Daming Haiku

Chapter 298 Clearance Action 2

The performance of these native auxiliary soldiers in the mountain forest is even more prominent. They have lived in the jungle in this area since childhood. For them, entering the mountain forest is equivalent to returning home. Each body is as light as an ape, running barefoot in the village forest, almost like a ghost, which is elusive.

These natives are extremely suitable for use as scouts. They often walk at the front of the team to provide warning for the sea wolf soldiers behind them. They can find some situations in front of the team in time and provide early warning to the sea wolf soldiers behind them.

And they equipped the native auxiliary soldiers with a simple leather armor that only protects their chest, abdomen and shoulders, and provided them with sharp short spears, hard bows and axe shields as their weapons.

Although these weapons are far worse than the sea wolf soldiers, they are still much stronger than the simple wooden javelin spears and bamboo bows they used before. These things make these natives even more powerful. They can also hunt while exploring the way in front of their heads, but they are hunted along the way. Many pheasants even hit two wild boars, at least they can eat happily in the forest at night.

That night, they entered the territory of the group of natives, but did not find the residence of the group of natives, so everyone rested in the woods.

These natives helped the soldiers and quickly set up some shacks with the large broad-leaved plants in the forest, providing them with a good place to rest, allowing them to hide in the shacks from the wind and rain, and to have a dry place to sleep.

Even now they no longer carry tents when they enter the mountain, so they can camp on the spot. In the past, sea wolf soldiers could not do this in any way. Yu Xiaotian was very satisfied with this. That night, a bonfire was built in the temporary camp, barbecued a lot of prey, and the natives also collected some plant tubers on the spot. And wild mushrooms are boiled into soup in a marching pot for the sea wolf department to eat. The food is quite good.

Yu Xiaotian nibbles roasted wild pork and drinks mountain mushroom soup, which is really pleasant. In the past, Taiwan's mountains and forests looked like monsters, but now with these native auxiliary soldiers, this place has almost become a place for him to take a vacation and enjoy delicious food.

After nightfall, the local auxiliary soldiers were not idle. They were instructed by Sun Baoqiang to continue to operate around the temporary camp. Some people served as sentry posts to provide vigilance for the camp, and some people set up various traps nearby. On the one hand, they could prevent local sneak attacks here, and on the other hand, they could prevent large beasts from disturbing here. People.

And the sea wolf soldiers also took turns to accompany these native auxiliary soldiers on duty at night, so that they got a safe camp here at night.

After a day, Yu Xiaotian was very tired. Although his physical strength was quite strong, he still couldn't catch up with those natives and the soldiers who had been used to living here. After walking down, he still felt very hard.

After being idle, Yu Xiaotian began to take the initiative to communicate with those native auxiliary soldiers. These native auxiliary soldiers knew that Yu Xiaotian was their real master and was very respectful to Xiaotian and served Yu Xiaotian like a god.

Through simple communication, Yu Xiaotian found that these native auxiliary soldiers have more or less learned some of their Chinese, can communicate with them simply and accept their instructions. It can be seen that these natives actually have quite good learning ability, at least there is no need to worry. In the future, I will talk to them like a duck.

The next morning, the sea wolves began to move again and launched a search for the camp of the locals in this area. By noon, news came from the left team that they found several local natives hunting and were surrounded and killed three of them on the spot, and captured two of them alive.

So the team stopped and began to interrogate the prisoners. Now there are many people who know the local language, and communication is no longer a problem. Soon the prisoners told the location of their people's camp.

As soon as Sun Baoqiang learned where the camp of the locals was, he immediately began to assign it to his opponents. The three teams immediately formed and headed in the direction of the camp of the locals.

The camp of this group of natives is in a hill in the northeast of their location, located in the east of Jilong Mountain, not far from their location.

Then their three teams galloped and finally arrived near the camp of the locals in the afternoon. A soldier climbed up a lush tree like a monkey, probed out a monocular through the thick branches and leaves on the treetops, and began to observe the camp of the local tribe in the distance. Get up.

After a while, the soldier slipped down from the tree and described the situation of the native tribal camp to Sun Baoqiang in detail. Yu Xiaotian did not speak and listened quietly.

