Spring boudoir note

Chapter 412 Thoughts

Section 412 Thoughts

The maid knocked out the curtain for Gu Chenzhi.

A cold wind also quietly entered, and soon it was fused by the heating in the room, which became tasteless.

"I was going to see you at your other restaurant yesterday, but I was afraid that you were not at home. I thought that you just left the palace. There are a lot of people, so I'm afraid you're too busy. I thought about going there rashly and disturbing you. You are here today. It's really uninadly..." Gu Chen laughed loudly.

He untied the soaked mant, gave it to the grandma beside him, and sat on the kang by himself.

The robe inside also carries moisture.

The temples can drip water droplets.

The snow outside is too big.

"It's not mine. I should have come over yesterday, but my mother was going out to pay New Year's greetings, and the prince was not at home. The children were only given to the wet nurse. I was worried, so I took care of the children at home all day. Gu Jinzhi explained with a smile.

When she saw that Gu Chenzhi had sat down and planned to speak first, she said, "Brother, your clothes and hair are wet. It's better to change your clothes first and don't dye the wind and cold. On this cold day, it's not easy to get cold..."

Gu Chenzhi also felt a trace of coolness from the top of his head.

Walking all the way, he only focused on progress into the yard and didn't even hold an umbrella. The heavy snow was poured on the head and melted into the green silk, so that it had turned into cold water and slowly let the scalp penetrate.

Gu Chenzhi knows that if he has a cold on his head, he is most likely to get sick.

He didn't show off. He smiled and said, "If the seventh sister sits down again, I'll come as soon as I go."

Grandma Lin Manjing also got up with a smile.

Gu Chenzhi and his grandmother went back to their room to change their clothes first.

Gu Jinzhi took the opportunity to say to the eldest lady, "Adam, I'm going to sit with my second aunt and third sister-in-law in the afternoon..."

"I know you're busy, and I won't delay you. I'll let the kitchen have dinner half an hour earlier." The eldest lady laughed and said, "Your third sister-in-law often remembers you."

Gu Jin's way of thanks.

Then she asked her aunt, "How are you doing, uncle? The prince also wanted to pay a New Year call to his uncle, but he was afraid that his uncle would be complicated and he would not have time to see him.

"Where are you talking about?" The aunt said, "The prince is the most expensive guest. Your uncle also said he would pay New Year's greetings to you.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, and asked the prince to come and pay New Year's greetings to his uncle first.

Then. She asked her second sister Gu Yuezhi again.

The second sister married to the Tang family is the only daughter of the eldest aunt. She seems to be doing well.

“...... She is fine. Her father-in-law passed away the year before last, and now your brother-in-law has attacked Uncle Chuanning, invited your second sister to the maiden wife, and also to the child. Uncle said.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

She remembers her second sister's father-in-law, who is the best at dealing with people.

And her mother-in-law is relatively short-sighted.

"The in-laws of the second sister's family, is she still strong?" Gu Jin's question.

"She is healthy. Now she eats and recitates the Buddha's name, and she doesn't care about family affairs." Uncle said.

talking. After Gu Chenzhi changed his clothes. Soon it was folded back.

Gu Jinzhi and his aunt's family words were interrupted.

He and Gu Jin are not unfamiliar. As soon as we meet, there will be a topic to talk about.

He first asked Gu Jinzhi how he had been in Luzhou in the past few years, how the prince treated her well, and how Gu Jinzhi's children waited for family chores and chatted. The topic turned to various medical cases.

Gu Chenzhi has accumulated prestige in the past seven years in the capital.

He worked very hard and kept asking people for advice. Everyone in the hospital looked at Gu Yantao's face and was willing to teach him. Although Gu Chenzhi did not worship his teacher, he was also the director of the family.

His medical skills have advanced by leaps and bounds.

He himself also has a lot of profound insights, and he urgently needs a person with higher medical skills to compete with himself.

He regarded Gu Jinzhi as that person.

The two of them talked about medicine for an hour, and neither the lady or the grandmother could get in.

The lunch was supposed to be half an hour earlier, but it was half an hour late.

After lunch. Gu Chenzhi and Gu Jinzhi are a little unsatisfied.

After lunch, it will be less than three hours.

It was dark early in winter, and it was heavily snowy. Gu Jinzhi wanted to go back before dark, and he wanted to talk to his third sister-in-law. I have to say goodbye.

Grandma and Gu Chenzhi sent Gu Jinzhi to the door of the hanging flowers.

Gu Chenzhi still wants to keep Gu Jinzhi's words.

Gu Jinzhi said, "I probably won't leave Beijing this year. When we are free, we are talking.

Gu Chenzhi was slightly surprised. He looked at her and asked, "Don't leave Beijing, are you and the prince?"

"The prince went back..." Gu Jin's way.

Gu Chenzhi also wants to ask, Gu Jinzhi has already said goodbye.

After Gu Jinzhi left, the grandmother asked Gu Chenzhi, "What does it mean that the seventh sister will not leave Beijing this year?" Do they also want to stay in the capital like Jane's mansion?

Gu Chenzhi took a look at her. He didn't like the word "Lai" used by his grandmother. If he doesn't like it, he can't say anything about his wife. He has to shake his head and say, "How do I know? When you are free, ask her again..."

Gu Chenzhi didn't care much about the affairs of the court. He really didn't know.

Grandma didn't ask again.

The couple went back to their room.

