Spring boudoir note

Chapter 284 General

Tang Yijin sent Mrs. Tang back, and only she and Mrs. Gu were left in Gu Yuezhi's inner room.

Gu Yuezhi ordered his wet nurse to take good care of Tang Lin, and then went to the east room to talk with his mother.

"We didn't intend to bother Qimei either." Gu Yuezhi whispered to his mother, "It's just that I'm scared. Brother Lin woke up and asked me if he would die, which scared me half my life..."

The old lady also throned and asked, "Where did he hear these words?"

"Who knows? I judged the maids all over the house for a long time, and no one dared to admit it. Brother Lin was so sick that he couldn't ask. Gu Yue's way.

She said, and her eyes were a little wet.

The old lady gently grabbed her daughter's shoulder and whispered, "Tong Yan Wuji, why do you think about these unlucky things? Didn't your seventh sister say that Brother Lin is fine!"

Then he thought about it and said, "We only think that we are children and don't know anything. In fact, he has a lot of things. I remember when you were a child, the maid in the room hooked up with the maid in the outer yard and was bumped into by you. You came to tell me that she wanted to be a match.

How old were you at that time, and no one taught you. You must have listened to me and the jansts about the maid's servant's servant in the outer court. You were very smart at that time. Brother Lin is like you, smart and clever. If he is unintentional, don't think too much.

Gu Yuezhi doesn't remember this at all.

She burst into tears and said, "How old was I at that time?"

"Five or six years old." The old lady laughed and said, "I told your father that your father sold the maid. Since then, your father has often said that you are the smartest. In the future, you will be the daughter of the Gu family and want to send you to the palace. I persuaded him. I said, we only have one daughter, and we have been sent to the palace. We have to kneel three times and nine times when we meet. I feel sad, and your father will forget it. You see, your father sharpened his head at that time, but he still didn't send you to the palace to seek glory and wealth. He loves you even more.

Gu Yuezhi smiled in his heart.

These old things have nothing to do with Brother Lin's condition now, but they make her feel better.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother Lin was ill, which made her in a mess. Although she tried her best to pretend to be calm, her mother must have seen her disguise.

It was not until this moment that she really calmed down a little.

"I'm all right, mother." Gu Yuezhi smiled and said, "I'm a little hungry. What time is it?"

Then I looked at the self-ringing bell, and it was already the last moment.

"It's so late. No wonder I'm hungry." Gu Yuezhi laughed and called the maid to prepare some meals for her and the old lady.

"Don't go back today." After Gu Yuezhi ordered the maid, he took his mother's hand and said, "If it's normal, I won't say that either. If you are not here, my mother-in-law and Yi Jin both count on me. I can't take care of it myself, and I have to take care of them. I have no idea.

Mrs. Gu is not here. In terms of housework, Gu Yuezhi is the support of her husband and mother-in-law.

Now, her son's illness makes her heart smothered. She doesn't want to be anyone's support. She just wants to hide in her mother's arms and let her mind idle.

The old lady laughed and said, "This is not in line with the rules. Besides, I'm afraid your mother-in-law will be more careful.

Gu Yuezhi thought about it and sighed silently.

After a quarter of an hour, the maids brought the food.

Tang Yijin sent Mrs. Tang back to the house, and she has turned back.

"My mother and I have a little meal. There is not much to prepare. You can go to the outside court to eat. When Brother Lin wakes up, I'll send someone to find you. Gu Yuezhi took away her husband.

She wants to talk to her mother.

Tang Yijin listened to Gu Yue's words, saluted his mother-in-law, and then went out.

Gu Yuezhi and the eldest lady had lunch and chatted about the trivial matters of the Gu family.

Gu Yantao was a little uncomfortable at the beginning of his worries, but now he is familiar with it. Although he is not in the court, he can control the situation in the court.

Now, he is more confident than before.

As soon as he is in a good mood, he will not lose his temper much, and the atmosphere will be relaxed in the future.

Mrs. Gu is very gratified by this.

After talking about Gu Yantao, he talked about Gu Chenzhi again.

Gu Chenzhi is almost thirty years old.

There are only two daughters in his room. Now it's time to keep filial piety again, and it will be delayed for another two years. I don't know when I can have a grandson.

The old man and the old lady are not a lot worried.

After talking about Gu Chenzhi, he talked about the third young master Gu Qingzhi for a while.

His daughter-in-law Xia gave birth to a son, which made the second lady unhappy and made a lot of trouble.

"It's annoying enough." Gu Yuezhi listened with his head and couldn't help sighing, "It must be extremely difficult for you to surround these bad things all day long."

"What's wrong with you?" The old lady laughed and said, "I think it's interesting. It's a little noisy, and the family is thriving.

The old lady thinks about everything, which is very admired by Gu Yuezhi.

"In my place, everyone who has their own room should be competitive, and no one will make jokes to others." Speaking of the Tang family, Gu Yuezhi said, "Compared with our family, there is less noise. But you see, if nothing happens on weekdays, it's a big deal. You're right, a little noise is more prosperous..."

The old lady smiled and said, "Don't think so. Who is looking forward to a quarrel? What my mother means is that no matter what happens, think about the good.

Gu Yuezhi laughed.

