Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 98 Sandstorm

It's late at night and the weather turns cold. This is the northwest of China National University. The temperature difference between day and night is very large. Although it is only the end of September, the temperature at night is already below five degrees.

Tang Ran's body rolled in the sleeping bag, arched again, and then lay comfortably on Song Kai's chest. His tongue was exposed from time to time, licking around like a kitten.

Song Kai originally planned to sleep peacefully this night, but when he felt Tang Ran's softness, he couldn't stand it any longer. His palm reached out of Tang Ran's close-fitting warm clothes, and then quietly unbuttoned the cloth bra.

Then, Song Kai comfortably enjoyed the pair of roundness. In the past, Song Kai also saw it and touched it, but he was always in a hurry. This time, Song Kai's hand could finally enjoy it all night unscrupulously.

The pure yang gas burns, walking all over the body, and the sleeping bag is warm.

A satisfied smile appeared on Tang Ran's face.

Song Kai also slept slowly while enjoying it.

The next day, the sun rose, and the old man Bart next to the bonfire opened his eyes and lifted the yak blanket on his body. He turned his head and looked at several tents with a gratifying smile on his face. He liked to be with young people and feel the ** and laziness of life.

"Get up, children." Old Bart stood up with a bamboo stick, put on an iron pot, and began to cook breakfast.

Tang Ran opened her eyes and slept all night. She was really tired. Suddenly, she was stunned and looked down at her chest. The clothes on her chest were messy, and a big hand was placed on her chest, open and upright.

Tang Ran opened his mouth angrily and bit Song Kai's shoulder.


Song Kai was sleeping soundly, and suddenly there was a tingling pain and he couldn't help shouting.

Tang Ran laughed proudly.

"What are you doing with a crazy woman?" Song Kai stared at Tang Ran.

"This is a punishment for you!" Tang Ran slapped Song Kai's hand and snorted.

"Uh... I thought you agreed. When I asked you yesterday, you nodded." Song Kai's sophistry.

"Bull! Close your eyes, I'm going to get dressed.

"...I've seen it anyway."

"I want to die..."

It was noisy in the tent. Ding Jie swallowed saliva outside the tent and stared at Song Kai's tent with envy and hatred. He couldn't wait to open a crack and see what was going on inside.

Xiao Han and Momo also got up. The two women were gargling their mouths. Hearing the noise in the tent, Momo made a grimace at Xiao Han, "Your little white face did something bad last night."

"Shut up on March 8th." Xiao Han patted Momo's buttocks.

Momo shouted exaggeratedly, with a little coquettishness.

So Ding Jie couldn't stand it anymore. Why didn't these women have a one-night relationship with themselves?

With a sneer, the tent was pulled open, and Tang Ran came out neatly dressed.

As soon as I came out, I saw everyone looking at me and laughing.

Tang Ran was stunned for a while, and then blushed. She knew that others had misunderstood, but it was really difficult to explain anything now, so she had to wash with a blush.

Continue to trek after breakfast.

The desert Gobi in the morning was painted pink by the morning sun, which was a little sad and beautiful in its magnificence.

Song Kai, Tang Ran and others think this trip is really right.

Song Kai is full of hope for Juqi elixir, not because of anything else, but because Huo Lingzhi is used in Juqi Dan, and Huo Lingzhi is definitely in line with Song Kai's physique. However, at present, I don't know where to look for it. This thing is not precious, and it is not precious. Let's precious. It's just a thing that can't be asked for.

However, it's finally about to be collected.

Song Kai took out a wooden box with moisture absorber in it. He carefully took off the camel poison and put it in the moisture-proof wooden box.

The next two people found three more camel poisons around Tucheng.

"It's getting late. Let's go back. Thank you very much, Father Bart!" Song Kai grinned.

Bart waved his hand, "With you, I feel much younger. Let's go, see, that's the sandstorm."

Song Kai followed Bart's finger and saw that in the distance, a gray dragon-like existence stood between heaven and earth, which was spectacular.

"Can we... go back?" Song Kai was shocked. This was the first time he had seen such a big sandstorm.

Bart laughed and said, "It's time to go back. Let's go."

The two of them hurried on their way. When the moon was halfway up, they returned to the tent.

At this time, Momo was accompanying Tang Ran and Xiao Han. The three women said some inexplicable words. Under the moonlight, Tang Ran lowered his head shyly.

Seeing Song Kai and Bart coming back, Ding Jie jumped up and said, "Old man! Old man! Let's go quickly. Oh, my God, I'm going to be swept away by the wind.

Old Bart laughed and said, "Pack up and go back."

When Tang Ran saw Song Kai coming back, he was relieved and ran over and asked, "Have you found the camel poison?"

"Well, what were you talking about just now?" Song Kai asked with a smile.

"No...nothing." Tang Ran immediately shut up and stopped saying anything.

The group walked quickly towards Old Bart's home. This time, Ding Jie didn't care about the fatigue. He looked back at the wind and sand all over the sky from time to time. Later, the moon was completely covered by the wind and sand, and the whole world became dark.

"I'll go! It feels like going to hell!" Ding Jie shouted.

Old Bart laughed and said, "You are really lucky to see the sandstorm that has been rare for three years. This is also a spectacle in the desert."

The temperature has dropped rapidly. In just one hour, the temperature has dropped below zero.

The group hurried on the road, took a shortcut directly through the sand dunes, and arrived at Old Bart's house after three o'clock in the morning.

The temperature is so low that it almost freezes, while outside, there is a strong wind, sand and dust, mixed with some hail.

When he got home, Ding Jie sat on the ground and patted his chest. "Oh, my little heart is really scared out of shit."

"Are you tired of shit, kidney-deficken man." Momo laughed.

Everyone around laughed.

Old Bart told the old lady, "Hurry up and make a fire. Don't freeze these children."

Everyone talked around the bonfire, and not long after, they all fell asleep.

The next day, the sandstorm continued and could not go anywhere. It was not until the fourth day that the sandstorm passed, but it was time to leave.

The motorcade bypassed Hetian City from another road and ran all the way to Gusu City.

After such a trip, the relationship between ten people is much better.

"Oh, it's really unlucky. I didn't play anything this time." Ding Jie muttered in the phone.

"You didn't get a woman, did you, haha?" The other person laughed.

"You're still making up with women. It's useless to have a woman." A more open-minded woman laughed.

Ding Jie was not angry and muttered, "After this time, I decided to change my past. I can't play with women in nightclubs again. I have to exercise, at least better than Tang Ran's sister."

"Shut up!" Tang Ran sat in the passenger seat and scolded, "You ruffian, don't mention me."

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed.

The motorcade flew all the way. Three days later, when they arrived at the Taihu Lake, everyone exchanged information and took a self-driving tour together again after the appointment.

Song Kaizheng and Xiao Han were talking, and the phone rang. It was Xing Ya's.