Spring boudoir note

Chapter 283 Hunger Disease

Gu Yuezhi's eldest son, Tang Lin, has been ill for seven or eight days.

At first, it was just a little cold. The Tang family is experiencing a disturbance. There are too many messy things at home. At the beginning, Gu Yue's housekeeper was so busy that he didn't care too much.

If you don't have a fever, you can ask the imperial doctor to come. The imperial doctor doesn't give you a prescription. They all make you hungry for a few meals and drink some ginger soup.

Gu Yuezhi is very familiar with this.

She also ordered the wet nurse and the maid to take care of Tang Lin in this way.

After two days, the child's cold did not get better, but started to burn.

Only then did Gu Yuezhi leave the housework and asked her husband to hire a doctor for the child.

The imperial doctor came and thought that the child was a deficiency fever caused by lack of qi. He should nourish yin and clear away heat, so he prescribed white peony, raw yellow and other drugs.

After eating for a few days, the child vomited and had diarrhea.

Gu Yuezhi and her husband Tang Yijin were scared and hurriedly changed to the position of imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor came and said, "Stupid, where is the deficiency fever? Obviously, it is a cold. It should not be cleared. Look at the young master, he vomited and leaked, which was caused by the use of the medicine to clear the fire. The deficiency of cold and fever should be made up, and should not be cleared..."

Then open some astragalus, party ginseng, etc.

After eating for two days, Tang Lin still didn't get well.

The child has an intermittent low fever, and even some nonsense.

Gu Yuezhi and his wife feel that the child may not be a simple cold, but other diseases. No one can be the right of Gu Jin, a famous doctor in Beijing.

Gu Yuezhi just sent someone and invited Gu Jinzhi.

He sent someone to tell his mother again.

Mrs. Gu is close to the Tang family, and she arrived first than Gu Jin.

As soon as she came, she saw that her grandson's little face had collapsed, so she scolded Gu Yuezhi and Tang Yijin: "I've been sick for so long, and the child has become like this. Why did you tell me until today?"

Gu Yuezhi squeezed his lips and didn't say anything.

Tang Yijin explained in a low voice: "It's just a cold fever. It's common for a little man to have a headache. I don't dare to make a fuss and alarm you.

"It's all like this, is it just wind and cold?" The lady was a little angry.

Tang Lin has been ill for seven or eight days. He is thin and yellow, which makes people extremely frightened.

The eldest lady's heart was picked up.

Tang Yijin and Gu Yuezhi were ashamed of each other and did not dare to speak.

Tang Lin didn't sleep. His eyes were a little tired, and he closed his eyelids. From time to time, he glanced at his grandmother and his parents, and then squeezed his lips slightly.

He squeezed his lips, much like Gu Yuezhi when he was sad.

The old lady was distressed again. She reached out and touched Tang Lin's face and asked him, "Brother Lin, what's wrong with you? Tell my grandmother..."

Tang Lin shook his head.

There was silence in the room.

The boy on the second door said that Gu Jinzhi and Song Pan'er had come and informed the maid in the inner courtyard. The maid ran in again and told Gu Yuezhi.

"Go and welcome it." The old lady said.

Gu Yue's way was to quickly rush to the door of Chuihuā to welcome Gu Jinzhi and Song Pan'er.

The group did not delay and went straight to Gu Yuezhi's yard.

Gu Yuezhi did not offer tea politely, which made Gu Jinzhi and Song Paner enter the inner room.

The old lady got up, gave up her seat to Gu Jinzhi, and asked her to set the pulse for the child.

Tang Lin hasn't seen Gu Jinzhi much, and his vigilance against strangers comes to his eyes.

He was so sick that he didn't even have the spirit in his eyes. It was pitiful.

Gu Jinzhi sat down and introduced himself gently: "Brother Lin, do you remember me? I'm the seventh aunt. During the Dragon Boat Festival the year before last, you and your mother went to your grandmother's house. Haven't you seen me? Do you remember?"

