Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 061 Void Period

Gu Chen was overjoyed. In an instant, his strength soared by at least 50%.

The 'Nine evil capital heaven array' composed of the world's strongest people in the early stage of Hedao is really extraordinary.

This is just that Yang Yan and Jin Mang are the strongest, and the other seven are the strongest at the peak of the later stage of the void. If the nine people in the array are all the strongest in the world, I'm afraid that Gu Chen's strength will be eight or ten times higher, and his cultivation may break through to the realm of the Invincible in the world.

The Tianmu witch itself is the first-level unrivaled strong man, and then possessed by the power of the 'Jiushadu Tian Array' composed of nine unrivaled strong men. The strength is strong. It can be imagined that it is no wonder that Gu Chen and Wu Xing joined hands and were easily repelled by the Tianmu Compared.

"Amitabha! Prajna Parammi! King Kong Polomi! Dragon Elephant Polomi! King of the Ming Dynasty, Polomi..."

The venerable Jintai shouted loudly, grasping the 'source of gold' with one hand, and the other hand, like a fist like a palm, quickly slapped out. While thinking in his mouth, he used several supreme learning of Buddhism in a flash.

such as the palm of the Yuanshen, the palm of the Prajna, the seal of the King Kong, the dragon and elephant's powerful fist, the king of the Ming Dynasty...

At this moment, Gu Chen looks at the palm seal boxing banged out by the venerable Jintai, and he seems to be much weaker.

Of course, this is not the weak attack of the Venerable Jintai, but the strength of Gu Chen has increased. He uses his own strength as a reference. Now the strength of Gu Chen exceeds about 50% of the Venerable Jintai, and naturally feels that the attack of the Venerable Jintai is weak.

With his lips raised, Gu Chen sneered, and the six fairy axes in his hand burst out, and he split six axes in an instant. Break, break, break - in a flash, the axe is ten thousand feet, across the sky and the earth, the axe passes by, and everything is destroyed.

Such as Yuanshen Palm, Prajna God's Palm, King Kong Big Hand Seal, Dragon Elephant Lost Power Fist, Daming King Shenhong... All the attacks of the Jintai Venerable were cut into nothingness by the six axes of the ancient Chen Dynasty.

Gu Chen's war spirit burned and rose to the sky, like the spirit wolf smoke rushing straight to the sky, shouting, "Old dog Jintai, take your dog's life!"

In the voice, the six axes of Guchen were cut out at the same time. The six axes gathered together to form a huge axe that was more than ten thousand feet long, split the sky and the earth, and cut the yin and yang. In an instant, the heaven and the earth were divided, and the earth was divided. The huge huge huge

"The demon branch, the demon subjugation..."

The Venerable Jintai's face was solemn, with a roar, and a golden light flew out of his eyebrows. It was a golden light shining my Zen stick. The power of the law on this Zen stick was very powerful, exuding endless majesty as if it had killed countless demons and had a terrible power that shocked people's people's

The venerable Jintai held the branch of the demon god in his hand. In an instant, the demon god wand also flashed with golden light, turned into a ten thousand feet of light, and swept away the 'killing axe' cut by Gu Chen.

When the magic wand passed, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, which seemed to have the power to destroy the sky and the earth.

In an instant, the axe and the branch collided with each other.


The whole world suddenly turned into silence, like time stillness, and the strange situation was beyond the precipation of any strong man.

In that situation, it seemed that I saw a huge lightning thunder falling from the sky, and I was ready in my heart, but I didn't hear the thunder, which made me very uncomfortable.

The silent feeling is like time still, it seems to be a moment, and it seems to be ten thousand years. A burst, coming to heaven and earth, axes, branches, layers of burst, bursting into nothingness.

Gu Chen's body shook, his right leg withdrew, and there was a loud bang. The void below suddenly collapsed. It was trampled into a dark vacuum by Gu Chen, which dissipated the huge anti-seismic force.

The Venerable Jintai did not have the strength of Gu Chen. At the moment of the explosion, the Venerable Jintai's body, like an arrow from the string, burst back, and his eyes were inexplicably shocked. He didn't know how many steps he had retreated in the void and retreated thousands of feet away.

The huge shock force turned the late strong in the void nearby into a blood fog and died instantly.

The strong men on both sides were shocked and shocked by the devastating blow of the two of them, and they retreated together.

The battle between the top unrivaled strong men is very terrible, with a radius of thousands of feet and ten thousand feet, which are very dangerous. The battle between the fish in the pond, Gu Chen and the venerable Jintai has entered a white-hot stage. In addition to the unrivaled strong in the early stage of the road, they can Avoid, otherwise, the aftermath of power alone will destroy them.

Gu Chen repelled the Venerable Jintai with an axe. With only one step back, he moved his six arms and six axes in one, cutting out a huge axe and splitting the sky in half.

This axe is not to cut the Venerable Jintai who is retreating, but to cut to the golden body of the Baituo Emperor, and the outstretched giant palm of the fairy power.

