Spring boudoir note

Chapter 384 The eldest son

Section 384 The eldest son

It's been a good year for nine years, and the wind and rain are smooth.

There are several major events in Beijing, but they have nothing to do with the lives of ordinary people.

Everyone is just talking after dinner.

The first one, in April of the ninth year of Shuntian, the Gu family was removed, and Gu Yantao returned to the court. Coincidentally, the Gu family had just been removed from the service, and the minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lost his mother and returned to Zhejiang for the funeral. The Ministry of Officials is the head of the six ministries, and the minister of the Ministry of Officials is also known as the "officials of heaven". How many people are greedy for that position?

In order to raise Gu's family, the emperor asked Gu Yantao to serve as the secretary of the Ministry of official.

Gu Yantao kept a low profile for two and a half years, and was ambitious and happily accepted.

In June, the emperor appointed Tan Guifei as the queen.

Not long after Tan was in charge of the harem, on the tenth day of July, Concubine Gu, who had been pregnant but deliberately concealed it, gave birth to a prince.

Except for the Tan family, the whole dynasty is full of joy.

Tan's new accession to the throne, in order to show virtuousness, personally held the third ceremony of washing for the third prince. She even told the emperor to make the third prince the king of Yong.

Yong refers to the capital.

The fiefdom of King Yong is the land in and around the capital, which is the most noble of all princes. Since ancient times, King Yong has been the legitimate son. The first son born by the queen was chosen as the prince; for the rest of the first son, the emperor chose one of his favorite sons and named him "King of Yong".

This dignity is not enjoyed by Gu Defei's son.

After the news spread, everyone was very surprised.

The emperor was very happy and discussed with the elders of the cabinet: "I am close to the year of my establishment, and my children have always been thin. Now the third prince has been added, which is really a great joy. The prosperity of the court people indicates the prosperity of the world. The queen was virtuous, and I was relieved to make the third prince the king of Yong. However, the king of Yong has always been given the first son, and the third prince is not the first son. I don't know what you think?

Xia Shoufu was silent.

The other cabinet elders didn't speak either.

Gu Yantao hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, Weichen thought it was not good. There is a folk saying that children should be raised cheaply when they are young. It is too noble to accumulate blessings, but it breaks the child's blessings. In the past few years, the concubines in the palace have been thin, and the third prince is timid. Weichen thought that it would be better to wait for the third prince to grow up and then be crowned king..."

Xia Shoufu and several other cabinet elders were stunned and looked up at Gu Yantao one after another.

They thought that Gu Yantao was very happy and tried his best to make this happen.

Unexpectedly, he actually refused.

Xia Shoufu looked at Gu Yantao's eyes with a little inquiry.

The emperor looked unhappy.

The emperor didn't know until the fourth month of Gu's Defei's pregnancy. It was the Empress Dowager who helped Gu Defei hide it. After the matter was known by the emperor, the empress dowager explained that the child had just got on his body and was the most delicate. According to the folk, it should not be widely reported. It needs to be concealed so that the child can be healthy.

The emperor also accepted the Empress Dowager's explanation. He only liked it and did not delve into Gu Defei's concealment.

Later, the Empress Dowager was very attentive to Concubine Gu De's fetus.

Gu Defei's body and bones have always been fine, and there is no illness and no disaster until the child falls to the ground for a full month.

is a prince.

Not to mention the emperor, the empress dowager also cried with joy.

This child carries too much hope from the emperor. It is really the emperor's wish to make the child king of Yong. He wants the child to be safe and noble.

The newly crowned queen wanted to please the emperor very much. Somehow, she got a glimpse of the emperor's thoughts and actually offered to let the third prince be King Yong. King Yong could only be the second son of the queen, and the emperor was also worried that the Tan family would not be happy and made some trouble.

The emperor didn't want the Tan family to make trouble as soon as he took office.

Now that Tan has taken the initiative to mention it, the emperor's worries have also gone half, which is exactly the interest.

Only Gu Yantao poured cold water. Gu Yantao's cold water was suddenly and inexplicable, and the emperor was stunned for a long time.

Some princes are born and crowned kings, and some are crowned kings when they are adults. The situation is different, and the rewards are different.

Gu Yantao's request is reasonable.

The emperor looked at his eyes, but he was a little thunderous: Can't Gu Yantao see that the emperor tried his best to lift Concubine Gu De and the third prince, not only because he loved the third prince, but also the Gu family and Gu Yantao by the way?

Why hasn't Gu Yantao become so short-sighted in the past few years?

"The third prince is unusual..." The emperor said, "What's more, this is also the queen's loving heart, and he said that the third prince would be King Yong. In my view, it's better to set a date and get a reward as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, the young son is not enough to bear the love, which is the eternal truth. I beg your majesty to love the third prince and postpone the reward..." Gu Yantao said.

He insisted on not let go.

Several cabinet elders came to their senses and spoke for Gu Yantao one after another.

They are either the students of the Tan family, or they don't like the Gu family. Naturally, they don't want Gu Defei's son to be sealed like this.

Xia Shoufu finally opened his mouth and persuaded the emperor not to be in a hurry to reward the third prince.

The emperor was so angry that he shook his sleeves and left.

He was full of joy, but he was very angry.

But you can't listen to the minister's words at all.

The title of Prince is a big deal, and the emperor can't listen to his own plan.

He was very unhappy and went back to the inner palace.

He went to the third prince first.

