Daming Haiku

Chapter 102 Rule the country with an iron fist

Yu Xiaotian knew about this. As soon as he took power, he immediately issued a decree in the name of Chongzhen to strictly investigate anyone in the customs to deliver food outside the customs, and sent a brigade of elite soldiers and horses out of Juyong Pass, went straight to Xuanda and other places, and blocked all the passages to the outside the customs. For passing personnel and vehicles, all Existing people tried to smuggle food or iron and other things out of the customs, so they questioned them in the name of communication with the enemy.

After he came to power, he directly issued an order in the name of Chongzhen to send a supervisor and a group of Yu Jiajun who had just changed into the brocade guard waistplate, and directly into Shanxi, and ordered Wu Yu, the governor of Shanxi, to cooperate and carry out a cleanse of the Jin merchants in Shanxi.

According to the local detailed work and the people's report, a total of more than 30 Jin merchants have been found, who have been or are conducting such a trade, and more than a dozen of them are rich and can be called extremely rich. As a result, they were ordered by Yu Xiaotian to kill all the more than 30 Jin merchants, adults and above, and all the family's wealth As well as the land, houses and villages have been copied.

At the same time, according to the confessions of these profiteers, they also caught some officials and generals in Xuanfu, Datong government and the military who participated in collusion with profiteers and secretly traded with slaves and Mongolians. This time, they were uprooted and executed, and their wealth was also wiped.

This big cleanup has gained a lot for Xiaotian. The cash silver alone is as high as millions of taels. In addition, the value of the property land that has been copied has doubled. In addition, a large amount of grain has been copied from the homes of these thieves, many of which is even moldy. The total amount is also as high as more than 300,000 stones. This grain alone has greatly alleviated the food shortage in Shanxi and a large area around it.

After these people who harmed the country and the people were caught, the quick judgment did not delay the execution after autumn. All of them were directly dragged out and chopped. What they killed was the people's heads rolling, which was not very happy. When the people heard the news, many people rushed all the way to the execution ground to watch the execution, all clap their hands and cheered, which made Yu Xiaotian once again win the hearts of the people.

Although many of the people who do these things are also former officials, after changing the head of the family, they have swept away the previous procrastination and made profits, and few people dare to deceive the superiors.

The reason is very simple. They all saw the difference between Yu Xiaotian and Chongzhen. Although Chongzhen also killed many ministers after ascending the throne, he had some scruples. Most of the time, he would be persuaded by the ministers and could not completely follow his ideas, so although he also killed some ministers, he did not These officials cannot be effectively deterrable.

Moreover, the relationship between officials is complicated, and officials protect each other. Many times, what they do is not clear to Chongzhen, so they dare to say one thing and do one thing. Only because they are too familiar with the previous routines of officialdom can they do things without fear. There is really nothing they can do, so they drag words. The delay has been dragging things down, resulting in the inefficiency of the whole Daming officialdom.

However, after Yu Xiaotian entered Beijing to control the court, the official wanted to use the old method at first. If he could delay it, he would have to find a way to deal with Yu Xiaotian. However, they soon found that this move they used now did not work, because they found that Yu Xiaotian's character was very different from that of the previous emperor.

Yu Xiaotian never saves face when doing things. If many things are required to be done immediately, they must be done immediately. If anyone wants to resist or delay it, they will soon be taken down. At first, they will be put directly into prison, and if they are seriously evaporated from the world immediately. I can't even find the body.

Either you are taken to a construction site, and the whip serves what you are tired of, what you are struggling with. After cleaning up well, you can bring it back to another place for them to continue to do. After being tossed down like this, ordinary people will take a lot of wisdom and never dare to procrastinate.

In addition, the practices they used to deceive the superiors and the subordinates are not working now. They think that some things are seamless, but they are quickly found out by the top, so someone found that Yu Xiaotian seems to have another way to monitor them. They don't seem to be able to hide anything from their eyes, so So that we can only do things honestly.

Then they found that Yu Xiaotian's method was ten times more poisonous than Chongzhen's. Chongzhen's murder also needed a high-sounding reason and process. However, as long as Yu Xiaotian caught some people's feet, he never show mercy. After the facts were found out, he didn't say anything about the killing that should be killed, and he should raid the house. A little opportunity It will not be left to anyone.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian is very familiar with some of the greedy and private means commonly used by local officials. Often when the order is issued, their back road has been blocked, so that they can't find a better way to say no or can't do it.

In the first year, tens of thousands of officials were captured and killed by Yu Xiaotian in the whole Ming Dynasty. Officials in almost all places have been sorted out, replaced by people, and moved places, which made all the officials in the officialdom endanger themselves and knew that they wanted to continue to fool around in the future. It must be over. Either work honestly or wait to wash your neck and let Yu Xiaotian send someone to cut it.