'The axe of killing', the attack power is very terrible. With Gu Chen's current strength, under the use of the ancient magic power of three heads and six arms, the axe made by the combination of six axes is enough to kill a world-class strong man in the early stage of the road in an instant.

At this moment, Gu Chen had to cut off the huge palm stretched out of the golden body method, and cut off the control of the golden body method relative to the 'source of gold'.

The fairy power surged in the body of the venerable Jintai, the body was exploding, and the whip was too long to stop Gu Chen's attack at all.

The armor is like a gold and iron intersecting, and the sound of shocking explosion.

The ten-footed axe rebounded in an instant, and it was broken layer by layer, and between the fingers, it completely collapsed into nothingness.

Gu Chen's body trembled suddenly, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood suddenly gushed out.

This huge anti-seismic force made Gu Chen injured in an instant, his body was broken, and blood gushed out.

However, at this moment, the 'source of wood' in the body is quite active. It is almost in the state of explosion, and the source of wood gas gushing out instantly replenishes the vitality of Gu Chen's loss and heals the injury.

The golden body of the Baituo Emperor was so strong that Gu Chen was really surprised. This was just an outstretched palm, and he did not take the initiative to attack Gu Chen. Gu Chen was only injured by the anti-shock force.

It can be seen how horrible the power of Baituo Emperor's life was.

However, Gu Chen's axe just now has not had no impact on the palm of Bai Tuo Emperor's golden body.

After two flicks of time, there was a crisp sound, and a crack was exposed in the place where the axe was cut just now.

With the sound of the first crack, there were dozens of cracks in the whole fairy palm, and dozens of cracks appeared.

In this way, the power of the immortal giant palm of the golden body was greatly reduced, and the 'source of gold' suddenly shook. The whole giant palm was completely cracked by the 'source of gold' and broken layer by layer. The 'source of gold' turned into a long rainbow and flew towards Gu Chen.

Even the palm of the outstretched palm of the golden body of the Baituo Emperor was smashed by Gu Chen. The Venerable Jintai could no longer stop it. He watched the 'source of gold' and flew to Gu Chen.

Although Baituo Emperor is powerful, he has been dead for many years. The golden body appearance left is only some instinctive will, and for a long time, this will is already very weak, and it is impossible to take the initiative to attack Gu Chen and take back the origin of gold.

Just now, under the influence of the Venerable Jintai, yes, the origin of gold 'grab a palm' is almost the last blow of the golden body. From now on, the will of Emperor Baituo will disappear forever. This golden body can no longer return to the underground tomb. With the passage of time, one day, this golden body will Dissipated between heaven and earth.

'The Origin of Gold' was directly rushed into Guchen's body and entered the spring of life under the influence of the three major sources of water, fire and wood in the ancient spring of life.

The origin of gold is the focus of the attention of all the strong in the field. As the origin of gold entered Gu Chen's body, in an instant, the eyes of all the strong people of Buddhism, Taoism and witches gathered on Gu Chen.

The Venerable Jintai's eyes were frightened, and he roared fiercely: "Kill one - all the Buddhist disciples obey the order, regardless of everything, before the traitor Gu Chen merges with the 'source of gold', kill him and kill me!"

With the roar of the Venerable Jintai, all the strong Buddhists felt the crisis and attacked Gu Chen together.

The origin of gold entered Gu Chen's body. Yangzhou Dawu knew that Gu Chen was at a critical moment and said loudly: "Block them. When the God of War's fusion of the 'golden origin' is completed, it will be their death."

The Venerable Jintai laughed crazily: "Hahahaha, kill me! The origin of the five elements repels each other. Gu Chen already has three sources of water, fire and wood in his body. If the origin of gold enters, he will be rejected by the three sources. He can't merge in a short time. He killed Gu Chen and snatched all the origins of the five elements in his body. "

In an instant, the two conveniences came together.

The strong men of Taoism and the witch clan stood in front of Gu Chen, so that Gu Chen could not be disturbed by the strong of Buddhism. However, there was no Gu Chen to resist the venerable of Jintai. Yangzhou Dawu and the great witch of Jinmang joined hands. Under the attack of the venerable of Jintai, they There are a lot of casualties.

At this moment, Gu Chen is merging the 'source of gold', and the five elements of origin repel each other, which is right. However, Gu Chen's body has a congenital spiritual treasure 'King of the Universe and the Wall' that can integrate everything. As soon as the source of gold enters the spring of life, it will be subdued Together.

Gu Chen's cultivation soared in an instant, and he took another step forward, jumping directly from the early stage of the void to the void period.

The time passed is just between a few flicks.

Seeing that the Taoist sect and the strong of the witch clan resisted the attack of the strong of the Buddha sect, more than ten people have been lost, and dozens of people have been injured. Gu Chen was furious and shouted: "Group of nine evil capitals in the sky array!"

Gu Chen's voice resounded through the four fields, which shocked the strong.

The strong witch looked at Gu Chen and immediately cheered: "The God of War fuses the origin of gold, and the God of War is invincible."