Tang Lin is a little confused.

However, Gu Jinzhi's attitude was very good, and his guard was relaxed. He shook his head and said, "I don't remember..."

The voice is very weak.

"I will remember to play at my house in the future." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Seventh aunt will give you a pulse. Can you stretch out your hand?"

Because of Gu Jinzhi, she is also from her grandmother's family.

And Tang Lin loved his grandmother very much. He had a good impression on the people in his grandmother's family from the bottom of his heart. He obediently stretched out his hand to diagnose Gu Jinzhi's pulse.

Gu Jinzhi said that he was really good, so he pulsed for him.

Then, he looked at his tongue.

After reading it, seeing Gu Yuezhi's husband and wife, the eldest lady and Song Pan'er looking at her nervously, she smiled and said, "Brother Lin is fine. Let's go out and talk."

Leaving the nursing mother to take care of the child, the group went to the east room.

The old lady spoke first and asked Gu Jinzhi, "What's wrong with Brother Lin?"

"I'm not sick." Gu Jin said, "It's just a little hot."

Gu Yuezhi and Tang Yijin didn't believe it and looked at Gu Jinzhi doubtfully.

Gu Jinzhi asked Gu Yuezhi, "Second sister, what Brother Lin has eaten these days? Think about it and tell me..."

Gu Yuezhi's face changed greatly and asked, "Is it poisoning?"

Her association ability is too strong.

"No, no." Gu Jin said, "I just asked about the food as usual. Think about it carefully..."

The palpitations in Gu Yue's heart have not passed, and his mind quickly recalled the child's diet these days: "When I began to have a fever, I didn't eat and was hungry for two meals. Then, I drank some millet porridge. Later, the imperial doctor prescribed the medicine to clear the excretion, saying that it was better to be hungry for a few meals, and then two more. Later, Dr. Zhong said that it was not a deficiency fever, but a deficiency cold. He should make up and drink medicine..."

She was not organized and chattered, "... I didn't eat anything else, I ate rice porridge all the time. Eat two meals a day.

"This is the cause of the disease." Gu Jin said, "Brother Lin is hungry."

As soon as this word came out, everyone couldn't believe it.

"Fever, why are you hungry?" Song Pan'er, who had never spoken much, asked.

"Although I have only seen Brother Lin a few times before, he is thin, shy and not strong enough. After getting sick, the external evil invaded, and the medicine he took needed his own body to generate energy to fight the disease. And he is too weak, he is not good enough, and it is useless to take the medicine.

Brother Lin is not a deficiency fever. He is indeed a deficiency cold syndrome. The imperial doctor behind him did not make a wrong diagnosis. The medicine he prescribed is useful. Brother Lin has recovered 70% or 80% of his illness.

If you hire the imperial doctor in the back at the beginning, I'm afraid you will get better early. The imperial doctor in front of you said that it was false heat, and it was wrong to use the excretion medicine. Those excretion drugs almost destroyed Brother Lin'er's body.

He was already weak, pulled for a few more days, and became even more weak. Since he got sick, you haven't given him a good meal. Normal adults will fall down if they drink porridge for seven or eight days, let alone children? He is not hungry now, but he is sick and drinks medicine, and his stomach does not rise. First, give him a bowl of vegetable soup, raise a liter of stomach gas, and then make some chicken soup noodles for him. But you can get better in two days..." Gu Jin's way.

After she finished speaking, Gu Yuezhi and Tang Yijin looked at each other a little.

The eldest lady said, "What are you doing in a daze? Go and ask someone to cook some vegetable soup and give it to Brother Lin. Then he asked, "Is there a good hens at home?" If not, I'll ask someone to send it..."

Gu Yue came to his senses and said, "Yes."

Then go out and let people make vegetable soup first.

