Spring boudoir note

Chapter 385 The Past

Section 385 The Past

Si Jian went to Beijing to report the good news and could not return to Luzhou until the end of August.

Before he came back, Zhu Zhongjun's eldest son was one month old.

Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun knew that the emperor wanted to give a name, so they didn't give the child a big name. But when the child was born, he had already set up a full moon wine. There must be a call. The couple discussed it and decided to ask Lin Yi and ask him to give the child a nickname.

Lin Yi is a little sad.

He looked at the skinny child, thought for a long time, and said, "My hometown is Yanshan Village..."

Zhu Zhongjun was in a hurry and said, "Is that the nickname Yanshan?" Then he picked up the child and carried him to Lin Yi, "Yanshan remember, this is your godfather. He saved your life. In the future, you should be filial to your godfather, just like filial to your father..."

Gu Jinzhi listened with a smile.

Lin Yi was quite embarrassed. He coughed softly and said, "Your Highness, you don't have to do this..."

"It should be." Zhu Zhongjun said, "If there is no Mr. Lin, both the inner son and Yanshan's lives are on the line. Both of you have saved their mother and son. Mr. is the great benefactor of our family.

Lin Yi saw that Zhu Zhongjun was sincere and not fancy at all. He knew that Zhu Zhongjun was really grateful, but over-push showed that Lin Yi had never seen the world. He took Yanshan from Zhu Zhongjun's hand, gave the child a piece of jade pendant he carried with him, and shouted in a low voice, "Yanshan."

Yanshan fell asleep, and his little mouth was pink.

The one-month-old child gradually looks very much like Gu Jinzhi.

When Yanshan was just born, some people complimented him and said that he looked like a prince. Now, no one has said that.

The royal palace in Luzhou is luxurious. Outside the main courtyard wall, there is an open space. Zhu Zhongjun asked people to build a small lake, a bamboo bridge was built on the lake, and a pavilion was built in the center of the lake.

The weather in late August is not so hot.

After dinner, it was still early. Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi took their children to the pavilion to cool down.

The sunset glow is bright, and the gorgeous glow is dyed with waves; the autumn chrysanthemums placed in the pavilion, new flowers and old stamens are born in layers; the evening lotus in the pool are fragrant, and the diamond flowers cover the blue. In the green dragonfly bushes, the mandarin ducks rowed away.

Gu Jinzhi held the child in his arms. Zhu Zhongjun sat next to them and gently stroked the child's little face with his hand.

Yanshan just woke up, unable to open his eyes, and looked at his parents ignorantly.

"It's so thin." Zhu Zhongjun sighed, "At that time, Rongnan was not so thin..."

Not only thin, but also yellow and thin, very fragile, Zhu Zhongjun's heart was picked up.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "You can't compare like this. At the beginning, Rongnan was born with a full moon. Yanshan not only did not have a full moon, but also suffered so much when he was pregnant with him. This child has a good life. It's not easy to survive. I'm very satisfied..."

When it comes to this, Zhu Zhongjun is about to change his face.

He told Gu Jinzhi that she was pregnant with a child after walking for more than half of the way.

If he had told Zhu Zhongjun earlier, Zhu Zhongjun would have left her in the capital to wait for delivery. Nothing is more important than Gu Jinzhi and the child.

Gu Jinzhi turned his face and didn't wait for him to attack. He smiled first and said, "... You have such a bad temper, I have given birth to a son for you. Why do you always get angry? I said it's okay. Look, isn't it okay?"

Zhu Zhongjun really wants to refute, is this all right?

The child's face is yellow and thin, wrinkled, and Gu Jinzhi himself is also thin. The mother and son have suffered so much because Gu Jinzhi made his own decision at the beginning.

But what's the point of complaining now?

Zhu Zhongjun sighed. His complaint was more about Gu Jinzhi and Yanshan.

He stretched out his hand, gently hugged Gu Jinzhi's waist, put their mother and son in his arms, leaned against Gu Jinzhi's cheek, kissed him, and said, "You work very hard, I know..."

He wanted to say, "I love you", but when he came to his mouth, he felt that his tongue was stiff and he couldn't say it. After so much experience, Zhu Zhongjun still couldn't express his love for Gu Jinzhi smoothly.

He felt embarrassed.

Fortunately, Gu Jinzhi didn't ask deeply.

Hearing Zhu Zhongjun say that she worked hard, Gu Jinzhi laughed. The smile reflects the sunset glow, and the eyes are bright and charming.

Zhu Zhongjun looked at the maids and bodyguards on the shore, with his backs to them from afar, so he leaned over and gently kissed Gu Jinzhi's lips. Her lips were soft, and Zhu Zhongjun tasted it slowly.

There is a strand of frankincense lingering in Zhu Zhongjun's nose. I don't know whether it was emanating from Gu Jinzhi or Yanshan.

His kiss is light and long.

When he let go of Gu Jinzhi, Gu Jinzhi's cheeks were a little red, and his lips were slightly swollen, which was more plump and touching.

Zhu Zhongjun suddenly felt a fire in his heart. The less, the more prosperous he became, and he was about to burn out his reason.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

After a moment, Yanshan fell asleep again.

Zhu Zhongjun still wanted to kiss him. She gently blocked him and said, "Don't wake up Yanshan..."

Zhu Zhongjun just sat up straight.

There are fewer times when Yanshan wakes up.

Zhu Zhongjun's fingers gently slid across the child's cheek and whispered to Gu Jinzhi, "When Rongnan was born, did he sleep like this?"

Gu Jinzhi nodded: "Children need to sleep."

