Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 060 Grab the source

A dazzling finger, containing death, killing, destruction, nothingness, silence, destruction, decay, sacred, light... and so on, and suddenly appeared above the head of the Venerable Jintai.

In an instant, the Venerable Jintai was shocked by the joy of getting the 'source of gold' and fought a cold war all over his body, like falling into the ice kiln in an instant. The smell of cold and death enveloped him heavily. In an instant, he felt fear, death, destruction...

An idea of killing arose in the mind of the Venerable Jintai. He felt that there was no way to escape, and the whole world had been shrouded in death, and there was no doubt that he would die.

However, after all, the Venerable Jintai is the world-class strong man at the first level, and he is also vigilant in his heart, otherwise he will not react so quickly, unlike Yu Yangzi, although facing Gu Chen, he is not physically and psychologically unprepared at all.

"Stealing the sky for the day, moving flowers and trees, alternating yin and yang, golden cicadas get rid of the clue--

At the moment when the sky-breaking finger hit the Venerable Jintai, the Venerable Jintai suddenly roared, and a dazzling golden light burst out all over his body.

At the same time, the Dragon Slayer not far away also burst into golden light.

Both of them were submerged by the golden light and could not be divided.

The dazzling sky-breaking finger, without any pause, hit the golden shadow below.


A short and sad scream suddenly sounded, and the golden light was instantly smashed by the sky-breaking guidance. At the same time, the sky-breaking finger killed the golden light monk below in an instant, a blood hole the size of a fist, from the top of the head to the bottom of the ground.

Gu Chen was shocked. The monk who died was not the Venerable Jintai, but the Venerable Dragon Slayer.

In the ten-thousandth moment just now, the Venerable Jintai used a kind of secret magic power of 'stealing the sky for the sun'. In an instant, he exchanged positions with the Dragon Slayer and asked the Dragon Slayer to block the 'Breaking Sky Finger' for him and was killed in an instant.

The Venerable Dragon Slayer is the younger brother of the Venerable Jintai. Obviously, he did not expect that the Venerable Jintai would drag him to the dead when he was in danger. Without any reaction, he was used by the Venerable Jintai to steal the sky, get rid of the golden cicada, and succeeded, and became

Or, the Venerable Dragon Slayer is actually controlled by the Venerable Jintai, and there is no resistance to the Venerable Jintai. Otherwise, the Venerable Dragon Slayer is also the strongest in the early stage of the Taoism, and it is still a relatively powerful existence. It should not be possible to be dragged as a scapego

No matter what the reason is, Gu Chen can no longer infer that what he values is the result.

As a result, the Venerable Jintai dodged his life under the sneak attack of Gu Chen's broken heaven finger, and was not injured at all. Without the "breaking sky finger", Gu Chen only had the cultivation in the early stage of the void. Even if he was possessed by the 'dutian Jiusha', the chance of winning the

When he failed to hit, Gu Chen immediately stopped his falling body. As soon as the golden light in his eyebrows closed, Ruyi Linglong Pagoda suddenly flew out.

As soon as the tower door was opened, the strong Taoist gate and the strong witch suddenly came out of the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda and stood beside Gu Chen.

The nine Taoist strongmen formed the 'Nine Sha Du Tian Array' for the first time, so that the 'Power of Du Tian Jiu Sha' was attached to Gu Chen's body. Gu Chen's cultivation soared, and in an instant, he reached the peak of the late void, and his strength was comparable to that of the first level

All the strong Buddhists looked at the sky. Gu Chen, Taoist and the strong witches suddenly fell into the eyes of the strong Buddhists.


The Venerable Jintai roared angrily and shouted, "Gu Chen, it's actually you, the thief!" You really deserve to die, and you deserve to be guilty." Your must-killing magic power can only be used once a day. I have integrated the 'source of gold'. Today, you can't escape. Gu Chen, you are a traitor, today's teeth are settled!"

As soon as the words fell, the Venerable Jintai opened his mouth and stuffed the 'source of gold' into his mouth to swallow the 'source of gold'.

Gu Chen was shocked. The gold, wood, water, fire and earth were pumped at the end. The five elements of gold, wood, water and fire were all in the earth. The earth was the source of the five elements, and the power was the first. The 'source of gold' ranked first of the five elements, and the power was second only to the

Among the five emperors in ancient times, the Baituo Emperor was the most famous. Even the Demon Gate Black Water Emperor admitted that the people he killed in his life were not half as good as the Baituo land. When the White Camel Emperor was alive, there was a fierce name of the 'White Emperor' and the death of the world.

Emperor Baituo was invincible. The only second defeat was defeated by the hands of Emperor Xuanyuan. It was rumored that Emperor Baituo and Emperor Xuanyuan fought earth-shakingly. After fighting for a long time, it lasted for a few days and nights before Emperor Baituo was defeated by Emperor Xuanyuan.

That battle was the first battle of the Xuanyuan Emperor to win the five emperors, and it was also the most powerful battle of the Baituo Emperor. The world called the Baituo Emperor the second largest emperor, saying that his strength was second only to the Xuanyuan Emperor, above the three emperors of Chiyou, Heishui and Qinghua.