Officials in the officialdom complained about this, but Yu Xiaotian turned a blind eye to their complaints.

So they are a little self-righteous. They think that they have a lot of ability and can't do many things without them. They put on a posture of giving up their own. They simply resign and want to use the method of resignation to force Yu Xiaotian to pay attention to their opinions. For these self-righteous guys, Yu Xiaotian never retains.

Didn't you resign? No! If you want to resign and return to your hometown, there is no door. You can directly take a big hat of pride and disrespect against the decree, demote them to civilians in the end, and send them to the frontier to do hard work! If you want to go back to your hometown for retirement, don't expect it. It will also kill you in the border town.

In fact, some people have suffered a great loss because of this matter. Originally, they wanted to blackmail them with resignation, but they couldn't blackmail them, but they trapped themselves into pigs and sheep farmers in the border town. Moreover, some people will be dug deep after being dismissed from office. Few officials have clean buttocks. If they are gently dug, they can A lot of evidence of corruption was dug out. As a result, there was no chance to go to the border town to herd sheep. They were chased back halfway and dragged out and chopped.

According to Yu Xiaotian in the court, there are more people who want to be officials, and there are more capable people. As long as there is a vacant seat, there are people who are willing to do it, and it is certain that the newly selected people must do better than the previous people. Anyone who leaves the Ming can take care of it. Who wants to use this means again, Just give it a try!

Yu Xiaotian's words soon flew to all parts of the Ming Dynasty. After listening to this, the officials were chilled and knew that they met such an unreasonable guy as Yu Xiaotian. The routines they used in the past had failed. Now Yu Xiaotian is clear that the carriages and horses, let They know that there is absolutely no problem if they want to continue to be an official. As long as you obey and do it well and follow his instructions, even if there is a little bad deeds in them in the past, you can not blame them and just as if it has never happened, but don't say one thing and do another, otherwise you can continue to be an official. .

But if you guys want to be an official and don't want to do a good job, and you still want to be a monk like before and rely on officials to give yourself money, then I'm sorry that I have a knife in my hand. If you can't kill one, just kill two until you find the right person to do this job.

Under such a thunderous means by Xiaotian, the atmosphere of officialdom has changed greatly in less than a year. Generally speaking, as long as it is where the military can reach, the local officials have become much more diligent and self-disciplined. Once the above requirements are issued, they run fast one by one and no longer dare to be like before. That deceives the superiors and says one thing and does one thing.

Of course, this is also limited to some areas that can be touched by Xiaotian's force for the time being. After all, Yu Xiaotian has been in power for a short time, and the force of Yu's army has not quickly penetrated into various parts of the Ming Dynasty. For example, some places that go deep into the mainland or remote areas have not yet felt the power of Yu Xiaotian and continue to maintain their old age. The style is perfunctory to filial piety.

However, Yu Xiaotian was not in a hurry. He first focused on the coastal provinces and the Central Plains and the northern provinces. The provinces in the southeast are the richest places in the Ming Dynasty and the most developed economy. The money and taxes collected every year account for the majority of the Ming Dynasty.

So after he took office, he successively found a reason to dismiss the governors of the three provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong, replaced them with people he thought were obedient to take power, and then began to clean up the magistrates at the first level of the state government, arrested and killed a number of them in a row, dismissed them, and replaced them with a group of former officials. People who are excluded or depressed will take office.

Yu Xiaotian is also familiar with such a method of playing with a big stick and holding carrots in the other hand. First, he killed those who didn't listen to him before, and then promoted a group of officials who wanted to take office, but in the past, he was excluded or didn't get a chance because of disagreement with Donglin's party and politics.

These people are not necessarily very capable, but they know why they were promoted and reused by Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian told them very clearly that you go and take office. There is nothing else required, as long as you are asked to be obedient and do things according to the rules. It's not your fault for lack of ability, but if you don't do it well, it's yours yours. No, if I can kill your ex, then I can kill you at any time. Where to go is up to you.

As for you going to take office and encounter obstacles from local giants or powerful people in implementing the new policy, then it doesn't matter. If there is an old man who supports you and is obviously inconvenient to get rid of them, he will act secretly. In short, in order to implement his new policy, no matter what resistance you encounter, if you don't listen to good words, then use The butcher opens the way.

Therefore, after Xiaotian came to power in several provinces in the southeast, he was first controlled by him. Originally, he started in Fujian. Fujian has long been in his pocket, and it is the easiest to implement the new policy. As for Liangguang and Zhejiang, his tentacles have already penetrated for so many years. These places are very deep, and now that he has finally taken the risk and succeeded in seizing power, so it is naturally not a big problem to take these places.

(Thank you again for the reward of the Spring Breeze Brothers!)