Spring boudoir note

Chapter 287 Good Medicine

In this era, women's loyalty is more important than life.

You can remarry with Li, but you can't remarry your husband after he dies, otherwise you will lose your heart and be instructed by the world.

Of course, if you are not a widow, it is okay to ignore the white eyes of others.

Princess Sirou wants to end this hopeless marriage, but he doesn't want to be widowed.

The third master of the Tang family can't die yet.

Princess Sirou sneered, gave the burden to Zhong's mother, and said, "Put it away first."

The maid brought her tea.

She drank tea with a faint smile on the corners of her lips.

"Big brother said that Yi Si can be favored by Taner, who is famous in the capital. Although there is some gossip, outsiders are actually envious and jealous. Taner gave the money to Yi Si and asked Yi Si to redeem for her. There were more people outside who envied Yi Si. We think it's gossip, but it's actually a romantic story. Whether I killed Tan'er or He Li, I fell into a fierce jealousy or pathetic notoriety.

But as soon as Taner dies, it will be very different. When Tan'er died, the world felt pity for the jade. He failed the beautiful woman and killed the beautiful woman. He couldn't protect Tan'er. He was a complete villain. Those who envy Ez will really condemn Ez morally.

It's reasonable for me to leave at this time, and I'm still very righteous. I don't want to share a bed with people like Tang Yisi. I saved my reputation with Jane's mansion. Princess Sirou smiled and said to himself, "I have endured for more than half a year and finally waited until today. Big brother does things, and it's really watertight..."

"Shh!" Zhong's mother motioned her to be quiet, careful that there were ears on the wall, "Sandan'er is looking for death by herself, and it has nothing to do with our Jane's mansion. You continue to make trouble with you and take the dowry back. From now on, the two have no different. Stop saying these words."

Prince Sirou nodded.

She smiled and her eyes got wet.

Obviously, victory is in sight, but she is very sad.

She once had so many beautiful fantasies about life and her husband. She has imagined how old they are.

At that time, I never thought that one day I would calculate his family property and his life.

It's better for him to die.

If Tang Yisi doesn't die, Sirou will always have a thorn in her heart, which will make her restless day and night.

She cried and said to Zhong's mother, "If he is looking for that fox, I will be sad. Why do they reunite underground? But if he doesn't die, how can I calm down?

She wants to be perfect.

Since she married a man who doesn't love her, her life can't go well.

She can only choose one that is most beneficial to her.

Zhong's mother understood Sirou's thoughts, but she didn't say anything. She accompanied her quietly and waited for her to cry. After crying, Sirou's mood recovered from her sadness.

and the road away are slow and long, and they need to calculate slowly.

So, before the end of the summer of this year, the third grandmother of the Tang family and the third master of the Tang family, who forced Tan'er to die, returned to her mother's family with all her dowry and the dowry made up by the Tang family.

Half a month after she left, the third master of the Tang family committed suicide.

The Tang family is doomed to be quiet this year.

After Tan'er's death, he was so fierce that the third master of the Tang family did not move. When the third grandmother and Li went back to his mother's house, he immediately committed suicide, which made people guess that he actually loved the third grandmother more.

In this case, he also provoked Tan'er and let Tan'er fragrance disappear, which was even more hateful.

Princess Sirou won a complete victory.

No one thinks that she has been abandoned pitifully, and no one thinks that she is wrong with Li. After all, the third master of the Tang family is the first to lose his virtue. This is the last word.


These things have nothing to do with Gu Jinzhi.

She also happened to hear a few words from her mother about the Tang family, and she couldn't listen to them.

She arrived at Fujiazhuang before the summer came.

Big brother and Lin Yi opened a small medicine house on Zhuangzi to see a doctor for the villagers and collect a small medical fee: either a few bundles of firewood, or half a bucket of rice, or a small half a bag of beans; there are also rich families, sending a few eggs, or an old hen.

They have accumulated prestige here for a year.

Therefore, Gu Jinzhi's arrival was welcomed by the villagers.

By April, the farm looks like a colorful spring scene. In the reach of the wheat field, the winter wheat is green and undulating, rippled with the wind; the peach blossoms withered, and the branches are hung with green fruits; a small river passes by the village, the smoke is green, and the egrets slides low across the water.

Big brother and Lin Yi live in a thatched hut behind the medicine stove.

Gu Jinzhi lived in Gu's ancestral house.

The huge courtyard is overgrown with grass.

The man who watched the house was lazy and didn't start to clean up until Gu Jinzhi arrived.

The ancestral house is at the westernmost point of the village.

In the house where Gu Jinzhi lives, if you open the window, you can see the backyard of the eldest brother's medicine stove from afar.

She wandered around the day, or followed her eldest brother to various villages to see a doctor, like a rural doctor; or she went to her grandfather's grave to add some new soil to his grave and talk with him.

In the evening, I will help my eldest brother sort out the medical case.

For more than a year, the eldest brother's medical skills have improved rapidly.

He followed Lin Yi and learned a lot.

There are not so many rules in Zhuangzi. Everyone loves Lin Yi and Gu Chenzhi, so they also take special care of Gu Jinzhi. Aunt Li, who lives next door, delivered vegetables to Gu Jinzhi several times.

