Daming Haiku

Chapter 66 Rectification

Looking at the two blue-faced guys, Yu Xiaotian was so angry that he didn't fight. Now that they had just arrived at the Treasure Island, and their buttocks were not stable, these two guys began to think** and desire to fight for a woman.

When Yu Xiaotian came over with a horse face and Liu Laoliu, the two guys were fighting on the beach. One was a descendant named Feng De and the other Luo Xianbin, and he still scolded, so Yu Xiaotian roared and made both of them stop.

After some inquiry, Yu Xiaotian knew that these two guys actually fought for a maid robbed from the Jiang family.

When they attacked the Jiang family, they brought back five young maids from the Jiang family's maids, who were not very old, which could alleviate the needs of the descendants on the island for their wives.

And the descendants on the island also saw Erya's friendship for Xiaotian. After returning to Dahuang Island, Erya simply changed her name to Lan'er. In addition, Yu Xiaotian's healing for Lan'er has also spread. These descendants knew that they and Yu Xiaotian robbed Lan'er, and there was no way. So they could only die on Lan'er and turn their attention to the five women brought back from the Jiang family.

But after returning to the Great Yellow Island, they have been busy repairing the boat, and the question of how to allocate these women has been put on hold.

Originally, relying on Meng's madmen's nature, they thought that women were not enough to be divided anyway, but it was better to let the descendants on the island "use" it!

However, such a proposal was immediately rejected by Yu Xiaotian. He was forced to kill, overstock goods, and even become a thief. This is the bottom line of his life. Now it is necessary for him to treat women as a human being and casually let his subordinates be regarded as playthings, which is absolutely not for him. A gap that can be crossed.

Although he knows very well that in this era, there is no feminist at all, and the social status of women is much lower than that of men. Women are the standard weak and can be bullied as victims at will! But this does not mean that he can accept these ideas of this era.

In fact, Yu Xiaotian has no good impression on any feminism in his heart, and he wants to turn over and ride on the man's head to do whatever he wants for the arrogant women in later generations.

But there must be a bottom line. His bottom line is that women can grab them and make them wives, but they can't be used as tools for men to vent and desire.

That's why he resolutely rejected Meng Madman's original proposal, on the grounds that he had promised these women on the road that he would treat them as human beings. His principle is to do what he says and never breaks his promises. Therefore, the descendants on the island can marry them, but they can't use them as a tool for collective venting and desire.

Although the men were a little disapproving about this, everyone was deterred by Yu Xiaotian's strength and could only nod and give up, so after these women were captured on the island, they have not been spoiled by anyone these days, which also reassured several women and became much more obedient.

But these young people, because of the arrival of these women, secretly competed. When they had nothing to do, they muttered in private, discussing which woman was the most beautiful, whose buttocks were big, whose breasts were big, and who might be better raised. Nine, it's not my turn to share these women.

Yu Xiaotian didn't let his hand spoil these women, and he didn't move a finger on these women. These days, almost all his energy is focused on repairing the boat and finding a place to settle down, and sometimes he has to be distracted from planning for the next step. Even if he spares some time, he has put it on Lan'er.

So with his helm as an example, the rest of the young guys did not dare to sneak into the woman's sleeping place at night.

However, in secret, they were still competing, trying to talk about who to marry. As a result, after stabilizing their gods in the past two days, the situation became more and more serious. Today, it was precisely because Feng De and Luo Xianbin both liked a woman and claimed that they had to marry that woman. As a result, they disagreed and the two pinched.

Yu Xiaotian looked at these two guys. Up to now, they are still staring at each other angrily, as if they will never give up. As long as they have time, they will continue to pinch.

"Hum! OK! We have only been on Treasure Island for a few days, are you idle? Has the house been built? Have you settled down where you live? Do you have the strength to fight? OK! That's great!" Yu Xiaotian paced back and forth in front of the two people with a calm face and said with a sneer.

Feng De hummed angrily, "I'm not surprised! It's this one who moved first!"

"Bullshit! Feng, your mother's bloody mouth! Obviously, you did it first! Now it's dirty!" Luo Xianbin immediately scolded back.

"Shut up! Do you still have my helmsman in your eyes? Yu Xiaotian suddenly waved his hand and interrupted the quarrel between the two.

Everyone has never seen Yu Xiaotian get angry several times. They only saw Yu Xiaotian's murderous evil appearance in the Jiang family compound, but for such a long time, Yu Xiaotian has rarely been angry with anyone. Today, Yu Xiaotian suddenly lost his temper, but he is really a group of generals. Everyone was shocked. Feng De and Luo Xianbin also closed their mouths immediately and quickly bowed their heads and said, "Please calm down!"

Yu Xiaotian's face was as heavy as water. He stared at the two and said angrily, "Tell you, other people have also listened carefully! Since the big guy pushed me to sit in this position of the leader and rudder, I can afford to take this burden!

When I work for someone, I am the most fair! I know it's time for you guys to get married! So last time I went to Jiang's house, you wanted to bring back a few women. My surname is Yu didn't stop you!

But at present, we only have these five women, but there are more than 20 descendants. It is impossible for everyone to have more porridge! Even if I am a thief today, I will be a moral thief!

I promised those women that as long as they follow honestly, they will not look at them as human beings when they come back! So Yu did what I said, and I will marry some of them to some of you as wives!

