Spring boudoir note

Chapter 411 Health

Section 411 Health

The snow dust is ten thousand feet, like idle catkins, curling and falling.

Gu Jinzhi took the carriage and arrived at the Marquis of Xiping.

Uncle was appointed as the Marquis of Xiping in the early years. It was not until his grandfather removed his clothes that he chose another residence site and built the current house.

Gu Jinzhi's carriage stopped at the gate.

It snowed heavily, but the door was cleaned up, and a few guys were busy.

Outside the gate, two solemn stone lions stood quietly, cold and gloomy, but not stained.

The vermilion column supports the eaves, and the color is bright, indicating the prosperity of the host family.

The door under the eaves is brand-new in color, and the golden door cymbal is upside down, and there is a faint light.

Gu Jinzhi's carriage stopped, and the attendants held an umbrella for her.

Several carriages have been parked at the door.

There is an endless stream of people who come to pay New Year's greetings to uncle.

The men who welcome guests and see off guests at the door are all silk clothes, bright and neat.

Gu Jinzhi's bodyguard came forward to report his identity, and the servants warmly greeted him and asked Gu Jinzhi to invite him in. The shoop at the second door had already gone in and told the eldest lady and grandmother Lin Manjing.

On the way from the gate to the hanging flower gate, there were always women sweeping the snow.

Some guests are in and out.

Gu Jinzhi didn't know much about the people who came and went. He just nodded slightly and smiled.

The same is true for guests.

Gu Jinzhi's attendant maid held an umbrella and walked slowly in.

By the time Gu Jinzhi walked to the door of the hanging flowers, the eldest lady and grandmother had already arrived.

I haven't seen you for a few years, and we suddenly reunited. Everyone looked at each other's eyebrows and looked a little strange.

Gu Jinzhi saluted the eldest lady first.

The eldest grandmother wanted to salute Gu Jinzhi, but she was held by Gu Jinzhi quickly and said with a smile, "This is home. I went home, and it is the aunt of the Gu family. As long as the sister-in-law salutes her sister-in-law, there is no reason to be saluted by her sister-in-law. Don't do this..."

After she finished speaking quickly, she didn't wait for the grandmother to react, so she half squatted down to give the grandmother a blessing.

The old lady took the opportunity to help Gu Jinzhi up and said with a smile, "Sister Jin is still like this. She is polite, but says that others are strange, just like when she was a child..."

Gu Jinzhi's smile.

The group went to the first lady's main courtyard.

The old lady and the old lady are a little plump, their faces are fair, and the lines of time are not obvious. It seems that in the past few years, the time has not been run over by them, and they still maintain young and smooth skin...

Gu Jinzhi looked at it and was happy.

The family is doing well, and she is also happy.

In the east room of the upper room, the ground dragon is burning, as warm as spring.

A pot of preserved plums in the corner, and the fragrance is delivered secretly.

In the east room of the eldest lady's living and banquet, there are several little girls waiting there.

When they came in, several children stood up.

Gu Jinzhi looked at them in surprise.

The leading girl, eleven or twelve years old, half-year-old girl, tall, wearing a silver-red silk jacket, combed a bun, her eyes like ink gems, flowing with bright light, a little shy to hide behind, but still secretly look at Gu Jinzhi.

She looks very much like grandma Lin Manjing.

The other three children, the youngest is three or four years old.

Gu Jinzhi and the eldest lady sat down. The sister-in-law helped bring tea and introduced these girls to Gu Jinzhi: "This is Sister Xi, this is Sister Xi..."

These four girls are all the daughters of the sister-in-law.

When Gu Jinzhi was still in the capital, Sister Xi and Sister Xi had already been born. In the next seven years, the eldest grandmother gave birth to three daughters for Gu Chenzhi, a total of five daughters.

The youngest is only 18 months old, and I didn't carry it.

The boss is more than one year older than Gu Jinzhi's two twin brothers, and he is already twelve years old this year. She has developed and looks like a big girl. She is graceful and beautiful.

She is a little shy and not worldly enough, but she retains the innocence of the little girl. Gu Jinzhi looks very good.

After the grandmother's introduction, Gu Xi's sister smiled shyly and did not dare to take the initiative to talk to Gu Jinzhi.

Grandma asked Gu Xi, "Do you remember the seventh aunt?"

Sister Xi smiled shyly and called the seventh aunt in a low voice, saying that she remembered.

Gu Jinzhi took four purses from his arms and rewarded them to the children.

The children took their purses and thanked Gu Jinzhi one after another. They were very polite.

Grandma let the children go out: "Take your sisters back, and go to the seventh aunt's house next time when you are free..."

Take care of it, hold Lao Si in your hand and take it with you

The room was suddenly empty.

Gu Jinzhi said to the old lady, "... Looking at your complexion, it's better than when I left Beijing.

The old lady smiled and said, "Your eldest brother has opened his own pharmacy and often gets us some nourishing medicinal tea. He wants me and your sister-in-law to drink it every day. It hasn't been over the years. He looks better and his body is comfortable.

Gu Jinzhi looked at his sister-in-law.

The sister-in-law looks good, her skin is white and red, and it can be broken by blowing. She applied a little thin powder, and the color was very bright.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and took the opportunity to ask the eldest brother, "Is the eldest brother not at home today? How is his pharmacy now?

