Daming Haiku

Chapter 297 Clearance Action 1

There is basically nothing for Yu Xiaotian to worry about at present. Everything is advancing step by step. The construction of Dazhai has been basically completed, and the next step is to fill various workshops and increase the immigration here.

In the future, the main industry of Jilongzhai will also be basically determined when Xiaotian comes. In the future, the main business here will be basically determined to be fishing, whaling and related industries, and Jilong Bay will also be an important fishing port for sea wolves in the future. In the next step, Xiaotian will also plan to use this It has developed into an important maritime trade port for sea wolves and serves as a transit base for Daming, Japan and Ryukyu.

After the typhoon passed, Yu Xiaotian took Lin Yiyang around Jilong Bay and climbed high to inspect the surrounding situation. He ordered Blackhead and Sun Baoqiang to set up some posts on the highlands around Jilong Bay, which could directly observe the situation nearby and prevent the enemy from sneaking into Jilong Bay from other places. , launched an unexpected attack on the chicken cage.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian also personally tested the soldiers here. He was familiar with the jungle and entered the eastern mountains and forests in the name of hunting, divided into groups and launched a hunting competition.

The conditions for winning are very simple. It depends on these groups of soldiers who capture more prey within three days. Of course, their prey also includes a local tribe in the eastern mountain forest. This native tribe has never been in contact with sea wolves and has always been hostile to the people in chicken cages. Tribe.

Over the past year, some of the people sent by the sea wolf to explore the east have disappeared in their territory, but they have not been alive or dead, so they have always suspected that this native tribe did this matter, but they have not confirmed it before.

But during this period, another local tribe nearby who came into contact with the sea wolf told them a message that their people accidentally found that the local tribe attacked and killed the sea wolf and sent people to explore the way.

So the blackheads originally planned to use troops against this native tribe and completely clean it up after the typhoon ended. Yu Xiaotian happened to come here at this time, and naturally he would participate in the elimination of this native tribe.

This time, Yu Xiaotian did not gather other native tribes to participate in this matter as last time, but decided to solve this problem by their sea wolves themselves. Through this operation, they tested the ability of the sea wolf tribe in the chicken cage village to fight in the mountains and forests.

Sun Baoqiang became the planner and commander of this operation. After arranging the matter of the chicken cage, he began to take personnel into the mountain forest and walk towards the area of chicken cage mountain to the east of the chicken cage village.

This time, Yu Xiaotian and Sun Baoqiang used about 80% of the soldiers of the chicken cage village, bringing more than 100 people from the village, and also accompanied 50 native auxiliary soldiers.

These native auxiliary soldiers were basically some native slaves they captured in the early stage. They were originally left in the chicken cage village as a cool force for the sea wolf, but later Blackhead and Sun Baoqiang felt that it seemed a little wasteful to do so, so they tried to use some of them as guides.

Later, they found that these natives have strong adaptability in the mountain forest, can distinguish the direction in the dense forest, and are very vigilant. Some people can even hunt prey with their bare hands and help the sea wolf masses explore the way.

So they selected some of the young men of the native slaves and organized them into auxiliary soldiers to cooperate with the soldiers to explore and hunt in the mountains.

After staying in the chicken cage for a period of time, these native auxiliary soldiers gradually adapted to the life here. In addition, they found that living with these outsiders was much better than living a blood-drinking life in the mountains and forests before, and these outsiders were actually not as bad as they thought. Once familiar with them, these outsiders are also good to them.

Especially for some of the natives who were previously injured and captured by sea wolves, after arriving at the chicken cage village, someone treated their wounds and saved their lives, and these outsiders have very magical wound medicine, which can relieve pain and heal the wound after covering the wound. Compared with their previous witch doctors in the mountains and forests Much better.

In addition, they can get clothes and food on time and quantitatively. If they help the sea wolf catch their prey, the sea wolf will also reward them with meat. In short, the living conditions are quite good.

In addition, the natives have their own way of cognition. In their opinion, once they are defeated, they will either be killed and eaten by the enemy, or they will become slaves of the other party, or simply join the other party and become the enemy's clan. They all have this consciousness.

Now they are caught by these outsiders. Whether they work hard or as guides, they are at least much better than being killed and eaten, so they are also relatively relieved.

In addition, the blackheads deliberately wanted to buy the hearts of these natives. After selecting them as auxiliary soldiers, their treatment has been greatly improved. The food, clothing and living have been improved much better than before. These native auxiliary soldiers are also content with the status quo and are willing to stay and work for the sea wolf.

