How could a Wei Juren ask Rang Xiangran to doubt the master?

Mr. Dong relies on the Liang family to eat, and he is also close to Liang Rui. Even if there are people in the world who want to harm Liang Rui, Mr. Dong will never do it.

Since you have medical skills and won't harm people, why can't you believe it?

Liang Rui lay in ** and saw that his son took Mr. Dong's prescription. He was silent for a long time and treated Mr. Dong lightly, so he said, "Take the medicine and boil it and I'll drink it." In the past ten years, when have I been sick? Isn't my husband taking medicine to get rid of the disease?

Mr. Dong is also a doctor of the Liang family.

Mr. Dong is most familiar with Liang Rui's case.

Xiang Ran was determined and convinced himself that Wei Juren's illness was not due to the use of medicine, but because he was not blessed.

Xiang Ran took the prescription and went to get the medicine himself.

After a moment, the incident of Liang Rui's illness spread all over the Liang family.

Mrs. Liang came to see Liang Rui with her eldest daughter-in-law and other sons and daughters.

The small inner room of the outer study was suddenly full of people, and I couldn't move my feet.

Liang Rui just has a fever, and his brain is clear. Looking at the groups of children in his family, he remembered that when he was a child, his father would pick up Liang, and the father and son depended on each other. Finally, he went to Liang into the palace and completed Liang Rui's wife and children today.

Thinking of this, Liang Rui's eyes couldn't help but sour, and he felt even more sorry for Xiang Liang.

Now, his sling is in Gu's house, and he doesn't know what Gu Jinzhi will make trouble.

At that time, Xiang Liang must be in a dilemma.

Thinking of this, I also remembered to ask Liang to send a message to him, telling him not to act rashly and not to offend the Gu family. After enduring this year, he will still make money in the future.

It was Liang Rui's own short-sightedness that he couldn't swallow this breath and insisted on compete with Gu.

As a result, it has become like this.

"Go out, go out!" Liang Rui roared.

In front of his wife and children, when he thought of Xiang Liang's son and grandson, and when he thought of what he had done recently, he felt more and more sorry for Xiang Liang, and he was upset.

Liang Rui always talks at home, and his wife is docile and obedient.

He shouted, no one dared to stay, and went out one after another.

Xiang Ran quickly came back with the medicine and boiled it for his father to drink.

After taking the medicine, Liang Rui also felt more comfortable.

He didn't sleep all night and soon fell asleep.

Seeing that his father slept soundly, he was relieved.

Mr. Dong's medicine is really useful. Fortunately, it didn't stop him just now, otherwise it would really cool Mr. Dong's heart.

"Take good care of me, sir. I'm going back to the pharmacy..." Mr. Dong said to Xiang Ran.

"Yes." Xiang Ran got up, took Mr. Dong to the gate, and personally helped Mr. Dong get into the car before turning back.

After taking the medicine, Liang Rui really wanted to have a good sleep.

But when I was half asleep and half awake, I always felt uncomfortable. It seemed that the fever was getting worse and worse...

But my back always feels cold.

faintly, he even saw a thin middle-aged man, dressed in patched clothes, with a warm smile, and was good to everyone.

That's his father, he and Xiang Liang's father...


Wei Juren didn't wake up until early this morning.

He leaked a lot, his body was covered with shit and urine, and the room suddenly smelled bad.

Wu Juren, his fellow countryman, helped Wei Juren change into clean clothes.

Several people acted lightly, for fear of disturbing the guards in the yard carrying knives and guns and wearing armor.

In the next room, there are also more than a dozen ruffuls.

Those ruffians look tall and big, and they are very powerful to bully the common people on weekdays. But as soon as he saw the bodyguards in armor and looked at the bright knives and guns in their hands, they were all gone, and they didn't even resist, so they were obediently locked in the wing.

Wu Juren finally understood what it means to bully the weak and afraid of the strong.

He vaguely felt that these ruffians were related to Wei Juren's illness, and must also be related to the Liang family.

But Wu Juren didn't dare to ask more.

He has no reason to be close to him in Beijing. If something happens, there is no one to help him.

I changed my clean clothes. At dawn, Wei Juren pulled it again, but this time he didn't pull it on his body.

Looking at him pulling twice, Wu Juren was a little worried: Wei Juren's body is thinner than paper. How can he stand diarrhea?

Gu Jinzhi also rested in the pharmacy last night.

