Spring boudoir note

Chapter 224 Contery

Qin Shensi hasn't seen Gu Jinzhi for a long time.

I heard that their old man opened a good medicine hall on West Street. Gu Jinzhi dressed as a man and helped in the shop. The Empress Dowager and the emperor acquiesced.

Qin Shensi has his own pharmacy, and he has to go to the Tai Hospital every day. He is also very busy.

During this period, I drank several times with Gu Yanzhen, but I didn't go to Gu's house.

Gu Jinzhi's story was also heard by Gu Yanzhen.

Suddenly, I heard the little guy say that Gu Jinzhi was coming, and Qin Shensi hurriedly greeted him out.

He almost didn't recognize it.

Gu Jinzhi is wearing a thick green cloth and a thick-bottomed soap on his feet. He is clearly a handsome man. Gu Jinzhi has grown taller again in the past six months.

Qin Shen's four medium-sized figure, and Gu Jinzhi is about to catch up with his figure.

Compared with ordinary girls, Gu Jinzhi is really too tall...

So she dresses up as a man and is romantic, but she is more outstanding than a woman.

"Master Gu!" Qin Shensi joked and bowed to Gu Jin.

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

Qin Shensi invited Gu Jinzhi to sit in the back and asked her, "How can I take time today? I heard that you are very busy..."

Every one in the hospital knows about the good medicine hall.

The Gu family and the eunuch's brother Liang family fought in a street, but they had no interests, which made everyone confused and funny. They all talked about the old man of the Gu family behind their backs.

"I have something to tell you." Gu Jin's way.

Qin Shensi asked her to speak out.

"Did you go to Liang's house today to see Liang Rui?" Gu Jinzhi didn't go around in circles and said directly.

Qin Shensi was slightly confused and nodded: "Yes."

Then he thought about it and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

"That's not..." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "I just want to know what's wrong with Liang Rui. Did you give him medicine? What's the recipe?

Qin Shensi didn't quite understand Gu Jinzhi's intention, and still told Gu Jinzhi about Liang Rui's illness.

"I'm cold without permission, but I'm not very good at luke." Qin Shen said four, "In my humble opinion, Liang Rui is too warm and hot. But the recipe used by Mr. Dong in his family is impeccable, which makes me in a dilemma. I haven't opened the recipe yet. I have an appointment with Dr. Zhong. Let's go for a follow-up visit together later..."

Gu Jinzhi listened and nodded.

is similar to Wei Juren's illness.

"Is Dr. Zhong a lukewarm disease?" Gu Jinzhi asked Qin Shensi.

She remembers that in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the feverish faction gradually came out. During the Jinyuan period, fever had been mixed in the typhoid school, which was similar to the treatment of typhoid fever.

Now what they say about fever is still treated with the idea of typhoid fever.

Typhoid fever and fever are both traumatic diseases. Typhoid fever means that the human body is infected with cold evil, and fever means that the human body is infected with the evil of warm heat.

To deal with fever, it used to be mixed with typhoid fever and treated with the idea of typhoid fever.

For example, typhoid fever, use warm medicine to expel the cold. Therefore, most doctors who treat exopathic diseases use cold medicine to remove the hair to warm the evil, so as to treat the fever.

But in this way, when the poison of warmth is too hot, there will be a big disaster.

"Like me, he is good at external diseases. Naturally, he is better at wind and cold, but he is not good at fever." Qin Shen said, "I can't make up my mind myself. As you know, the relationship between Master Liang and my father-in-law in the palace... I have to be cautious."

"Then go and have a look." Gu Jin said, "If you are not sure, can you leave it to me?" I accept your kindness..."

Qin Shensi suddenly realized.

He finally knew Gu Jinzhi's purpose of coming today.

"Good." Qin Shensi smiled and said modestly, "You don't have to accept my kindness. I can't control it at all!"

He knew that Gu Jinzhi wanted to sell his personal feelings to his father-in-law.

Everyone knows that Eunuch Xiang is the most effective eunuch in front of the emperor, and everyone wants to sell other people's feelings.

Qin Shensi also thought.

But Gu Jinzhi opened his mouth, and he agreed without hesitation.

Gu Jin thanked him and went back to his shop with Si Jian.


Near dusk, Gu Yanzhen came to the shop.

Gu Jinzhi didn't return last night, and Song Pan'er was very worried. Although A Liang went back and told the situation in the shop, Song Paner was still uneasy and wanted to know what was going on.

She couldn't go out by herself, so she asked Gu Yanzhen to have a look.

Gu Jinzhi told his father about Wei Juren's situation.

When Gu Yanzhen heard that she was taking care of critical patients, he smiled and said, "Is it so hard? It's time to rest for a few days..."

"It won't work for a few days." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "After the Mid-Autumn Festival, you won't be too busy."

The old man's purpose is to make his father-in-law accept a favor. The purpose of this matter should have been achieved. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the shop should change a little, giving way to Liang's medicine shop a living.

No matter what you do, you will definitely not be as busy as you are now.

Gu Yanzhen didn't understand the situation of the pharmacy. Naturally, he didn't understand the meaning of her words. He touched her head, then strolled around the backyard and said hid to the old man.

Gu Yanzhen was shocked to see Ning Xi and several bodyguards in the backyard.

He has met Ning Xi twice.

"Lord Ning is also here?" After Gu Yanzhen and Ning Xi saluted each other, Gu Yanzhen asked him.

Ning Xi nodded and said, "Miss Seven lives here. I'll bring someone to have a look. The prince is not in Beijing, and I'm afraid that this street will not be quiet at night..."