The number of local tribes is not large, about 200 or 300 people. In addition to hunting, they also reclaimed some land and planted some local crops. It can be seen that the natives here have begun to master farming technology and have formed a semi-settlement state. It's much easier to deal with.

So Sun Baoqiang immediately ordered, and each group began to take action. The three groups of soldiers and native auxiliary soldiers immediately began to check their respective equipment. * hands also began to load ammunition. At the same time, they began to unload the temporarily useless things on their bodies and concentrated them in the forest.

With Sun Baoqiang's order, more than 100 soldiers and local auxiliary soldiers immediately launched an action and surrounded the camp of the locals. Two quarter of an hour later, the sea wolf troops completely surrounded the native tribes here.

And this group of natives did not know that they had been surrounded by the enemy and were still busy with their own affairs in the camp. Seeing that the time was approaching evening, Sun Baoqiang decided to solve the battle before dark, saving him from long night dreams.

In the calm col, suddenly there was a series of bangs. In the jungle around the native camp, a slip of fire light was emitted, and a mass of gunpowder smoke was raised, during which some bows and arrows were also mixed.

The natives who were not prepared at all were stunned. Unexpectedly, many natives in the camp spewed blood on the spot and screamed and fell into the pool of blood. Some people were nailed to the ground by arrows flying from the nearby forest. For a moment, they couldn't figure out what had happened. The whole The camp is like a bee blowing up a nest.

Fortunately, the sea wolf did not intend to kill them all this time, but punished it overturned some seemingly strong natives, and then rushed out of the mountain forest and surrounded the camp of the whole tribe.

Until this time, the natives here realized that they had been attacked, and some soldiers of the clan began to react and ran to their earthen huts, trying to take up their weapons to resist.

However, it has no effect on such resistance. Without waiting for them to take out bamboo bows, arrows, javelins and other objects, the sea wolf surrounding their camp began to shoot again. Immediately, another group of soldiers in the clan were knocked to the ground, and only a very small number of clans took weapons and rushed towards the sea wolf.

However, their resistance was weak. Under the sudden attack of the sea wolf, they could not stop the attack of the sea wolf at all. In just a moment, the rebels were killed on the spot.

In the camp of the whole tribe, many natives lay down, and the remaining living natives could only stare with frightened eyes, protect their children, and hide in the shack in panic.

After Sun Baoqiang raised his hand to stop his men from opening fire, some local auxiliary soldiers began to roar at the natives in the camp in local language, which meant that they could not resist and surrender immediately without killing them.

The whole battle process was very short and did not encounter too much resistance, which solved the vast majority of the natives here. Only a few natives fled into the nearby forest, but even if the sea wolf soldiers and native auxiliary soldiers chased into the jungle, it is estimated that they will not escape far.

Yu Xiaotian observed the whole battle process with a single telescope from afar. When he saw the sea wolf troops entering the camp, they began to clean the battlefield, tied up the natives here, took a team out of the camp, ordered them to kneel down, and nodded with a smile.

This time, the attack between the chicken cage soldiers and these native auxiliary soldiers was quite beautiful. The whole process was very smooth and cooperated with each other very closely. It can be said that it can be used as an example of a mountain forest surprise attack.

From the time they entered the territory of the native tribe, everything was basically carried out according to the plan. Almost before they shocked each other, the sea wolf soldiers and auxiliary soldiers completed their siege. At this time, the fate of the native tribe has been determined.

The number of the native tribe itself is not very large, and the combat effectiveness is not very strong, and they began to fight without any preparation, so the sea wolf soldiers and auxiliary soldiers hardly paid any price and solved them.

Soon there was another * sound in the jungle outside the camp. After a while, the surrounding mountains and forests became silent again, but the sound frightened the flock of birds and some beasts in the forest.

Before dark, all the battles were over, and the pursuing soldiers and auxiliary soldiers also escorted seven or eight natives back to the camp from the forest. After the inventory, the native tribe can basically be said to have been completely destroyed by sea wolves. Only a very small number of natives did not stay in the camp because they went hunting and were able to escape. Yu was almost served by the sea wolf.

(Starting tomorrow, two times a day, keep it for a month! It's a New Year's welfare for everyone! Ha ha! Thank you for your support this year. I hope you can still help me in the new year! Thank you very much! Happy New Year to everyone!)