What's more, they are now afraid of these outsiders who can breathe fire and kill people in their hearts. They think that these outsiders have divine power, can control fire, and use fire to help them kill people, so they are in awe of the sea wolves, but they have not betrayed anything, which is compared with many on land. For people, they should be much more loyal.

The ability of these natives has been fully discovered. In the past few months, they have followed the sea wolf masses to hunt in the mountains, so that the sea wolf tribes have learned quite a lot of experience of survival and fighting in the mountains and forests, so that Yu Xiaotian finally has a capable team that can fight in the mountains and forests.

In addition, these native auxiliary soldiers can be used as scouts, making the combat capability of their mountain troops considerable.

After leaving the chicken cage, Sun Baoqiang divided the team into three groups, each with three teams, equipped with 30 or 40 soldiers, and each group was equipped with 20 native auxiliary soldiers. In this way, each group has a considerable combat effectiveness and can deal with many natives alone.

The current equipment level of the sea wolf department is compared with a bird gun replacement gun. Now the configuration ratio of * hands among the sea wolf soldiers is as high as 40 to 50%, all of which are equipped with a standard southern Japanese thorn gun. Each person is equipped with a bayonet and a bamboo shell * and an iron shell *. In addition, when they go to war Wait, everyone also carries 40 rounds of ammunition and a calf horn bottle with elixir.

and the remaining soldiers are mostly spearmen and knife player, which can be used as a supplement to *hand. If necessary, they can engage in close combat with the enemy and cover * hand. At the same time, because the sea wolf's * hand is equipped with a bayonet, the * hand also obtains considerable melee ability, so the sea wolf's battle While the soldiers have a stronger firepower output ability than ordinary troops, they also ensure that their melee ability is not inferior to the enemy.

And because the sea wolf has started whaling activities in recent years, it has obtained a lot of whale skin. Although the whale skin is not as tough as yellow cowhide or buffalo leather, it is also quite good after special treatment. Nowadays, sea wolf soldiers are equipped with a set of whale leather armor, which mainly covers the chest and abdomen, shoulders and thighs. The upper arm is not covered by the whole body. Although the protection is slightly lower, it reduces the load of the soldiers, so that the movement of the limbs is not greatly restricted after wearing leather armor, so that it maintains a certain flexibility.

Therefore, the sea wolf's soldiers are absolutely an elite soldier in this era, which is basically comparable to the equipment quality of any army in the world. Unfortunately, their number is still a little too small at present, which is not enough to dominate the market. If there is an expansion of sea wolf's soldiers one day. At the level of thousands, it is estimated that it is difficult to find a team to compete with the southern coast.

Yu Xiaotian's next step is to build such a soldier and horse, which will be used for land warfare with the enemy when necessary.

However, it is not easy to build a soldier and horse like thousands of people. The recruitment, training and cultivation of soldiers require considerable resources, and the equipment of each soldier also needs more than ten taels of silver. Among them, the equipment of * hands consumes the most. If the whole body is worn neatly, at least two More than ten taels of silver are enough.

If you build such a soldier and horse of thousands of soldiers, Yu Xiaotian will have to invest at least hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, which is still impossible for his current financial resources, so he can only meet his needs with the policy of elite soldiers and strive to make his subordinates to use it. As for the future, then It can only come slowly.

To make a long story short, after Yu Xiaotian entered the mountain with the sea wolf's soldiers, he did not interfere with Sun Baoqiang's command, but put himself in the position of a bystander and coldly observed the performance of the black-headed mountain troops they trained.

After entering the mountain, this capable soldier team did indeed perform quite well. First, the three teams advanced quickly in the form of troops in the mountains, crossed the jungles and ravines, avoided many dangerous places, and arrived at the south side of Jilong Mountain at a rapid speed.

Then the three teams dispersed with Sun Baoqiang's order, maintained a certain interval, and began to form a loose soldier formation, with the native auxiliary soldiers as the leader, so that the native auxiliary soldiers opened the way forward and formed a warning formation and began to enter the territory of the native tribe.

(Thank you very much for the reward of Huru, GZG1972 and the Ice, Moon and Fire Song Brothers! Your support is my motivation! In advance, in order to thank my brothers for their support for such a long time, I will update two chapters every day from the beginning of the Chinese New Year, so that my brothers can have more leisure in their spare time! Thank you again and wish everyone a happy New Year! All the best! A wide range of financial resources! Hand cramps counting money! The cold wind is here to pay New Year's greetings to everyone in advance!)