They have met in this world for more than four years, and Zhu Zhongjun rarely asked about Rongnan in the past.

Until Gu Jinzhi was pregnant with Yanshan, he kept asking.

From pregnancy to birth, he asked for several months.

He seems to want Rongnan to come to this world to make up for what he owed him in his previous life. Zhu Zhongjun didn't do well as a husband and father in his last life. He felt guilty about Rongnan.

Gu Jinzhi understood his mind and didn't break it.

Because she doesn't know what to say, she can't forgive Zhu Zhongjun on behalf of Rongnan...

But today, she is determined to say something.

She rushed to the shore and called the wet nurse and took the sleepy Yanshan back to sleep.

And she herself sat side by side in the pavilion with Zhu Zhongjun.

The horizontal railing in the pavilion is covered with a brocade quilt, which is soft and smooth. Her arm can accidentally touch Zhu Zhongjun's arm, as if she was at the same desk in junior high school. Unlike at that time, she didn't think it was special to get along with each other in junior high school; but now, she is very at ease, even a little wonderful.

She whispered, "Since I was pregnant with Yanshan, you have a little hope that Rongnan will also come?"

Zhu Zhongjun was stunned.

Then, he smiled bitterly: "I'm an atheist. If it had been in the past, I would definitely not have thought so. But... You are here, and I am here. Although I knew it was impossible, I did think about it. If Rongnan also came, my life would be more complete. Gu Jinzhi, I love Rongnan... I also owe it to Rongnan.

"I know." Gu Jin's way, her voice was unconsciously a little reluctant.

She has never had such a deep conflict with her child. Even if Rongnan did something wrong, Gu Jinzhi could not punish him cruelly. Her love for Rongnan was to tolerate him, spoil him, and indulge him. Therefore, she didn't know that Zhu Zhongjun was so strict and cruel, and said that she loved Rongnan very much. What kind of relationship was it?

However, she believed Zhu Zhongjun's words.

Zhu Zhongjun disdained to tell such a lie.

"Yanshan is not Rongnan." Gu Jin said, "Do you think you will love him?"

Zhu Zhongjun looked back, stared at Gu Jin and said, "What are you talking about! Yanshan is my son. How can I not love him?

"You may think like this: physiologically speaking, Yanshan is the son of the King of Luyang, and Rongnan is your own son..." Gu Jin said, "Don't you really have any reservations about Yanshan?"

Zhu Zhongjun lowered his head and touched his arm.

Unlike Gu Jin, he didn't come here at birth.

In a moment, he can indeed distinguish his soul from his body. Sometimes he touches his arm and feels like someone else.

However, Gu Jinzhi's words made his heart tremble.

He didn't get angry, but felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart. To Yanshan, why didn't he rejoice wholeheartedly, but a little regret? The regret was not that Rongnan came?

He was silent.

Gu Jinzhi didn't blame him. She just stretched out and gently covered the back of his hand.

Zhu Zhongjun was shocked and suddenly came to his senses.

He held Gu Jinzhi's hand and whispered, "Yanshan is my son, I know! I often mention Rongnan these days. If Yanshan is sensible in the future and I hear about it, I guess I will have a pimple in my heart. I won't say it in the future..."

Gu Jinzhi smiled softly.

She grabbed Zhu Zhongjun's hand and said, "I also want Rongnan."

This is the last time the couple talk about Rongnan.

After that, Gu Jinzhi never said anything again. Zhu Zhongjun didn't mention it again.

But Gu Jinzhi knew that he was still worried about Rongnan in his heart. Especially after Yanshan was born, he was even more worried about Rongnan. Yanshan aroused all his fatherly love, but it was not used on Yanshan, but Rongnan.

In the blink of an eye, it's the end of August.

The autumn wind is thin and affectionate, urging the green leaves to fall, the leaves wither, and Luzhou in mid-autumn gradually fades.

Si Jian also returned to Luzhou from the capital.

Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi received Si Jian in the middle hall.

Gu Jinzhi deliberately sent all the maids down, only let the clothes serve, and let Nianlu guard outside the curtain, so as not to eavesdrop.

"Your Majesty gave the young master the name Yan Zhuo..." Si Jian said first.

Zhu Zhongjun curled his lips and was a little dissatisfied with the name.

Gu Jinzhi smiled first and said, "Good name, thank you, Lord Longen." She also arched her hand to the north.

Her action made Zhu Zhongjun laugh.

With such a smile, his dissatisfaction in his heart was a little less. He thought that Yan Zhuo was not bad, at least it was catchy and easy to read.

“...... Did you tell the empress dowager why the young master gave birth prematurely? Gu Jinzhi asked Si Jian again, "What did the Empress Dowager say?"

"The Empress Dowager didn't say much." Si Jian said, "Just ask the young master if he is good or not, and if the princess is good. The Empress Dowager was very happy to hear that the mother and son were safe. When the villain came back, the Empress Dowager specially asked Grandpa Chang to take a lot of medicinal herbs from the palace and bring them back to the princess.

Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jin were relieved.

"What did my mother say?" Gu Jinzhi asked again.

Si Jian not only went to the palace to report the good news, but also to the Gu family to report the good news. Gu Jinzhi asked Si Jian to tell Song Paner and Gu Yanzhen about himself and Yanshan.

After all, the baby is born prematurely, so we need to explain it to everyone.

"Madam, I'm so worried. The villain said that the princess and the young master were fine, but his wife was still worried and insisted on asking the ninth young master to come and see. Si Jian said.

The ninth young master is Gu Xuanzhi, Gu Jinzhi's younger brother.

Gu Jinzhi was shocked and asked, "Are you here?"