The origin of gold, which contains endless killing intentions, is the source of killing. If the Venerable Jintai integrates the 'source of gold', the combat effectiveness will be doubled, and the ancient Chen, Taoist and the strong of the witch clan will really be in danger.

"We must not let the old dog of Jintai integrate the 'source of gold'."

In an instant, Gu Chen's heart was broken.

When he grabbed it, the strength of the Venerable Jintai was not weaker than his, and he obviously couldn't grab it.

However, Gu Chen had a countermeasure in his heart. In an instant, the pure yang fairy power in his body poured crazily into the spring of life, destroying the three sources of water, fire and wood with the greatest strength.

When encountering the origin of gold, the three sources of water, fire and wood have already become active. When they were destroyed by Gu Chen, they broke out in an instant.

The five elements are of the same origin. Gu Chen once actively broke out with two sources of water and fire, so the source of wood automatically rushed out of the seal of the Qinghua Emperor. Now the three sources of water, fire and wood have broken out, which is ten times more attractive to the source of gold.

Influenced by the three sources of water, fire and wood, the source of gold was just stuffed to the mouth by the Venerable Jintai. Suddenly, it shook violently and instantly shook off the palm of the Venerable Jintai, like a sharp arrow, flying to Gu Chen.

The empty palm of the Venerable Jintai patted his mouth, took a sip of air, his body trembled, was shocked, and his soul trembled in an instant.

'The Origin of Gold' is his ** against Gu Chen. When he comes to his mouth, he will be taken away by Gu Chen. If Gu Chen integrates the 'The Origin of Gold', his cultivation will be improved and his strength will explode. At that time, it will really be the end of his Jintai Venerable.

The Venerable Jintai roared, stretched out his palm, turned into a big hand to cover the sky, and grabbed the 'source of gold' that had just left him hundreds of feet away.

However, Gu Chen's attraction to the 'source of gold' seems to be extremely powerful. The immortal giant of the lord of Jintai only grabbed the 'source of gold', and was shaken by the 'source of gold', which was shaken to pieces, and then flew to Gu Chen again.

"Emperor Baituo - do you watch your 'source of gold' and fall into the hands of outsiders? Buddhism is in great danger, Buddhism is in great danger--

The Venerable Jintai roared loudly, grabbed a palm again, and grabbed the 'source of gold'. At the same time, the other hand turned to the golden body of the Baituo Emperor, and a golden light shot on the golden body.

In an instant, the golden body seemed to hear the call of the Venerable Jintai, and suddenly a golden light gushed out, like a giant palm, and in an instant, it grabbed the origin of gold.

The Venerable Jintai and the palm of the golden body are combined into one. Several conflicts of the 'source of gold' have been shocked. The origin of gold is set in the void thousands of feet away from the Venerable of Jintai.

Gu Chen was shocked. As expected, the strength of the Baituo Emperor was still above the Qinghua Emperor. The origin of wood was attracted by the power of the two origins of water and fire, and rushed out of the seal of the Qinghua Emperor. However, now the three sources of water, fire and wood cannot let the 'source of gold' earn from the Prick it out.

However, Gu Chen could not absorb the 'source of gold', and the venerable Jintai could not take back the 'source of gold'. For a moment, the 'source of gold' was set in the void, and the two fell into a deadlock.

"Kill, kill... Kill all these crooked evil ways, barbarian scum." The venerable Jintai roared.

While talking, a palm shot at Gu Chen, and a ten-foot-sized golden light fingerprint suddenly came down from Gu Chen's head to the sky. It was the unique trick in the Buddha's first magic skill 'like the palm of the Yuanshen', such as the palm of the Yuanshen!

At the same time, more than a hundred strong Buddhists rose to the sky and attacked the Taoist sect and the strong witches.

A big war broke out in an instant.

Gu Chen instantly turned into three heads and six arms, six fairy axes appeared, and at the same time cut out six axes to the sky. The huge palm seal of the husband was immediately cut into nothingness by Gu Chen.

Gu Chen and the Venerable Jintai are both shocked. Their strength is between them, and no one can do anything about it.

However, there are a large number of powerful people in Buddhism, and if they fight together, they will have the upper hand.

Gu Chen and the venerable Jintai are at an impasse. The strength of Buddhism is strong. Over time, the Taoist sect and the strong witches will suffer great losses.

Yangzhou Dawu and Jin Mang Dawu saw the situation and knew the situation in front of them. Only when Gu Chen took the 'source of gold' into his hands could it be resolved. The two looked at each other, immediately withdrew from the battle group, and came to the side of the Taoist strong man who was rented into the 'Jiujihadu

Yangzhou Dawu said, "Two Taoist friends, take a rest for the time being. Let's replace it. It will definitely be able to take the strength of the God of War to another level."

Yangzhou Dawu and Jin Mang Dawu were all unclass strong men in the early days of the Taoism. Seeing this, the two Taoist strongmen suddenly fell away. Yangzhou Dawu and Jin Mang Dawu took over the two positions.

Gu Chen is fighting with the Venerable Jintai, and you come and go.

Suddenly, Gu Chen's spirit was shocked, and the power of Du Tianjiu evil suddenly soared, which made his strength also soar.