Spring boudoir note

Chapter 286 Firefighting

When the child woke up, he was very energetic, which made Gu Yuezhi and his wife overjoyed.

"I'm ready. Can I go back to study?" Tang Lin asked his parents.

Gu Yuezhi smiled and said, "What's the hurry? Let's go after a day's rest."

Tang Lin thought for a moment and said yes.

Then, Gu Yuezhi ordered the maid and the nurse to take care of him and take him back to his yard. If anything goes wrong, let me know.

After Tang Lin left, Gu Yuezhi talked to Tang Yijin about Jinxiang Tower.

"I didn't come back all night. What did you say to my father? How's it going?" Gu Yuezhi said.

Tang Yijin said, "I didn't say anything, I'm just waiting for the news. My second brother and I went to the Jinxiang Tower. The omao was not allowed to enter. He said that if he wanted to enter the Jinxiang Tower, he had to follow the rules. He gave the money first and then wrote the poem. Which girl liked our poem before he went in. There were a lot of people around, and the servants brought by the family almost fought with them. I thought that they were so arrogant that there was someone behind them, so I went to find my father-in-law.

His father-in-law happened to be at home. When he heard about it, he was a little angry. He said that the power behind Jinxiang Tower was actually not particularly strong. He was a salt merchant who made a fortune. I have some contacts with Beijing, but I don't have a strong backer. It's so arrogant and unusual, so my father-in-law asked someone to investigate.

"What did you find?" Gu Yue's question.

"I checked for a long time, but I didn't find anything. The father-in-law was even more angry, saying that the more difficult it is to investigate, the more ghosts there are. Let's spend more money to pay. Later, I found out that it was probably related to Jinyiwei..." Tang Yijin lowered his voice.

Gu Yuezhi frowned: "Is that jiyuan opened by the brocade guard?"

"I don't know. The father-in-law said that Xu Qin, the commander of Jinyiwei, was a cold-blooded person. If he is short of money and someone scrambles to give it to him, he will not be able to deal with the business of Jiyuan. The left and right commanders know that Tan You, the eldest son of the Tan family, and the other is Zhang Shufei's cousin. Further down, there is no power. Knowing that the Tang family and the Gu family are in-laws, they dare not be so bold. If anything happens, it's only Tan You and the Zhang family. My father-in-law said that it still needs to be investigated. It will take some effort to let me come back first. I'm afraid you will be worried." Tang Yi Jin Dao.

After hearing this, Gu Yuezhi was panicked: "Since it has something to do with Jinyiwei, don't check it. Since the third master's incident came out, our family became a joke. Add another layer, and it won't hurt. But if it has something to do with Jinyiwei, don't offend them..."

She thought that Tang Lin's illness was almost cured, so she said, "I'll go back." You can't let my father have a grudge against others for our business.

Tang Yijin didn't answer.

He was silent before he said, "My father-in-law said that he would not be afraid of anyone..."

"It's better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain!" Gu Yuezhi interrupted her husband harshly, "Jinyiwei are all the emperor's cronies. In the future, the emperor will doubt my father, and those people will definitely take the opportunity to fall into the well. It's not worth it for the third master.

When Tang Yijin saw that his wife's tone was not good, he even nodded: "You still have insight."

Gu Yuezhi was too lazy to say more. He called the maid to comb her hair and change clothes for her, and hurried back to Gu's house.

It rained all night last night, the road was muddy, and the carriage didn't get home until an hour.

Gu Yantao has gone out.

The lady picked up her daughter and asked her, "Is Brother Lin all right?" Gu Yuezhi is willing to go back to his mother's house, and the child will naturally be fine.

Gu Yuezhi nodded and asked the lady, "It's all right. Get up and jump around. He also said he was going to study. Don't worry. Where's my father?"

"I went out in the morning." The old lady said.

"Is it for the Tang family?" Gu Yue said urgently, "Mom, I heard from Yi Jin that there may be a brocade guard behind the Jinxiang Building. According to me, forget it. Taner's suicide note and Xiao Yi, they can put it as long as they like. The reputation of the Tang family is already like this. What are they afraid of? Dad, don't come out, so as not to offend people.

She was in a hurry.

The old lady took her hand and said with a smile, "It has nothing to do with Jin Yiwei. It's from the Tan family."

Gu Yuezhi's eyebrows loosened slightly and asked, "Who is the Tan family?"

"The original owner of Jinxianglou, in order to find a decentralized county magistrate's business, had already transferred Jinxianglou to the fourth master of the Tan family. The Tan family is rigorous and does not allow his nephew to do such a business, so the fourth master of the Tan family has been hiding it. Jinxiang Tower is relatively horizontal, and it is not available today. I offended someone the year before last, and someone investigated it. Fourth Master Tan asked his brother Tan You for help and concealed the matter. When your father touched the melon, he found Tan You of Jinyiwei and found Fourth Master Tan. He has gone to Tan's house now. The lady laughed.

Gu Yuezhi became anxious again.

"The Tan family is even more difficult to mess with, mother!" Gu Yue said, "In the future, when the eldest prince ascends the throne, the Tan family will be the emperor's foreign home, and the capital is not covered by them. What will my father do then? Why bother? The Tang family got into trouble and let his father come out.

The old lady's smile restrained a little and said, "The Tang family has no backing now, and it's even worse in your father-in-law's hands. Now the Tang family and our family have been tied together. Don't you think there is only the Tang family? Don't come back with those things. It's not only the face of the Tang family, but also the Gu family.

Besides, how much advantage did Jinxiang Building take before and after this matter? At the beginning, he redeemed the sandalwood and gave her 40,000 taels; then sold her, only 10,000 taels back, and Jinxiang Loubai got 30,000 taels.