As long as you follow my surname Yu, although we can still ask each of you for a wife, next, Yu promises that I will never treat you badly! Not only should you all get married and have children, but also want you guys to live a good life in the future!

Today, you two started to fight between your brothers for something you haven't seen yet. Why don't you hit your dog's brain out? The typing is also a worry-free way for me!

Since you all have endless strength, then all right! Originally, I didn't want to start practicing you until tomorrow, so since I caught up today, you two will first surround the island and run five laps for me! When you finish running, if you still have the strength to fight, I will fight as you like!

Also, you two don't have to think about the distribution of wives this time! Wait for the next round! Now listen to my command and run! If you don't run enough ten laps, don't want to have dinner!"

Everyone was scared when they saw Yu Xiaotian standing on the beach and were furious. No one dared to say a good word for these two unlucky people until Yu Xiaotian finished speaking.

The two guys looked at each other in consterence and turned their heads to look at the Treasure Island under their feet. Luo Xianbin smiled and said, "That...that rudder! Although this island is not big, if we run around ten laps, I guess we will be exhausted! You're not joking, are you?"

Yu Xiaotian stared at Luo Xianbin and asked, "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Luo Xianbin was scared to shrink his neck by Yu Xiaotian's eyes and quickly looked at the horse face for help. Luo Xianbin was the nephew of the horse face, so now he was the first to think of the horse face and wanted the horse face to speak for him.

The horse coughed and looked at Yu Xiaotian, but when he saw Yu Xiaotian's Tieqing's face, he swallowed the words again and scolded, "You little beast, don't give me a long face at all! Yes! Here is the helmsman who has the final say. You can do what he tells you to do!"

Yu Xiaotian saw that Luo Xianbin and Feng De were still hesitating, and suddenly turned his head and asked Liu Laoliu, "Uncle Six! You are in charge of the punishment! Tell everyone again, what should be the crime of those who disobey the orders of the rudder?

Liu Laoliu saw that Yu Xiaotian was ready to stand up today, so he shouted in a very cooperative and harsh voice: "Those who disobey the order of the rudder will draw 20 whips, and if they are serious, they will break their hearts to set an example! If the two of them don't do it, then they will have 20 whips!"

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian turned his head, looked at Luo Xianbin and Feng De, and asked coldly, "Do you admit the punishment or the beating? If you don't want to run, just get 20 whips! You can choose by yourself!"

As soon as the two heard this, their heads shook like a rattle drum and quickly said, "Concert the punishment! Accept the punishment! We will admit the punishment!"

Yu Xiaotian stared and shouted sharply, "In this case, what are you waiting for? Start running! If you can't finish running, you will never want to eat!"

The two guys now knew that they were afraid, and they didn't fart one more. They turned to the south and the other to the north, and then ran out separately and began their punished journey around Treasure Island.

Yu Xiaotian held the bowl and pulled the rice in his mouth. While sitting on the stone, he watched Luo Xianbin and Feng De staggering slowly on the beach not far away.

As for the other people on the island, they are also carrying rice bowls now, watching two guys running while eating. One by one is lucky enough to be in disaster, some expressing sympathy, and some betting on who finished running first. In short, they all took a lesson today, that is, don't provoke Yu Xiaotian. Their helmsman, otherwise it is estimated that the end will be miserable.

Although Treasure Island is not big, it has a distance of two kilometers to run around it. Five laps, that is, ten kilometers, it also makes people walk for most of the day. If you run, you really can't stick to it if you don't have good physical strength.

When the two guys ran to the big guy for dinner, they only ran three laps, but by this time, they had completely lost their strength and were running. In fact, they were almost gone. It seemed that there was no root under their feet, and their legs were soft. By accident, Luo Xianbin rolled on the ground, like one being fished. The fish out of the water, his mouth was wide open and he gasped. For a long time, he shouted, "No... I'm going to die!" ...I'm exhausted...helmsman! ...Brother Yu...I know it's wrong! In the future... I will never dare to make mistakes again! Please, even if you whip it, I will admit it. Don't let me run away again! ...I really...I really can't stand it!"

After a while, he ran from Feng De from the other side and saw Luo Xianbin lying on the ground, his legs rolling on the ground, also revealing a dying fish posture, breathing like a broken bellows, and also loudly begging Yu Xiaotian to forgive him, and he would never dare to make mistakes again.

At this time, the horse's face carefully came behind Yu Xiaotian and whispered, "Old Yu... is the boss! Yes, it should be called the big head! Look at these two guys. They have worked all day and run for so long. Is this the end of the day? If they are allowed to run again, I'm afraid I will really tire these two bastards to death!"

After listening to this, Yu Xiaotian pulled the rice in the bowl into his mouth, swallowed it, and nodded and said, "Since Uncle Ma pleaded for them today, I can't refute Uncle Ma's face! It's okay not to run the remaining two laps!"

The horse's face smiled as soon as he heard it. He felt that Yu Xiaotian still gave him face. He was about to thank him, but Yu Xiaotian said, "But the death penalty is inevitable, and the crime of life is unforgivable! I'm going to teach these two guys a lesson later!"

The horse's smile then froze on his face. After a dry smile, he nodded and said, "That's it! You can't spare these two bastards!"

(In the second update, I will give New Year's greetings to everyone again. In the evening, everyone should have a good New Year's Eve dinner. I wish everyone a happy family and good luck!)