Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 99 First opportunity everywhere

Song Kai looked at the number, nodded to Xiao Han, and walked aside to answer the phone.

"When will you go back to Gusu City?" Xing Ya asked directly over there.

"Immediately. It's already in Taihu Lake. Song Kaidao.

"Don't be busy replying. Someone is secretly investigating you. It's a little dangerous." Xing Ya said, "Also, your mobile phone is off. Don't use it for the time being."


Song Kai nodded with a gloomy face. He knew that it was not the time to face the Lin family, but he never wanted the Lin family to come first.

"What's wrong? If you need help, I may be able to help. Xiao Han came over and said.

Song Kai smiled at her and said, "Sister Xiao Han, can you send Tang Ran back to the city? I'm in some trouble."

Seeing that Song Kai didn't want to say anything, Xiao Han nodded, "No problem."

Song Kai waved to Tang Ran.

Tang Ran ran over, "What's wrong?"

"You should be Xiao Han's sister to go back to the city and pay attention to safety. In addition, don't contact me recently. My mobile phone is turned off." Song Kai said quickly.

Tang Ran was stunned and then said, "They're here again."

"Yes." Song Kai nodded, "If possible, you can also go back to your grandfather's place for a while and go home by the way."

Tang Ran saw what Song Kai said solemnly, so he had to nod.

Xiao Han thought for a time and handed Song Kai a postcard. "This is my contact information. In addition, I have an old house. If you need it, you can go there to hide."

Song Kai took the postcard, and there was a row of beautiful small characters in the back, with an address.

"Okay, thank you very much."

The group separated.

Song Kai got into the car and thought about the next thing. The people of the Lin family must be on guard this time. The last time the death of the old man of the Lin family must have been alerted to the Lin family, so the people who came this time are absolutely not easy to deal with, not...

Song Kai thought of the brave warrior. If there is a defensive warrior, Song Kai can't beat it in any way. Even if there is a fish intestine dagger, it won't work. After all, the fish intestine dagger can only exert the greatest effect in unexpected circumstances.

The old man who came last time was still in the later stage of moving the world. Song Kai had been seriously injured. If the brave warriors in the world came, Song Kai would die.

However, he will never be attacked by the other party this time. Fortunately, he and Tang Ran left for the desert. In this way, it was the Lin family who was in the bright place.

"Humph! The Lin family is certainly powerful, but in Gusu City, you can't turn the big waves!" Song laughed happily, and then drove in and quietly entered the city of Gusu.

Sitting in the car, Song Kai was thinking about how to deal with the Lin family. It's definitely not good. Although the Lin family is not a big family, it is definitely not something that Song Kai can afford. They have ancient martial arts inheritance and commercial support. Although they are not as good as the Yi family, they are much more powerful than Tang Ran's pure commercial development group.

The first step is to find out who came to the Lin family, and the second step is to find out the location of these people.

Song Kai frowned. When the Lin family arrived this time, they must also collect information. The foundation of the Lin family in Gusu City is the Black Tiger Gang. Although the Black Tiger Gang was uprooted by Song Kailian, there must be fish that missed the net.

The Lin family is likely to contact those missing fish this time. In this way, Tang Ran and Xing Ya are in danger, but fortunately, Tang Ran will return to her Tang's group, and Xing Ya has the identity protection of Dragon Lion Special Forces. Well, you can ask Wang Zhen to find out the situation first.

The plan has been decided, and Song Kai drove towards Wang Zhen's home.

There is a very ordinary Santana parked outside the house.

Song Kai jumped down and walked inside. He looked at the Santana, and suddenly frowned. The body of the car was dirty, but the cleaner one is the rear license plate, which means that the license plate is likely to be temporarily replaced. After all, no one will wipe the car and only wipe the license plate.

Thinking of this, Song Kaixin was alert. He picked up three flying knives, then circled half a circle and jumped directly from the wall to the yard.

A middle-aged man in sportswear at the door is standing there smoking.

Song Kai didn't know him. He flashed and approached the middle-aged man directly from behind. Then he quickly took action. His right hand was cut on the man's neck, and his left hand covered the man's mouth at the same time.

The man immediately fainted and the cigarette fell to the ground.

Song Kai didn't wait too long and kicked the door straight in through the door.

"You have a lot of guts, boy! I'll smoke you to death today!" A man with a scorpion tattooed on his face is standing by the chair. There is a man tied to the chair full of blood. It is Wang Zhen.

Seeing this, Song Kai did not hesitate any more. He raised his hand and "brushed" it, shot out the flying knife, and inserted it directly into the scorpion man's temple.

Song Kai then looked behind the vase and carefully observed the room for fear of others.

"A total of...two." Wang Zhen, who was covered with blood on the chair, said.

Song Kai came out and untied Wang Zhen's rope.

"Sister! Sister!"

Wang Zhen didn't have time to say hello to Song Kai and ran straight upstairs.

Song Kaixin also gave a thump. Wang Yuan won't be in any danger. If something happens to that little girl, Song Kai will really have a bad conscience.