Tan'er was in Jinxiang Building and didn't die until two months later. Anyway, it's not all the fault of the Tang family. Your father is at home now, riding on the wall in the middle, swinging left and right. When this happened, the Gu family could not hide. Others only regard your father's prestige. Who will turn to him in the future?

Gu Yuezhi didn't think so deeply.

She is in a hurry.

Listening to my mother's words, it is a little reasonable to release the Buddha.

The Tang family and the Gu family are in-laws, and they are both prosperous and both lose. If Dad doesn't stand up, others will guess that Dad doesn't have the ability.

The political situation is twenty and changeable, and every step must be careful and strong.

"I'm worried about it." Gu Yue said, "The Tang family can't hold the wall in the mud. I'm afraid that my father will put himself in in order to compete."

The old lady laughed again and said, "Your father has already passed the age of idleness. Although he loves you, he will not make the whole family deep in the mud. Naturally, he has a deeper plan to act. You have to trust your father."

Gu Yuezhi just smiled.

She thought that Tang Lin had just recovered from his serious illness, and her husband and mother-in-law were also anxiously waiting for the result, so she got up and left to go back to Tang's house.

The old lady didn't keep her, but just advised her to relax.

Gu Yuezhi returned home, and Tang Yijin was not in the yard.

The maid said that he went to Uncle Tang and Mrs. Tang.

Gu Yuezhi didn't say anything. He went to Tang Lin's yard and looked back at Tang Lin.

Tang Lin is recovering from a serious illness. Although his fever has subsided, he still doesn't have much strength, so he lies in ** reading.

Seeing that his son did not have a fever again, Gu Yuezhi went back to his yard.

She only slept for half an hour last night.

Now that the burden in her heart has been relieved, she is a little sleepy.

Thinking of Tang Yijin going to Mrs. Tang's side, I was afraid that she couldn't finish her words for a while, so she simply asked the maid to loose clothes for her. She went to bed and took a nap for a while.


"... Yuezhi said that it's better to offend a gentleman than to provoke a villain. She went back and told her father, let's forget it. If you don't want anything, let them laugh. Tang Yi Jin told his parents about it. He didn't say what Gu Yuezhi said that it was not worth offending Jin Yiwei for the third master, but only said not to provoke the villain.

Uncle Tang's eyes floated a little angrily: "It's all that beast, which makes the Tang family look so shameful!"

"What's the use of scolding these words now?" Mrs. Tang sobbed in a low voice, "What should I do? Look, once there is a problem, others are wise to protect themselves, and even in-laws are no exception.

Tang Yijin felt that his mother had said this.

"Mom, my father-in-law didn't say he didn't care. It's just that things are also priorited. Tang Yi Jin Dao.

Mrs. Tang said, "The most urgent thing now is to take back the suicide note and those small clothes. The longer you wait, the more people will read jokes. At that time, not only the scholars, but also the market peddlers and pawns. If your father-in-law still has a daughter in his heart, he should help us this time. We are ashamed, and we are also ashamed of Yue..."

Uncle Tang was unhappy: "My child is ashamed. How can others help you? With these complaints, why didn't you discipline your son well at the beginning?

"Or is it my fault?" Mrs. Tang cried even more, "My mother taught me to raise my son at home? You didn't teach him well, but you didn't look for me..."

Tang Yijin looked at his parents complaining about each other and was at a loss.

As he was making trouble, the maid said outside the curtain that the princess was coming.

When Princess Sirou came in, she knelt on the ground and cried.

Tang Yijin has a headache.

He thought, anyway, he didn't have the ability to persuade the situation. He simply sneaked out to see if Gu Yuezhi had come back and asked her to save the scene.

He came out of the main courtyard, and the sergeant outside hurried in, looking happy and holding a burden in his hand.

Seeing Tang Yijin, he hurriedly greeted him, saluted Tang Yijin, and said, "Uncle, this is sent by the Gu family. Here is Tan'er's suicide note and Xiao Yi. The Marquis of the Gu family gave it to his uncle and wife.

Tang Yijin took a big breath.

He said, "Give it to me."

The custator handed over the burden to Tang Yijin.

Tang Yijin brought it into the main room.

After getting the burden, Mrs. Tang and the princess finally stopped crying,

Uncle Tang was very grateful: "I want to thank my in-laws in person."

He was not ambiguous. He immediately changed his clothes and went to Gu's house.

Tang Yijin accompanied him.

Mrs. Tang looked at these things and felt disgusted, so she asked someone to take them and burn them.

Princess Sirou saw it and said, "Mom, why don't you give it to me? I'll take it and burn it to ease the turbid breath in my heart!"

Mrs. Tang thought about it and didn't dare to argue with the princess. Finally, she gave it to Princess Silou.

Today, the third master of the Tang family is still locked in the small study of the West Garden of the Tang family.

The sky turned upside down, but he didn't know anything and lived a leisurely life.

Princess Sirou took these things and went back to her own yard.

She didn't burn, so she told the maid to secretly take it to the small study in Xihua Garden and show it to the third master.

"It's not right!" Zhong's mother beside her quickly stopped her, "Princess, show these to the third master. Didn't you just tell him that Tan'er is dead? If the third master can't calm down, he will also kill himself. Why don't you keep filial piety for him? You keep the things first, and you can bring them to him after you leave. At that time, you were also angry, and his life and death had nothing to do with you..."

After leaving, according to the identity of Princess Sirou, she can remarry, and even marry well.

Widowed women, if they remarry, they will be rejected by the world.

There is a big difference between them.


The second update, ask for a pink ticket. RS