Daming Haiku

Chapter 101 Open Sea Ban

Now he understands the reason why those in power always say that they must settle the inside first. If he wants to use troops externally and concentrate on winning the war, if there is no stable situation in China, he can't gather national strength to fight a big war, and he is also facing such a problem now. In a short time, he really can't withdraw. With enough troops, immediately launch the final attack on Jiannu.

So for the time being, we can only let Guan Ningjun live a stable life for two years, as long as they don't make trouble. It's not too late for him to calm down the interior of Daming, and then it's not too late to deal with these warlords. The worst thing is to waste more money and food. Anyway, he is not very short of money to spend now.

The opening of the sea ban and the imposition of commercial taxes on merchants have enabled him to raise a large amount of fiscal revenue every year, so he supports more than 100,000 Guan Ningjun, which is not very difficult for him now, and Zu Da Shou and other guys may not give them as much as they want. These guys are even stomachs. They are not small, as long as they don't rush them, they don't dare to fool them.

For industrial construction, Yu Xiaotian also began to take action in the 13th year of Chongzhen. He first set up a new semi-mechanized arsenal in Shunde Mansion in Beizhili, which was already firmly controlled.

Shunde Prefecture is the most important iron-producing place in the history of the Northern Song Dynasty. It has a famous history of iron metallization. The local area itself produced coal and iron ore. During the Northern Song Dynasty, it was the most important iron-producing place in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the iron production in Cizhou accounted for more than half of the national iron production in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Later, after the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, it began to decline. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was still a relatively important iron-producing place. By the Ming Dynasty, although the iron production here was not as good as before, there were unique conditions that coal and iron could be directly solved locally.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian decided to promote industrialization in Shunde Prefecture and establish an arsenal to use local resources to directly produce guns and artillery needed by the army.

The establishment of a large arsenal will also immediately drive the development of local coal mines and iron mines. At the same time, it will also promote the development of many local handicrafts in terms of source. For example, coke for steelmaking can directly establish coking fields in the local area, and then drive the establishment of earth blast furnace steelmaking, and finally in the shape of Shundefu It became the first heavy industrial base in the north.

As for technical personnel, he has no shortage of them now. Over the years, Taiwan Island Freshwater Industrial Zone has trained a considerable number of management talents, technical talents and professional workers. A batch has been directly transferred, and a large factory can soon be replicated.

And he did not hand over such industrialization to the Ministry of Industry, but was led by the Sea Wolf Group as his private property, which could avoid the spread of some confidential technologies and make him lose his technical advantages in a short time.

In addition, with the lifting of the sea ban, many sea ports along the coast were opened, causing Daming merchants to secretly engage in underground activities and openly go to sea merchants. Suddenly, private funds burst out of great power, and more and more merchants began to invest funds in sea trade.

And the first thing for these merchants to do sea trade is to build shipbuilding. In the past, Daming banned the sea and banned the construction of more than 400 large ships. Now this ban has been lifted by Yu Xiaotian, so the shipbuilding industry in coastal areas has been immediately pulled up, one by one. New shipbuilding has been established in various places. For a while, shipbuilders have become popular goods, and shipbuilders have been recruited everywhere at high prices, making shipbuilders become hot goods.

The sudden outbreak of the shipbuilding industry naturally led to many related industries, such as wood, hemp, iron, tung oil, paint and other related industries for shipbuilding.

With the construction of a batch of sea ships and going to sea, the boatmen who can sail on the sea immediately became a hot cargo, and began to recruit boatmen everywhere, especially people like experienced firemen, that is, the captain of ships often referred to in later generations, which made it difficult to find a lot of money, which made some people who had to go to the sea to steal. Pirates have now found a way to eat. Some people hired them to sail to sea and merchants. They eat well and get more money. Naturally, they don't want to be pirates easily anymore.

What's more, it's not easy to be a pirate now. With the increasing naval power of Yu's army and stretching its hands, it has gradually controlled the whole coast of China. It has never spared no effort to fight pirates, so that many pirates can only wash their hands and go ashore to make a living.

Now someone wants to hire a fireman or a boatman. These pirates who went ashore found a new way to eat and began to transfer to various merchants to act as boatmen for them.

With the increasing number of merchants and sea boats going to do business, a large number of Daming goods began to be loaded on ships by merchants and were trafficked out. While making a lot of money in various cities, it also greatly promoted the development of handicrafts in various places. Some goods that used to be unsalable have now become popular goods, and prices have been raised. Needless to say, some people who have nothing to do find jobs and can work in some workshops to earn what they need for life.

After the opening of the sea ban, various export-made handicraft workshops have been prepared and built by merchants in coastal areas like bamboo shoots after rain, absorbing a large number of landless farmers as professional workers, which has also greatly reduced the number of local exiles and reduced the management pressure of local governments.

