Spring boudoir note

Chapter 226 Invitation

Wei Juren and Liang Rui's illness took ten days to completely recover.

Xiang Gong also specially brought a thank-you gift to the Gu family to thank him.

He seldom goes out of the palace, and he can't go out two or three times a year, which naturally attracts a lot of topics among the Wang clan.

The old man also listened to Gu Jinzhi's suggestion and adjusted the pharmacy.

Except for the emergency room, only ten patients are seen every day.

There is a curfew in the city. After the first update and the fifth update, you can't walk on the street, so there is no overnight queuing.

However, after the fifth watch, patients will come to the door immediately.

The old man gets up before the drum every Friday, and opens the door as soon as the drum rings. He doesn't want the patient to have a meal.

When Gu Jinzhi arrived, all ten patients had finished watching it.

Before dawn, the lower board of the shop is on the board.

Basically, there is nothing wrong with Gu Jin.

She went to the shop every three days and stayed there for one night. The next day, I accompanied the old man to consult and learn how to use the old man's prescription.

In fact, in the past two months, the old man has taught him everything, and Gu Jinzhi has learned 90% of his medical skills. Now, it's just a make-up lesson to consolidate the foundation.

The rest of the time, she was at home.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is getting closer and closer, and the birthdays of Gu Jinzhi and his two younger brothers are coming again.

Gu Jinzhi has turned 14 years old this year.

Xiao Shi and Xiao Shiyi are one year old.

Last year, because of an accident in Annan, she didn't celebrate Gu Jinzhi's birthday. Song Paner always felt that she owed the child. It will be a lively event this year.

She has already posted to her relatives and friends.

Gu Yanzhen muttered aside: "That day is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Who doesn't have a holiday at home? If you come to delay the reunion, if you don't come, I will offend you again..."

Song Pan'er stared at him.

He had to shut up obediently.

Gu Jinzhi laughed so hard.

Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi's wet nurse hugged their children to play.

Xiaoshi can already walk, and he is silent. Even if he is hungry, he seldom cries, like a stuffy gourd; Xiao Eleven loves to cry too much, thin and pitiful.

The children are too young and delicate to be recuperate with medicine, so they can only grow up by themselves. Gu Jinzhi and Song Pan'er also worried about Eleven.

"When I was in my stomach, did all the good things be given to Brother Wei?" Song Pan'er hugged Xiao Eleven's brother and looked at Xiao Shi, who supported the wet nurse's hand, and looked at the people around him.

Everyone laughed.

"How old is it?" Song's mother was dissatisfied with Song Pan'er's attitude and said with a smile, "There are children who learn to walk at the age of one and a half. It's a good thing that our brother Yao left early. How can we have to compare Brother Yao?

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

She took Brother Yao from the wet nurse, took his hand, and slowly took him away.

Xiaoshi walks very smoothly.

Xiao Eleven was still in Song Pan'er's arms, looking at it quietly, as if he didn't know why.

When Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan got out of school, they hugged Xiao Shi and Xiao Shii respectively, laughing and making noise in the room.

Song Pan'er arranged the Mid-Autumn Festival in the flower hall. Hearing the movement here, she specially asked Mu Qing to say: Don't toss the child...

Brother Yan didn't dare to do so, so he hurriedly handed over Xiaoshi to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Yanzhen sat leisurely and drank tea.

He asked Gu Jinzhi, "Can the prince come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

It's only the tenth day of August today.

Zhu Zhongjun, Lin Yi and Gu Chenzhi left Beijing on the first day of August to go to Henan Pharmaceutical City.

"I don't know." Gu Jin said, "It's reasonable to go back and forth for half a month. However, knowing that the fifteenth day is the Mid-Autumn Festival and my birthday, they should hurry up on the way..."

Gu Yanzhen nodded.

By August 11, Song Pan'er's invitations were all downloaded.

A little bit of friendship, she invited her. This is to prepare for a big bustle.

At noon that day, most of them wrote a reply and promised to be present on that day.

Everyone knows that it is the birthday of the future Princess Luyang, and she is the prospective daughter-in-law of the Empress Dowager. How dare not support her? Basically, there is no refusal.

Song Pan'er is very happy.

However, in the afternoon of that day, the Gu family also received invitations from other families, Zhang and Hou Tan's family.

The ancestor of Zhang and Hou Tan's family is the 14th birthday of August.

Last year, the ancestor's sixty-sixth birthday was prepared, and the birthday ceremony was prepared. As a result, something like Annan happened, so it was delayed and he didn't do it.

Today is equivalent to making up for last year's.

This year, the Gu family's reputation in Beijing has gradually become prominent, and its status has gradually improved. When dealing with Song Paner, those big families are no longer regarded as self- surrender, but as glory.

There are more and more people inviting Song Pan'er.

Generally, it can be pushed. Song Pan'er pushed it. She only gave gifts, but people didn't go.

This time, Song Pan'er was stunned when she received an invitation from the Tan family.

Zhang and Hou Tan's family, which is the first family in the capital.

The emperor's first queen is the eldest daughter of the Tan family; now there is no queen in the palace, and the highest-ranking Concubine Tan is also the Tan family; the eldest prince is also the nephew of the Tan family.

Xia Shoufu is a member of Lord Tan.

More than half of the civil servants in the court are the students of Lord Tan.

He is not in the court, but he can still control the situation in the court.

The Gu family can't afford to offend such a family.

"Why do you invite us?" Song Pan'er took the invitation and understood it very well, but she still said such a sentence, which was a little complaining.