He didn't say the ruffian locked in the room. He was afraid that Gu Yanzhen would worry about it. He just said that he was here to protect Gu Jinzhi.

He has no malice to Gu Yanzhen, although he doesn't like Gu Jinzhi very much.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and looked at him.

Ning Xi didn't see it.

Gu Yanzhen had no doubt that he was there, and he was a little moved and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Lord Ning." Seeing that the sky was dim, he went back first.

After sending Gu Yanzhen away, Gu Jinzhi turned to Ning Xi and said, "Thank you very much."

Ning Xi was very indifferent to Gu Jinzhi, and there was boredom and disdain in that indifference. His eyes gently flashed over Gu Jinzhi and said, "You're welcome."


I leaked twice last night, and I ate two more purple snow pills this morning. Wei Juren's high fever was reduced by more than half, and people were more sober.

Gu Jinzhi took his pulse again.

His veins are still numbered, and the warmth in his body is not yet cold, and it is still a little dangerous.

Gu Jinzhi also gave him detoxification and blood circulation soup and stomach regulating qi soup, which only reduced the amount of raw rhubarb in this recipe by half.

After drinking the medicine, Gu Jinzhi ordered Si Jian to make a bowl of millet porridge for him.

Wei Juren drank it.

Wu Juren and his companions also stayed here for a day and a night. They were worried and didn't know what the Gu family had.

There were so many bodyguards standing in the yard, and there were more than a dozen hooligans in the next room. These two scholars had no power to bind chickens and dared not annoy Gu Jinzhi. They asked her carefully, "Little sir, can we go back and change our clothes first?" Look at this day, I'm sweating and my clothes are stinking..."

"All right." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Go ahead."

She answered too simply, which made Wu Juren and his companions more uncertain.

The two looked at each other and did not dare to move their feet for fear that Gu Jinzhi would say the opposite.

Finally, the companion said, "I want to... Why don't we go back together when Brother Wei is ready tomorrow? It means don't go, I can't afford to provoke.

It's better to be obedient.

When Wu Juren saw Gu Jin's light expression, there was no ripple, a mysterious look, and his heart was also playing drums.

He coughed up and said, "It's okay... I look at Brother Wei. He should be fine tomorrow, right? Haha..." Then he laughed meaninglessly to hide his embarrassment.

Gu Jinzhi knew what they were thinking and didn't say much. He smiled and turned around and went out.

A moment later, the little clerk came to knock on the door and gave Wu Juren a change of clothes.

"It's abrupt. You are a master, and you can't wear our coarse clothes. But this is the only thing in the shop, and you will..." You'er said politely.

Wu Juren was even more embarrassed and worried. He quickly refused, "Don't bother, don't bother!"

Your son still keeps his clothes.

Wu Juren didn't dare to change in the end.

At night, Wei Juren leaked it again.

He didn't feel powerless. Instead, his body was a little refreshed, and most of the fever subsided.

By the next morning, Gu Jinzhi gave him the pulse again, and his pulse was already stable.

"You can go back to rest. There is no hindrance to your life. It's just that this disease still needs to be taken medicine and recuperate for five or six days. Gu Jinzhi was humane to Wei Ju.

Wu Juren and his companions were greatly relieved.

They stayed in this pharmacy for two nights. They didn't dare to keep their eyes up for two nights. Their hearts were hanging all the time, and they didn't know the Gu family's plan.

Now that I heard that I can go back, I have calmed down.

Wei Juren thanked him and said in a weak voice, "... If it hadn't been for the little doctor, the student's life would have been gone. The grace of saving my life is unforgettable.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and comforted him that he was fine. He rested down and sent them out.

Seeing that these patients had left, Ning Xi asked Gu Jinzhi, "Miss Seven, are we..."

"You can stay for another day." Gu Jin's way.

Ning Xi stopped talking, and his silent expression was a little fierce.

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything.

When having breakfast, she told the old man about Wei Juren's return.

The old man just nod slightly and didn't ask much.

Gu Jinzhi talked about Liang Rui again.

"...I told Uncle Qin that I asked him to keep some points and leave Liang Rui's illness to us." Gu Jinzhi said to the old man again, "If you save Liang Rui, do you owe us a big favor?"

The old man smiled and said, "Well done."

He originally just wanted to catch Liang Rui's handle. With Gu Jinzhi's prestige in front of the back of the emperor and the emperor's praise to the Gu family, he made a big deal of the matter and let the father-in-law owe a small favor.

Although it's a little reluctant.

Now that Liang Rui can be cured is a real human kindness...

It's better than the old man expected.

It's that God can't bear to take care of the family in the future, right?

It is not wrong for people to do more good deeds in their life.

At noon, Peng Leyi from the Tai Hospital came to the door in person.

He visited the old man first, and then said the purpose of his visit: "In the hospital, the typhoid school has the best medical skills, and it is only Qin Meiqing. He tried his best not to say that he dared not, and said that Miss Gu could not have this disease. The student returned to the emperor and said that he wanted to invite Miss Seven to the Liang family to have a look. The emperor said that Eunpa Xiang has been in front of him for many years, and he has no credit and hard work. The Liang family is the only relative of Eun-gong Xiang. If Miss Seven can be cured, the emperor and Eun-in-law Xiang will accept the kindness of Miss Seven.

He claimed to be a student in front of the old man, and still respected the old man.

The old man was silent, called Gu Jinzhi in, asked Peng Tidian to say the matter again, and then said, "Go ahead. Go and have a look."

Gu Jin's way is.