She just got up. After a simple clean-in, Wu Juren immediately came over and asked her about Wei Juren's condition.

"After pulling it twice, it won't pull again. Don't worry." Gu Jinzhi said with a smile.

She always likes to rest assured. It seems that the patient's diseases are minor and irrelevant.

This kind of saying is indeed a little comforting.

Gu Jinzhi diagnosed Wei Juren again.

Wei Juren has woken up. He is beautiful, with round eyes, but no luster, looking at Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and diagnosed his pulse.

The pulse is still very fast, but it is not as dangerous as yesterday.

Gu Jinzhi knew that his life was hugged.

The next step is to get rid of the fever.

"Use ginger juice to mix the well and send two purple snow pills." Gu Jin's way.

She personally brought the medicine to Wei Juren.

Wei Juren drank it and still lay down.

After the board was lowered in the shop, a sick family came to the door.

Si Jian secretly asked Gu Jinzhi, "Young master, what about those people we are locked up?"

"Send some delicious food..." Gu Jinzhi said with a smile, "It's closed for two days first."

Si Jian said that he went to buy breakfast with A Liang.

Ning Xi and others did not leave either.

Gu Jinzhi said to Ning Xi, "Lord Ning will stay for another two days. When the patient gets well, I will have the following on my side.

Ning Xi was very dissatisfied with Gu Jinzhi's use.

Although he is the commander of the royal palace, he is a military officer of the imperial court. He is paid by the imperial court, which is equivalent to a feudal official, not a servant of the royal palace.

And Gu Jinzhi, before he got married, called Ning Xi as a person.

Dissatisfied, I don't dare to say it after all.

Ning Xi usually has a cold face, and at this moment, he can't see any change in his expression. He just said something nicely.

In the next two days, Wei Juren's illness eased step by step, and the fever gradually subsided.

And the two families, except for the first day to probe their heads, there was no move, which surprised the old man and Gu Jinzhi.

They have to wait for Liang Rui to enter the urn before they can take the Liang family's affairs and ask the eunuch for mercy...

In the afternoon of the next day, Si Jian finally found out that Liang Rui was ill.

"... I heard that I was so ill that I even asked the royal doctor to have a look." Si Jian smiled and said to Gu Jin, "It's really retribution."

Gu Jin's consteredness.

"Go and inquire, which imperial doctor saw it, what's wrong with Liang Rui?" Gu Jin's way.

Si Jian laughed: "You don't need to ask, it's Dr. Zhang, the doctor from Hangzhou... Dr. Zhang has seen it and said that Liang Rui is a fever, and he is good at wind and cold, not good at fever, and he can't cure it. It is estimated that the hospital will send someone in the afternoon.

Is fever similar to Wei Juren's disease?

Gu Jinzhi pondered and said nothing more. He only told Si Jian, "Look carefully. Let me know who will be the next doctor."

Si Jian said yes.

If there is a doctor next to him, Gu Jinzhi may be able to ask. But Zhang Yuan...

Zhang Yuan is the one who once saw Gu Jin's aunt.

At that time, a small misdiagnosis made him lose face. Although the Song family and the Gu family didn't say anything, Gu Jinzhi didn't know whether he held a grudge in his heart.

It's not appropriate to ask yourself.

It's just that Gu Jinzhi doesn't know when Zhang Yuan entered the imperial hospital.

She hasn't dealt much with the imperial doctors recently, so she doesn't know much about the hospital.

In the evening, I got off the board. There was no one in the pharmacy. Si Jian came back and said to Gu Jin, "Girl, this time I invited Dr. Qin..."

Qin Shensi.

That's easy to do.

"Has Dr. Qin gone back?" Gu Jin's question.

Si Jian nodded.

"Then let's go to the Baicao Hall of the Qin family to see Dr. Qin." Gu Jinzhi said with a smile.

Si Jian hurriedly set up the car, and the master and servant went out.

When the old man was idle, he went to the backyard to see Wei Juren.

Wei Juren's illness has been alleviated by 30%.

He hid the impervious heat poison, which actually let Gu Jinzhi drain out with the rhubarb-producing medicine.

Gu Jin's medicine is dangerous when it should be dangerous, and conservative when it should be conservative, which is different from any genre...

The old man couldn't help thinking again.


The third update, ask for the pink ticket! Sorry, I didn't make it before the early morning. I'm exhausted. Whoo-hoo, I'm going to bed. Good night, everyone~~RS