She is busy with the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet and has no skills.

But the Tan family can't afford to offend, and the longevity is also the ancestor. No matter which aspect is used, the refusal seems too arrogant.

Gu Jinzhi and Song's mother and maids did not answer.

Song Pan'er gave the invitation to Gu Jinzhi and asked her, "I also invited you. Do you want to go or not?"

"Go ahead." Gu Jin said, "Their family is the ancestor's birthday, so it doesn't make us look frivolous. If there are other happy events, it will be pushed.

The birthday banquet of the ancestors should give face.

Song Pan'er nodded.

In the afternoon, she replied to the Tan family.

"By the way, I also sent our invitation..." Song Paner said with a smile.

She had no contact with the Tan family, so she didn't plan to listen to the Tan family.

Now that the Tan family handed over the sound first, Song Pan'er can't be invited.

The Tan family also replied quickly, saying that they would definitely come to the Gu family's banquet.

"...The Tan family is the deepest." Song Paner said to Gu Jin, "We can't blacken our eyes and don't know anything. Go and ask your aunt what to avoid when visiting Tan's house. I can't leave here..."

Gu Jin's way is.

She was about to go out when the maid on the second door suddenly came in and said that there was a visitor from the old house.

Song Pan'er was slightly surprised, and then smiled and said, "Is your aunt here? It's really heart-to-heart..." Then the little girl said, "Is the old lady here?"

"No. It's the third young master who came..." said the little maid.

Song Pan'er was suddenly overjoyed and guessed and asked, "Your third brother will come at this time. Isn't it really your third sister-in-law really pregnant? Please come in quickly."

The little maid said yes, go out and order.

After a while, Gu Qingzhi ran in quickly, with uncontrollable joy on his face.

He saluted Song Paner, and then came straight to Gu Jinzhi: "Seventh sister, go and show your third sister-in-law. I'm afraid she is pregnant..."

Song Pan'er and Gu Jinzhi knew that they had guessed correctly.

"I'm going to have a look, too." Song Paner handed over everything in her hand to Song's mother and Begonia, took Gu Jinzhi out and went to the old house.

She is also very happy.

It has been more than a year since the third grandmother Xia came in.

When he arrived at the old house, Gu Qingzhi said to Song Paner and Gu Jinzhi, "The third aunt and the seventh sister go directly to my yard. My aunt and sister-in-law stayed there early in the morning..."

Let Song Paner not have to go around the main courtyard to greet the eldest lady.

Song Pan'er smiled and said hello. Gu Qingzhi led the way to his yard.

The first lady, the second lady, the big * milk Lin Manjing, and the fifth girl Gu Pozhi are all here.

Big* Milk Lin Manjing has a big belly, and she is much plump.

The third grandmother sat in **. Although she was happy, she was not sure and looked nervous.

The old lady also likes it.

There is only the second lady, and her face is unclear. She tried her best to pretend to be happy, but she couldn't pretend, and her expression was a little stiff.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming in, the old lady quickly gave up the bedside seat to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jin saw that everyone was in a hurry, so he didn't care about the advance gift and sat straight to the bedside of the third sister-in-law to diagnose her pulse.

Her pulse is smooth and powerful, and she is happy.

"Congratulations to the third sister-in-law, it's really a joy." After Gu Jinzhi's diagnosis, he said to the third grandmother.

The third grandmother's eyes were full of qi, and her happiness came up.

Sum of a sudden, the room was full of joy.

Gu Qingzhi's eyes were a little astringent. He turned his face awkwardly and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

His behavior was seen by the fifth girl, and he couldn't help laughing and teasing him: "Third brother is crying!"

Gu Qingzhi was even more embarrassed and wanted to find a hole to get in for a while.

Everyone laughed.

Laughter is full of joy.

Gu Qingzhi coughed dryly and turned around and went out of the inner room.

"Look what he likes!" The old lady said to everyone, "At the beginning, Manjing cherished her sister for two years, and I didn't see Brother Chen cry. It can be seen that Brother Qing loves his daughter-in-law and children the most. I don't say anything on weekdays, but I'm in my heart!"

The third grandmother seemed to be filled with honey in her heart, but her face had a fever and blushed.

After seeing the third grandmother, she was sure that she was healthy and the fetus was stable, so everyone got up and said goodbye.

Song Pan'er took the opportunity to ask about the Tan family.

The old lady was familiar with the Tan family, so she told Song Pan'er in detail.

Song Paner wrote it down one by one and went home with Gu Jinzhi.

When their mother arrived home, Mu Qing waited for them at the second door.

"What's wrong?" Song Pan'er was slightly surprised.

"The prince is back, looking for girls everywhere. The maidservants said that the girl had gone to the old house, and the prince insisted on going. Sister Haitang coaxed him, and the maidservant came to welcome him..." Mu Qing said with a smile.

came back very quickly.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and quickly walked into the inner courtyard with his mother.

Zhu Zhongjun sat on the kang with a look on his mind.

The maids coaxed him with cakes.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming in, he suddenly jumped up from the kang and took Gu Jinzhi's hand without wearing his shoes: "Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, I'm back!"

makes everyone laugh.

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help laughing.

"It's very fast." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Where are the eldest brother and Mr. Lin? Are they back?"

There was a haze in Zhu Zhongjun's eyes. He was very dissatisfied with Gu Jin's meeting and asking other men first.

"Well, it's all back. They went to the shop. Zhu Zhongjun still pretended to be a fool and answered Gu Jinzhi's words, "Let's come back for the Mid-Autumn Festival!"