Brother Lin is fine. Gu Jinzhi's diagnosis has been completed. Thinking that Gu Yuezhi has something to do, Gu Jinzhi and Song Paner will leave first.

Tang Lin's parents and grandmothers are here, and they don't need Gu Jinzhi and Song Pan's company.

Gu Yuezhi left them for dinner: "At least I'll go back after lunch."

"You are also busy, and Brother Lin still needs to take care of you." Song Pan'er refused, "It's not an outsider. Why are you polite? Let's go back first. If you have anything else to do, just ask someone to invite Sister Jin.

Gu Yuezhi thought about it and didn't leave them in vain.

The old lady sent Gu Jinzhi and Song Paner out in person.

When she turned back, Mrs. Tang also came.

She got up early in the morning to recite the scriptures and pray for Brother Lin, so she didn't come to see Brother Lin until now.

I heard that Miss Gu Jiaqi had come to see Brother Lin. Mrs. Tang asked with hope, "What prescription did you open?"

Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Jiang are getting better. At the beginning, Jiang Xin, the second daughter of the Jiang family, had that strange disease, which was also cured by Gu Jinzhi. Mrs. Jiang said that she had told Mrs. Tang, so Mrs. Tang knew that Gu Jinzhi's medical skills were superb.

"There is no prescription..." Tang Yijin said Gu Jinzhi's diagnosis.

Mrs. Tang was also stunned: "Is this... okay?"

It happened that Mrs. Gu came in.

The two parents had a ceremony.

Mrs. Gu said, "Don't worry, my in-laws, Sister Jin's medical skills are well-known. She said it's a prescription, and it will definitely work.

Mrs. Tang even nodded and said yes.

After cooking the vegetable soup, Gu Yuezhi personally fed his son more than half a bowl.

The kitchen has also stewed chicken soup and noodles, just waiting for Brother Lin to shout hungry.

A bowl of vegetable soup, about a quarter of an hour later, Brother Lin said in a low voice. He was so hungry.

Gu Yuezhi and others were overjoyed and hurriedly asked people to go downstairs.

The hot chicken soup noodles were served, and Mrs. Tang was shocked to see it.

She couldn't help saying, "... In the past, Peng Ti walked to our house. I heard him say that you can't eat chicken when you have a fever, otherwise the fever can't subside."

Before Peng Leyi made any suggestions, he often went to Chuanningbofu for consultation.

There are fewer people coming now.

He can make a point, and his medical skills are also very convincing.

Gu Yuezhi took the face in the maid's hand and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Tang Yijin was at a loss.

Smelling the fragrant noodles, Tang Lin swallowed a few mouthfuls of water and said in a slightly high voice, "Mom, I'm so hungry."

Mrs. Tang frowned.

Seeing that her daughter and son-in-law were still hesitating, Mrs. Gu smiled and said, "My sister Jin is famous for her dangerous use of medicine. The prescription she used can scare people to death. Can't she still cure so many difficult diseases? Like the stroke of Yiyan Houning's family... She said that if she could eat, she naturally had her intention. Brother Lin also said that he was hungry. Let's eat it first. It doesn't matter.

Mrs. Tang said nothing more.

Gu Yuezhi brought chicken soup noodles to his son.

Tang Lin ate slowly at first, and then the more he ate, the more delicious it became. After eating a bowl of noodles, he was sweating profusely.

Gu Yuezhi wiped his sweat.

If you are full, Tang Lin will be sleepy.

Gu Yuezhi personally served him to sleep.

Seeing that the child was asleep, Gu Yuezhi said to Mrs. Tang, "Mom, go back to rest first. When Brother Lin wakes up, I'll invite you again. Then he said to his husband, "Yi Jin, you can send your mother back."

When Mrs. Tang saw that Mrs. Gu was here and spoke strongly, she couldn't come up with an idea here, so she smiled and got up and left first.


The second update, please guarantee the pink ticket. There will be an update later. ( To be continued