Daming Haiku

Chapter 133 Coin 2

The bank temporarily replaced these banknotes with the current shortage of new coins. If they don't spend these banknotes a month later, they can exchange them. It's just a transitional measure. Local governments guarantee and send people to maintain order.

Although people are very worried, they think that this banknote is also an effective thing promised by the emperor today. Nowadays, Yu Xiaotian has a high reputation among the people. It can be said that he has done a lot of practical things for ordinary people and is quite popular among the people at the bottom, and the first ones who received paper money are also soldiers and those places. Fang officials, they took banknotes to shop in the market, and the merchants in the market were ordered not to accept them.

So people also pinched their noses and tried to exchange a little first. With the mentality of trying, they began to exchange some banknotes. Then some people quickly took them to spend these banknotes and tried to see if they could buy things. The merchants did not dare not accept them. After receiving them, they also quickly went to the bank to exchange them into new coins at the specified time.

The process of this experiment lasted for quite a long time. Yu Xiaotian even extended the exchange time of old coins for half a year in order to promote banknotes, giving people more time to verify the monetary value of these banknotes.

In addition, when local governments collect the tax burden, they will collect all such banknotes and do not collect those new metal coins for the time being, so as to strongly issue these banknotes and establish the monetary credit of paper-notes.

The people experimented and found that these banknotes did not seem to be as bad as they thought. They can buy things on the market like those metal coins, and they will not reduce the value of the currency. When the government also collects taxes publicly, they can collect paper money, which can completely offset the new coins.

Merchants, in particular, are even more careful. They have tested many times and found that the collected banknotes can indeed be exchanged for new coins, and gradually they are relieved. Of course, when implementing new coins, there is also a problem, that is, Chinese people have the habit of hiding money. After getting new coins, they are not in a hurry to use them, and It was stored, so that a large number of newly issued coins soon settled in the private sector and could not enter the circulation field.

This has caused the problem of insufficient circulation of new currencies in the market. Yu Xiaotian has also thought of many ways to deal with these problems, but he insists on one thing, that is, to ensure that there will be no problems with the value of these currencies. State-owned banks must have sufficient silver reserves, and cannot overissue currencies without authorization to maintain the stability of the currency, especially It is the stability of the banknote issued.

People habitually store new coins in their hands and spend paper-notes as soon as possible. In this way, the circulation and circulation of paper-notes has been accelerated. Over time, the value of paper-notes has always been strongly supported. Gradually, paper-notes are also trusted by more and more people. Yu Xiaotian believes in time. For a long time, as long as the value of paper-notes is maintained, sooner or later, people will gradually get used to using paper-notes instead of those metal coins.

Although metal currency is better preserved, it is heavy and not easy to carry. As commercial circulation becomes faster and larger, it is much more convenient for business travelers from south to north to carry paper-notes than to carry metal currency, and the exchange business in various places is also unified. Gradually paper-notes can certainly become the currency in circulation on the market. Sooner or later, the main force will squeeze the metal currency into auxiliary coins, but this requires a process.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian also issued a decree to prohibit any private money bank or money shop from exchanging new coins privately, regulate their business behavior, and require them to pay a certain proportion of the deposit in banks in Greater China before they can continue to operate. After that, it collapsed, causing chaos among the people.

In short, the implementation of the new monetary policy has also improved the monetary system of Dazhong. Although it is still difficult to implement it now, the new monetary policy has been implemented, which will play a good role in the future development of industry and commerce.

Those places that spend money under the Ministry of Industry and Household have all begun to use paper-notes to replace metal currency, as well as those state-owned industry and commerce and Yu Xiaotian's original private royal enterprises, which are now the first to accept paper-note transactions.

The most important thing is that after the implementation of paper-coins, the official attitude towards paper-notes. The precious banknotes issued by the Ming Dynasty in the past, because of the sharp depreciation, were unable to use the treasure banknotes to pay the tax burden after they were in the hands of the people. Even the government refused to collect the banknotes must immediately lose credit, so the treasures issued in the Ming Dynasty Banknotes soon turned into waste paper.

However, after the issuance of paper-notes, the Great Central Dynasty has always insisted on stabilizing the value of paper-notes, and the government also has a clear attitude. However, when paying taxes, it is mainly collecting paper-notes, which makes the people completely relieved. Since these banknotes are recognized by the government, there has been no problem for a long time, and it will not be spent. Just pay taxes to the government, so you are no longer so worried about the credibility of banknotes.

In this way, the promotion of paper-notes has gradually been promoted, and the monetary credit of paper-notes has been initially established, making more and more people willing to use or accept these paper-notes.

It can be said that after the establishment of the Great China Dynasty, Yu Xiaotian was very busy. He constantly abolished all kinds of ills left by the previous dynasty and introduced various new policies, which made the development of the Great China Dynasty begin to quickly enter a fast lane and began to develop like a rocket.

With the Qingming of the rule of officials, the original waste of officialdom and corruption have been greatly curbed, and a lot of money has been saved for the financial expenditure of China and North Korea. While implementing various new policies, Yu Xiaotian also began to invest a large amount of surplus money in infrastructure construction in various places.

Among them, the construction of water conservancy projects began when Chongzhen was in power. During these years, a large amount of funds were invested in the repair of rivers that often flooded everywhere, and led by local government, various water conservancy facilities were also vigorously built in the farmland, and a large number of wells were drilled in the northern farmland.

For this reason, Yu Xiaotian also ordered the Ministry of Industry to personally design a new type of well drilling machinery to replace the previous method of digging wells completely relying on manpower.

In ancient times, it was quite laborious and dangerous to make a well. Basically, it all depended on manpower to dig into the ground until water was dug out. During this period, it often collapsed, and the people who dug the well were buried alive. Well drilling is an absolutely risky industry. If it is done, people will die, and it will be very expensive.

However, the new animal well drilling machinery can make well drilling much simpler and safer, which also provides great help for northern agriculture to resist drought, so that the drought resistance has been greatly improved when northern agriculture develops.

Of course, these are all trivial things. Yu Xiaotian is always paying attention to such trivial matters and constantly promoting new policies.

And in order to vigorously develop industry and commerce in the future, in terms of infrastructure, after he ascended the throne, he began to build roads vigorously. In the past year, officials and roads in the past year were in disrepair, lack of maintenance, and the restrictions of road construction technology made the situation of officials and roads in various places very bad.

Many officials have been driving for many years, coupled with the lack of maintenance, which has simply become deep ditches. If it doesn't rain, there will be thick floating earth. If it rains, it will become ditches, and pedestrians or cars can't be able to drive at all.

So Yu Xiaotian jokingly copied a slogan of later generations in the court, that is, if you want to build the road first and repair the road first, then you can get rich faster.

As for the funds for road construction, he ordered the Ministry of Household to find a way to allocate them. First, starting from the north, he adopted his road construction methods on Taiwan Island. If the initial funds were not enough, he selected the main official roads to build, and then began to build more official roads as the financial situation became better and better in the future.

As for the manpower for road construction, it is requisitioned and distributed on the spot, but the project can only be started when the farmers are idle. When the farmers are busy, the work must be stopped. Only the people are allowed to be recruited to build the road within 50 miles, and the people are not allowed to work on the construction site for a long time. In addition, local governments are not allowed to let the people bring their own rations, even if they are not given The people pay, at least to provide them with food when they work on the construction site, so that they can eat and work hard.

Although ordinary people can't make money by doing this, ordinary people with poor business consciousness are also idle when they are idle. Although it is not good to eat less when they are idle, it is inevitable to eat two meals a day. Even if they only drink porridge, they have to eat their own food.

Now the government recruits them to build roads in their spare time. Although they have to work, they can eat for free on the road construction site without eating their own food, which saves some food for them. Compared with the previous dynasty, the government often sent labor. Asking them to produce their own food has made them feel that the treatment is quite good. Even if the payment is not directly proportional to their income, just two meals a day on the construction site has made them very satisfied.

And when working with public enemies, they eat real food and can basically be full. It is much better than drinking porridge at home, so the people are willing to work on the construction site alone.

So in fact, in this era, the real investment in building roads and rivers is not very large. Local governments mainly pay only some food and some tools. The materials used to build roads are also made from local materials to find solutions, and the cost is not very high.

There are even some places that originally allowed each family to work on the road construction site, but in order to save their own rations, some poor families actually rushed the labor in their homes to the construction site to work, just for the two free meals provided on the construction site, which can be full and saved. Their own rations show that the people are still living quite hard in this era.

began in the third year of Xiaotian's accession to the throne, that is, in the third year of Chengtian. After the situation in the interior of China and North Korea was basically completely calmed down, Yu Xiaotian began to expand the navy, so that the navy, which has been in absolute supporting role over the years, finally ushered in Their spring began to enter a fast lane of rapid development.

Since Chongzhen ordered the sea ban by Xiaotian at the end of 12, China's coastal maritime trade activities have begun to develop.

A large number of merchants began to invest in sea trade. Some have opened workshops to produce various goods that can be exported, while others have invested in the speculation of building sea ships to recruit sailors for overseas trade.

This has also driven the explosive growth of the shipbuilding industry throughout China's coastal area. It turned out that China's shipbuilding industry has seriously stagnated or even regressed due to the more than 200-year sea ban policy of the Ming Dynasty, which has been reversed in just a few years.

Yu Xiaotian ordered a sea ban, and also lifted the original restrictions on the size of the ship. As long as you have money, the boat also has this technology. You can build as much as you want, but the premise is that you must be strong and can withstand the strong wind and waves at sea.