As the mother and daughter were talking, Gu Yuezhi remembered Brother Lin and asked the little maid to go to the inner room to see how Brother Lin was doing.

The wet nurse said that Brother Lin was still sleeping and didn't dare to wake him up.

Gu Yuezhi continued to talk to his mother.

As he spoke, Tang Yijin went back to the inner courtyard, and he wanted to change his clothes and go out.

Gu Yuezhi asked him, "Where are you going?"

Tang Yijin loves Brother Lin the most. There is no reason for Brother Lin to go out before he wakes up. According to his character, he should wait at home for Brother Lin to get better.

"Yes... something to do." Tang Yi Jin's eyes dodged and did not answer Gu Yuezhi's question directly.

He is not used to lying and shows his embarrassment.

Gu Yuezhi didn't ask much and ordered the maid to change his clothes for him.

Tang Yijin changed into new clothes, came in to say hello to Gu Yuezhi and Mrs. Gu, and hurried out.

Gu Yuezhi frowned slightly and said to himself, "What's the matter?"

The eldest lady said, "When he comes back, you can ask him again..."

Chuxia, the servant maid who served beside her, shouted loudly, and she had something to say.

Gu Yuezhi and the eldest lady looked at her.

In the early summer, he approached Gu Yuezhi and said, "When the maidservant went to the kitchen to order the food, I heard a few in charge mothers say, what a dead person. The maidservant inquired more. It turned out that Taner from Jinxianglou was dead and hanged..."

Gu Yuezhi's eyebrows were tightly twisted together.

"When did you die?" The old lady asked.

She is the most well-informed. Why doesn't she know at all?

This matter is related to Gu Yuezhi, and the old lady is always careful.

"I just died last night and came out this morning. As soon as it comes out, the streets and alleys all know it. I heard that Taner also left a suicide note, saying that after her death, she would leave a third master to miss her belly pocket and thong. Jinxianglou just bought her and died without making money. He simply pasted her suicide note on the piano upstairs and put all her little clothes at the door..."

High-end brothel, there will be a piano building at the door.

This building is not a piano room, but like a bulletin board for future generations.

The famous ji of the brothel is not something that can be seen if you have money. You need the famous ji to be willing. And the talents, in addition to playing some roetle slaves, also need to write poems and songs on the piano floor.

If he is talented, maybe Mingji doesn't want money to see him.

The piano building is a threshold for entering the ji courtyard, and there are countless scholars wandering there every day.

At the beginning, the third master of the Tang family also wrote a poem on the piano building, which touched Tan'er's heart and kept him in the incense pavilion from then on.

In this era, most of the information flow depends on these scholars.

Therefore, the news of Tan'er's death spread so quickly.

Her suicide note said that her private clothes were left to the third master of the Tang family, and Jinxianglou was unwilling to put it at the door of the brothel and showed it to the people who came and went. This was not insulting Taner, but hitting the face of the Tang family.

No wonder Tang Yijin is embarrassed to say.

He must have been ordered by his father to deal with this matter.

Gu Yue's face became so angry. The face of the Tang family is the face of her Gu Yuezhi.

"This is the end of those people who provoked the brothel. In this year, the Tang family's reputation is going to stink. It's easy to stop, and it's such a scene again. Gu Yuezhi said angrily, "Mom, tell me, when will this happen?"

The eldest lady was silent.

She felt that Tan'er's last move had blackened the Tang family.

It's used to the wind and moon field, and it's really not easy to deal with.

"People are dead, and they finally stop, and they can't turn over the waves in the future. It's just that the current gossip is worse than before. I'll go back and discuss with your father to see if he has a way to suppress these words. The old lady said.

The Tang family is the in-law of the Gu family, and the gossip of the Tang family will more or less affect the Gu family.

"...Don't care about anything, don't think about anything, as long as you were optimistic about Brother Lin before." The eldest lady told her daughter, "Nothing is more important than Brother Lin. When your mother-in-law or the princess comes, ask the women to block it. When Brother Lin is ready, send someone to let me know.

Gu Yue's way is.

The old lady hurriedly got up and said goodbye.

Gu Yuezhi entered the inner room.

Brother Lin is still sleeping, and the wet nurse dares not lift the curtain for fear of disturbing the child. Brother Lin has been sleeping lightly since he was a child, and he will wake up as soon as there is movement.

Gu Yuezhi didn't dare to uncover the curtain. He sat on the kang in the inner room, and his mind kept circling the things about Taner and the third master of Jinxiang Tower.

She thought for a moment and called Chuxia. The master and servant were talking outside.

"You can ask again and see what's going on now." Gu Yue's way.

The early summer road is.

Gu Yuezhi remembered her mother's instructions before she left, and thought that she already knew it. Sooner or later, the princess and mother-in-law would know it, and then she would annoy her again.

She called her confidant maids and asked them to guard the door. No matter who came, don't invite them in. It disturbed Brother Lin's recuperation.

Just say that Brother Lin is sleeping. He sleeps lightly. Don't wake him up.


It hasn't been updated so much for a long time, and the hand speed is a little useless, so today's third update is now. It's been a few minutes since the last few minutes of No. 1, and I don't know if there are any pink tickets for you. If so, just vote for me. RS