"How can he have free time at home? He took half of the inner court to worship, and most of the medicine in the palace was provided by him. The lady laughed and said, "Your uncle dislikes him as a low-class business and always asks him to close the shop. It was the Empress Dowager who issued a decree saying that the medicine of the Gu family was the best. She only took the medicine of the Gu family for her illness, and it was only prescribed today. If it hadn't been for the court offering, our house would not have been enough for your eldest brother's defeat..."

"Big brother's prodigal family?" Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "This government in the capital is my eldest brother's most promising. How can I say a prodigal? My aunt said this, and I was wronged for my eldest brother..."

"You don't know the reason here." The eldest lady smiled. Although Gu Chenzhi was a prodigal, her tone was very gratified and proud. "As long as his shop is a poor person to see a doctor, he doesn't want other people's medical resources.

Let's not talk about the exemption of medical fees, he gave medicine to the poor. Seeing that people's livelihood is difficult, he still has a few money to subsidize. At the end of the year, there is no benefit. If it hadn't been for the dedication in the palace, it wouldn't have been enough for him to tear down the house. People said that it was the silver of white flowers offered by the court. When it came to his hand, it was in the water.

The court offered, he took half, and Qin Shensi took half. The Qin family made a lot of money, prescribed several dividends, and also gave medicine to the poor, but only once a month, which is more popular than your eldest brother.

That's what makes people do.

Your eldest brother is a prodigal..."


, the old lady smiled first.

Grandma also laughed.

Gu Jinzhi can know from the attitude of their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law that their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law agree with Gu Chenzhi's behavior. He is very proud to say that the eldest brother is prodigal.

The court worship makes a lot of money every year, which is very profitable.

Gu Chenzhi didn't want to make a profit, so he took the opportunity to send it out.

Gu Jinzhi remembered that he said his ideals in his early years. He doesn't want to be rich and noble. He just wants to have a small pharmacy on the street or at the end of the alley. If the poor old farmer takes medicine, he will not receive medical fees to solve people's problems.

His ideal has been realized now, right?

"Big brother has the ambition of a great doctor." Gu Jinzhi sighed, "If my grandfather has any knowledge under the spring, he will be gratified. The Gu family's medical family is going to be famous all over the world in the hands of the eldest brother.

That's true. Gu Jinzhi remembered that in the genealogy of the Gu family in later generations, it was Gu Ling's original name all over the world, which carried forward the Gu family.

Gu Jinzhi thought, this is probably the beginning of the eldest brother's reputation, right?

"What's the name of the world?" The old lady was happy to hear this, but she was still modest. "It's just poor and generous. Now that your uncle is in court, you can live with the salary at home, and let him be such a prodigal. Outsiders don't know, who doesn't say he is a fool? He was so stupid that he fell into the eyes of the Empress Dowager.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

It turned out that the Empress Dowager was the backing of Gu Chenzhi.

“...... I will eat here at noon. I have sent someone to call your eldest brother and let him come back. Since you went to Beijing, he has also said it several times. The eldest lady didn't boast too much about Gu Chenzhi. The topic was shallow and stopped, so she talked about keeping Gu Jinzhi's food.

Gu Jinzhi also wants to see his eldest brother.

Her plan today is to go to her aunt's side first, and then go to the third sister-in-law's side to explore the third sister-in-law's mouth. Gu Jinzhi still needs to inquire about Cai Yan, Brother Xuan's heart.

If you stay with your aunt for dinner, I'm afraid it's too late for the third sister-in-law to go today.

And tomorrow, she has other things to do.

Gu Jinzhi hesitated.

It's still snowing outside. Gu Jinzhi thought that it should be too late to leave early after lunch. She wanted to see her eldest brother very much, so she said, "That's bothering my aunt."

The old lady smiled and said she was polite.

The maid gave them tea.

Gu Jinzhi slowly drank tea and talked to his aunt about the trivial things at home.

The aunt asked about her child.

“...... When the weather gets better, bring it here and let's have a look. The eldest aunt said, "It's a blessing for you to have three sons in a row."

The big grandma beside her, her eyes were slightly dark.

Gu Jinzhi thought that the eldest grandmother had five daughters, which must have been very bitter, so he smiled and did not answer his aunt's words.

The eldest aunt originally wanted to ask about the premature birth of Gu Jin's eldest son. It can be seen that her daughter-in-law's face was slightly restrained, and she knew that the eldest grandmother might be more concerned, and Gu Jinzhi just smiled and said nothing. The eldest aunt knew that she had lost her words and did not talk deeply.

After about a quarter of an hour, footsteps came from outside.

The leather boots stepped on the snow and made a crisp noise.

In a hurry, the eldest brother Gu Chen, snowed and entered the house with white gas. He stamped the snow on his feet and entered the house.

He hurried back, and he didn't wear a bamboo hat. He came in in the heavy snow. His head and body were covered with snow, and many of them turned into water, soaking his clothes and hair.

"Seven sisters!" He shouted loudly, and his voice was loud and powerful.

I haven't seen him for many years, and my eldest brother has also been fat. He looks good and is very energetic. The voice is loud, which is a little more hoarse and magnetic than when he was young.

He also has a little mustache and is more famous for his medical demeanor.

Gu Jinzhi smiled, got up quickly, shouted "Big Brother" and greeted him.