The children's wet nurse took the purse Gu Jinzhi gave to the children to the eldest grandmother.

In each purse of Gu Jinzhi, there are four eight-leaf peach blossoms made of gold. There are small holes on the edge of the eight-leaf peach blossoms, which can be played alone or worn for jewelry.

The petals are as thin as cicada wings, and you can even faintly see the slight tremor in the breeze, just like a new bud. This lifelike craftsmanship has caught up with the best goldsmith in Beijing.

The grandma couldn't put it down and was surprised. After looking at it for a moment, she said, "This is too expensive. There is such a good goldsmith in Luzhou..."

"It's rare and strange, and there are so many craftsmen with high craftsmanship." Gu Chen said, "The things are valuable, but Luzhou is rich, and the seventh sister has always been generous, and she can also get it. She gave it to the children, just keep it for them. When the seven sisters come over, you can also back up the gift and send it back.

Grandma said yes.

She asked the maid to carefully put away the gift given by Gu Jinzhi, and said, "After the New Year, I'm worried that there is nothing good for Sister Xi. Now I have this..."

She is in a good mood.

When the mood turned back from the jewelry, the grandma thought of something again.

She hesitated and asked Gu Chenzhi, "You said, the seventh sister gave birth to three sons in a row, but what's the secret recipe?"

Gu Chenzhi's face suddenly restrained.

Grandma knew that she didn't ask.

This topic is a taboo for their husband and wife.

I gave birth to five daughters in a row. Grandma Lin Manjing is under a lot of pressure, and so is Gu Chenzhi.

Gu Chenzhi's pressure is even heavier, but the eldest grandmother doesn't know.

Gu Chenzhi is Gu Yantao's only son.

If Gu Chenzhi doesn't have a son, their vein will be broken.

Before leaving, the old man left two last words, one is that Gu's daughter will not marry twice, and the other is that he can take a concubine without a concubine for 40.

Gu Chenzhi has burned the ancestral motto of "women don't marry twice", which has caused a lot of trouble for his father Gu Yantao. So far, people still talk about Gu's son's unfilial piety.

Filial piety is the foundation of loyalty.

Unfilial piety is unfaithful, and a non-filial son cannot be a loyal minister. This is the mainstream concept of the whole society.

Infidelity and unfilial. A man's foothold in society is gone at all.

Gu Chenzhi burned his ancestral precepts. He remarried his fourth sister Gu Shanzhi and fought for Gu Shanzhi, but the Gu family and Gu Yantao have been attacked until now. When other brothers become officials in the future, they will definitely be affected.

This is too bad.

Even if Gu Yantao is in a high position. The Gu family has won the name of "unfilial piety" and will also be laughed at by the world, and the children are rarely valued by the emperor.

The consequences of this matter can no longer be made up.

Therefore, Gu Chenzhi did not dare to burn the second one.

His father Gu Yantao did not dare to disobey.

The father was dissatisfied with Lin Manjing's inability to have a son, but it was not easy to openly disobey the ancestral precepts and take a concubine for Gu Chen. Therefore, Gu Chenzhi can resist for a while. It's just that he is thirty-six years. In another four years. He is forty years old.

At that time, he didn't want to have a concubine, not only his father, but also his mother, who had been supporting him, would not agree.

But, Gu Chenzhi really doesn't want to have a concubine.

This is one of his pressures.

The relationship between him and Lin Manjing. Non-ordinary couples can be compared.

He doesn't want to hurt Lin Manjing's heart and make the relationship between husband and wife become different. Without a person who loves each other deeply in the depths of his soul, what is the meaning of life? Gu Chenzhi has always believed in this way.

His father doesn't have a concubine, so his mother lives a more comfortable life.

This has a great impact on Gu Chenzhi.

He has always loved money and power, let alone fame, status, wine and beauty.

He just wants a warm and harmonious family.

People always have the same pursuit. Speaking of age, Gu Chenzhi wants to help the world and save the people; speaking of age, Gu Chenzhi wants to love his wife and daughter, be filial to his parents, and love his brothers and sisters.

If Lin Manjing does not have a son, this kind of harmony will be forcibly broken.

So, when it comes to his son's topic every day, Gu Chenzhi has a headache.

"I remember the seventh sister once said that whether she can have a boy or not has nothing to do with women. It's a man's fault. Gu Chen's way. Between his eyebrows, there was a little pain, "Seventh sister never said she missed it. At that time, she said that Yuan Yuye was infertile, and the fourth sister was fine. After so many years, the fourth sister remarried and gave birth to two sons in one go, which shows that Yuan Yuye has a problem.

"Nonsense." Lin Manjing grabbed her husband's hand tightly. "A woman has a child in her belly. Can she have a boy? It's a woman's failure. Why is it your fault?"

Gu Chenzhi held his wife's hand and didn't want to argue about this issue anymore.

He is also a little skeptical of Gu Jinzhi's view.

Because he can't understand the cause and effect.

"If not, you can ask Qimei another day to see if she has a good prescription." After a moment of silence, Lin Manjing said carefully, "Qi Mei's medical skills may be above you. If she said no, I would also die..."

Her plump and beautiful face was covered with dark clouds.

Gu Chenzhi's heart is also uncomfortable.

He had to agree first and said, "Okay, I'll ask her next time. Let's make plans early. I have thought about it. At the end of this year, I told my parents to adopt the second son of the third brother's family to my name, and I will raise him as a son.

Lin Manjing was silent.