Wang Zhen ran upstairs with blood all over his body, pushed away Wang Yuan's bedroom and shouted.

With a squeak, the wardrobe door in the bedroom opened, and then Wang Yuan, in pajamas, ran out with tears in her eyes and hugged Wang Zhen.

Seeing that Wang Yuan was fine, Wang Zhen was relieved. He quickly turned his head and said, "Song Kai, thank you so much."

"No, I caused it. Don't talk too much first. You should clean up quickly and get out of here and go to a safe place." Song Kaidao.

Wang Zhen nodded, ran downstairs to rinse, and didn't care too much about the wounds on his body.

Wang Yuan's face was full of tears.

Song Kai walked over and hugged Wang Yuan. "Change your clothes and follow me."

"Yes." Wang Yuan nodded. She just hugged her brother in her pajamas, and now it is also stained with blood.

In front of Song Kai, Wang Yuan directly took off her pajamas and put on jeans and a big windbreaker. Her hands still trembled a little.

Song Kai felt sorry for the girl. He walked over and hugged her head. "Don't be afraid. I'm here. In addition, give me your phone number and I'll make two calls."

Wang Yuan handed the mobile phone to Song Kai.

Song Kai immediately dialed Tang Ran's phone.

"Tang Ran, the situation is a little serious. Don't go back to the hospital and your home, live in Xiao Han's house, or go straight back to your grandfather." Song Kai said seriously.

"Song Kai, you must be careful and don't worry about me." Tang Ran knew that the matter was serious, so he first opened his mouth to comfort Song Kai.

"Okay, contact Xing Ya if you need anything." After Song Kai finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Wang Zhen's brother and sister quickly packed up.

Song Kai contacted Xing Ya again.

"Who?" Xing Ya asked alertly on the opposite side.

"Xing Ya, it's me. The situation is a little urgent. You should be careful." Song Kaidao.

"I understand that I'm requesting the telecommunications support of my teammates. It is preliminarily estimated that there are ten people from the other party. Although they are all some explosive and mobile warriors, the other party has brought a lot of illegal equipment. You must be careful." Xing Ya reminded.

"Okay, I know. I'll try my best to find out their identity." Song Kaidao.

The two of them hung up the phone, and Song Kai felt much more at ease. With Xing Ya's help, everything was much more convenient.

Wang Zhen and Wang Yuan got on the Land Rover, Song drove away, and then called the police.

"Where are we going?" Wang Zhen asked, with a little murderous tone. Although he has not been the boss for a long time, the boss's momentum has been revealed.

"Go to a temporary safe house." Song Kai said, "The other party is from the Lin family. It seems that the other party is well prepared this time and knows my relationship with you."

Wang Zhen said coldly, "I can also find out their identity!"

"Oh? Really?" Song Kai was surprised.

"One of those two people just now is the former head of the Black Tiger Gang. No matter who the other party is, he will definitely contact the Black Tiger Gang. During this period, in addition to running several industries, the most important thing is to establish my own network. Don't worry, Song Kai, give me some time, I will definitely find them." Wang Zhen said confidently and confidently.

Song Kai nodded, and not long after, the Hummer stopped in an old city.

"Where is this?" Wang Zhen asked.

"A friend's hometown is also our temporary foothold. We will contact here in the future. I have to inform Mr. Qi of that bastard." Song Kaidao.

This place is officially Xiao Han's hometown. Song Kai didn't expect to use it so soon.

When you get to a room, open the door, which is quite clean. The key is that the houses here are connected together, and it is much more convenient to escape in case of danger.

After settling down Wang Yuan, Song Kai immediately went to a stall to buy a mobile phone, and then quietly left the old city with Wang Zhen.

This is an opportunity. Wang Zhen can move from the open side to the underground, and Song Kai has always been in the dark. As long as he finds the other party, Song Kai can find out the details of the other party.

Wang Zhen went to find his information network, while Song Kai went to the hotel where Qi Tai was located.

When I got outside the hotel, I was about to park my car and enter the hotel when I saw three people entering the hotel parking lot. The three of them were still holding a person whose hands and feet were tied.

Song Kai was stunned, and his intuition realized that it was not good.

Three people stuffed the man into the back seat, then got into the car and left in a deck of Dongfeng Business.

Song Kai jumped out of the car and ran to the hotel. When he arrived at the room where Qi Tai used to live, he kicked the door open. He saw that the room was a little messy, and the air was mixed with some strange smells. A large-screen mobile phone fell on the ground. That was Qi Tai's treasure, something he used to post on Weibo.

Seeing this, Song Kai ran downstairs without any hesitation. After jumping into the Hummer carriage quickly, he caught fire and chased towards the Dongfeng Business.

In front of him was a traffic light. Song Kai watched Dongfeng Business pass through the intersection, and the street light turned into a red light.

"Can't wait!" As soon as Song Kai stepped on the accelerator, the huge Hummer carriage rushed directly to one side of the sidewalk and chased from the sidewalk towards the Dongfeng commercial vehicle.