Spring boudoir note

Chapter 508 Deding

Section 508 passed away

On the ninth day of the fourth month of the seventeenth year of Shuntian, the emperor was funeral.

On this day, it rained heavily.

The emperor of Daxing's dragon control the guest, so it is a stormy work.

The former emperor died, and Gu Yantao was ordered to pass the throne to Buda.

Prince Yan chose to succeed to the throne, and his name was right.

The imperial edict was very long. He came to say that Gu Yantao was the head of the minister of Gu Ming, and asked the emperor to listen to Gu Yantao's teachings more.

On the same day, the cabinet named the temple name "Xiaozong" for the emperor of Daxing.

And the emperor succeeded to the throne, and the emperor's name was "Hongde". Next year is the first year of Hongde.

The Zi Palace of Emperor Xiaozong was suspended in the Qianqing Palace.

The son of heaven is mourned, and the sun replaces the moon, and the emperor obeys filial piety for 27 days to represent the period of filial piety for twenty-seven months.

After Renzong broke seven times, the emperor officially ascended the throne.

The next day, his direct grandmother, Ning, was crowned the empress dowager, his direct mother, Tan, was the empress dowager, and his direct wife, Li, was made empress.

On the day of mourning, civil and military officials went to the palace to mourn.

Gu Jinzhi also wanted to follow the outside women and go to the palace to cry.

She knelt there and couldn't help thinking of the early morning before Renzong's trip.

She and Zhu Zhongjun were the last to go in to see the Daxing Emperor.

He slept until Maochu. When he woke up, he called Liu Shu and Xiang Liang. While ordering Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi to come in, he said, "Light the light..."

The lights are bright in the inner hall.

Hearing this sentence, he choked and couldn't speak to Liang.

Emperor Daxing seemed to understand something. He stretched out his hand and said, "I can't see it anymore, can I?"

It happened that Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi came in at this time.

The two salute in front of the bed.

His eyes were blind, but he didn't have much sadness. He knew that he couldn't stand it, and it was up to fate.

He shouted, "Zhong Jun."

Zhu Zhongjun came forward and replied, "Brother, my brother is here."

Then the emperor called Gu Jinzhi again.

Gu Jinzhi also answered.

Emperor Daxing nodded and asked people to give the brocade to Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jin.

“...... You are smart when you are young, and I even envy you. Emperor Daxing's tone was leisurely, recalling the past and Zhu Zhongjun, "When I was born, my mother was a talented person; when you were born, my mother was the queen. There is a lot of space between them, do you understand?

Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi were a little surprised when they heard this.

If there is a gap in the middle, there is no; if there is no, there is really a gap.

This is a very delicate boundary.

How to determine this boundary is very repetitive.

When the emperor was born, he was the son of a concubine; when the king of Luyang was born, his mother became the queen, and he was born the eldest son.

Except for the emperor and the king of Luyang, several other people in the palace are concubines.

And the emperor, he is not sure whether he is a concubine in his father's heart.

This is probably the fundamental reason why he has been jealous of the King of Luyang and afraid of the King of Luyang since he was a child, and it is also the original reason.

Birth, it cannot be changed.

Previously, the seemingly incredible vigilance of the emperor had a reasonable explanation.

"Brother, you are the only brother of my brother. My brother never felt that there was any gap between them, and no one had provoked me like this in front of my brother. Zhu Zhongjun replied softly.

Emperor Daxing smiled.

He waved his hand again to see if he could see something clearly.

It's a pity that it's all in vain.

He sighed helplessly.

Up to now, I have probably accepted the reality that I am going to go and no longer struggle.

“...... You are smart when you are young. When I was a child, no matter what you saw and wanted, my father always gave it to you. Emperor Daxing's tone gradually faded, "When you were five years old, you saw that I had a mahogany sword at the head of the bed, and you had to go. That's what my mother asked someone to engrave for me. When I was a child, I had a nightmare and relied on this little sword. Later, I sealed the prince and still took it with me. But if you want it, I can't bear to give it to you, so you can sue your father.

When he said this, he sighed slightly and asked Zhu Zhongjun, "Do you still keep that little sword?"

If you listen to this, you will know that you will succeed.

Even the little sword loved by the emperor can go. In the future, Zhu Zhongjun will have to go to the throne. Can he also go?

This is the first time that Emperor Daxing has the heart to get rid of his younger brother.

At that time, he should have been only 15 years old.

The Tian family is said to be lonely, just because there is only one throne. If you want the throne, you can't have family affection.

"Brother, I fell my head when I was a child, and I can't remember many things." Zhu Zhongjun said, "The things are all cleaned up by the servants. I have never seen the mahogany sword again."

"It's a pity." The emperor sighed and said, "Later, I couldn't find that kind of sword again, but you lost it."

Zhu Zhongjun has no interface.

This regret is irreparable.

“...... Zhong Jun, I didn't mean to hurt you. For a moment of silence, the emperor said again.

After saying this, Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi held their breath.

"The masters all praised you, saying that you can tame the fierce horse, and you are also very arrogant. The horse of my year was originally given to me by the minister. Do you remember that he is tall and snow-white, more beautiful than our horses? The bodyguard of the royal horse said that it would take a few more months to ride. I'm really afraid that you will like it again and want to go, so I took it back to the East Palace and trained myself..." Thinking of this, the emperor had a look of guilt and regret on his face.

"You have to ride by yourself, and I can't stop you." The emperor continued, "When you fell down, my hands and feet were cold. At that time, I was really scared to death. If you die, I don't want to live alone. That's what I thought at that time.

After a pause, he continued, "Then think about it, I should have stopped you at that time. At that time, my head was fascinated by ghosts. I thought that if you fall to death, no one will compete with me again. I don't care about you either. When you fall, I will regret it. After all, you are still my own brother..."

Zhu Zhongjun is still silent.

The emperor also stopped talking.

After a long time, Zhu Zhongjun said, "Brother, I understand. Family affection is in our one-meter, one-meter, one-one porridge, one tea and one meal. It's not rare to see it every day. Instead, they fight and annoy each other. Only when something happens can we understand the importance of brotherhood. You don't have to worry about it anymore. I forgive you!"

Having said so much, I just want a word of forgiveness.

Zhu Zhongjun gave it.

When he was a child, he also dealt with his cousin in this way.

He understands the emperor's mood very well.

It's just that Zhu Zhongjun's cousin almost died without harm, so he never formally apologized to his cousin. When he died, he was still worried about it.

So, he can especially understand the emperor's mood.

In one thought, the most evil side of his heart ran out to make the decision, and then committed the lifelong regret.

Zhu Zhongjun felt that the emperor tried his best to say he was sorry.

He is willing to forgive a dying person and let his soul rest in peace.

Besides, he is no longer the king of Luyang.

"Zhong Jun..." After listening to Zhu Zhongjun's words, there was a faint water light in the corners of his eyes. "If there is really a wheel of reincarnation, I will be your brother in the next life. If you avenge me, I won't blame you."

Zhu Zhongjun didn't say anything more.

After saying this, the emperor was silent for a long time.

His mood passed, and his voice calmed down a little. Then he asked, "Is Xiao Qi still there?"

He can't see anything.

Gu Jinzhi then said, "Your Majesty, Xiaoqi is still..."

The emperor smiled slightly.

"It's okay if it's still there." The emperor sighed, "I'm so happy to see you when you go back to Beijing this time. You are sure to live a happy and vibrant life in Luzhou. Unlike the women in the palace, they are dead. This harem is really a cannibal. When good people come here, they have become unhuman and ghostless. I didn't let you enter the palace in those years. It's really right.

He said this in front of Zhu Zhongjun...

Gu Jinzhi looked at Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun's expression has not changed. A dying man, what he said, was only explaining his last wish. Zhu Zhongjun is stingy, but he won't be so inhumane.

In those years, he was able to marry Gu Jinzhi because the emperor helped him a lot and took the initiative to issue a book to Gu Jinzhi.

At this point, Zhu Zhongjun can forgive him for everything else.

"Xiao Qi..." The emperor shouted Gu Jinzhi again.

Gu Jinzhi replied, "I'm here."

The emperor was silent again.

He doesn't seem to know what to say.

Thousands of words, at this moment, it is hoarse and unspeakable.

In his heart, he seems to have a lot to say with Gu Jinzhi alone.

But I really want to open my mouth, and I don't know how to say it.

Finally, he sighed for a long time and called Xiao Qi again.

This time, he didn't call Gu Jinzhi, but a sigh.

All the words are in this exclamation.

After that, he didn't say anything more and let Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi go out.

After half an hour, he was celestial.

Several days have passed, and Gu Jinzhi is sad every time he thinks of the sentence "Xiao Qi". If he says something, it will make Gu Jin feel at ease.

However, there is only one sentence of Xiaoqi, which seems to weigh a thousand pounds, pressing on Gu Jin's heart.

But this is not enough to move Gu Jinzhi to tears.

She just sighed a little.

After crying and mourning in the afternoon, she and Zhu Zhongjun still returned to the other hall of Luyang Palace.

Hu Jie is still here with Gu Jinzhi. The day after she came, she encountered a national funeral, and Gu Jinzhi did not have time to inform Song Paner and Hu Jie's parents. And Hu Jie himself did not intend to leave.

Her husband, Song Yanzhao, didn't find him either.

I don't know if I can't find it or don't want to find it.

Hu Jie gave birth to two daughters, and she can also take care of the children, so these days, Gu Jinzhi is not at home, and she helps the nurse take care of Tong Tong.

She also asked Gu Jinzhi why Tongtong didn't eat the nurse's milk and insisted on eating sheep's milk.

Gu Jinzhi just hesitated and didn't answer her seriously.

On the seven or eight days of the national mourning, Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun returned home. Seeing that Hu Jie and her daughters were still there, Zhu Zhongjun smiled at them.

When he went back to the house to change his clothes, Zhu Zhongjun asked Gu Jinzhi, "Your cousin-in-law, are you going to live with our parents?" If you are free, ask someone to pass a voice to your cousin and ask him to pick her up.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

Immediately, she quietly told Qiu Yu and asked her to send a coer to Song Yanzhao to inform him, saying that Hu Jie was here.

It has been seven or eight days. No matter what kind of temper you have, calm down and solve it.

Gu Jinzhi thought that Song Yanzhao would not pick him up that day, and he should come the next day.

Unthinkable, Song Yanzhao didn't come at all.

On the seventh day after Gu Jinzhi's letter, Song Yanzhao finally came to the door.

I'm still writing. I'll go to bed after the fourth update~~This is the third update~~RS