In a word, the opening of the sea ban can be said to have led a large number of industries from all walks of life, absorbing a large amount of human and financial resources from the source to the terminal, and producing huge benefits.

It is so easy for ordinary people to serve. As long as they find a mouthful of food, they will not starve to death. Few people will take knives to play with their lives. However, the sudden outbreak of industry and commerce has absorbed a large amount of idle manpower and subsidized the families of some poor people. Although it has not been banned from the sea for a long time, the benefits in this regard have been Experienced everywhere.

Many traditional handicraft technologies and products in the Ming Dynasty are sought after all over the world at this time. As long as they find the right way and invest in workshops, they can almost take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

The Seawolf Group, which is also the maker of the rules, must have benefited a lot from such a wave of sea ban. They control almost all commercial roads at sea, whether it is price or transaction methods, and the Seawolf Group has to take the lead in making the decision. If anyone has bad rules and wants to ship goods at the specified price, then Sorry, this businessman will definitely be kicked out soon, and he won't want to hang out at sea again in the future.

Yu Xiaotian, as the owner of the Seawolf Group, of course, also makes a lot of money, which is also the reason why his waist is tough. As long as he is willing to spend money, even if the household department can't afford it, he can also take out enough funds to invest, just from 12th to 10th year of Chongzhen. During his three years in power, he invested in the establishment of various factories and workshops in the North and the Central Plains, and invested more than 3 million taels of silver.

On the surface, these silver have not been used for disaster relief, but when these funds flowed into the society, they were eventually dispersed into the hands of many people, and absorbed a large number of idle or lost land and disaster victims to work in various workshops, which also attracted the floating people and helped the disaster victims. Function.

These people who are absorbed into the workshop can get paid through labor and support their families. Naturally, they will no longer be deceived and follow the exiles to make trouble. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian did not take his money directly to help the disaster victims, but by investing in the establishment of the workshop, he still played a lot The role of big disaster relief.

The reason why there are many disasters in the Central Plains and the North is that in addition to natural disasters, man-made disasters are also very important. Many officials and businessmen colluded to take the opportunity to hoard goods and raise prices, causing the price of grain to show abnormally high prices, making ordinary people unable to buy at all. In the end, they lost their property and finally were forced to go Take a dangerous road.

However, after Xiaotian came to power, he immediately began to crack down on this kind of collusion between officials and businessmen, hoarding goods and raising grain prices in an extremely bloody way, copied the property of thousands of profiteers who raised food prices and hoarded goods, and killed a large number of corrupt officials who colluded with profiteers. It brought down the grain prices in the north.

For example, at the beginning of the 12th year of Chongzhen, the price of millet or wheat in Zhendingfu was too high by grain merchants to almost four or five taels of silver, and even the price of beans that people don't eat often was also raised to the price of three taels of silver, several times higher than in the Wanli period and the first year of the Apocalypse. Such a price, not to mention that ordinary people can't afford it, even some people with small savings can't stand it.

However, after Yu Xiaotian came to power, it took only a few months. In October 12 of Chongzhen, he had flattened the price of grain in Zhendingfu to only one stone of wheat and four silver, and the price was much lower than that of Wanli. Although it was much higher than the grain price in Wanli years, it at least returned to the positive. Within the usual category.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian was also very clear about the reason why grain prices in the north were high at the end of the Ming Dynasty. In addition to natural disasters and profiteers hoarding up grain prices, another important factor, that is, among the Jin merchants in the north, especially in Shanxi, there were a group of people who took risks and collusion to smuggle a large amount of grain out of grain through Zhangjiakou. It was sold to Jiannu and Mongolians at a high price to earn excessive profits.

These profiteers were undoubtedly hardcore traitors in the Ming Dynasty. While there was a shortage of food in the customs, they turned a blind eye to the disaster in the customs, but transported a large amount of food urgently needed by the people in the customs and made huge profits. First, they greatly aggravated the shortage of food in the customs, and second, they strongly supported the demand for slaves outside the customs. So that Jiannu can eat food outside the bitter cold gate and not starve to death.

The construction slaves outside the customs have obtained a large amount of money by constantly attacking the customs, killing and looting, and then purchasing food from these profiteers in the customs, which greatly alleviated the food shortage outside the customs, so that the construction slaves have the strength to support the people, and finally continue to expand their strength. The broken south plundered and finally stole the Ming River and mountains.

Even some military generals in the Guanning army outside the Guanning army also colluded with these profiteers to share a large amount of profits, and even directly deducted the grain allocated to them by the Ming court and sold them to Jiannu to enrich their own pockets.