Daming Haiku

Chapter 132 Currency

The bright-eyed people soon realized what Yu Xiaotian wanted to do and thought it would be a very good opportunity. They quickly sent their children to the newly established righteous studies in various places to receive the new education promoted by Yu Xiaotian. In this way, whoever does it quickly is most likely to benefit first.

So, the tax that the Dazhong court can receive every year is far more than the fiscal revenue of the Ming Dynasty, but with Yu Xiaotian, the king of money, the household department is still tightly pressed. If it hadn't been for the pockets tightly, the fiscal revenue received this year is estimated that it would not be enough for Xiaotian to toss around. Of.

In order to save financial waste expenditure, Yu Xiaotian withdrew the eight bureaus, four departments and twelve supervisors that used to serve the royal family one after another. Except for the imperial horse supervisors, all of them were abolished, while the military bureau was transferred to the logistics department under the military department for management. Various workshops left by the Ming Dynasty, and now Today, the arsenal he built was merged, and the craftsmen were diverted to the newly built arsenals and continued to be retained to continue to provide weapons production for the large and medium-sized armies.

The rest of the bureau supervisors and other departments that specialize in serving the royal family have been laid off, saving too much financial expenditure, which can be regarded as squeezing out the things that can be squeezed out. Starting from him, they will vigorously promote a frugal life. As the emperor, the people below dare not dare to spend any more money, so just These things save a lot of money every year.

Yu Xiaotian has vigorously promoted the development of industry and commerce since he served as a supervisor. Now, after he ascended the throne and became the country, he immediately began to prepare for state-owned banks, transforming the original Maoshengyuan's Qianzhuang into a Greater China-owned bank, and began to set up large-scale points all over the country, becoming the largest in China and North Korea. And began to prepare for the implementation of the silver-based monetary system.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, it also issued a large number of banknotes, that is, paper-notes, and thought of many ways to try to control the depreciation of paper money, but in the end, this matter was very rubbish. From the beginning of the court itself, it did not respect the value of paper-notes, but regarded the issuance of paper money as a tool to accumulate wealth. When money was issued, banknotes were issued, but when taxes were collected, they refused to accept banknotes. As a result, banknotes soon turned into waste paper, resulting in the bankruptcy of many ordinary households collecting banknotes.

This also caused the paper-coin to quickly lose its monetary value and become a piece of waste paper after its issuance. In the end, because no one was willing to collect these banknotes, the banknotes were completely abandoned. Later, with the influx of a large amount of silver into the Ming Dynasty, silver became the most difficult circulating currency.

In addition, in the history of the Ming Dynasty, paper money was first promoted. In order to promote banknotes, the casting of money was stopped, but later, because of credit bankruptcy, paper money could only be re-casting. Gradually, various places flocked to open furnaces to cast money. The copper coins cast were also good and bad, and the amount of copper content was different, causing currency chaos.

With the influx of silver, silver has gradually begun to be used as a circulating currency in the market, and a large number of silver has been precipitated by the people, which is not a good thing for the country, and the circulation of silver is also quite troublesome. First of all, the color and weight of silver are different. When paying small amounts, large pieces of silver are not It is easy to pay, and it needs to be cut into small pieces of silver, with varying weight, which leads to the inconvenience of transactions.

With the establishment of China and North Korea, efforts have been made to promote the development of industry and commerce, and there will be more and more social transactions. It is obviously inappropriate to continue to use the copper and scattered silver of the Ming Dynasty as currency.

Moreover, banknotes are a development direction in the future, and currency-currency is also a trend with many advantages. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian decided to establish a large number of banks in Greater China, unified under the management of the Household Department, and issue new coins nationwide.

Of course, the direct issuance of paper-coins will certainly not be favorable, and it may not even be implemented. Therefore, the first step is that Yu Xiaotian is not in a hurry to issue banknotes, but decides to issue silver coins and copper coins first. Before issuing new silver coins and copper coins, Yu Xiaotian also issued a decree to stop all acts of private coinage. If you find it, you will be severely punished.

In this era, European countries poured into China's silver, and many of them entered China in the form of silver coins, called Yingyang, which is very popular, because these silver dollars are fixed in weight and good in color, which is very convenient for transactions. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian ordered state-owned banks to follow these eagles and promote silver coins. And copper coins.

And Yu Xiaotian changed the previous casting method to produce them for stamping. The silver coins and copper coins stamped in this way are quite exquisite, and the weight is stable. It will not easily appear that some money is small and large, and the shape is uniform. More importantly, it can prevent someone from secretly counterfeiting and manufacturing counterfeit coins. Stamping technology is still an absolute high-tech technology, and it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to imitate this technology. If it is imitated by casting, the quality of the counterfeit-coins will be very poor, and the authenticity can be seen at a glance.

In addition, some people will cut or scrape off some of the outer ring of silver coins to make some black money. This kind of thing has happened in the Ming army before, and it is also doped with lead, zinc and other metals in silver to reduce the silver content of silver. Now by manufacturing stamped silver coins and copper coins, these people are completely This kind of financial road has been cut off.

The coins stamped have lines on the edge. No one can continue to cut or scrape some broken silver from the edge and recast them. In this way, the silver coins that have been scraped or cut will be without these lines, and no one will want them in the future. So if you do so, you will hit yourself in the face, and no one will be stupid. Make your own money so that no one wants it.

Therefore, the issuance of this new coin will play a good role in monetary unification in the future, and it will be more convenient for trading when it is used in circulation.

As for the issuance method, it is also very simple. That is, after all the various taxes currently collected by the country are handed over to the Ministry of Household, they all enter the banks in Greater China. Banks in Greater China are uniformly minted into coins in the mint, and then these new coins are used for financial expenditure.

Bank branches have been set up in various places, which can handle storage business, and can also exchange the current silver and old money on the market into new coins, and stipulate the exchange ratio, so that state-owned banks can make some profits from it, which is a handling fee.

After everything was ready, at the beginning of the second year, Yu Xiaotian issued a decree to stop the direct circulation of all kinds of old coins and silver on the market. In the future, all new coins of the Great China and North Korea will be used for transactions in commercial transactions or other transactions.

In the past, the silver and copper coins stored by the people for circulation must be exchanged in the branches of mass state-owned banks in various places, especially those old copper coins, which set the exchange time and gave them half a year to exchange within the specified time. If you don't exchange it, then it will be completely abolished and become a waste copper and wait to cry!

Local governments sent people to strictly investigate the use of new coins and prohibit the continued use of old coins or the continued use of silver transactions.

The new coin itself is exquisite in workmanship, and the weight standard, whether it is copper or silver, is of the same color. It is quite convenient to use and carry. Merchants are also very willing to receive this new currency, so it is not difficult to implement it. Once issued, it is very popular. The exchange business in various places is also very popular, and the people have All kinds of old money on hand are sent to the bank to queue up to exchange new coins.

Including some rich people, they are also willing to save some old money and exchange it quickly. Otherwise, if it is stored in their cellar, it will soon become scrap copper, and no one dares to neglect it.

In this way, it has caused great pressure on banks. First, there are too many people to exchange. Even if they exchange them day and night, they are too busy. The other is that the number of new coins they prepared in advance is not enough to exchange all the old private coins. Many people wait for a long time but can't get the new coins. Zaido was very unhappy, and even there were some places that caused trouble, and even many branches of banks in China were smashed.

Yu Xiaotian also expected this, and printed a large number of banknotes equivalent to silver coins and copper coins in advance. These banknotes also used paper specially developed by smart craftsmen. At the same time, they adopted the most exquisite engraving printing technology, and used semi-automatic mechanical printing and ink. It is also specially produced. The printed banknotes are simply exquisite compared with the precious banknotes issued by Daming before.

These new banknotes have also been watermarked and made a lot of anti-counterfeiting measures. Yu Xiaotian has also brought over some paper-currency anti-counterfeiting technologies known to future generations, using the existing achievable technologies of this era, such as adding some fine fibers of various colors when making paper for paper money. Dimensional, so that these colorful thin lines can be seen on the surface of banknote paper,

At the very least, it is impossible for those counterfeiters to imitate this new type of paper money. When the real and fake paper money is put together, they can also distinguish the true from the false with their buttocks. It can be said that they have taken sufficient anti-counterfeiting measures. At least no one can imitate this kind of paper money within decades.

After receiving these banknotes, local banks began to exchange paper money for the old coins in their hands, and the government posted a notice that no one can refuse to accept such banknotes. Banknotes can be used as the currency value printed on the face of the banknotes, and merchants after receiving the banknotes can go to the Dazhong period within a few days specified every month. Exchange them into equivalent silver or copper coins in various branches of state-owned banks.

This is a rather complicated process. At first, when the bank exchanged these banknotes for people, the vast majority of people did not want to exchange them into those metal new coins.