Spring boudoir note

Chapter 510 Placement of Daughters

Section 510 The placement of her daughter Hu Jie listened to Gu Jinzhi's words, and she was completely embarrassed.

She sat silently, as if she hadn't figured out how to express her emotions.

This time, she didn't continue to cry, nor did she say anything stupid that Gu Jinzhi couldn't tolerate her and wanted to drive her away.

Although her face is as white as paper, her lips are white.

Her hand hidden under her sleeve trembled slightly.

I don't know whether I'm angry or angry.

After a long time, Hu Jie said, "You send someone to tell my brother to pick us up..."

" OK, I'll send someone tomorrow morning." Gu Jinzhi comforted her, "Hu Jie, I'm doing something. My cousin and you are childhood sweethearts. How can an aunt who has just gained power be compared? He is just tasting something new to that aunt now. His mind is fresh. If you make trouble with him now, it's rare to win. Calm down, there will be resentment and revenge in the future.

These words don't really inspire Hu Jie.

Gu Jinzhi himself felt that these words were very false.

Hu Jie showed a bleak smile.

Gu Jinzhi asked people to help Hu Jie back to his room, and also asked people to pack up Hu Jie's things.

In a bag, it was all the clothes and packing that Gu Jinzhi added to her when she lived on Gu Jinzhi's side.

Gu Jinzhi himself went into the inner room and told Zhu Zhongjun what had just happened.

Zhu Zhongjun was in **, leaning on the pillow to take a nap, and was not interested in this matter.

He doesn't sympathize with Hu Jie very much.

If Song Yanzhao has 50% wrong, Hu Jie also has 50%.

The couple should be in the big 50.

Outsiders should not have been involved in this matter.

And Gu Jinzhi is a little biased towards Hu Jie.

“...... Even if you are angry, it is still a matter for the young couple. I asked him to pick up Hu Jie. He was so embarrassed that he didn't have time. I was really a little angry. Not to mention Hu Jie, doesn't he even want two daughters? Gu Jin's way.

She feels a little cold.

She always remembers the playful and smart cousin in Yanling Mansion.

It should not be Song Yanzhao who has changed. During this period, no man has many concubines.

Therefore, Song Yanzhao is not a style problem at all.

It is Gu Jinzhi who judges him from the perspective of later generations.

"Didn't his new aunt just give him a son?" Zhu Zhongjun said slowly. "I don't think so slowly." From your cousin's point of view, your cousin-in-law did not generously help the child wash the three salute and the full moon ceremony, and shouted to sell his beloved aunt. This is both shameful and angry. Hu Jie is simply unscrupulous.

I always hurt her, but at this time, I didn't understand him at all.

If Hu Jie is the daughter of a high-ranking official, Song Yanzhao's forbearance is also worth it. Now, why put up with her again? Men are very shrewd and sophisticated. He has a clear calculation of everything in his heart. Do you still want him to pick up Hu Jie? It's good that he didn't wait for Hu Jie to crawl back to apologize. Just make trouble. What is he afraid of?

In the officialdom, although there are also reviews.

The family was at peace, and the wife and the concubine were jealous, which was completely disgraceful.

You can be an official. It's not just Song Yanzhao.

And Hu Jie's father, Hu Zeyu.

Song Yanzhao is not afraid of Hu Jie's trouble.

It's really noisy. Even if Song Yanzhao can't get along here, Hu Zeyu can't get over there.

He is sincere to treat Hu Jie. In order not to think that there is no dignity in the family and forget the great lesson of taking her husband as heaven.

Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun finished speaking and looked at him.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't care and said, "I'm telling the truth."

"It's the truth that makes people feel uncomfortable to hear it." Gu Jinzhi muttered, "I'd rather listen to some good lies."

After saying that, she went to the clean room to take a bath and change her clothes.

The next day, Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi still went to the palace and mourned.

When he got up early, Gu Jinzhi told Qiu Yu: "Send someone to the Hu family to deliver the letter in the morning. If we don't come back, you don't have to leave your cousin and grandmother. Let her go back with her two cousins.

The autumn rain is.

Hu Jie and his two children lived here and did not add any burden to the attendants.

So, she can't walk. Autumn rain doesn't matter.

There is neither reluctance nor joy.

It is normal for people to come and go.

When Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi went out, Qiu Yu arranged someone to send a letter to Hu's house.

After receiving the letter, Hu Jie's brother Hu Zhuo was very surprised.

His father went to tears, and there was only him, his mother, wife and daughter at home. If you tell your mother and wife, I'm afraid they will panic first.

Hu Zhuo didn't mention it to anyone. He found an excuse to go out and went to the other restaurant of Yuanbao Hutong to find Hu Jie.

“...... Why are you here?" The person who went to deliver the letter did not tell Hu Zhuo the whole story. He thought that Hu Jie came yesterday, "My brother-in-law didn't have time to pick you up?"

He was surprised to see Hu Jie with her two children and asked his brother to pick them up.

Hu Jie lowered her eyebrows and said nothing else. She just said, "Let's go."

It's not easy for Hu Zhuo to ask more questions in front of the servants of the royal palace.

He led Hu Jie and her two daughters out and got into the carriage.

"Young master, aunt, where shall we go?" The driver asked.

Hu Zhuo looked at Hu Jie.

"Go home." Hu Jie said.

She wants to go back to her mother's house now.

Her two daughters snuggled up to Hu Jie.

Hu Zhuo was even more stunned.

When he saw that his sister looked pale, it was not easy to ask directly. He just knocked sideways and said, "It's almost a month since you go back to the capital, right?" Last time you went back, I was not at home. I didn't see you. I just heard your sister-in-law tell my mother about you. I also want to pick you up in Guining. Our brother and sister talked, and then thought that you just came back, and there were a lot of things at home, so I'm afraid you can't leave. Looking at your appearance, it has been reduced a little. Have you been working hard lately?"

