Spring boudoir note

Chapter 509 Spoiling Concubine

Section 509 Spoiling Concubine

Song Yanzhao came to the door and left Gu Jinzhi to send a letter to him seven days late.

After going back and forth, Hu Jie has lived here with Gu Jinzhi for 15 days, half a month.

She is really calm.

Either everything has already been arranged at home, or he trusts Song Yanzhao very much.

No matter what kind it is, it's noisy, hiding, and it should be solved in person.

Gu Jinzhi was not good at helping with housework, so she didn't give advice to Hu Jie.

Zhu Zhongjun disliked Hu Jie's behavior very much. He felt that she was cowardly and simple, and put all her hopes on the man's conscience.

As a man, he often tells Gu Jinzhi that the men in the world have no conscience, and no one can count on them.

said too much, and it's not in vain. Gu Jinzhi listened to it.

"Invite your uncle to the middle hall." Gu Jinzhi said to the maid.

She and Zhu Zhongjun have just returned from the palace.

Tongtong is crying again. She feeds Tongtong first.

She held the child, fed the baby in the brocade, and took the opportunity to say to Zhu Zhongjun, "You go and entertain first..."

"I'm tired." Zhu Zhongjun leaned on the pillow of the big bed near the window and was already asleep in a daze.

He pretends to be asleep.

He has no good impression on Song Yanzhao and doesn't want to deal with him.

What's more, Song Yanzhao may not hope that outsiders will make peace with the private affairs between these husband and wife. Maybe Hu Jie ran away from home with his daughter, which hurt his dignity. He also had a tone in his heart, so he came to pick her up these days late.

It is appropriate for Gu Jinzhi to come forward in this kind of thing.

After Gu Jinzhi finished feeding the child and got up and got out of bed, Zhu Zhongjun immediately ran to **.

He would rather play in **.

Gu Jinzhi had to change his clothes again and went to the middle hall to see Song Yanzhao.

Song Yanzhao wore a blue, thick and straight. The foundation soap boots are waiting for Gu Jinzhi with a nervous face.

Gu Jinzhi smiled, entered the room and saluted him, and called his cousin.

Song Yanzhao quickly said to Gu Jinzhi. Without waiting for Gu Jinzhi to say anything else, he said anxiously, "Cousin, I don't know who to ask for now. I can only beg you. Yuzhu has had a fever for several days..."

Yuzhu is his concubine.

Twenty days ago, Yuzhu gave birth to a boy. Song Yanzhao didn't know how happy he was.

Seeing that he did not come to pick up Hu Jie's mother and daughter at all, but came to Gu Jinzhi to see a doctor, which stunned Gu Jinzhi.

She asked Song Yanzhao to sit down: "Cousin said slowly."

“...... It's just a fever. Let Song Yanzhao get better slowly, but he didn't know what to say. He calmed down before slowly straightened up his words. I had an attack seven days ago, with a high fever, no sweating, and pain in the lower abdomen. I went to the imperial doctor of the hospital and said it was malaria, and I was given a prescription to treat malaria. It didn't work after eating it; I gave Yuzhu some Angong Niuhuang pills. I heard that it was Gu's medicine, and my fever subsided that night. People also slept comfortably, and it was hot the next day. I changed to another doctor and said that lochia was not good.

Now, the fever of jade beads has not subsided, and people's eyes are looking at it..."

He is in a hurry and speaks quickly.

Gu Jinzhi was thinking that no wonder he didn't come to pick up Hu Jie's mother and daughter. It turned out that Yuzhu was sick.

The idea turned around in her mind, and she was not happy to hear Song Yanzhao talk about Yuzhu's illness.

When he finished speaking, Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Cousin. I haven't consulted for seven or eight years. Not to mention such a difficult disease, even if it is a small wind cold, I may not see it well. There are still some capable people in the hospital. Like the fourth imperial doctor Qin Shen. He has a good relationship with our family, and his medical skills are better. If he is invited, he will not keep it.

"Please." Song Yanzhao said, "Doctor Qin said that he was not good at treating women's postpartum diseases and did not dare to take action rashly. He introduced me to an imperial doctor. When the doctor arrived at home, he said that the jade pearl lochia was not good. It had been treated for three days, but it didn't work.

Gu Jinzhi's voice.

She thought for a moment and said, "My eldest brother Gu Lingyuan is also very good at medical skills..."

"I'm going to invite you, too." Song Yanzhao said, "My brother Lingyuan and I also have some contacts. Yuzhu had a high fever, so I went to invite Brother Lingyuan first. He said that he was in prison last time and has not recovered yet. His hands are a little shaking, and he is afraid to see a doctor. He gave me the Angong Niuhuang pills.

It turned out that it was time to be invited, but he invited it all over.

And other unknown doctors, he can't invite them.

After so many days of torture, Yuzhu is dying and can no longer be tortured by other doctors.

At this time, Song Yanzhao thought of his cousin, a so-called magic doctor.

In Yanling Mansion, more than a dozen ancestral temples almost replaced the Yaowang Temple. Gu Jinzhi's medical skills could not be underestimated.

And now, she actually pushes three times.

She was so un confident that Song Yanzhao's confidence in her also decreased.

"In that case, human life is at risk. When I go back to the house and tell the prince, let's go." After listening to Song Yanzhao's words, Gu Jinzhi finally agreed.

Song Yanzhao was overjoyed.

He got up again and bowed to Gu Jinzhi repeatedly: "Thank you, cousin, thank you!"

Gu Jinzhi felt uncomfortable.

She told Song Yanzhao not to be like this: "Since I have learned medicine, it is my job to treat the sick and save people. My cousin doesn't have to thank me. Besides, let's talk about whether it can be cured or not. Then he asked, "Last time I sent someone to send a letter to my cousin, saying that my sister-in-law and the two girls were with me. Did my cousin receive it?"

Song Yanzhao seemed to remember and said, "I got it, I got it!"

He said two "received" in a row, but did not explain why he didn't pick it up.

He thought that if he didn't say anything, Gu Jinzhi was embarrassed to ask.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jinzhi asked directly in person, "Why didn't my cousin pick it up?"

Song Yanzhao was slightly embarrassed.

Hu Jie acted this time, and Song Yanzhao had no place to put his face. When he and Yuzhu were really like glue, they really couldn't insert the third person. Therefore, Hu Jie seems to be insignificant in Song Yanzhao's heart at this moment.

However, Hu Jie is not interesting and still makes trouble like this.

Song Yanzhao didn't want to accommodate Hu Jie at all.

He had always wanted a son, and Yuzhu gave birth to a son for him. He didn't know how happy he was. But Hu Jie, she shouted that Yuzhu was cheap, and sold her. I don't know.

Hu Jie didn't have the demeanor of the miko at all, which really embarrassed Song Yanzhao.

His colleagues, who is not a beautiful wife and concubine, enjoying the blessings of the whole people?

“...... My cousin's house here is big. I think that although it bothers you, it won't be too much to live. She just came back from Yanling Mansion and was very angry. Looking for trouble at home all day long, Yuzhu and I are in a dilemma. Song Yanzhao explained, "Bes more, Yuzhu is sick again, and I really can't get out of it."

Gu Jinzhi listened and couldn't help sneering, "My cousin is at home, but it's embarrassing my cousin and aunt?"

Then he said, "I thought you were just a couple with a bad temper. Now I listen to my cousin's tone. I'm afraid that the house will occupy the magpie's nest. I dare not keep my cousin-in-law again. Since my cousin is inconvenient, I will ask someone to tell Lord Hu later and ask Lord Hu to pick up his cousin-in-law. What will happen in the future? It has nothing to do with me!"

Song Yanzhao blushed when she said.

He explained, "Cousin misunderstood. That's not what I meant. Suspend for another two days. Yuzhu will recover in two days, and I will definitely come to pick him up. My cousin doesn't have to bother to tell her father-in-law.

It has to wait for two days.

Gu Jinzhi is to this person. There is no hope.

She is still going to send someone to tell Hu Ze more.

In the future, if Song Yanzhao really makes a big deal with Hu Jie, Gu Jinzhi does not want to bear the crime of covering up.

She doesn't want to have anything to do with this.

Hu Jie played too much this time.

But she didn't know it at all. Le Bu Si Shu, who is still living in this other restaurant.

Gu Jinzhi sighed and got up and left.

Song Yanzhao was anxious and asked behind his back, "Cousin, are you still going to see Yuzhu?"

Gu Jinzhi smiled angrily.

"I'm not going." Gu Jinzhi turned around and said to Song Yanzhao, "I also slow down for two days. When my cousin and sister-in-law have dealt with the housework, my sister-in-law will invite me, and I will go again. In the future, my cousin-in-law will not blame me, and the Hu family will also blame me. My cousin's personality may not show my feelings. It's thankless."

She is so directly sarcastic.

She said that Song Yanzhao had no conscience.

Song Yanzhao also understood it clearly.

He changed his face in an instant.

is about Gu Jinzhi's words. It violated the bottom line and dignity of a man. He thought of Gu Jinzhi himself, who was also jealous and regarded the king of Luyang to death. The king of Luyang is not allowed to take a concubine, and Hu Jie is the same.

He was so angry that he shook his hand away and left Gu Jinzhi in place.

He didn't believe it and couldn't hire a doctor.

How difficult can a fever be to cure?

Song Yanzhao was disappointed in these doctors.

Gu Jinzhi watched Song Yanzhao leave angrily and turned back to the inner courtyard.

Just at the gate of the courtyard, her maid Bifan greeted Gu Jinzhi and whispered, "My uncle and grandma are crying in the east..."

Gu Jinzhi nodded and raised his foot into the east room.

Hu Jie is really wiping her tears.

When she saw Gu Jinzhi come in, she quickly stood up and cried, "Did you tell him about me about me, so he came here? I won't come back. It's useless for him to beg me unless he sells that bitch. Cousin, you have to be on my side this time..."

She is still immersed in her own fantasy.

"Sit down!" Gu Jinzhi looked at her straight, and her cousin-in-law didn't scream, but told her to sit down.

Hu Jie cried and listened to me. After listening, she didn't sit for a long time and only cared about her sadness.

Seeing that Gu Jinzhi was not talking and his face was awe-inspiring, Hu Jie sat down.

Gu Jinzhi waited for her to sit down, and he also sat down.

"I sent him a letter seven days ago." Gu Jinzhi said to Hu Jie seriously, "I just asked him, and he also said he had received it, but he didn't want to take you back. He came today. His aunt was ill and had a high fever. There was no one to treat him. He came to beg me..."

Hu Jie was stunned.

She blinked her big eyes and looked at Gu Jinzhi.

The thick and slender eyelashes are still hanging with tears.

It seemed that it took her a long time to listen to these words, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"What... What?" She seemed to be her own illusion and asked Gu Jinzhi again.

"You heard it right. He knows you're here, but he's not here to pick you up. Gu Jinzhi repeated, "Hu Jie, don't make any more trouble. If you continue to make trouble, you really don't have any place at home. I can't take you in anymore. If you and your husband have something to do in the future, I can't afford to take responsibility. Are you going to pick it up from your parents or go straight home?


It's really terrible to get sick and stay up late. But I promised my brothers and sisters, and everyone enthusiastically gave the pink ticket, so I gritted my teeth and survived. This is the fourth update promised yesterday. I'm sorry for being a few hours late.

Last month's pink ticket list, second place! I don't know how to describe my excitement, so that I don't look frivolous or indifferent. I was really excited. I didn't cry, but when I saw the last moment, I finally ranked second, and my heart trembled slightly! After writing a book for several years, I made such a result on the pink ticket list for the first time!

Thank you very much!!! Very, very, very touching!!!! Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who voted for the pink vote!!!

It's July, a fiery month, let's light it up. Brothers and sisters have votes, let's all cheer up~~RL