Gu Jinzhi lived for a month. Near the Dragon Boat Festival, she was about to return to Beijing, but she accidentally found that there were poppies in the south of the village.

That time, she dressed in men and went to Fu Wanyou's house in the south with her eldest brother to see a doctor.

Fu Wan is in his thirties. He is a small srut in charge of the Gu family on the village. He was originally a person of Fu Jiazhuang, who worked diligently and hard.

Fu Wanyou's mother got sick because she was old and her spleen did not rise.

The eldest brother has seen several cases of this disease, and he doesn't need Gu Jinzhi's help.

Gu Jinzhi watched it with him.

When I went back, I saw the corner outside the fence yard of Fu Wanyou's house, full of poppies, pink, white, purple and yellow, clustered together, which was very gorgeous.

Gu Jinzhi stopped.

Fu Wanyou, who accompanied them out, saw Gu Jinzhi's love, so he smiled and said, "Miss, this is an popcorn. The year before last, our boy brought it back from the west. It looks good when planted. It's useless..."

"Useful." Gu Jinzhi smiled and didn't correct Fu Wanyou's name, "If this is done, it will bear fruit. The shell of the fruit is a good medicine for abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Gu Chenzhi smiled and said, "Is there anything in the world that you don't know?"

"Miss is smart and insightful." Fu Wanyou also compliments.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

"Uncle Wan You, did you just grow this poppy this year? Do you have any seeds?" Gu Jin's question.

Poppy was introduced from Persia.

Gu Jinzhi met for the first time in these years.

Fu Wanyou's youngest son followed several merchants in the town a few years ago and went to the Western Regions all year round to do some small business. He brought this poppy back from the northwest.

This is a good thing that money can't buy in this era.

"There are a lot of seeds planted last year." Fu Wanyou hurriedly said, "My little daughter likes to make flowers and plants the most. She served, and she also collected the seeds. There should be more. Come in and sit down again. I'll ask her.

Gu Jinzhi said good.

She and Gu Chenzhi turned back to sit down again.

Fu Wanyou found the little daughter who was sewing in the ear and asked her to collect the seeds in the New Year.

The little girl was twelve or thirteen years old, thin. She wrapped a bag of seeds with a small handkerchief and handed it to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi said thank you, but the little girl was so shy that her face turned red.

Gu Jinzhi took her hand and whispered to her, "Although this popcorn is beautiful, the fruit is poisonous. Be careful not to let people eat it, and don't break the skin. It doesn't matter a little bit. Be careful if you have more.

The little girl's face turned red and suddenly turned white.

She shivered and asked, "My milk is sick..."

"No, no!" Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Your grandma's illness has nothing to do with this. In short, this flower is very beautiful, but there are also more beautiful and safer flowers than it. If you don't worry, don't plant it next year.

The little girl nodded repeatedly, with tears in her eyes.

On the way back, Gu Jinzhi held these seeds tightly.

Gu Chenzhi smiled and said, "Are you going to grow your own medicine?"

"It's not just medicine." Gu Jin said, "This thing is amazing."

"How magical?" Gu Chenzhi's question.

"While its fruit is not ripe, squeeze out the white pulp in it and dry it to make a medicine. If you suck it, you will be addicted. You can't quit it and keep trying to suck it. In the end, the man became a puppet and was controlled by me..."

Gu Chenzhi was stunned.

"Did you make it up?" He asked.

Gu Jinzhi shook his head and said, "I'm serious."

"How can there be such a thing?" Gu Chenzhi didn't believe it and said, "If it's true, what are you going to do? Isn't that harmful?"

Gu Jinzhi said, "What do I do to harm people for no reason? If someone wants to kill me in the future, I can also protect myself. Brother, is there any land in this village? I want to find a place to build a medicine pot and plant this poppy..."

Gu Chenzhi didn't know whether she was serious or joking, and said, "Don't mess around. Where is the medicine pot easy to get? Without years of old drug farmers, they can't serve them.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

She just talked to the eldest brother, not to discuss with him.

When he took the poppy seeds back to the medicine house, Gu Chenzhi gave them to Lin Yi to admit.

Lin Yi has never seen it.

He was a little interested and smiled and said, "I followed my master from the age of five or six, and walked most of the rivers and mountains, but it was also the first time I saw this thing. What's the use of this?"

Say it, he wants to bite with his mouth, taste it, and see what the medicine is.

Gu Jin took it down and said with a smile, "Don't eat it."

Then she said what she said to Gu Chenzhi to Gu Jinzhi again.

"I want to build a medicine plant for this. You haven't seen it either. Many people haven't seen it. We have an advantage. The fruit shell can be pharmaceutical, and the pulp can be poisoned. There is nothing better than this. Gu Jin's Way

"It's feasible." Lin Yi said.

"What do you do with these poisonous things?" Gu Chenzhi frowned and said.

"There are many poisonous drugs." Lin Yi smiled and said, "Didn't the last child eat the half-summer on the mountain by mistake and almost be dumb? This kind of opium poppy is a new medicine, which may be more useful than half a summer.

Gu Chenzhi ignored them and went in to sort out the medical case.