Hu Jie bit her lip and was silent.

Hu Zhuo always loved his sister. Seeing that she was like this, he seemed to be full of grievances and asked, "Is it because my brother-in-law is uncomfortable?"

Hu Jie shook her head.

The two daughters were present. She said nothing suitable, so she simply didn't say anything.

" When you get home, you can say that you picked me up, not to mention that I was in the Luyang Palace." The carriage was about to arrive at the door of Hu's house, and Hu Jie, who had been silent all the way, finally opened her mouth.

"Good." Hu Zhuodao.

Hu Jie nodded.

She is a little dazed. I don't know what to think, so I'm so distracted.

Hu Zhuo saw it in his eyes and was very worried.

He also thought of Song Yanzhao's concubine. Yuzhu gave birth to a son. Hu Jie did not send someone to tell the family about this matter, and said that her father had heard about it from elsewhere.

At that time, the father and mother said, "Jie'er's character has been unruly since childhood. We are the proud children of the poor, and she is in front of her son-in-law. It is more majestic than the princess and the county lord. If her son-in-law begged her at the beginning and asked her for jade beads, she may not refuse to give it. But secretly behind her back, she was naturally unhappy. I wish something had happened... You see, she didn't send someone to tell us. My son-in-law has a son. How big is this?

Hu Zhuo thinks the same way.

He is also afraid that his sister will make trouble.

When the carriage arrived at Hu's house, Hu Jie did not speak again.

She led her two daughters and followed her brother out of the carriage to her mother.

I arrived in front of Mrs. Hu. Hu Jie finally showed a happy look and smiled.

"I've been talking about you these days, and you're back today." Seeing Hu Jie, Mrs. Hu was even happier. "You also brought Sister Chi and Sister Huan."

Hu Jie's two daughters, one is Song Chi. One is called Song Huan.

"I miss my mother." Hu Jie acted coquettishly and said to her mother, "They also miss their grandmothers. I happen to have time today. Just bring them to pay s-to-grandmother.

Mrs. Hu hugged her two granddaughters and smiled so much that her eyes narrowed into a crack.

“...... Tonight, Sister Chi and Sister Huan are here with my mother and have a night's rest. I'll pick them up tomorrow. After talking for a while, Hu Jie suddenly said.

She wants to leave her daughter at her mother's house.

Her brother Hu Zhuo has been watching.

Seeing this, Hu Zhuo frowned.

But Mrs. Hu didn't know, and she didn't ** it.

On the contrary, it was Song Chi and Song Huan's sister. When they heard that their mother was going to leave them, they were about to cry. But I don't dare.

When Mrs. Hu saw it, she smiled and said, "Why, don't you want to be here with your grandmother? Your mother won't leave either. You all have a night's rest here, okay?"

Song Chi and Song Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Hu wants to keep Hu Jie very much.

She was about to ask about Song Yanzhao's concubine Yuzhu.

Hu Jie shook her head and said, "I'll pick up Sister Chi and Sister Huan tomorrow. Let's live again." I have something to do at home today..."

Mrs. Hu was unhappy and asked her, "What's the matter?"

Hu Jie just laughed: "It's not a big deal..."

She had lunch at her mother's house and talked with her mother and sister-in-law for a while. Song Chi and Song Huan also ran to play with her sister-in-law's daughter.

Hu Jie got up and said goodbye: "I'll go back first. I'm really reluctant to leave. If I hadn't been unable to let go, I would never want to go back. Sister Chi and Sister Huan, let's live here. I won't pick it up tomorrow. I'll come the day after tomorrow.

Hu Jie's sister-in-law was also present. Mrs. Hu could not rush to ask her daughter about the concubine.

Looking at my daughter's appearance, she doesn't look like she has been wronged.

"That's fine." Mrs. Hu said.

Hu Jie got up and left.

Her brother Hu Zhuo was worried and proposed to send Hu Jie home in person, but Hu Jie disagreed.

"Don't bother my brother." She said.

Hu Zhuo stopped her and asked her in a low voice, "Jie'er, are you going back to make a scene? Don't be stupid."

Hu Jie raised her eyes, stared at Hu Zhuo closely, and said, "Who wants to make a fuss? Why should I make a fuss?" I'm his direct wife of Song Yanzhao, and it's not my turn to make trouble!"

Hu Zhuo thought that she came from Luyang Palace in the morning, and knew that she and Song Yanzhao were not angry for a day or two.

Hu Jie is very wayward.

"What's on your mind?" Hu Zhuo asked his sister, "It's unclear. I'm worried. Why are you in the Luyang Palace? Have you fallen out with your brother-in-law for a long time?

When Hu Jie saw her brother pursuing the root, she shed tears and said, "I've been out for three days, and he doesn't come to see me. Now that I go back, I naturally have to say a few soft words. Does my brother have to go to see it?

She wants to go back and beg for mercy.

Hu Zhuoxin thought it was true and said happily, "That's what he said. It's stupid to make trouble with my aunt and brother-in-law. That concubine is just a thing. How can you get angry? You can think about it, and my brother is happy. Then go back."

Hu Jie got into the carriage alone.

Thinking of those in her mother's family, even the brother who loves her so much can't see her despair. Do you really have no eyes, or don't you care about her?

She is gloomy now, and she feels bleak when she sees everything.

She smiled at herself, and her smile was measured negatively, which meant that she would risk everything.

I can't live, she thought.


It's the first day of this month. Do you still have a guaranteed pink ticket?