After the third ceremony, the third prince moved from Jinghe Palace to Xinde Palace. Xinde Palace is the palace of the prince. Four Mammies, twelve big maids of honor, twelve small maids of honor, and twelve attendants were sent to serve the third prince.

The third prince also looks like the emperor.

The princesses and princes of Concubine De are like emperors.

The crown prince is the "Yan" generation, so the third prince is named Yan Shan.

The emperor looked at the child's red and tender sleeping face for a moment, and suddenly felt that Gu Yantao's words were right. The child is too young, his hands and feet are so small, and the small one is unreal. Such a child can't afford the title of "King of Yong" with so much controversy.

Compared with glory and wealth, the emperor hopes that Yanshan can live a healthy life.

Don't be like the second prince...

Thinking of the second prince's aquain, the emperor's painful waves rolled up in his heart. He took a deep breath before suppressing his emotions.

He got up and went to the Renshou Palace and told the empress dowager of his decision first. He had to slow down first, wait for the third prince Yanshan to be older, and then give the prince the title. He wants to ask the Empress Dowager if he is right to do this and whether he will treat Yan Shan lightly.

In the capital at the end of July, the heat has subsided, and the sound of cicadas in the branches and shadows has added a little decadement. Summer is finally coming to an end. The green grass is everywhere, and the rich green moistens the land roasted by the scorching summer sun. Autumn seems to be far away.

From Xinde Palace to Renshou Palace, the emperor did not take the jade chasm.

Sometimes, he would rather walk a few more steps in the palace and look at his courtyard.

When I arrived at the Renshou Palace, I heard the happy laughter of the Empress Dowager.

The emperor's mood couldn't help but be happy.

He came in, saluted the empress dowager, and then asked the empress dowager, "What's so happy about the queen?"

The Empress Dowager handed the express letter sent from Luzhou to the emperor and said, "On the fifth day of July, the eldest son was added to Zhongjun's room, four catties and eight taels..." Then, the Empress Dowager sighed slightly, "In less than a full month, it will land in seven months. At the beginning, Xiaoqi was pregnant and refused to say anything. He just wanted to go to Luzhou with Zhong Jun. I heard that it hasn't been going well..."

Gu Jinzhi was pregnant in the first month.

She didn't want to stay in the capital alone. She wanted to follow Zhu Zhongjun to Luzhou, but deliberately didn't say anything. If she reveals a little wind, neither the Empress Dowager nor Song Pan'er will let her go. And Zhu Zhongjun must go. This is the ancestral system. Gu Jinzhi doesn't want to stay in Beijing alone.

She can't either.

Not only is she not sure, but Zhu Zhongjun will also worry about her and feel uneasy day and night. It's better to follow.

She took her pulse and felt that she could bear it. At that time, she thought of her tenth brother and eleventh brother, who were also conceived by her mother on the way north. With this, she felt that there was no need to make a fuss.

I don't know. After arriving in Luzhou, she began to turn red, intermittently, and did not dare to take medicine. At that time, she was also scared to death, and specially asked Kuaima to invite Lin Yi from Fujiazhuang to Luzhou.

Lin Yi and Gu Jinzhi had a little friendship, so they went.

He has excellent medical skills and used acupuncture to save Gu Jinzhi's child.

In this matter, Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi hid it from the Empress Dowager.

Because the fetus was moved at the beginning of pregnancy, Gu Jin's condition continued during pregnancy.

In the end, the child landed in only seven months.

It can grow to four catties and eight taels, which is taken good care of by Lin Yi.

There must be a reason why the child falls to the ground without a full moon. Zhu Zhongjun felt that the Empress Dowager must delve into it. He concealed that she might have lost the Empress Dowager's trust in their husband and wife, so he sent the most effective custoler around him to Beijing in person. He not only reported the good news, but also told the Empress Dowager the truth: Gu Jinzhi and the child were very good

The Empress Dowager was stunned at first, and then she was overjoyed.

Children and adults are safe. No matter what happened in the past, it is a false alarm. The Empress Dowager is not prepared to blame too much.

The emperor took the letter and saw Si Jian standing next to him. He asked him with a smile, "Who does the son of the world look like?"

"Like the prince..." Si Jian hurriedly knelt down and replied.

In fact, the child is very similar to Gu Jinzhi.

Ke Sijian knew what he said when he saw someone, and deliberately said something like Zhu Zhongjun. When he saw the emperor for the first time, he thought his legs would be weak. Unexpectedly, the emperor looked a little like a prince, whiter and gentler than the prince. Si Jian actually felt a little kind, so he was not afraid.

After he answered, the emperor asked him to get up, and he got up and stood aside.

After waiting for the emperor to ask, the Empress Dowager said with a smile, "Zhong Jun asked the emperor to give the child a name. This child is blessed, five days earlier than our Yanshan. If he is full-term, he will be Yanshan's younger brother. Now he has become a brother.

The Empress Dowager was very happy.

Two more grandchildren made the Empress Dowager in a high mood. As soon as she was happy, she laughed with the emperor.

The emperor also smiled, but something came to his mind, which made his eyes flash a little. Then, he murmured slightly and said, "Is your name Yan Zhuo?"

The Empress Dowager felt that the word "Zhuo" was very good, nodded and smiled, "Yan Zhuo is good. In the future, this child will stand up to Zhong Jun's family. She asked Aunt Cheng to take the paper and ink and ask the emperor to write it down.

The emperor gave the word "Yan Zhuo" to the eldest son of Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi.