Spring boudoir note

Chapter 225 Achieved

Liang Rui's illness is surprisingly similar to Wei Juren's illness.

They were all cured by the same doctor, Mr. Dong, the doctor of the Liang family.

In cases like this case of heat poisoning, Gu Jinzhi has only seen Lin Yi have a more reliable treatment. Other doctors are still stuck in the typhoid school.

The fever school gradually emerged in the south at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Nowadays, there are few doctors who are good at fever in the capital.

Gu Jinzhi finally made a big bargain in this matter.

The old man just wanted to calculate to his father-in-law, but he didn't expect that God would help him like this and tried his best to help the old man fulfill his wish step by step.

If Liang Ruisheng is not suffering from a fever and has not been cured by Mr. Dong, who is highly talented, it is not his turn to ask Gu Jinzhi if the doctor can cure him.

Gu Jin went up the door, diagnosed Liang Rui's pulse, and then opened the same prescription as Wei Juren.

"If the young master is worried, go and inquire to see how Wei Juren's body is now." Gu Jinzhi handed over the prescription to Xiang Ran and said, "The young master knew how critical Wei Juren's condition was at the beginning, right?"

What happened in front of him was also cured in Liang's medicine shop. Wei Juren's condition was naturally clear to him.

He inquired about it before Gu Jinzhi came to the door.

Wei Juren really saved Gu Jinzhi's life.

At the beginning, Mr. Dong said that Wei Juren was a fever.

A person with a critical fever dies.

But Wei Juren is not dead.

"... Your medical skills are well-known in Beijing, and we naturally believe it. Thank you for your hard work." Xiang Ran said.

Gu Jinzhi was wearing men's clothing. He didn't know what to call him for a moment, so he simply ignored it.

He thanked Gu Jinzhi and Peng Leyi, who accompanied him, for dinner.

Gu Jinzhi refused.

She prescribed the prescription and told Peng Leyi how to use the medicine in detail. She went back to Gu's Shanyaotang and left Liang Rui to Peng Leyi.

In the future, even if Peng Leyi takes care of the medicine, it is also a piece of the pie, so that he can show his face to his father-in-law.

Peng Leyi is naturally grateful.

Two days later, Liang Rui's high fever subsided, his pulse stabilized, and his life was saved.

Peng Leyi went to the palace to recover his life.


Knowing that it was Gu Jinzhi who saved Liang Rui's life, he sighed in his heart. This time, he really owes the Gu family a favor.

Gu Yantao fought against the same party in the middle of the dynasty, which has caused a lot of dissatisfaction. The emperor also showed a little impatience by chance, not as much as before.

There will always be time to clean up Gu Yantao in the future.

The father-in-law has always been unwilling to participate in the government, let alone make friends with ministers, so the emperor trusted him so much and regarded him as a confidant.

Now that he is involved with the Gu family, I'm afraid that Gu Yantao will be dragged into the water in the future.

Without waiting for his father-in-law to take a breath, Chang Shun of Kunning Palace came to report, "Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, please go to Kunning Palace to talk."

The emperor casually asked, "But what's the matter?"

"Yes!" Chang Shun said, "Miss Jin and Lord Ning came and detained more than a dozen prisoners at the gate of the palace. I heard that they went to the Gu family's pharmacy to make trouble. Empress Dowager, please make the decision..."

The emperor frowned slightly.

Xiang Liang's heart suddenly thumped.

Will the Liang family do it? Liang Rui and his son have long been dissatisfied with Gu's Shanyaotang...

"Let's go..." The emperor looked at Liang.

Xiang Liang's heart suddenly cooled down.

The emperor's eyes, clearly the same as Xiang Liang's suspicion, must have been in harmony with the Liang family. Otherwise, the Empress Dowager would not have asked the emperor to make the decision.

Xiang Liang followed the emperor and beat the drum in his heart.

When she arrived at Kunning Palace, the Empress Dowager's eyes fell on Xiang Liang first.

The emperor affirmed his guess.

Gu Jinzhi and Ning Xi came together.

"...Xiao Qi, please say it again and tell your majesty that you know." The Empress Dowager did not greet her, but went straight to the point, with a faint anger in her eyes.

Gu Jin's way was to kneel down to the emperor and say, "Your Majesty, a patient came to Shanyaotang a few days ago. His pulse is in danger, which is a proof of death. Previously, he had taken medicine from Liang's pharmacy for consultation. I said that he was cured by Liang's doctor, just like Liang Rui. As a result, someone went to the shop to make trouble. Fortunately, Lord Ning took the bodyguard to help..."

Xiangliang's palm is full of sweat.

He knew that Liang Rui and Xiang Ran would not be reconciled and must do something.

Gu Shi, not to mention that Gu Yantao is favored now, Gu Jinzhi alone is the treasure of the Empress Dowager's heart. Is this moving?

Really ignorant and fearless!

The Liang family did not get involved in the court. After all, they underestimated their struggle with the imperial court.

"The Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, they are all maidservants. Damn it. I didn't take good care of Liang Rui and his son!" After saying that to Liang and Gu Jinzhi, he quickly knelt down and said before the Empress Dowager got angry, "Please punish the Empress Dowager and Your Majesty!"

There was silence in the hall.

Xiang Liang is the chief eunuch who has served two generations of monarchs.

His credit is unmatched in this forbidden palace.

What's more, his family has kept a low profile and has never caused trouble.

It's not entirely the fault of the Liang family who provoked the Gu family this time. It is also human's normal for the family to act and cut off people's wealth. The Liang family can't help but want to fall into the well.

The Empress Dowager just didn't want Gu Jinzhi to be sad, nor did she want to embarrass Liang, so she put on a stern face and scolded Liang.

Hearing that Xiang Liang admitted her mistake, the Empress Dowager smiled.

She said gently, "Get up!"

Gu Jinzhi and Xiang Liang both got up.

The Empress Dowager asked the emperor, "Your Majesty, what do you think is good? The people sent by Xiaoqi are the young men of the Liang family, who can't be killed..."

The emperor smiled and looked at Gu Jinzhi.

He didn't make up his mind.

It's hard to make a decision on this matter.

If the Liang family is severely punished, he will go to Liang's heart. Xiang Liang was loyal. As an emperor, he should protect his cronies. If the punishment is light, Gu Jinzhi will be wronged, and the Empress Dowager will be unhappy.

Therefore, the emperor dealt with it, I'm afraid that both sides were not satisfied.

"Mother, you make the decision." The emperor handed over the matter to the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager also knew the emperor's situation.

She respected the emperor, so she did not overw the emperor to deal with it, but asked the emperor. The emperor asked her to make the decision, and the Empress Dowager did not refuse.

"Shang Liang, not only that it is unreasonable to say that the Liang family sent people to make trouble, but also that Liang Rui is sick, and the imperial doctors in Mantai Hospital are helpless and in danger of life and death. Only Miss Gu will treat it. Now that the condition has stabilized, didn't Miss Gu save Liang Rui's life?

Knelt down to Liang Fu again: "Yes, thank you very much! Miss Gu's great kindness, the maidservant and the Liang family are remembered in their hearts, and they are unforgettable!"

The Empress Dowager nodded with satisfaction: "That's what you said. You can't be ungrateful. The Liang family acted, and there was a mistake first. Fortunately, it did not lead to a major disaster, and the mourning family was also gratified. You can officially go to Gu's house another day and apologize to Miss Gu. Then ask the Liang family to back up a generous gift for Miss Gu. You should not only thank you, but also apologize.

Xiang Liang hurriedly said yes.

"Get up." The Empress Dowager laughed.

Just asked Liang to apologize, and did not say that the Liang family would be punished. This is for the credit of the Empress Dowager and the emperor.

Xiang Liang knew in his heart that both the empress dowager and the emperor defended him.

He is very grateful.

He was also sincerely grateful for Gu Jin's life-saving kindness, so he asked him to apologize. He didn't think it was a punishment, but he thought it was right.

Xiang Liang has never forgotten that his adoptive father Liang taught him how to do things.

"...Xiaoqi, the Liang family did not act properly, and the Ai family also scolded them. Don't be wronged." The Empress Dowager turned her face and said to Gu Jin, "Let the Liang family's pharmacy close." Don't make a difference between the two families for such a small thing in the future..."

Xiang Liang kowtowed again and said, "The Empress Dowager is wise, and the maidservant asked them to close the shop."

The emperor and the empress dowager were relieved.

This matter has always embarrassed the Empress Dowager.

Xiang Liang is an old man in the palace, and Gu Jinzhi is the future Princess Luyang and Gu Yantao's niece.

The two of them can't face each other.

If the Liang family is injured, others will guess whether Xiang Liang is going to lose power. Then, those who want the position of chief eunuch will be ready to move, and there will be uneasiness in the palace and the court.

If it hurts Gu Jinzhi's face, people all over the court will think, is this a hint that Gu Yantao is going to fall out of favor? At that time, there will be many people who see the wind at the helm, and there will be another disturbance in the court.

The slight hints of the empress dowager and the emperor will cause a turbulence in the court.

Now, the capital knows that the Liang family is wrong first, and the emperor and the empress dowager did not punish them. They just let the pharmacy be closed, which shows the weight of Xiang Liang in the hearts of the emperor and the empress dowager.

Let the Liang family close the pharmacy, but still to show Gu's prestige.

In this way, the fight between the two families has been successfully solved, and the speculation of the court can be stabilized.

The Empress Dowager is quite willing for the Liang family to make such a fuss.

"The Empress Dowager." Gu Jinzhi also knelt down to the Empress Dowager and said, "Please take back your life. Our shop is only open until the end of the year. When the door is closed at the end of the year, where will the neighbors on West Street go to ask for medical treatment?

The Empress Dowager, the emperor and Xiang Liang were stunned.

The eyes of several people are all on Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi's words made everyone a little confused.

Don't you want the Liang family to close the door? What else are you tossing about?

"Before I entered the palace, my grandfather told me that although the Liang family had the intention to make trouble, it was our fault first. I heard that we opened a pharmacy, which made the Liang family have no business for a whole month. The Liang family is on the West Street. The medicinal materials are cheap, and they often do charity work, which is praised by the neighbors.

If the Liang family is wrong, we are even more wrong.

My grandfather said that in the future, we will only see ten patients a day in our shop, and we will not compete with the Liang family for profits... We opened a good medicine hall. Originally, we only did good deeds and accumulated virtues, and there was no intention to compete with the Liang family. My grandfather opened a shop, just to teach his ancestral business, which is not what he wants to do now..."

As soon as Gu Jin's voice fell, the hall was a little quiet.

The emperor looked at the empress dowager.

Xiang Liang sighed again in his heart: This time, he owes the favor of the Gu family, and he can't run away.

The old man of the Gu family tossed around like this, turning the Gu family into the benefactor of the Liang family.

A real benefactor.

Xiang Liang and Gu Yantao were tied together.

"Gu Jia's benevolence and benevolence." The Empress Dowager finally said, "In that case, it's played by Xiao Qi!"

"Empress Dowager Xie!" Gu Jin's way.

From the opening of the pharmacy in May to now, the main purpose of this pharmacy has been achieved.

Gu Jinzhi was not happy at all, but a little sad.

Grandfather's whole life, has his last wish been fulfilled? He has no worries. Is he waiting for the arrangement of fate?
